Saturday, September 13, 2014

Obituaries (September 13)

Mrs. Mary P. Mathis, 61, of Windsor [Broome Co., NY], died Friday at her home.  She is survived by her husband, Thomas; two daughters, Mrs. Anna J. Laga and Miss Virginia Mathis, all of Windsor; five sons, John, of Windsor; Andrew, of Binghamton; George, of Superior Wis.; Joseph and Francis, of Windsor, nine grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.  She was a member of St. Mary's Church, Kirkwood, and of its Rosary Society.  The Rev. John H. Donnelly recited the Rosary at her home Monday at 8 p.m.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, Nov. 29, 1945]

Mrs. Hattie A. Hastings, a former resident of Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY], died Saturday afternoon in Binghamton following an extended illness.  Mrs. Hastings was the widow of the late Willard M. Hastings, a former furniture dealer and mortician in Bainbridge.  Mrs. Hastings was born May 7, 1858.  While she made her home in Norwich the past few years, a great part of her life was spent in Bainbridge.  She is not known to have any near relatives.  Funeral services were conducted from the William Breese Funeral Home in Norwich Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock with the Rev. Thomas G. Swales, pastor of the Broad street Methodist church officiating.  Burial was in Bainbridge.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, Dec. 6, 1945]

Stacy B.D.Belden, 64, owner and former editor of the Delaware County Dairyman, died Friday night while visiting a son, the Rev. Frederick Belden, Johnstown.  Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Monday in the Congregational-Baptist Church.  The Rev. Robert Howland, pastor, officiated.  Burial was in the Ouloeut Valley cemetery.  Mr. Belden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Belden, of Castile, and a resident of Franklin [Delaware Co.,. NY] 30 years, was pastor of the Baptist Church, Franklin, from 1916 to 1919, and after that, supply pastor of the Wells Bridge Baptist Church.  Born July 7, 1881, Mr. Belden was married in 1908 in Watertown.  He bought the Delaware County Dairyman in 1926 and operated the paper until 1944, when he leased it and took a position in the Scintilla, Sidney.  While a resident of Franklin, Mr. Belden was chairman of the library board, school director, and trustee of the Baptist Church.  He was past master of Masonic Lodge, No. 562.  He leaves his wife, Mrs. May (Halsey) Belden; another son, Charles A. Belden, vice-principal at the Oneonta High School; and a brother, Kenneth, Rochester.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, Dec. 6, 1945]

Two young men, Wesley G. Faber, aged 18, of Laurens [Otsego Co., NY], R.D.1, and J. Gordon Shoglund, aged 18, of West Laurens, died early last Thursday morning while being transported in the Oneonta city ambulance to the Fox Memorial Hospital.  They were victims of an automobile collision that took place that morning two miles east of West Laurens.  Troopers of the Oneonta State Police post, who investigated stated that Faber was the owner and operator of the Plymouth coach in which he and Shoglund were going to work on the federal flood control project at West Oneonta.  At a curve and downgrade, on snow-covered pavement, the car went out of control, skidded off the highway and back again and came into contact with a truck of Robert Foley Construction Company, of Binghamton.  The steel boom, part of the regular equipment which was being carried in its usual place on the side of the truck penetrated the Plymouth car and fractured the skulls of both its occupants.  The ambulance was called, responded promptly and the youths were taken at once to Oneonta, but both had expired on arrival at the hospital.  Dr. Norman W. Getman, of Oneonta, Otsego County Coroner, ruled that death was accidental.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, Dec. 6, 1945]

John H. Gallegher, 85 died at 4 p.m. Friday at the home of Mrs. Sarah Chapan, Hale Eddy.  The body was removed to the Cecil H. Lee Funeral home, Deposit, where the funeral was held Monday afternoon, the Rev. Walter Skellet officiating.  Burial in the Hale Eddy cemetery [Delaware Co., NY].  [Bainbridge News & Republican, Dec. 6, 1945]

George Lockwood, 66, of Nineveh Junction [Broome Co., NY], was fatally injured last Thursday morning when the half-ton truck he was driving was struck by a D.&H. Railroad freight train on a private crossing just north of Nineveh.  Mr. Lockwood, an employee of Frank Lewis & Sons, of Afton, died in the Binghamton City hospital about one hour after he was admitted.  He suffered multiple injuries, including internal hurts.  The accident happened during "a blinding snowstorm" and Mr. Lockwood was alone in the truck.  Railroad officials said a northbound freight train caught the truck in the rear.  Mr. Lockwood was either thrown out of the truck or was attempting to leap from the truck.  A southbound freight had stopped just north of the crossing, waiting for the northbound to pass, and Mr. Lockwood is believed to have become confused.  Mr. Lockwood was taken to the hospital in the Tabor ambulance of Afton, after emergency treatment at the office of Dr. William H. Crull, of Afton.  He was en route to work on the railroad's control tower at Nineveh Junction. The tower is being erected by the Afton contractor. [Bainbridge News & Republican, Dec. 6, 1945]

Ernest L. Prentice, 63, of 1297 Chenango street, Hillcrest, Binghamton [Broome Co., NY], passed away Thursday morning at his home.  He is survived by his wife, Rose Odell Prentice, of Hillcrest; one brother, Ralph Prentice, of Binghamton.  The funeral was held at his home Saturday at 1 p.m.,. the Rev. Percy F. Rex officiated. Burial was in Chenango Valley Cemetery.  Mrs. Rose Odell Prentice, R.N., will be remembered by her many friends in Guilford and vicinity, having made her home in and around here for several years. She is a cousin of Phillip Odell, of Guilford.  Mr. and Mrs. Odell attended the funeral in Binghamton on Saturday.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, Dec. 6, 1945]

Jennison Station Dedication Planned - 1945

New Power Plant to Be Dedicated Dec. 13th
Named in Honor of R.D. Jennison, Pres. of N.Y.S. Elec. & Gas Corp.
Bainbridge News & Republican, Dec. 6, 1945
The New York State Electric & Gas Corporation's new 44,000 horsepower generating plant at Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY] will be dedicated as Jennison Station Thursday, Dec. 13.  The station has been named in honor of Ralph D. Jennison, president of the company.
A bronze tablet, installed in the entrance to the station, carries this inscription:  "Jennison Station, named by his associates in honor of Ralph D. Jennison, president of this corporation, through whose vision and leadership this plant was built to serve the people of this region and our country in time of war and peace.  New York State Electric & Gas Corporation.  1945"
Attendants at the dedication will be by invitation only but on Friday, Dec. 14, an open house will be held at the station from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Mr. Jennison began a lifetime of service in the electric and gas utility field in 1908 as a graduate of the engineering department of Michigan University.  Following several years with companies in the Middle West, he served for a long period in an operating and executive capacity with the General Gas & Electric Corporation, of which the former Binghamton, Light, Heat & Power Company was a part.  Subsequently he became president of the Metropolitan Edison Company, Reading, Pa., and the Utility Management Corporation, New York City.  He resigned as president of the two companies to become president of the New York State Electric & Gas Corporation on Jan. 1, 1941. 
The Jennison Station is a part of an extensive program of new construction initiated under Mr. Jennison's direction soon after he became president of the company, and carried on despite numerous handicaps during the wartime period.  In less than four years, the expansion program includes enlargement of the company's Greenridge Station at Dresden and Westover Station, additions to the transmission system and substations, and extension of electric service to more than 10,500 farms. 


