Sunday, July 21, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, June 1878

 Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, June 26, 1878


LYON - GALE:  At the M.E. Parsonage, Port Crane, N.Y. [Broome Co.] June 23d, 1878, by Rev. K.L. Bennett, Mr. Charles W. Lyon of Glen Castle, N.Y. [Broome Co.} and Jennie A. Gale of Binghamton, N.Y. [Broome Co.].


WINSOR:  In Guilford [Chenango Co. NY], on June 4th, Mrs. Lovina Winsor, aged 92 years.

Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, June 29, 1878


STOWELL - GREGORY:  At the residence of B.F. Gregory in Guilford [Chenango Co. NY], June 25th, 1878, by Rev. T.P. Halstead, Mr. Chas. C. Stowell of Mexico, N.Y. [Oswego Co.] and Miss Alice L. Gregory of Guilford, N.Y.

PURDIE - NORTHUP:  In Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY] at the residence of the bride's father, June 26th, by Rev. C.C. Johnson Alexander J.N. Purdie, M.D. of Otselic [Chenango Co. NY] and Miss Mary A. Northup of Smyrna.


RILEY - CLARK:  The Congregational Church in this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY] on Tuesday afternoon, was the scene of a happy event by which two loving hearts were united in matrimony.  We allude to the wedding of Mr. George H. Riley of Utica [Oneida Co., NY] and Miss Anna Clark of this village.  At an early hour the church was well filled with invited guests and admiring friends, and at last the bridal carriage arrived, the busy hum of joyous voices was hushed into silence broken only by the soft mellow music of the organ, and the happy pair stood beneath the marriage bell.  Rev. S. Scoville briefly addressed them on the sacredness of the obligation they were about to enter into, and then in his usual happy manner performed the ceremony that made the two, one.  The invited guests then repaired to the residence of the bride's mother on East [Main] Street, where a brief reception was held and congratulations exchanged.  At 7:30 P.M., the happy couple departed on the Binghamton train enroute for St. Louis, the objective point of the bridal trip. We learn they will be absent about two weeks.

The church and house were beautifully decorated with evergreens, roses, callas and other rare and beautiful plants and flowers, and just above the marriage bell rested the monogram "R.C." typical of the union there to be celebrated of the persons whose initials they were. At the house there was a most beautiful display of rare, costly and elegant presents, the gifts of warm friends here and elsewhere.  Prominent among the gifts was an elegant tea service.  Upon the large piece was engraved "Compliments of the employees of the Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad and Express to George H. Riley, June 25, 1878."  Valuable presents were also received form Utica friends as well as many from those living in this village, and take them all in all, we think we never saw upon any similar occasion a more beautiful and elegant grouping of gifts, and well might it be so, for Mr. Riley has won hosts of friends during his service of many years upon the Express train for his polite attentions to all and his faithful and courteous performance of his duties.  Miss Clark is one of Norwich's favorite young ladies, possessing charms of virtue and beauty and withal of disposition that never fail to commend her to all with whom she comes in contact.  She deserved a good husband and such a one we believe she will find in Mr. Riley.  While we regret to lose her from Norwich society, all will join with the Telegraph in wishing the happy couple a bright and joyous future, which shall even more than realize the anticipations of the present.


ROE:  In Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY] June 27th, 1878, Mrs. Miranda Roe, aged 70 years.

WELLS:  In Oxford [Chenango Co. NY], on the 27th inst. of paralysis, Matthew O. Wells, formerly of Preston [Chenango Co. NY] in the 70th year of his age.  The funeral services will be attended at his late residence in Oxford today, Saturday at 10:30 A.M.

STUART:  In Earlville [Madison Co. NY], June 26 of pneumonia, J.A.B. Stuart aged 69 years, father of Dr. Stuart of this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY].

PENDLETON:  W.R. Pendleton of Cincinnatus [Cortland Co. NY] died on Monday last of what was then thought to be typhoid fever, but we now learn that the doctors are undecided as to the nature of the disease, some fearing that it is smallpox, while others call it a malignant form of Erysipelas.  People were advised not to see the corpse, though we learn no decided steps were taken to prevent it.  The body was taken Tuesday night to Ninevah [Broome Co. NY] for burial.  He was a son of the venerable William Pendleton of this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY] and was highly respected.

Oxford Times, Oxford, NY, June 26, 1878


CASWELL - BLIVIN:  In Preston [Chenango Co. NY], by Rev. A.P. Merrill, Mr. E.M. Caswell of Brockport [Monroe Co. NY] to Miss Nettie A. Blivin of Preston.


GIFFORD - CARHART:  In Oxford [Chenango Co. NY], June 19 at the residence of the bride's parents by Rev. Wm. R. Baldwin, Ray Gifford and Ida C. [Carhart] only daughter of Oscar Carhart, all of Oxford.

Early last Wednesday forenoon there was an unusually large amount of travel over the roads centering near the Freewill Baptist Church.  the quiet house of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Carhart, always beautiful in situation and surroundings and crowded with internal attractions, was shortly transformed into a scene of lively activity by the arrival of several scores of invited guests from far and near, young and old, tastefully appareled and light-hearted.  A little after the hour of eleven, an ominous hush prevailed and Miss Ida [Carhart] the only daughter of the host, now the center of attraction, as always of respect, gracefully entered the parlor, wearing a handsome chocolate au lait richly trimmed with satin of the same color and a bridal wreath of pure white flowers and leaning on the arm of Mr Ray [Gifford] son of the widely known General Gifford.  The marriage service was short; the responses were clear and prompt, and the congratulations which followed, hearty and multiplied.  Then came a feast, abundant and delicious, which would have done credit to a Delmonico, culminating in strawberries the ripest and sweetest and ice cream of which it is only necessary to say, as of the excellent cake, that it was prepared by the experienced hands of Mrs. Humphrey, of this village. Then music and social converse continuing until the sun had neared its setting.  Meanwhile, after an inspection of the many bridal gifts, useful and ornamental, at twenty minutes before two, accompanied by several of the party, the happy couple started for Bainbridge where they are the guests of Mrs. Lathan, sister of the bridegroom.  Long life attend the pair and fill with days as calm and bright and beautiful as the day of union in holy wedlock.


BARBER:  In Guilford [Chenango Co. NY], June 15th, Ella A. [Barber] wife of George Barber, aged 29 years.

BILLINGS: In Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY] June 14th, Frederick P. [Billings] son of Burdette and Ella Billings, aged 5 years and 6 months.

CONWAY:  In Norwich [Chenango Co. NY], June 14th, Katie [Conway] only daughter of Cornelius Conway, aged 20 years. 

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