Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, May 7, 1828
Whereas my wife Polly [Maxson] has left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation. This is to forbid all person harboring or trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date. Thomas Maxson. Harpersfield [Delaware Co. NY], April 12, 1828
Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, May 14, 1828
In this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY] on Thursday last by P. Beardsley, Esq. Mr. John Baker, Jun. to Miss Laura Jaques.
In Franklin [Delaware Co. NY] on Friday morning last, Mrs. Susan Edgerton wife of Mr. Henry Edgerton, aged about 24 years.
In Washington City, at a quarter before 6 o'clock, last evening, the Hon. Thomas Tudor Tucker, Treasurer of the United States, in the 84th year of his age. He had been confined to his bed by the malady which terminated his life for thirteen weeks and in the entire possession of his mental faculties and in the most resigned and pious frame of mind.
Of this venerable and most estimable man, it is not our purpose now to portray the character, further than to say that he was a patriot of the purest character, tested in the ordeal of the revolution, and approved in the political trials which followed it. He was a representative from the state of South Carolina, in the first Congress of the United States and for some time afterwards deservedly enjoying the respect of those with whom he was associated in the important duty of putting this government into operation. He had for many years previous to his decease filled with fidelity the duties of the office which he held at the time of his death and in his public as well as private life, was the model of a gentleman and an example to all around him. Nat. Intel.
News Item
One Cent Reward: Ran away from the subscriber, an indented apprentice name Jesse Archer aged about 17 years. All persons are forbid trusting or harboring him on my account, as I shall pay no debts except the above reward for his apprehension. Robert Balluntyne Davenport [Delaware Co. NY] April 22, 1828.
Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, May 28, 1828
Another Revolutionary Character gone: A letter dated at Greensburg, near Tarrytown, 24th inst. states: that Isaac Van Wart one of the captors of Major Andre, in the Revolutionary War, died on Friday last. A short time before his decease in a conversation with his physician, he said, having reference to the Paulding Monument, that he wished no monument to be erected to him after his death. Thus, every day diminishes the Revolutionary characters. Mr. Van Wart was a worthy man and much respected in his neighborhood. N.Y. Enq.
Democratic Union, Oneida, NY, June 13, 1872
CHUBBUCK - LAWRENCE: In West Eaton [Madison Co. NY] June 6, by Rev. B.W. Hamilton, Mr. Dwight W. Chubbuck and Miss Mary J. Lawrence daughter of S.W. Lawrence, Esq. all of West Eaton.
BULKLEY - CRANDALL: In Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY] June 3, by Rev. A.P. Smith, Brownell Bulkley and Amelia Crandall, all of Cazenovia.
RANSON - REED: In Hamilton [Madison Co. NY] June 5, by Rev. I.D. Peassler, Mr. Henry C. Ranson and Miss Sarah M. Reed all of Hamilton.
Hamilton, Madison Co. NY: Our young friend H.C. Ransom, who got married one day last week, returned home Thursday evening and about 11 o'clock, quite a party of his friends with some members of Clark's string band, got together and gave him a serenade. Hank, of course, couldn't stand that and had to come out and take the party to the Ingalls' House, where he "set up the stuff" to the entire satisfaction of all present. A long and happy life to you and your lady, Hank.
ELLIS: In Oneida Castle [Oneida Co. NY], June 12th, Mrs. Mercy F. Ellis aged 74 years. The funeral will be attended from the Church in Oneida Castle tomorrow (Friday) at 2 o'clock P.M.
WATSON: In West Eaton [Madison Co. NY] May 30, Mary Waring Watson widow of Robert Watson Jr. aged 62 years and 18 days.
ALBEE: In Hamilton [Madison Co. NY] June 2, Ruie A. Albee aged 17 years and 3 months.
CRUMB: In Brookfield [Madison Co. NY] May 24, Ann Eliza Crumb aged 32 years 1 months and 20 days.
LAY: In Hamilton [Madison Co. NY], June 1, Caroline Lay aged 77 years.
HARTSHORN: In Lebanon [Madison Co. NY] June 3, Herbert Hartshorn aged 18 years.
WOODHOUSE: Near Oneida Valley [Madison Co. NY] May 19 after a short but severe illness, Julia M. [Woodhouse] only daughter of Henry and lucy Woodhouse, aged 16 years and 6 months. Suddenly she has been cut down like a "lilly in the time of its blooming" and fond parents are left without a daughter and brothers without a sister."
Oh! woeful hour when death draws near, / With stealthy step and shadow drear, / And lays his crushing hand on those / Whose sweet young life is as the rose; / But with those souls so pure and true, / 'Tis better in their home anew.
PECKHAM: In Garwood Station, May 21, Claude S. [Peckham] son of Sidney and Eliza Peckham, aged 13 months and 8 days.
Sleep, darling baby sleep, / Upon the earth's cold breast; / This little grave we see / Is where our birdling rests.
But in that better land, / With Jesus gone to dwell / With the spirit of our angel boy, / We joy to know tis well.
PARMALEE: In Verona [Oneida Co. NY] April 15, Mr. Philo Parmalee in the 85th year of his age.
Thou art gone, dear father, passed away, / Thy angel voice with many a pleasant word, / That used so oft to cheer us day by day, / Is now no longer by thy children heard.
"Weep not dear children, but trust in Him / Who gave the strength all trails to bear. / Your father now is called from pain and sin, / A crown of endless joy to ever wear."
We can but sorrow for thy presence still, / Though hope of life we know hath flown; / Nor would we murmur at the holy will / Of God, though sad and desolate our home.
But fleeting time this breath to mortals given, / May scatter friends, no more on earth to meet; / Faith whispers, we shall meet once more in Heaven / The joyful thought our friends once more to greet.
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