Marriages (September 13)

The Rev. Harry Everett Brooks and Mrs. Brooks, of Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY], have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Ruth M. Kelle Brooks, to Lieut. Edward Dexter Chapin, A.U.S., son of Mrs. Harold Walcott Chapin and the late Harold Walcott Chapin, of Roland Park, Baltimore, Md., and Dorset, Vt.  Miss Brooks is a graduate of Wyoming Seminary and attended Goucher College for Women, Baltimore and Syracuse University.  She is now with International Business Machines Corporation in their Endicott Personnel Dept.  Her fiancé is a graduate of Gilman School and Princeton University, where he is a member of the Colonial Club.  He also is a member of the Princeton Club of New York City.  Lieut. Chapin has been stationed at Fort Jackson, S.C., since his return from overseas, where he served with the 791st Field Artillery Battalion.  The wedding will occur on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 15, at 4 o'clock in Christ Methodist church, Park avenue and 60th street, New York, the father of the bride, the Rev. Mr. Brooks officiating.  All parishioners of the local Methodist Church and friends of the parsonage family are cordially invited to the function.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, Dec. 6, 1945]

Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Thompson announce the marriage of their daughter, Mabel E., to Harold L. Payne, of Bainbridge, N.Y., July 10, 1917, at Towanda, Pa., by the Rev. John S. Stewar, D.D.  Mrs. Payne  has been preceptress in the Bainbridge High School for the past four years and is a very attractive young lady.  Mr. Payne has been clerk in the Bainbridge Post Office for many years and is one of the best young men in the village.  Upon their return to Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY] they will occupy a house on Evans street already furnished and prepared for them.   [Bainbridge News & Republican, Apr. 16, 1942]

Miss Wahneta McCully, daughter of Mrs. Jennie McCully, was united in marriage to Edson Presley, of Windsor [Broome Co. NY], at the Baptist parsonage, Endicott, Apr. 3.  Mrs. Presley is a teacher at Barbourville [Delaware Co., NY] and Mr. Presley is employed at the Scintilla.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, Apr. 16, 1942]

Miss Bernice Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George cook, was united in marriage to Paul Robek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Robek, in the St. Joseph's Church in Endicott, at 10 o'clock Saturday morning, Apr. 11.  Their attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tyler, of Rochester, brother-in-law and sister of the bridegroom.  A wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bridegroom's parents, to the immediate relatives of both families.  They will reside at 11 Pearl street, Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY].  Mrs. Robek is employed at the Scintilla and Mr. Robek at the American Separator.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, Apr. 16, 1942]

Saturday evening, April 11, at 9:35 o'clock occurred the marriage of Pauline Page, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Page, to John Merrill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Merrill, all of Guilford [Chenango Co., NY].  The ceremony took place at the bride's home in the presence of immediate relatives and friends, the Rev. Charles J. Dempsey officiating.  The attending couple were Miss Doris Merrill, of Guilford, and Ralph Morley, Jr., of Tunnel.  Mrs. Merrill is one of the popular Guilford young ladies, active in school affairs until her marriage.  Congratulations are extended to them.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, Apr. 23, 1942]

The Rev. and Mrs. J.W. Bump celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary on Friday, April 24.  They enjoyed a motor trip stopping in Oneonta for dinner.  From there they went to Franklin, where they called on Dr. E.. Winnans.  This Dr. Winnas was the attending physician when Mr. Bump was born in Guilford [Chenango Co., NY].  Although he is now 91 years of age, he was fully able to fill out papers to that effect, thus making it possible for Mr. Bump to make application for a birth certificate.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, Apr. 30, 1942]

Wilma [-?-]owel, of Afton [Chenango Co., NY], and Burton Banks, of Bainbridge, were married recently at Norwich at the Methodist church.  The wedding party returned to the Afton Inn for their wedding reception.  Those present were Dave Daly, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Daly, Edward McMahon and Joseph Barr.  The bride wore a pink suit with blue accessories, and a corsage of Talisman's roses and blue sweet peas.  The wedding cake was a three tier cake of pink and white decorations.  Mr. Banks expects to enter the Army Apr. 23.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, Apr. 23, 1942]

Soldier News continued

More Young Men Join The Service
Bainbridge News & Republican, June 25, 1942

The young men of Bainbridge have responded to the call and this week finds the  youthful population of the town slowly and steadily diminishing as another group of enthusiastic Americans complete or have completed their plans for enlistment in the various branches of service of the United States.
Included in the group of fellows are four former classmates who graduated in 1940 from Bainbridge Central High School--Bryce Wilcox, the son of Fayette Wilcox, who left Tuesday for the U.S. Navy; Henry J. Gardner, Jr., son of Henry Gardner, who also left Tuesday for the Navy; John L. Burgin, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Burgin, of Franklin, formerly of Bainbridge, who leaves for the Navy next week, and Ivor Bosket, son of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Bosket, who left Monday, another new Navy man.
All four of these boys figured actively in sports and extra-curricular activities during their years in high school.  Bryce and "Hank" Gardner both played football, basketball and baseball with gusto and were valuable additions to the sports department of the school.  Ivor was a member of the band, football manager, played baseball and is as well known for his dramatic ability as well as his music and athletic prowess.  He played important parts in the Senior Play of 1940 as well as in the Contest Play which won first prize for the section in his last year of school.  In addition to this, he was a member of the Echo Staff and was invaluable in editing the yearbook.  John Burgin, known as "Berg" to his friends was also a popular member of the younger set of town.  He was vice-president of his Freshman Class, played baseball basketball, football, participated in several track meets, was a member of the Echo Staff, sang in the Glee Club, a member of the Art Club, played in the school bank, was Football manager and played in tennis tournaments.  "Berg" was known in school for his easy-going ways and humor.
Prior to their enlistment, the four boys had all been employed. Bryce at the Casein Co., John at the Separator, 'Hank" at the Casein and Ivor at Noyes' Drug Store. 
In addition to these four schoolmates, Stirling Hodge, John Newcott and Reginald Nichols, all Bainbridge men, have volunteered their services for Uncle Sam.
Stirling Hodge, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hodge, left last Monday for the U.S. Navy, Prior to his enlistment this popular local boy had attended B.C.H.S., where he, too, was an active participant in baseball, football, tennis, and basketball.  On leaving school he was employed in the American Separator which he later left to work at the Scintilla. 
John Newcott, outstanding athlete of this area, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Newcott, of Peckville, Pa., has enlisted in the U.S. Coast Guards and will leave today, Thursday, for the induction center. He is a graduate of Peckville High School.  "Johnny" as he is known to all his friends, was prominent in baseball and basketball.  He pitched on the Bainbridge baseball team in the Binghamton Sun league for two years.  Two years ago, while pitching with Deposit, he defeated "Red" LaFlamme of the Albany team at Downsville.  Last season, he was quarterback of the Sidney Cardinals, semi-pro football team.  He was a speedy backfield man, a good pass receiver and a fine blocker.  Under his guidance he led the team through the season, undefeated.  He was employed at the Scintilla Magneto Co. before enlisting.  Johnny also has a brother in the Coast Guards, and has a sister, Miss Martha Newcott, who also resides in Bainbridge.  Last Thursday night John was given a farewell party by Mrs. Reno Smith and Mrs. Arthur Wearne at the home of Mrs. Smith.
A future cadet in the U.S. Air Force is Reginald Nichols who left Monday night to join the flying forces of Uncle Sam.  Reginald was born in Worcester, Mass., on Oct. 1, 1917, and attended Chenango Bridge grade school and graduated from Binghamton Central High School in 1934.  On Dec. 23, 1939 he married Miss Dorothy Taft, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Taft of this village [Bainbridge, Chenango Co., NY], in the local Episcopal Church.  before his enlistment, Reginald worked in the office of the Scintilla and prior to that was bookkeeper for his father in Chenango Bridge where his father has the Chenango Cement Block Co.  Mr. and Mrs. Nichols have an infant daughter.  On her husband's enlistment Mrs. Nichols began work in the Magneto Corp. at Sidney.

Cpl. Stanley  Hutchinson Awarded Bronze Star
Bainbridge News & Republican, Dec. 6, 1945

Corporal Stanley R. Hutchinson, Field Artillery, United States Army, has been awarded the Bronze Star Medal for "heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy near Malayhalay, Mindanao, Philippine Islands, on 20 May 1945.  Corporal Hutchinson a battery clerk of a field artillery battery, left his comparatively sheltered position, crossed open terrain and helped operate a howitzer which was highly instrumental in silencing the Jap artillery which was being placed on his battery.  By his courage and devotion to duty he undoubtedly saved many lives and much valuable equipment.  This act reflects great credit on Corporal Hutchinson and the Service."
Corporal Hutchinson also received the following letter of appreciation sent to his division by the Commanding General, Major General Clarence A. Martin:  "As you embark for home, with your task completed, I know that you have that great satisfaction which comes with the realization of successful completion of a tremendously difficult job against almost insuperable obstacles. Words are inadequate to express my extreme gratification and great appreciation for what you have accomplished and the manner in which you have done it.  No mission has been too difficult no obstacle too great, no enemy too strong.  With heartfelt candor let me say I am proud of you and of the glorious record of the Dixie Division."
Corporal Hutchinson is a son of Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Hutchinson, 64 South Main street [Bainbridge, Chenango Co., NY]

S/Sgt. Edwin T. Hopkins Given Discharge
Bainbridge News & Republican, Dec. 6, 1945

S/Sgt. Edwin T.  Hopkins, Harpursville [Broome Co., NY], R.D.1, has been honorably discharged from the service at the A.A.F. overseas Replacement Depot, Kearns, Utah, after nearly four years' service with the Army Air Forces. A graduate of Harpursville High School, he entered the service Jan. 5, 1942.  Sergeant Hopkins was employed at Demeree's Garage before entering the service.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Soldier News continued

Farewell Party for Maurice Colwell
Bainbridge News & Republican, April 23, 1942

A large group of Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY] friends, including the members of the Recreation Club, honored Maurice Colwell at a party in the local Central Hotel, Saturday, April 18.  The popular young man, who will leave at the end of this week for induction into the service of his country, was feted in great style and was surrounded by material and mental forms of congratulations.

