Thursday, July 3, 2014

Young People Solve Curfew Problem, 1943

Young People Solve Curfew Problem
Successful Dance Marks Opening of Recreational Program
Bainbridge News & Republican, August 5, 1943
The young people of Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY] wish to issue the following statement to the public:
We, the youth of Bainbridge, want to prove to our elders that we are not a problem.  yes, we do need assistance in the line of recreation, and given that assistance we can have fun and still remain "off the streets."
Our first project was a "vic" dance which was a great success despite the fact that all plans were made in less than a week.  This was done through the efficient cooperation of adults and young people.  If either had been unwilling to work hard and co-operate the dance would never have been the success that it was.  Sixty-five attended netting us $4.50 from refreshments.
The dance was sponsored by the Recreation Club with Mrs. F.A. Demeree and the Rev. Wolfe in charge of the entire plans.  They appointed the various committees.
Advertising Committee:  Mary Butler, Bill Vawter, Mrs. A. Klinetob
Decorating Committee:  M. Flyzik, Milton Simonds, Erye Hibbard, Jean Salzberg, Shirley Davidson, Mrs. Walter Kinney, Mrs. Everett Ellis, Mrs. F.J Casey
Posters were made by Dot Branham and Ethelyn Smith
Novelties:  Mrs. Lee Evans, Helene Landon
Patrons and patronesses, the Rev. and Mrs. Wolfe and Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Ellis
Refreshments:  Betty Hitchcock and Harrison Nelson
Reception:  Mickey Flyzik, Milton Simonds, Mary Butler, Joan Hill and Dot Branham.
We wish to thank these committees for the time and work they gave to make our first dance a success.  We also wish to thank the town for the use of the hall, the fire department for the victrola, Mr. McGinnis for operating the machine, Mrs. Kenneth Eldred, F.J. Casey and the school board for the use of the records that we used, the Recreation Club and everyone else who helped with this dance.
You have started us in a fight against delinquency and now it is up to us to carry on.  We are confident that it is a job that we can undertake successfully, therefore we have started our plans [for our next event].

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