Nineveh [Broome Co., NY]: The tenth anniversary of the wedding of the Rev. Wm. H. Sawtelle and wife was celebrated at the Parsonage on the evening of the 11th inst., in the form of a surprise and tin wedding, by the members of the Presbyterian church and society. They first met at the residence of Mr. Franklin Edgerton then moved in procession to the Parsonage with their tin supplies and made a grand rush into the abode of the quiet home of the Dominie, where the evening was spent in a very sociable and agreeable manner by all, old and young. In the course of the evening the tin ware, with other valuable presents were arranged and an appropriate and well-timed speech was made by Mr. G. Root, to which the groom of ten years made a pleasant and fitting reply. With the tin ware and other presents, which were all useful and valuable, was a well filled purse of greenbacks. Aside from the members of the Society were Mr. E.C. Smith, wife and family, Mrs. E.A. Smith, Mr. Corry Beadsley and wife, Mr G.W. Edgerton, wife and family, Mr. A. Manderville and wife all from South Coventry; W.E. Newton and wife from Coventryville, and Mr. A.B. Smith and wife from Greene. As the hour of departure drew near all were invited to the lower room of the Parsonage and united in prayer with Mr. G.W. Edgerton, after which the company were entertained with singing and music from the piano. On the whole it was a very pleasant and satisfactory surprise and no doubt will result in cementing the bond of union between pastor and people. [Bainbridge Republican, Dec. 16, 1876]

Mr. & Mrs. Carl Olson
Married: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Edward Olson cut the cake at a reception following their recent marriage in new Berlin [Chenango Co., NY]. She is the former Barbara Ann Bartlett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bartlett of New Berlin, and he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thage Olson of Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY].. Miss Mary Lou Bartlett of Sidney, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. [Binghamton Press, July 31, 1954]
Moran - Mange: Miss Elsie Mange, daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. G. William Mangs, Ritton street [Sidney, Delaware Co., NY], was married Saturday afternoon to Pfc. George H. Moran at the Methodist church by the Rev. William J. Dubrick, in the presence of the immediate families. The maid of honor was Miss Leatrice Kenyon and the best man was Robert Rosenstein, seaman, stationed at Sampson. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moran of Binghamton [Broome Co., NY]. He has been overseas for two years and is at a hospital at Cleveland, Ohio where they will make their home. A reception was held at the home of the bride after the ceremony. Mrs. Moran attended Sidney Central School and was a member of the senior class. [Sidney Enterprise, July 12, 1945]
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob A. Storm will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary at their home, 3 Clinton street [Sidney, Delaware Co., NY], on Friday, July 13. the only recognition of the day will be a family dinner at Hotel DeCumber, with their son-in-law, and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sweeney, as host and hostess. Besides Mr. and Mrs. Storm as guests of honor, their son Cpl. Frank Storm of Troop C, and Mrs. Storm and their small son, Fred, the only grandchild of the couple, and Miss Dorothy Dodge Storm, a foster daughter, will attend the dinner. Miss Ada Blenis and Jacob A. Storm both of Sidney, were married at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blenis, in Cartwright avenue July 13, 1895, by the Rev. T.A. Carlson, minister of the First Congregational church of Sidney. With the exception of seven years' residence in Ohio, they have been residents of this village. He was a glass blower in the old glass works of Sidney. Mr. Storm has been active in civic affairs of the village holding a number of village offices, and both are active in affairs of the village holding a number of village offices, and both are active in the Congregational church of which they are members and in the church Sunday school. [Sidney Enterprise, July 12, 1945]
An interlocutory decree of divorce was duly granted Marion Strain Becker against her husband, Frank H. Becker, both of Unadilla, N.Y. [Otsego Co., NY], by Hon. A. Lindsay O'Connor, J.S.C., at Special term, Oneonta, N.Y., on the 23rd day of June, 1945. Mrs. Decker resumed her maiden name, Marion Strain. Harold C. Vrooman, attorney, represented Mrs. Becker. [Sidney Enterprise, July 12, 1945]
In a simple ceremony held July 14 at the Air Transport Command's European Division base in Valley, Wales, Technical Sergeant John B. Sornberger of Windsor [Broome Co., NY], was married to Pfc. Dorothy M. Saunders, of Newcastle, Ind. The ceremony was performed at the Parish Church by the Rev. R. Banks, rector. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Goebel Saunders, of Newcastle, Ind. She entered the service in April, 1944, and went overseas in February, 1945. the bridegroom son of Frank G. Sornberger, of Windsor, has been overseas since January, 1944. [Bainbridge News & Republican, Sept. 13, 1945]
The marriage of Miss Mary Ava Shaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Shaw, of Troy [Rensselaer Co., NY], and Lt. Frederick Alexander Siemicki, son of Mr. and Mrs. Siemicki, of Franklin [Delaware Co., NY], was solemnized recently at Post Chapel No. 1, Maxwell Field, Montgomery, Ala. [Bainbridge News & Republican, Sept. 13, 1945]
Mr. and Mrs. Cheater Smith, of Norwich [Chenango Co., NY], announce the engagement of their daughter, Lorena Smith, to Gaston Isliker, Jr., of Unadilla [Otsego Co., NY], son of Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Isliker. No date has been set for the wedding. [Bainbridge News & Republican, Sept. 13, 1945]
Marriage Notices - Bainbridge Republican, April 1, 1876
SNYDER - COURTNEY: At the home of the bride in Sidney Plains, March 28th, 1876, by Rev. N.S. Reynolds, George M. Snyder and Miss Mary Courtney, all of Sidney Plains [Delaware Co., NY].
FRANK - SALISBURY: In Nineveh, March 22d, 1876, by Rev. W.H. Sawtelle, Mr. Nicholas Frank to Miss Ella A. Salisbury, both of Sanford [Broome Co., NY].
HEATH - SEWARD: In Nineveh, March 22d, 1876, by Rev., W.H. Sawtelle, Mr. Isaac W. Heath, of Onaquago [Delaware Co., NY], to Miss Flora C. Seward, of Doraville [Broome Co., NY].
LYON - FOSBURY: In Afton, March 21st, 1876, by Rev. E.T. Jacobs, Mr. Henry Lyon, of Belvidere, N.Y. [Allegany Co., NY], to Miss Jane Fosbury, of Bainbridge [Chennago Co., NY]