A large table, decorated with flowers, was covered with elaborately wrapped gifts, all of which were duly opened by Maurice and which afforded the entire company many laughs. 
Charles Colwell, father of Maurice, rendered several vocal solos in his excellent bass, and was accompanied by his son, and the latter also played several piano solos.  Several variations were presented and group singing with Mr. Colwell was greatly enjoyed.  After an evening of singing and dancing, a delicious buffet supper of cold turkey and the trimmings was served at midnight.
A dramatic interruption was afforded when Officer Payne, in uniform, entered the room and issued a warrant for the arrest of the guest of honor.  The charges were based on abandonment and non-support of the Recreation Club Christmas Dance, the Woman's Club Flower Shows, the Local Hospital and the Interior Decorating problems.  Needless to say, a satisfactory settlement was made by which Maurice was not forced to serve any prison term.
In addition to the members of the Recreation Club, the following attended:  Mr. and Mrs. Charles Colwell, Mrs. Mildred Lord, Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bradshaw, Dr. and Mrs. M. Torrence, of Harpursville; Dr. and Mrs. H.K. Salzberg, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Lowry, Mr. and Mrs. Robert White, Miss Virginia Blakeley and Miss Jean Slocum.  Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. F.A.Demeree were in charge of the event.
Farewell Party for Local Enlistees
Bainbridge News & Republican, April 30, 1942
On last Tuesday, Apr. 21, a farewell party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rosenstein for their son, Paul Rosenstein, and for Al Palmer, both of whom were inducted into the service this week.  Paul is the third son of the Rosensteins to answer the call of Uncle Sam.  His two brothers, Joseph, of the United States Army, and Robert, of the United States Navy, both volunteered their services before the outbreak of the present conflict.  Joseph has served considerable time in Hawaii and other ports and is now stationed at New Orleans, La.  Robert is a seaman aboard the U.S.S. North Carolina and at last reports was stationed in the Brooklyn Navy Yards. 
Paul tried for some time to enlist in the army but was turned down and it was with the greatest of joy that he received his acceptance into the Army last week.  His present address is Pvt. Paul Rosenstein, 1213 R.C., Co. C. Ft. Niagara, NY.
Among those who attended the party for the leaving youths were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leonard, Mr. and Mr.s Hermand Strasnicsak, Lester Andrews, D. Martin, Danny Perpelli, Charles Roider, Marion Hoadley, Elaine Risendorph, Barbara Seymour, Blanche Millus, Mrs. Ann Plosky, Dorothy and Alice Plosky and Marie Lese. 

T/5 Clifton Jackson Returns to Civilian Life
Bainbridge News & Republican, Nov. 29, 1945

T/5Clifton LaVerne Jackson, Service Co., 26th Tank Bn., was discharged Nov. 15 at the Hospital Center, Camp Edwards Mass.  Corporal Jackson was run over by a tank, while sleeping on the ground, last May in Czechoslovakia and has been confined to the hospital until two weeks ago.  He holds the European ribbon with two battle stars, Purple Heart and Good Conduct Medal.

Jack Goad, Discharged from Army
Bainbridge News & Republican, Dec. 6, 1945

Jack P. Goad, of Sidney [Delaware Co., NY], serving with United States Army forces at Marburg, Germany, has received his discharge on points but is remaining in Germany as a civilian.  A brother, Clarence Goad, once a prisoner-of-war of the Germans, recently re-enlisted in the Army.  The family formerly resided in Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY]

Cpl. Clarence B. Youngs Home form Burma-India
Bainbridge News & Republican, Dec. 6, 1945

Cpl. Clarence B. Youngs was discharged form the army Nov. 24, at Fort Dix, N.J., after serving 22 months in the Central Burma-India Theatre.  He wears the American Service Medal, Asiatic-Pacific ribbon with two stars, Distinguished Service Unit Badge, and the Good Conduct Medal.

The "Refugees" Met Here in 1905

The "Refugees" Met Here in 1905
Bainbridge News & Republican, April 23, 1942
The following is an interesting article printed in 1905 and brought into the News office by L.H. Hartmann.  Several of the mentioned "Refugees" who still reside in Bainbridge will no doubt recall with pleasure the many grand times their club enjoyed.  We are grateful to Mr. Hartmann for allowing us the use of the article which follows:
Twenty young men of Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY] belonging to an order called "The Refugees" gathered at the Park Hotel, Wednesday evening, Dec. 27th, 1905, to enjoy a banquet.  Promptly at 9:30 o'clock Landlord Hall ushered the guests into the dining room where a royal supper awaited the young gentlemen, most of whom were students returning to their hometown to spend the holidays.  After partaking of the many choice viands and delicacies, Toastmaster Howard J. Whitmen arose to the occasion, assuming a grave judicial air, which, by the way, was a little foreign to his general demeanor, and called for the different toasts assigned.  Our reporter does not give the responses but we have no doubt they were models and weighty in thought, with considerable spice intermixed.  This first banquet of "The Refugees" was so happy, congenial and successful in every way, that it was resolved to decide upon an annual gathering and consequently a committee was appointed to make arrangements for the banquet of 1906.  Those present at the initiatory gathering were:
Ralph H. Loomis, Syracuse University
Charles H. Peckham, Joe E. Herrick, Henry Wallace, Business School, Syracuse
Howard J. Whitman, Colgate
Sidney Bennett, Amherst
Jesse S. Wicks, Albany Law School
Arlington Payne, Albany Business College
Louis H. Hartmann, Utica Business College
August Jacobson, Syracuse
Vernon Hovey, Binghamton
H. Lee Mill, I. Dill Tillman, Earl A. Westcott, R. Clay Wilcox, Leon C. Loomis, C. Ward Redfield, Frank H. Croak, Edwin Jacobson, Perry W. Teachout and Frank K. Williams, Bainbridge

Marriages (September 12)

