Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, November 20, 1878
At the late meeting of the State Branch of the Woman's Board of Missions, held at Oswego, an essay on "The Claims for Sympathy of the Children of Missionaries," by the late Mrs. Cordelia J. Rexford, of this place [Sherburne, Chenango Co. NY], was read. Of Mrs. Rexford's death and facts relating thereto, the Congregationalist has the following: "A sad accident occurred at Sherburne, resulting in the death of a most estimable woman, a member of the church, Mrs. C.J. Rexford, by the explosion of a kerosene lamp. She was a wealthy and benevolent lady, deeply interested in foreign missions and would have been elected President of the State Branch of the W.B.M. but for this event. She suffered severely for several days but exhibited a beautiful spirit of patience and resignation. She will be much missed."
Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, November 23, 1878
SEXTON - PIER: In Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY], Nov. 19th, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. C.C. Johnson, Mr. Horace Sexton and Miss Millie Pier.
Sherburne News, Sherburne, NY, Nov. 23, 1878: Smyrna, Chenango Co. NY: Mr. Horace Sexton of Sherburne and Miss Millie Pier were "made one," at the residence of Augustin Pier, Tuesday.
North Norwich, Chenango Co. NY: Another of our aged inhabitants has been borne on the wings of time from the stage of life to the land of the unknown. Mrs. Rachel Ladue an aged lady in her ninety-first year, was found dead in her bed on Tuesday morning last. The deceased had been remarkably active even up to the time of her death and was able to read from her bible without the aid of glasses. She was born in Dutchess County, and fourteen years ago moved with her son, Orville Ladue, to this town, with whom she has since lived. The funeral was held at the house at 11 A.M., Thursday, Rev. W. White of Hamilton was the officiating clergyman.
Sherburne News, Sherburne, NY, Nov. 23, 1878: Fallen Asleep: Mrs. LaDue, better known as "Grandma LaDue," mother of Orville and Alfred LaDue, retired to bed on the evening of the 18th inst. in apparent health, and on the morning of the 19th was found dead in her bed. Her age was 90 years. She has lived with her son Orville many years and was kindly cared for. Her faculties remained unimpaired to a remarkable degree. She was loved by all who knew her and [known] as a kind neighbor and good and consistent Christian. Thus, another landmark is gone.
Coventry, Chenango Co. NY: The funeral of Morty Tuberty of this town, was attended on Sunday last.
Oxford Times, Oxford, NY, November 13, 1878
PARKER - CLOSE: In Norwich [Chenango Co. NY], Nov. 6th, by Rev. A. Parker, of Greene, Mr. Merrit S. Parker of Greene [Chenango Co. NY] to Mrs. Emily Close of Norwich.
Chenango American, Greene, NY, November 21, 1878
In this town [Greene, Chenango Co. NY] Nov. 17th, Hubert L. [Porter] son of John M. Jr. and Jennie Porter, aged 3 weeks and 2 days.
In Smithville [Chenango Co. NY], Nov. 18th, Mrs. Sarah Ann [Watson] wife of Ira Watson, aged 60 years.
News Item
The Telegraph tells the following about a dog that belonged to the late Capt. Bliven of Norwich [Chenango Co. NY].
This dog was a favorite of Captain Bliven and wherever he went was his constant companion and was in excellent health and condition. He saw the accident to his master and when he was borne into the house followed him to his room, and during the captain's sickness of a week, was never known to leave the room but twice, and he would lay his head on the bed and groan as if suffering intense agony, refusing food all the time. Since the Captain's death it has eaten but little, and is gradually wasting away, until now he is a mere skeleton and will in all probability soon die of a broken heart at the loss of his indulgent master.
Sherburne News, Sherburne, NY, November 23, 1878
HARRIS: In this village [Sherburne, Chenango Co. NY] November 20, 1878, Deacon Hezekiah Harris, aged 88 years, 7 months and 5 days.
Deacon Hezekiah Harris died at his residence in this village on Wednesday last at the advanced age of 88 years. Though the event has been anticipated for some weeks, the passing away of the aged patriarch falls with heavy sadness upon all our citizens who regarded him with a veneration and love rarely accorded to any. One of the "pillars in the temple" has passed away, but his impress remaineth.
News Item
A very pleasant surprise was given on Tuesday, the 18th inst. at the Reese Homestead, by the daughters of Otto Reese, to celebrate his seventy-eighth birthday. Among the number present were his two sisters, Mrs. John Youngs and Mrs. Warner Calkins of Earlville, his daughters and their families and Mr. Omer Calkins. The table to which the guests were invited groaned under the weight of numerous luxuries which reminded one of holidays. Mr. Reese, seated between his sisters over whose heads more than seven decades have passed, and surrounded by his children and grandchildren, presented a happy group.