Thursday, October 10, 2024

Vital Records, Madison County, NY, 1810 & 1872

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, April 25, 1810


London, May 12, 1810:  Died last evening of a sudden and violent fit of laughter, the Hon. George Canning, Esq.  This melancholy effect of a merry cause was induced by the receipt of dispatches from America, including "Mason's Bill No. II" which repeals the non-intercourse law and threatens to revive it, unless the British orders in council and French decrees are revoked!  Mr. C. compared America to one of the Prince of Wales's mistresses who gave him three months' notice of her resolution that he must quit her bed and board unless -- but ere he finished his simile, a deadly -?- overspread his features.  He was quickly seized with convulsive spasms; was speedily beyond the power of medicine and laughed and kicked and died.

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, May 23, 1810


Mrs. Elizabeth Davenport the consort of the Rev. John Davenport, of Pompey [Onondaga Co. NY] departed this life in an advanced age, May 19th, 1810, and we trust was received to the full enjoyment of the inheritance of the saints in light.  Mrs. Davenport had very serious impressions from her early childhood.  She hopefully tested the sweets of redeeming love about the age of fourteen; soon after which she made a public profession of religion. Through a long life she uniformly shone in the character of a humble Christian. She brought forth in rich abundance the precious fruits of holiness and may be said with the strictest propriety to have walked with God. She bore her affliction with Christian fortitude.  She has finished her course and has, we trust, commenced the joys of immortality.

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, May 30, 1810


Drowned on Saturday last, in the waters of the outlet of the lake, L.W. Weed, son of Eber Weed, of this village [Cazenovia, Madison Co. NY], aged five years. This melancholy accident ought to be a warning to parents not to suffer their children to play by the water side, which is too frequently the case.

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, June 13, 1810


Died on the 2d inst., very suddenly, Elder Alvin Wales, pastor of the Baptist Church in Smithfield [Chenango Co. NY].

Democratic Union, Oneida, NY, May 2, 1872


BAKER - ANDERSON:  In Stockbridge [Madison Co. NY], April 25, by Rev. B.H. Brown, Mr. James S. Baker and Miss Eva Anderson, both of Stockbridge.

BENJAMIN - HAMILTON:  In Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY] April 18 by Rev. John C Ward, John F. Benjamin of Cazenovia and Francelia Hamilton of Nelson [Madison Co. NY].

PARISOU - FARGO:  In Canastota [Madison Co. NY] April 22 by Rev. B.W. Hamilton, Mr. Joseph Parison of Chittenango Falls [Madison Co. NY] and Miss Electa Fargo of Bingley's [Madison Co. NY].

KELLOWAY - SCHNIERLE:  In Cleveland, Ohio, April 8 by Rev. H. Strong, Mr. Charles Kelloway of Hamilton [Madison Co. NY] and Miss Mary Schnierle of the former place.

PERKINS - DAVIS:  In Hamilton [Madison Co. NY] April 18 by Rev. P. Field, Mr. Leveritt Perkins and Miss Mary Davis, both of Madison [Madison Co. NY].


Eaton, Madison Co. NY:  One of those happy anniversaries was held in Eaton Village on the evening of the 8th of April at the home of Jonas White, in remembrance of the marriage of Jonas and Camilla E White, twenty-five years ago.  Some fifty of their old friends, representatives of the families of Wood, Stores, Leach, Morse, Fisk, Spencer, Tabor, White, Clark, Williams, Bacon and others, gathered together, bringing their gifts of affection.  

In value the presents amounted to about one hundred and ten [dollars].  Among the bright array with which the gift table was spread were a heavy silver tea set - teapot, cream pitcher, sugar bowl and spoon - a delicate vase, two costly cake baskets, a pair of heavy goblets, two castors - one a beautiful pickle castor - a rich butter dish, a silver call bell, with the donor's names engraved thereon - Mr. and Mrs. W. Carver - set of silver forks, fruit knives, napkin rings; also silver coins, both of ancient and modern dates. There were other gifts than those of silver, among which we noted a fine tablecloth, pretty tidies and some greenbacks.  Besides all these, a picture of the crucifixion, a rich treasure indeed.  A heavy silver ring lay upon a card whereon we traced this inscription "Made from an American Quarter anciently passed in this country.  Made and presented by L. C, Tabor."  