Mrs. Bert Sprague of Afton, N.Y. [Chenango Co.], gave a luncheon at the Hotel Bennett in Binghamton, Saturday noon, to announce the engagement of her daughter, Wealtha Anna, to Morton B. Cooper of Bainbridge, N.Y. [Chenango Co.].  The table was centered with carnations and the places were marked with cards on which the names of the engaged couple were printed under a design of roses.  [Bainbridge Republican, April 15, 1920]
Fifty years ago last Friday a young man full of hope and courage started from Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY] to go to Melody Hill where he was to be united in marriage to a charming girl.  Untold difficulties were in his path, for the river was never higher than it was that March night and it never has reached the same mark since.  But love knows no defeat, and with the preacher as a companion this young man reached the home of the bride-to-be at twelve o'clock.  The bride and family had retired for the night thinking that the swollen streams had delayed the coming of the young lover.  But the family was aroused and the young couple stood up before the parson and in the presence of witnesses were united in the bond of matrimony.  Do you wonder any longer why George Bentley has made a faithful and devoted husband and successful and prosperous business man?  Last Friday, March 19, 1915, in memory of this event a large company of relatives gathered in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bentley to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary.  The home was beautifully decorated with flowers carrying out the color scheme of gold and white.  A splendid dinner was served to the party consisting of dishes of richest and rarest of foods.  After the dinner C.F. Bentley in an appropriate address presented to the happy couple the gifts by the friends as tokens of appreciation and love.  Prayer was offered and appropriate songs were sung by the company.  This informal service will not soon be forgotten by those present.  Feelings of deepest emotion were expressed as all mingled their tears and joys in this happy event.  Mr. Bentley some years ago was in business here and was very successful.  He built the Bentley block, now occupied by A.L. Palmer. This building he exchanged for the Prince farm.  A few years ago he moved to Sidney.  Two or three years ago he moved back to the old home town to spend the close of his successful life in quiet retirement.  The many friends of these estimable people congratulate them on having lived long enough to celebrate an event so important.  Surely the hand of God has been in their lives through all the years to bless and lead and guide.  May the favor of the Heavenly Father continue with them to the close of life, and may they merit in the end the divine approval and commendation, "Well done good and faithful servants, enter into the joy of the Lord."  [Bainbridge Republican, March 25, 1915]
The Bentley family who attended the Bentley Golden Wedding out of town stayed over and participated in a birthday party for Clayton and Uriah Bentley.  This party was held at the C.F. Bentley homestead, on Pearl street [Bainbridge, Chenango Co., NY], Saturday March 20, '15.  Dinner was served and a right royal time was enjoyed by all.  Mrs. Hobert Darlin surprised the company by presenting a birthday cake with fifty candles.  These two gatherings will be remembered by the various branches of the Bentley family.  The party separated in the afternoon and departed to their several homes happy in the thought that a kind providence had blessed the life of each.  [Bainbridge Republican, March 25, 1915]
Marriage Notices
The Chenango American, June 14, 1860
In this town [Greene, Chenango Co., NY], on the 17th inst., by Rev. A. B. Jones, Mr. Charles A. Johnson, to Miss Hannah E. Ingersoll, both of Smithville [Chenango Co., NY].
In Norwich, on the 7th inst. by Rev. Wright, Mr. Theodore Hill, of McDonough [Chenango Co., NY], to Miss Mary Mead, of Norwich [Chenango Co., NY].
In Otselic [Chenango Co., NY], on the 6th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. J.M. Crandall, Mr. Calvin L. King, of Smyrna [Chenango Co., NY] to Miss Annette L. Lewis, of the former place.
In Oxford, on the 7th inst., by Rev. J.C. Ransom Mr. Nehemiah Barnes to Miss Phebe Ann Webb, both of McDonough [Chenango Co., NY].
In Oxford, on the 7th isn't., by the same, Mr. Willard M. Bentley of Guilford [Chenango Co., NY] to Miss Laura Eggleston of Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY]
Chenango American, Feb. 20, 1873
At the Baptist Parsonage, in this village [Greene, Chenango Co., NY], Feb'y 12th, by Rev. J.H. Sage, Mr. William J. Holmes, of Cincinnatus, Cortland Co., to Mrs. Ellen Valentine, of Marathon [Cortland Co., NY].
In Marathon, Feb. 4th, by Rev. W. Burnside, Mr. Wm. Mericle, of Cincinnatus [Cortland Co., NY], to Miss Libbie Dietrich, of Marathon [Cortland Co., NY]. 
Also by the same, in Upper Lisle, Feb. 5th, Mr. George E. Ketchum, of Willett [Cortland Co., NY] to Miss Ida M. Thurber, of Upper Lisle [Broome Co., NY].
Also, by the same, in Freetown, Feb. 11th, Mr. Daniel T. Bowdish, to Miss Flora D. Eaton, both of Freetown [Cortland Co., NY]. 

Obituaries (September 12)

Mrs. Hannah Bentley, widow of Charles Bentley, died at the home of her daughter at Norwich Sunday afternoon.  Mrs. Bentley was the mother of C.F. Bentley of this village and was well known here [Bainbridge, Chenango Co., NY], having resided in Bainbridge for some time.  The funeral services were held form the Guilford M.E. church, Wednesday at two o 'clock p.m. [Afton Enterprise, April 2, 1903]

Maria C. Bowen, widow of the late Henry H. Bowen, passed away at her home in the town of Guilford [Chenango Co., NY] Tuesday, September 25th, 1928.  Mrs. Bowen was the daughter of Benjamin and Elsie Sweet Barber, having been born in Norwich [Chenango Co., NY] January 9, 1844.  She has been living in the town of Guilford 65 years.  Funeral services were held Saturday.  Burial at White Store cemetery [Norwich, NY].  [Bainbridge News & Republican, Oct. 4, 1928] 
It was with deep sorrow the many friends and neighbors here received last week the sad announcement that Mrs. Adelaide Frances Godfrey a former resident, had passed on Wednesday evening Sept. 26th, 1928 at the home of her daughter Mrs. Benjamin C. Gibbs in Cortland where she has been cared for during the infirmities of advanced age.  Mrs. Godfrey was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Burlison having been born in the year 1840.  Early in life she was married to John J. Godfrey and to them four children were born, Howard J. Godfrey, cashier of the Sidney National bank and Mrs. Annie Gibbs of Cortland, still living; Isabelle Godfrey who was born in 1867 and passed on in 1870, also Clifford Godfrey who is buried in Sidney.  Mr. Godfrey died at Guilford in 1890.  At different times she spent the latter part of her life with her son, Howard in Sidney and her daughter Mrs. Gibbs, in Guilford until the removal to Cortland. The life of the deceased exemplified a high Christian faith, was a dutiful and fond mother and a fond and loving neighbor and friend.  The funeral service was held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Christ church in this village [Guilford, Chenango Co., NY].  Rev. E.B. Doolittle officiating, assisted by the Rev. Father Hogg rector of St. Paul's church of Sidney of which she was a communicant and Rev. N.S. Boardman.  [Bainbridge Republican, Oct. 4, 1928]
News was again received here last week that another of our former Guilford boys, Curtis Allen Bentley had died suddenly at the home of his sister Mrs. William G. Brandt at Norwich.  September 25th, 1928.  Seventy-six years ago April 20, Mr. Bentley was born on the Rounds farm at Puckerville, the son of Chas. and Hanna Bentley.  In his early life the family moved to Roots Corners onto the farm which is known as the Bentley place but now owned by John Burton.  When a young lad he attended Roots Corner's school.  He was married to Miss Flora Newton, who still survives, and was a resident of Syracuse until ill health came on.  The funeral service was held in Norwich on Friday Rev. Dr. J.W. Nichols officiating.  Burial at Yaleville cemetery [Guilford, Chenango Co., NY].  Those who survive are his wife, one daughter, Mrs. Ernest Sprague of Endwell, one brother, C. Fremont Bentley of Bainbridge, two sisters Mrs. Eunice Brant of Norwich and Mrs. Lucinda Wheeler of this place; three nephews, Pascal Holcomb and Charles Nash of Norwich and Charles Bentley of Bainbridge.  [Bainbridge Republican, Oct. 4, 1928]
Mrs. Maryettie Bentley whose death occurred on Oct. 24, 1928, had been a resident of Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY] for many years.  She was born in the town of Guilford [Chenango Co., NY] on August 29, 1844., united in marriage to George A. Bentley of Yaleville on March 19, 1865 who also has passed to the life beyond about ten years ago.  Mrs. Bentley was a very kind and loving neighbor, always willing to hold out a helping hand to all who were in trouble wherever she could.  Other's troubles were her troubles, sorrow her sorrow.  She always proved the Angel of Mercy to those in need.  Living a quiet and peaceful life.  She was granted a desire often expressed, when the end came she might close her eyes in peace, for she quietly went to sleep and did not awaken to this life at 1:15 Wednesday morning.  Mrs. Bentley is survived by two nieces, Mrs. Maude Bradley of Baltimore, Md.; Mrs. Vennie Mills, Slade  Hill, So. Dakota, also two granddaughters by adoption, Mrs. Frances Darlin of Bainbridge and Mrs. Hazel Cutting of North Sanford.  The funeral service was held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Darlin on Saturday Oct. 27, 1928.  Rev. R.B. Whitman, officiating. The body was laid to rest in St. Peter's cemetery [Bainbridge, NY].
George Augustus Bentley was born, November 18, 1842 at the Bentley homestead in Yaleville [Guilford, Chenango Co., NY].  He was married March 19, 1865 to Miss Mariette Miller of Afton.  Mr. and Mrs. Bentley began their married life as farmers working the farm of his grandparents in Yaleville for a number of years.  Becoming somewhat dissatisfied with farm life, Mr. Bentley purchased a store in Afton which he managed for two years, but he was persuaded that Bainbridge presented a more favorable opportunity for business, so he erected what is now known as the Palmer Block and started a general store which he continued to run for a number of years.  Later the block and business was traded for the Prince farm about a mile above the village which he occupied for seven years.  Retiring quite early in life Mr. and Mrs. Bentley moved into the village where they have resided ever since.  Mr. Bentley was very kindly in disposition a good neighbor, friendly to all with whom he came in contact, giving heed always to the admonition "Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, that do ye unto them."  He was granted a desire often expressed, for he quietly went to sleep and did not again awaken to this life, at 2 a.m. Tuesday, July 20, 1918.  He is survived by his wife, and adopted daughter, Mrs. Hubert L. Bennett and several nephews and nieces.  His funeral was held from the family residence Thursday August 1, Rev. A.H. Merrill officiating.  The body was laid to rest in St. Peter's cemetery [Bainbridge, NY]. 
Death Notices
Chenango American, Greene, NY, June 14, 1860
In Springfield, Mass., on the 2d inst. of Consumption, Mr. W. Dwight Smith, formerly of this village [Greene, Chenango Co., NY], aged 23 years.
In Pitcher [Chenango Co., NY], on the 7th inst., Emma Jane, daughter of Nelson and Mary Jane Taylor, aged 7 years.
Suddenly, at the residence of Gen. Roswell Randall, in Cortland [Cortland Co., NY], on the 6th inst., Mrs. Tabitha Runyan, widow of the late Stephen O. Runyan, Esq., of Oxford [Chenango Co., NY] aged 78 years.
In Unadilla [Otsego Co., NY], on the 10th inst., Mr. Zachariah Prindle, aged 68 years.
Chenango American, Greene, NY, Feb. 20, 1873
In Smithville [Chenango Co., NY], Feb'y 16th, Nancy P., wife of Jesse Read, Esq., aged 62 years.
In Oxford [Chenango Co., NY], Feb. 15th, Mr. Wallace E. Porter, aged 29 years.
In Guilford [Chenango Co., NY], Feb. 11th, Mr. Willard M. Bentley, aged 33 years.
In Preston [Chenango Co., NY], Feb. 7th, Mr. Almon Blackman, aged 67 years.
In Sherburne [Chenango Co., NY], Feb. 11th, Dea. Charles Benedict, aged 69 years.
In Norwich [Chenango Co., NY], Feb. 5th, Orcelia E., wife of C.M. Drake, aged 24 years.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

