Thursday, July 18, 2024

Vital Records, Otsego County, NY, 1878 & 1809

 Oneonta Herald & Democrat, Oneonta, NY, June 28, 1878


In Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY], at the M.E. parsonage, June 20th, by Rev. J.W. Mevis, James O. Richardson and Miss Mary Richardson, both of Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY].

In Utica [Oneida Co. NY], at Cavalry Church June 19th, by the Rev. Dr. Goodrich, Major T.D. Everts formerly of Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] and conductor on the A.&S.R.R. and Miss Ella L. Williams, all of that city.

In Delhi [Delaware Co. NY], June 25th, by Rev. Mr. Post, Rev. Orson C. Sargent of Jewett City, Ct, and Miss Phidelia Sears.


In Morris [Otsego Co. NY], June 25, Wm. Fleming, aged 52 years.

In Pittsfield [Otsego Co. NY] May 25, Ada [Davis] only daughter of Adelbert and Mary Davis, aged 11 months.

In Hamden [Delaware Co. NY], June 23, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Sanford in the 45th year of her age.

In Hamden [Delaware Co. NY], June 21st, James Taylor aged about 86 years.

In Abington, Ill, May 31, J Wesley Melfinn aged 40 years.

In Stamford [Delaware Co. NY], Marshall Crowley aged 78 years.

In Otego [Otsego Co. NY], June 22, Freddie [Brown] infant son of Harvey Brown, aged 1 year.

In Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY] June 21 , John Fisk in his 90th year.

Hartwick, Otsego Co. NY:  Alonzo Axtel's funeral services took place at his late residence in the Field neighborhood last Sabbath afternoon.  A large concourse of people were present to sympathize with the bereaved family.  Mr. Axtel had not lived in town but a few months but during the time had made many friends, and those who knew him had learned to love him.  He leaves a wife and three small children to battle with the ills of life.


In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY], June 25th, Timothy Sabin, aged 75 years.

Another of the pioneers of Oneonta has died.  During the night of June 24th, the spirit of Timothy Savin took its flight, just how and at what hour, God only knowns.  The evening before he was in usual health, and Tuesday morning dead.  From the appearance of his features and body when discovered, it was evident that he died without a struggle.  His life went out, yielding to the circumstance of old age and a finished course.

Timothy Sabin was born at Pauling, Dutchess Co. [NY] in 1803 and was consequently 76 years of age.  He came to Oneonta in 1811.  In 1823 he married Willmet Van Dyke of Mayfield in this State [Fulton Co. NY]. She died May 17th, 1827 aged 20 years.  February 14th, 1828 he married Harriet Mann, daughter of Daniel Mann of Franklin [Delaware Co. NY].  She died June 15th, 1865.  During his early residence here and for a few years in Davenport [Delaware Co. NY], Mr. Sabin pursued the avocations of farmer, clerk, hotel keeper and merchant.  In 1849 he retired from the mercantile business and from that date until about 1875, conducted an extensive commission business, his son, Egbert T., being a partner during considerable of the time.  Mr. Sabin built the store now owned by George Reynolds and one or two houses.  He was more instrumental than any other Oneonta person, excepting only the late E.R. Ford, in promoting the Albany and Susquehanna Railroad project.  Although never holding any official connection, his energy, good management and encouragement had much to do with its building.  Mr. Sabin was converted under the ministrations of Rev. Augustus Little John, became a member of the Presbyterian church in 1833 and was made an Elder two years later, which position he held until some eighteen months ago, at that time of choice, becoming merely honorary.  In church Mr. Sabin has been a zealous worker and as a Christian gentleman, prayerful and constant in religious duties.

In the esteem of his neighbors and fellow townsmen, Timothy Sabin might properly have been regarded our first citizen.  During the years of his strength, he was with the first in everything that pertained to the welfare and prosperity of his town.  Without a particle of selfishness, he devoted time, work and money to promote public enterprises and Oneonta is the better and more prosperous because of his living in it.  His exalted Christian character, his charity, his kindness, his devotion to all things good, made him a man to be missed by those who cherish Christianity a high condition of public morality and good order.  His name will ever be associated with the noblest of our dead and it is strange indeed if there are not those yet living who are endeavoring to emulate his virtues and are pressing on to a better life because of his example.

The Impartial Observer, Cooperstown, NY, February 18, 1809


In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY], on Wednesday Evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Neil, Mr. Joseph Swetland to Miss Sybil Beadle.

The Impartial Observer, Cooperstown, NY, April 1, 1809


At Fly Creek [Otsego Co. NY], on the 26th ult by the Rev. Daniel Nash, Mr. William Jarvis Edson to Miss Polly Fairchild both of Otsego [Otsego Co. NY].

May Hyman now propitious prove, / Bestowing naught but you and love! / Long may they live and love most true, / And taste the joys ordained for few!

But should their wayward fate ordain, / that they should suffer grief and pain; / True Love will brighten every woe, / And give its flames still brighter glow

Thus they will solace find in each, / More than e'or Wealth or Power could reach.


On the 18th ult at Halfmoon [Saratoga Co. NY], Mr. Isaac S. Irish in the 24th year of his age, late of the firm of Smith and Irish of the town of Worcester [Otsego Co. NY] in this county.

In Otsego [Otsego Co. NY] on the 21stult.  Mrs. Julia Tanner wife of Mr. Ira Tanner, leaving a family of 11 children to deplore her loss.

The Impartial Observer, Cooperstown, NY, April 15, 1809


At Cherry Valley [Otsego Co. NY] on the 9th instant, Mr. Erastus Johnson to Miss Jerusha Holt eldest daughter of General Elijah Holt.

At New Bedford (Mass.) Master G. Lloyd, aged 16! to Mrs. Evans aged 60!!!

The Impartial Observer, Cooperstown, NY, April 22, 1809


At Warren on the 28th ult. by the Rev. Daniel Nash, Mr. Noah H. Coleman of Otsego [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Polly Tunnicliff, daughter of John Tunnicliff, Esq. of the former place.


In Otsego [Otsego Co. NY] on the 28th ult. Mrs. Fitch wife of Mr. Stephen Fitch.

On the 15th inst. Miss Catharine Fitch daughter of Mr. Stephen Fitch.

On the 13th inst. Mrs. Esther Stephens wife of Mr. William Stephens.

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