The hours of this evening passed in social converse, spiced with singing, while refreshments most inviting, made up the interlude.  Rev. W.N. Cleaveland made some pleasing remarks, which he closed by wishing life, health and happiness for another quarter century and a golden wedding to brighten the declining of the wedded couple. They were not remarried as has been done in some instances, for the marital knot had been so firmly tied in the beginning, that it had never slipped a thread.  Consequently, there were no loose ends to gather up and tie anew.  Rev. Cleaveland in a closing prayer, petitioned a continuance of those blessings which had made a home secure and happy, in sunshine and in storm. Two hearts at least responded in thankfulness for the threads of silver woven into the web of life, over which glimmers the peaceful sunshine of their domestic world.


LILLIBRIDGE:  In Munnsville [Madison Co. NY], April 28, Nellie M. [Lillibridge] wife of Esquire Lillibridge and only daughter of Hiram Rockwell, aged 27 years and 11 months.

NEMIRES:  Near Hoboken, April 21, John H. Nemires aged 65 years.

BUSHNELL:  In Oneida Lake [Oswego Co. NY], April 10, Ira Bushnell aged 81 years 8? months and 27 days.

POTTER:  In Stockbridge [Madison Co. NY], April 1, Lucinda Potter, wife of John Potter, aged 64 years.  gone but not forgotten.  She bore her sickness with patience and passed away peacefully.  She leaves a large circle of friends and acquaintances to mourn her death.

LITTLEJOHN:  In Oswego [Oswego Co. NY], April 26, Alida M. [Littlejohn] wife of Hon D.C. Littlejohn and daughter of the late Moses Tabbs, Esq. of Washington, D.C. in the 46th year of her age.

We learn with regret that the wife of Hon. D.C. Littlejohn died on Sunday morning last, at his residence in Oswego.  She was a highly esteemed lady, possessing many admirable qualities and was a daughter of the late Hon. Henry Fitzhugh.

HITCHCOCK:  In Madison [Madison Co. NY] April 22, Samuel Hitchcock.

WHEELER:  In Hamilton [Madison Co. NY] April 23, Mrs. Rebecca L. Wheeler, aged 63 years and 4 months.

CHURCHILL:  In Kirkland, Oneida Co. [NY] April 24, Ellen M. Churchill, aged 31 years, 8 months, 16 days.

ROGERS:  In Canastota [Madison Co. NY] April 22, Rev. L.C. Rogers aged 70 years.

We sincerely regret to learn of the death of Rev. L.C. Rogers, which occurred at his residence in Canastota on Monday morning of last week.  He was on the street Friday apparently in as good a state of health as usual.  He was taken suddenly ill on the next evening and continued to fail rapidly until his death.  He leaves a family and many warm friends to implore his loss and regret his untimely death.

DRAKE:  In New Woodstock [Madison Co. NY], April 14, Alfred Drake aged 55 years.

BEEBE:  In Fenner [Madison Co. NY], recently, twin babes of Nelson and Nettie Beebe, aged respectfully 3 and 10 days.  The afflicted parents have the sympathy of their kind neighbors in this their sad bereavement.  As tiny angels flown to Heaven upon the throne of grace. 

PARKER:  By a letter lately received by his friends from Wm. Parker, who moved from here [Bouckville, Madison co. NY] last fall to Nauvoo, Illinois, we are sorry to learn of the death of his little son Milton [Parker]. The cause of his sudden death was by being kicked on the head by a mule which he was riding to water.  It appears that he dropped the halter and slipped off to regain it, when the mule gave him a terrible kick, from which he never recovered.  He was a bright little lad of some thirteen years of age, who, in everyone he became acquainted with, found a friend.  But little Milton is now in Heaven, sweetly sleeping the sleep that known no waking.  Many are the little ones around here as they learn the sad news, that will drop a tear of sorrow to the memory of their dear departed friends and late schoolmate, little Milton  The family have the sympathy of this whole community in their great affliction.

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