BCHS Class of 1939 - Part 5

Bainbridge Central High School - Class of 1939
Senior Portraits
"Echo" 1939
Richard Parsons
"As on and on you go your way,
A 'tailor' you will be some day"

Donald Patchen
"We'll miss your friendly greetings, Don,
When you finish here and travel on."

Helen Peckham
"You've made an impressive hit with us,
You've got what it takes--personality plus!"

Lloyd Sipple
"You're a faithful friend and also true,
We know good luck will come to you."

Clyde Snitchler
"You've worked so hard to make the grade,
Our hopes for you will never fade."

Margaret Taft
"You're pretty, Margaret, and petite,
For a friend you're hard to beat."

Obituaries (September 11)

In Binghamton [Broome Co., NY], Sept. 29th, 1876, of typhoid fever, Lucy M., wife of P.R. Newton, aged 50 years.  Mrs. Newton was a daughter of Ely King, Esq. born in North Sanford, Broome county, May 8th, 1826, and spent her early days as a dutiful child, thus gaining the esteem of her parents and schoolmates.  After the death of her father she took full charge of the household duties, keeping house for her brother until January 1860, when she accepted the position of stepmother to four children, the youngest but a few months old, filling the position with unceasing care.  In 1865 she was baptized into the fellowship of the Baptist Church of Coventry by the Rev. George Balcom.  Soon after removing to Afton, Chenango county, she became a faithful member of the Afton church, gaining the respect and esteem of all who knew her, where she remained until May last, when she removed to Binghamton, Broome county, there taking great interest in the construction of a new house where she anticipated great pleasure in her new home, when she was stricken down with the fatal disease.  Her loss is deeply felt by the companion towards whom she has always been faithful and kind, by the children over whom she has been a model mother, and by the church who have lost a faithful member, as well as by a large circle of relatives and friends.  Beloved and respected by all.  P.R.N.  [Bainbridge Republican, Oct. 7, 1876]

At her home on Front street [Bainbridge, Chenango Co., NY], Mrs. Elizabeth McKinley Vail died on Tuesday aged eighty-three years.  Funeral services will be held at the house at 1:30 p.m. today.  Mrs. Vail was the daughter of David and Elizabeth McKinley, born May 26, 1818, in Doune, Perthshire, Scotland.  Her father died in 1823, her mother in 1827, leaving Elizabeth and her three sisters, Janet, Margaret and Mary, aged respectively 14, 12 and 5 years, in care of an aunt in Deanston.  Elizabeth was the favorite child of her parents and at her mother's death seemed broken hearted.  Never, during her life, could she mention her mother's name without a sigh or tear.  At the age of 11 she had become noted for her retentive memory and knowledge of the Bible, and could recite the first nineteen psalms of David in rotation, also many chapters from the Bible.  When 13 years of age she was engaged as teacher in Bible reading and spelling in Johnson's evening school.  In 1831 she was adopted as the decanter of James and Mary Stewart, Sterling, Scotland, continuing her studies there.  In 1833 she organized with Miss Drummond a mission school in Sterling, which was largely attended.  About this time she united with the Presbyterian church.  In 1835, with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, she came to America and located at Saratoga Springs. In 1842 she married A.A. Vail, a contractor and builder, of the latter place.  Soon thereafter they moved to Masonville [Delaware Co., NY] and in 1868 came to Deposit [Broome Co., NY].  Mrs. Vail was a woman of great energy, a magnetic charm in conversation, combined with the best traits of Scotch character.  [1902]
George E. Caswell, a well-known blacksmith of this village, who moved to Livingston Manor [Sullivan Co., NY] last summer, died in that place on Thursday, of gangrene, aged fifty-six years.  The remains were brought here for burial in Laurel Hill cemetery [Deposit, Delaware Co., NY] on Saturday, Rev. Alfred Coons officiating.  [Jan 23, 1902]
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Esposito, of Sidney [Delaware Co., NY], lost their three-year-old son, Anthony Esposito, Monday night, death due to strangulation.  The little boy was suffering from croup and the attack became so acute that he was dead upon the arrival of Drs. R.H. Loomis and Elliot Danforth.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, Nov. 6, 1941]
Universal Bible Sunday will be observed next Sunday at the morning service at 10:30 in the Presbyterian Church [Bainbridge, Chenango Co., NY].  At this time a large morocco-bound pulpit Bible will be formally presented to the church by the members of the Fidelity Class in memory of Miss Maude A. Mosher, for many years a teacher of the class.  For over 48 years a loyal member of the Presbyterian Church and a leader in all of its activities, Miss Mosher's life was an inspiring example of Christian faith and virtue to all who knew her.  The Fidelity Class feels that no more fitting memorial could be found than a Bible for use in the church.  The presentation on behalf of the class will be made by Mrs. G. Ray Fisher, the president, and the acceptance on behalf of the session and the church will be made by Prof. F.J. Casey.  The congregation will participate in a dedication ceremony prepared by the Rev. Paul. L. Carpenter, pastor of the church.  The senior choir, under the direction of Mrs. Claude Butler, will render special music.  The session will meet in the Sunday School rooms at 10:15, then all present and former members of the Fidelity Class will congregate at the same place at 10:25 and will attend the service in a body. [Bainbridge News & Republican, Dec. 4, 1941]
Charles Edward Clark died at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Clark, at East Afton [Chenango Co., NY], Friday morning from pneumonia.  The funeral was held at the home Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock, Rev. Mr. McKenzie of Masonville, officiating.  Burial at Bennettsville [Chenango Co. NY].  [Bainbridge News & Republican, Mar. 5, 1942]

Marriages (September 11)

In the M.E. church in this village, at five o'clock Wednesday afternoon, in the presence of a churchful of invited friends, occurred the marriage of Charles Merton Hastings and Edith Amelia Westcott, the ceremony being performed by the pastor of the church, Rev. C.H. Sackett.  The interior of the church was beautiful in its decorations of daisies, roses, ferns and evergreens.  In front of the altar was an artistically designed horseshoe in evergreens and roses, supported by an evergreen arch while at the back was a magnificent bank of palms and ferns mingled with an almost innumerable variety of beautiful and fragrant flowers.  The bridesmaid was Miss Winifred Stebbins of Oneonta.  The ushers were Ralph W. Curtis, William W. Hovey, Seba B. Hollenbeck and Leland C. Yale.  Leonard Hickock of Norwich was best man.  Miss Mary M. Peckham resided at the organ.  Promptly at the hour of five the notes of the wedding march sounded and the bridal party entered the church and passed up the center aisle, preceded by two little girls. Vernice Butts and Esther Toby, carrying baskets of flowers.  The little flower girls held open the flowery gate that had been arranged opposite the last pews, while the bride and bridesmaid, groom and best man, escorted by the ushers, passed through and the ceremony was performed and then strewed their flowers in the aisle before the bridal party as they passed from the altar to the church door.  The bride wore white silk and carried white roses.  The maid of honor wore a gown of light blue silk.  She carried a bouquet of pink roses.  After the ceremony a reception to the families and immediate friends to the number of fifty or more, was given at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Westcott on Emery street. The newly married couple left on the evening train west for a brief wedding trip, after which they will commence housekeeping in W.B. Matterson's house on West Main street.  The bridegroom is the son and business partner of Willard M. Hastings of the furniture firm of W.M. Hastings & Son of this village and is a popular young man of ability and integrity and excellent business prospects.  At present he holds the office of town clerk to which he was elected at the last town meeting.  The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Westcott, also of this village, and stands very high in the respect and esteem of an unusually large circle of friends.  Mr. and Mrs. Hastings received a multitude of very beautiful and expensive gifts including many articles of silverware, such as an elegant tea and coffee set, cake dishes, fruit dishes, pie and cake knives, fruit spoons, etc. a bedroom suit, dining room suit with a fine sideboard, several beautiful clocks, pretty things in china and cut glass including some remarkable fine hand painted china and a very handsome silver mounted cut glass fruit dish and many beautiful mantel pieces.  [1900]
George Henry Minor, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Minor, of Deposit [Broome Co., NY] and Miss Florence Janet McLeod were united in marriage Tuesday evening April 17 [1900].  Both are residents of Buffalo. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's father, Mr. J.B. McLeod, of West Utica street.  Rev. Samuel Holmes was the officiating clergyman.  Miss Agnes McLeod, a sister of the bride, was the maid of honor, Frank Gibbons acting as best man.  Miss McCahan, of Philadelphia, and Miss Sickles, of Buffalo were the bridesmaids.  The ushers were A.W. Gray, of EcLota, and Clark H. Minor, of Deposit.  The decorations were elaborate and the one hundred and fifty guests present were all in evening dress, the bride being attired in ivory satin.  A supper was served after the ceremony, the bridal table being trimmed with pink and white.  Guests were present from many cities in New York state.  Deposit was represented by Miss Henrietta Minor and Mr. Clark Minor. The bridal couple are on an eastern tour and on their return will reside at St. James Place, Buffalo.  Mr. Minor is a prosperous young lawyer of that city and his host of Deposit friends will join the Courier in congratulations and best wishes for a long and happy life.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Beardsley, of Harpursville [Broome Co., NY], announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Barbara Clara Beardsley, to Harold Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fayette Smith, of Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY].  [Bainbridge News & Republican, Nov. 6, 1941]
Mrs. Lucy Bush, of Nineveh [Broome Co., NY], announces the engagement of her daughter, Miss Marjorie Bush, to Carl Hendrickson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hendrickson, of Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY].  The marriage will take place in April.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, Mar. 5, 1942]
Finch - Northrup:  Saturday evening, Feb. 28, at 10 o'clock occurred the marriage of Miss Martha E. Northrup, of Sidney [Delaware Co., NY], to Jacob W. Finch, also of Sidney.  The attending couple was Miss Edith Eighmay and William Northrup, of Sidney Center.  The ceremony occurred at the Pillars, Guilford Center, the Rev. J.W. Bump officiating.  Mr. Finch is engaged in the lumber business.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, March 5, 1942]

Marriage Notices
Bainbridge Republican, Oct. 28, 1876
LANCKTON - GIFFORD:  In Bainbridge, Oct. 25, 1876, by Rev. D.C. Haynes, Stephen M. Lanckton of Otselic [Chenango Co., NY], and Miss Alice C. Gifford, of Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY].

Bainbridge Republican, Nov. 4, 1876
WILLITS - BANNER:  At the home of the bride in Union Valley, Oct. 26, 1876, by Rev. N.S. Reynolds, William H. Willits to Miss Elizabeth Banner

Bainbridge Republican, Nov. 18, 1876
JONES - IRELAND:  In Oxford, at the home of the bride, by Rev. N.S.Reynodls, Nov. 14th, Charles Jones, of Centerville [Allegany Co., NY], to Miss Augusta J. Ireland, of Oxford [Chenango Co., NY]. 

Bainbridge Republican, Dec. 30, 1876
BUSH - LILLEY:  At the home of the bride's parents, in Afton [Chenango Co., NY], on the 25th inst., by Rev. N.S. Reynolds, Mr. R.D. Bush of Union Valley, to Miss Margaret Lilley.

DAVIS - BARNEY:  At the M.E. Parsonage, in Bainbridge, on the 27th inst., by Rev. N.S. Reynolds, Mr. Wm. A. Davis of Coventry [Chenango Co., NY], to Miss Jennie E. Barney of Nineveh [Broome Co., NY]. 


Soldier News continued

Robert Broadfoot enlists in Navy
Bainbridge News & Republican, March 19, 1942
Robert G. Broadfoot, Sidney [Delaware Co., NY] attorney, has enlisted in the Navy and is awaiting orders to report to the Newport Naval Training School.  Mr. Broadfoot, the son of the late B.C. Broadfoot and Mrs. Veda Broadfoot, of Oneonta [Otsego Co., NY], graduated from Blair Academy, University of Virginia and the Albany Law School.  On passing his state bar examination and on admittance to the bar he was connected with the offices of Seybold and Seybold at Oneonta, going to Sidney three years ago to carry on his work.
Army Advancement for Lt. James Ryan
Bainbridge News & Republican, April 2, 1942
The Public Relations Office of Fort Bragg, N.C., has sent the News the following release concerning a young officer from Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY], Lt. James F. Ryan.  Lt. Ryan is a graduate of Bainbridge Central High School and his active participation in school organizations is surpassed only by those he undertook while a student at St. Bonaventure College and now by his latest efforts as a lieutenant in the U.S. Army.  While in college, he was chosen as one of the honor students whose names appeared in the National Who's Who in Colleges and Universities, the first graduate of B.C.H.S. to be so honored.  Apart from all his other achievements, "Jim's" friends in town remember him for his grand orchestra, "The Crusaders," which he organized and directed while a student in B.C.H.S.  The people of Bainbridge are proud to have as one of their local boys, one who is doing his best work of all in the service of his country, Lt. Ryan.  The release on his latest appointment follows:
Lt. James F. Ryan, of Bainbridge, N.Y., was selected by Col. O. Moore, Commander of the Third Regiment, F.A.R.C., Fort Bragg, N.C., to become a member of the Third Regiment Staff.  This appointment became effective March 20, 1942.  Lt. Ryan has been stationed at Fort Bragg, N.C., for the past eight months and served well in many capacities and duties.  He received his commission last June from St. Bonaventure College.  While in college, he was outstanding both as a student and leader in campus organizations.  In November of his Senior year he was listed in the National publication, "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges."  His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Ryan of 5 South Main street, Bainbridge, N.Y. 
Inscription Honoring St. Peter's Servicemen
Bainbridge News & Republican, April 9, 1942
The following inscription has been framed and placed at the entrance of St. Peter's Church.  "Ye who enter the sanctuary of the Lord, pray for a righteous and lasting peace, for the coming of God's kingdom and the brotherhood of man, and commend to our Father's loving kindness and protection the boys of this parish who have enlisted for the defense of their country: 
Wendell Fletcher, Battery C
Howard Fuller, Battery C
Thomas Collins, Jr., Coast Artillery
Edwin Collins, First New York Ambulance Corps
Algwynne Collins, First New York Ambulance Corps
Donald Copley, First New York Ambulance Corps
Kenneth Payne, First New York Ambulance Corps
Many Brothers in the Service
Bainbridge News & Republican, April 23, 1942
With the induction into the service of several of the town's young men, this week, it is interesting to note the brother combinations who have been called to the induction center.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Delello are the proud parents of three sons, Bastine, Joseph and Frank, Jr., who will leave today for the induction center at Oxford.  All former students at the Bainbridge Central High School, the Delello boys are noted for their versatility in athletics while at school.  Joe's prowess in football, won him a scholarship at St. Bonaventure's College, which he was unfortunately unable to take full advantage of, due to an injury suffered shortly after arriving at the college.  Frank Jr., who was employed at the Scintilla Magneto prior to his induction, was married last Spring to Miss Jeanne Hamlin, who is employed in the office of the Scintilla.  Bastine, who has been doing construction work on the railroad, recently completed his new home on Route 7 and his wife, the former Miss Florence Shaver, is a forelady in the Scintilla plant.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rosenstein also boast of three sons who are doing their part for the country.  Two sons, Robert and Joseph, Jr., are already in the service, and another son, Paul., who has been in defense work, leaves today for the induction center, where, if all goes well, he will join his brothers in the service.  Robert and Joseph, both enlistees, are each in different branches of the service.  Robert is in the Navy and stationed on the U.S.S. North Carolina, and Joseph is an Army man, stationed in New Orleans, at the present.
A coincidence of names, Joseph Moore, son of Mrs. O.F. Howland, of this village, who also leaves today for Oxford, and Joseph Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Moore, of Bainbridge R.D.1, who enlisted in the U.S. Navy in November of 1940, both share the same moniker.  The Joseph Moore who leaves today has been anxiously awaiting his call and Bainbridge will now have a Joe Moore in the Army and one in the Navy.
The sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Phelps are also enthusiastic enlisted service men.  Pvt. Richard Phelps is stationed at Ft. Monmouth, N.J., and Pvt. First Class Howard Phelps is stationed at Ft. Dix, N.J.
William Burton, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Burton, follows his brother, Gordon, into the service this week.  "Bill," who enlisted Monday will leave for Ft. Niagara this week, a shining example of an enthusiasm, who's "rarin' to go."  Bill's brother Gordon, enlisted in the Navy a few months ago and is now stationed in Squantum Field, Mass.
Carlton H. Meade and Kenneth Meade, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Meade have also received their call and may shortly be with the fighting forces.
There are many, many other youths from Bainbridge who will be and have been called for duty, but the above are examples of the families who have given more than one son to the service.  The parents who give one son make no less sacrifice than those who give two and three and we can be proud of everyone of our "boys."


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Marriages (September 10)

Bainbridge friends of the Richard Griswold family will be interested in the following account of the pretty wedding of Miss Annie E. Thompson, daughter of a former esteemed young lady of this village, who was before marriage Miss Carrie Griswold.  The bride, Mrs. Tasker, is a highly accomplished girl, having been educated in the best schools in New Jersey and supplementing her studies by recent travels in Europe. She is a great favorite with all who knew her.  The Asbury Park Journal of February 14 says:  "An exceedingly pretty wedding of local interest took place on Tuesday evening at eight o'clock at the Church of the Heavenly Rest, Forty-fifth street and Fifth avenue, New York, when Miss Annie Estelle Thompson, of Fourth avenue, this city, was united in marriage to Mr. Frank Archibald Tasker, of New York.  The bride was given away by her father, Mr. Philemon H. Thompson, and was attired in a beautiful costume of renaissance lace over white silk. The maid of honor, Miss Faith Griswold Thompson, and the bridesmaids, Miss Josephine Reeder, of Baltimore and Miss Marie Pritchard, of Philadelphia, were handsomely gowned in white crepe de chene.  Little Gretchen Coward, the daughter of Mrs. Emma Pratt Coward of this city, made a charming flower girl.  Mr. Fred Lanborn, of New York, was the best man.  The ushers were Mr. Alfred Garsia, Mr. Richard Daniel, Mr. Frank Schafer, Mr. James Embree, Mrs. Griswold H. Thompson, of New York and Mr. Harold G. Severance, of Asbury Park. About three hundred relatives and near friends witnessed the ceremony, after which a reception was given to the bridal party at the home of Mrs. Edwin Garsia, 255 West Eight-eighth street.  After a rehearsal on Monday evening the groom gave a supper to the bridal party at Sherry's, at which toasts were given to the long life and prosperity of the happy pair.  Mr. and Mrs. Tasker left for a trip through the South and after their return will make their future home in new York."  [March 4, 1902]
Green - Bristol:  "Pleasant Valley Farm" the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Bristol, on Guilford street, was the scene of a pretty  home wedding Tuesday p.m., February 28th, 1905, when their only daughter, Mae Elizabeth, was united in marriage to Charles H. Greene, formerly of Binghamton [Broome Co., NY].  The entire form of the Episcopal marriage service was impressively rendered by Rev. Wilson E. Tanner, rector of St. Peter's church here.  Numerous guests were present from Binghamton, Unadilla and Afton.  The gifts were useful and valuable, consisting of silver, glassware, fine linen and jewelry, also five twenty dollar gold pieces from the parents of the bride.  The wedding collation was very fine, daintily prepared, and deftly served by the popular caterers, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Toby.  Pink and white carnation favors awaited each guest, pleasing evidence of Mr. and Mrs. Toby's aptitude for combining the tasteful with substantials.  The groom is an affable, genial gentleman, the bride of winning presence and sweet personality, who will be sadly missed in her pleasant home although not located far from her family.  After a brief visit with friends of the groom, the present intention of Mr. and Mrs. Green is to reside in the native town of the bride, Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY].
Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. George Shaver announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Margaret, to Winnie Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Winifred Cook, of Nineveh [Broome Co., NY].  the date for the wedding has not yet been set.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, Oct. 30, 1941]
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moore, of Bainbridge East Side [Chenango Co. NY], observed their 38th wedding anniversary, Saturday, Oct. 18.  During the day their many friends and relatives offered their congratulations.  Among the guests was their son, Henry, of New Jersey, accompanied by two friends.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, Oct. 23, 1941]
Saturday evening, Oct. 25, at 10 P.M. in Gilbertsville [Otsego Co., NY], occurred the marriage of Miss Ethel Bopko, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Felix Boyko, Guilford [Chenango Co., NY], to Lewis Shampang, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Shampang.  The officiating clergyman was the Rev. Walter J. Craig.  Witnesses were Clifford and Beatrice Macumber, of Bainbridge.  Both are popular Guilford young people.  Congratulations are extended to them.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, Nov. 6, 1941]

Obituaries (September 10)

Died in this place [Guilford, Chenango Co., NY], April 14th, 1881, Mr. William Huntley, aged 84 years.  In 1853 Mr. Huntley, with his family, moved to this place; and during the twenty-eight years that he has been among us, he has proved himself to be a kind friend, and true Christian.  He had been in feeble health for more than a year, but displayed in all his suffering the same cheerful spirit that characterized his whole life.  He will be missed in the church of which he was so long a member, and where, as long as it was his privilege to enjoy good health, his place was never vacant.  On Sunday they laid him to rest, finding consolation in the words of Solomon:  "the righteous hath hope" in his death.  [Chenango Union, Apr. 21, 1881]

Tuesday of last week George Carpenter, a farmer of moderate means and well connected socially, was driving in the highway near his dwelling house, about five miles southerly from the village of Middleburgh, when he was met by Levi Watson, a young man, who seizing the horses of Carpenter by the bits, stopped them, and in violent terms and manner accused Carpenter of slandering his wife.  High words followed, Watson being very abusive, and he finally struck Carpenter over the head with a rake.  Carpenter then jumped from his wagon and a struggle ensued, during which the rake handle was broken and in the fight a sharp fragment of it in the hands of Carpenter was thrust into the abdomen of Watson, who immediately fell.  Carpenter seeing that Watson was badly hurt, started with his team to bring a physician as soon as possible, and called to neighbors on the way to go to Watson's help.  Carpenter went to Franklinton, three miles distant, and returned with a physician, but Watson was dead.  A few hours afterward, Carpenter delivered himself to Messrs. George L. and Elliott Danforth of Middleburgh, who were passing on legal business.  They turned him over to Sheriff Brazee, who with the Under Sheriff were coming to make the arrest.  On Wednesday a coroner's inquest was held, and a post mortem examination at Watson's residence. The verdict of the coroner's jury was the "death resulted from a wound caused by a sharp instrument, to the jurors unknown what kind, in the hands of George Carpenter on the 22d day of August 1876."  The post mortem examination developed the fact that the wound was about four inches in length, the weapon used having entered the abdomen, and passing though the bowels severed an artery at the base of the spine which caused internal hemorrhage.  Much excitement exists in Schoharie county over the affair, and the result of the examination which is to take place in a few days will be looked for with eager interest.  Messrs. George L. and Elliot Danforth, of Middleburgh, and Hon. S.L. Mayham, of Schoharie, have been retained for the defense.  [Bainbridge Republican, Sept. 2, 1876]
On Monday forenoon Daniel Young, a well known and respected farmer residing just above this village, and near the old cemetery, met his death in a sand bank near his residence.  The last seen of him alive that morning he was sifting sand at the bank.  About 10:30 Uriah Rorapaugh, of Smithville, drove up there after a load of sand, Mr. Youngs not being in sight, his daughter went to the field where his son-in-law, Will Davy, was at work.  Davy came up and made some search for Mr. Youngs, and finally noticing that the bank had lately caved, took a shovel and dug in the bank for him; but discovering no signs indicating his presence in the sand, loaded up Mr. R's team.  After this, Davy began further search.  The alarm was given, and help soon arrived, when the unfortunate man was uncovered and taken out dead.  He was buried to the depth of about four feet, and is supposed to have been buried form 25 to 30 minutes.  He was 67 years of age, and leaves a wife, three sons and a daughter, all married.  His sudden death cast a gloom over our village.  Mr. Youngs has been in the habit of going away and leaving the bank when it looked like caving, and as he had been searched for before, no great fears were at first entertained this time, and his shovel was standing near by.  He had another shovel in the pit, and he was found face downward, in a stooping position--Oxford Times [Bainbridge Republican, Sept. 30, 1876]
Thursday morning the dead body of a man was found lying by the side of the road, fifteen or twenty rods from the residence of O.A. Rees, about two miles north of this village [Sherburne, Chenango Co., NY].  Coroner Lyman was sent for and the body examined.  From papers found upon the body, it proved to be that of C. Chilson.  Upon inquiry it was ascertained that he was in Earlville the day previous, very ill, his singular appearance induced the belief that he was insane.  At the depot he called for paper and ink and did some writing, which was found on the body when it was examined.  He wore a French yoke shirt which was observed to be the wrong side in front.  Twenty-five or thirty apples were found in the pockets of deceased and stuffed inside of his vest.  There was some evidence that his struggle in death was a severe one, but no indications of violence.  From the writings found it appeared that he had relatives in Rome and Cazenovia.  Coroner Lyman telegraphed to those places and ascertained that the mother of the unfortunate resides at Canastota.  The remains were brought to the Medbury House in this village, where an inquest was held.  A later dispatch from the uncle in Rome says that the friends of the deceased are all sick, that he had no property, and bury him in Sherburne.  The evidence that he was insane is unmistakable.--Sherburne News  [Bainbridge Republican, Oc.t 7, 1876]
The D.L. & W. express train south Wednesday evening, passed a man about a mile and a half south of Earlville, who had been walking on the track.  The train was going about thirty miles an hour, and the man stepped aside just out of reach of the engine.  Next morning some laborers found him lying dead beside the track, but without a bruise or scratch upon the body of any kind.  An inquest was held.  The man is said to have resided near Oneida.  The theory is advanced that he was killed by the concussion of the air, which is said to sometimes cause death, as in the case of a canon ball.  -- Binghamton Times. The party mentioned in the above article is the same person.
Death Notices
Chenango Telegraph, April 1, 1835
In Wellsborough, Tioga county (Pa.) on the 21st ult. Mrs. Wilcox, wife of Gates Wilcox, esq. aged about 43 years.  Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox removed from Macdonough [Chenango Co., NY]. about four years ago.  Mrs. W.'s illness was of several month's duration. 
Chenango Union, Dec. 9, 1863
In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co., NY], on the 3d inst., Mr. Nelson H. Nash, aged 37 years.
In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co., NY] on the 4th inst. Mr. William Jermy, aged 26 years.
In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co., NY], Nov. 26th, Benjamin Gorton Kingsley, youngest son fo Hon. Lewis Kingsley, aged 1 year, 2 months and 8 days.
In this town [Norwich, Chenango Co., NY], Mary, youngest daughter of Pliny and Hannah Chapin, passed to the Summer Land, Dec. 4th, 1863, aged 26 years.
In South New Berlin [Chenango Co., NY], Nov. 20th, Nancy, wife of Charles Rich Esq., aged 82 years, 1 month and 15 days.
In Oxford [Chenango Co., NY], on the 30th ult. Maryette, daughter of the late Lafayette H. Beckwith, of McDonough, aged 11 years.

New Faces at Bainbridge High School - 1941

New Faces Among the Faculty of BCHS
Bainbridge News & Republican, September 18, 1941
Mr. Petrizzi:  Ralph Petrizzi has come to B.C.H.S. [Bainbridge Central High School, Chenango Co., NY] as instructor in Spanish, French and English I.  He is a graduate of Middlebury College and has been doing graduate work there for two Summers.  Mr. Petrizzi came to the United States from Italy in 1920.  This Latin background is especially valuable to him as a student and teacher of French and Spanish.  Aside from his linguistic ability, Mr. Petrizzi is also the fortunate possessor of a superior tenor voice, and, it is rumored, has consented to "help out" the struggling tenors of the school glee club.  He is also a "gym" enthusiast and has already gained trophies on the golf course.  Press Club wishes to welcome Mr. Petrizzi to Bainbridge and we hope that he will long be a familiar figure in out halls. 
Mr. Argiro:  Surely there should be a renaissance of art in B.C.H.S. with Mr. Argiro as our new department head.  His personality and the work that he has done will be the inspiration; if our fingers and eyes can follow, we shall accomplish much.  It was a bit difficult to interview Mr. Argiro for our attention had to be divided between the artist and his superb work.  In clay, in charcoal sketching, with oil paints, even by fingers swirling through wet paints, he has achieved results that from us called forth only wonder and praise.  We should add that we coveted many of his objects, especially the tired bear and the Negro boy fashioned in clay.  Mr. Argiro is a graduate of Syracuse University, having obtained his B.A. in Fine Arts.  He has served as president of the Eastern Art Association, and secretary of Sigma Chi Alpha, a fraternity of students of art.  He is also a member of Kappa Phi Kappa an education fraternity.  White at Syracuse, Mr. Argiro exhibited some of his work in sculpturing at the Syracuse University of Fine Arts.
Miss Mason:  Tuesday afternoon I had the pleasure of interviewing Miss Lucia Mason.  She is the new member of our faculty who replaces Miss Haight as history teacher.  Having lived in the shadow of the "Hill", it was natural that she should choose Syracuse University for her higher education.  Her avocation is music.  With the aid of the piano she delights in interpreting both the made rhythms of popular music and the symmetrical beauty of the classical.  While at Syracuse she belonged to the City Women's Club, an organization for students living off the campus.  She also served as co-chairman of the Syracuse China Committee, a missionary project.  I enjoyed this interview because of the genial, happy manner that characterizes Miss Mason.  I felt, here is someone I am going to like. From my diverse experiences, may I say, that means something in a teacher.
Michael Sawyer:  Although Michael Sawyer, one of our new Junior High teachers, does not consider himself among the new teachers of B.C.H.S. (having been here three weeks last year as a practice teacher) we feel that he deserves a place with the interviews of our other teachers.  Mr. Sawyer is a graduate of Syracuse University where he majored in social studies.  While there, he became a member of Kappa Phi Kappa and Pi Gamma Mu.  He participated in the Student symphony, in the band, and was the president of the Spanish Club.  The special hobby of the young man of many accomplishments, however, is horseback riding.  His hometown is Baldwinsville.
George Stangler:  George Stangler is the new Junior High mathematics teacher of B.C.H.S.  He must like the job because almost every night he goes up to the school and works--but he'll probably get over that.  Mr. Stangler has the distinction of being the tallest man on the faculty and when we also notice his broad shoulders we can readily believe his record in college athletics.  He was graduated from the New York State College for Teachers where he joined Kappa Beta, a local fraternity.  He was elected a consul in this fraternity and had quite a lot of responsibility.  Like Einstein, he combines music with mathematics.  His skill with the violin will be soon known to us for he is scheduled to play at our next P.T.A. meeting.  There is a chance that later Mr. Stangler may give violin lessons to some who are interested.  College teaching is his goal but it's in the future, and for a while he is content and happy to be in the high school field--especially at B.C.H.S.
New High School Students
Several new students appeared in the halls last week.  We were pleased to learn that they will attend regularly.  Helen and Betty Haase came from Vestal Central School.  They are both taking commercial courses in high school.  Helen is a senior with musical ability.  In the orchestra at Vestal she played the violin and she plays the piano well.  Among the flag-twirlers for the band was Helen.  Betty twirls the baton.  Betty Haase is a freshman this year.  The sisters like Bainbridge very well, although it is so much smaller than their former school.