Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, March 2, 1870
In Hammonton, N.J., Feb. 15th, Henry S. [Seely] aged 8 years, 2 months and 23 days, youngest son of Horatio S. and Charlotte Seely.
In Otego [Otsego Co. NY], Feb. 1`2th, Sarah [Davis] daughter of Joseph Davis, aged 16 years.
In Hartwick [Otsego Co. NY], Feb. 17th, Mrs. Louisa Bliss in the 61sty year of her age.
Dr. George W. Roberts died suddenly Feb. 10th, while at the bedside of a suffering patient. Dr. Roberts was an old resident of Greene [Chenango Co. NY] and had practiced in his profession for a number of years. He was much esteemed and respected in the community, as a kind-hearted physician, an upright man, and a Christian. His age was 59 years. Telegraph
Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, March 9, 1870
A short time since Franklin E. Hovey of Guilford [Chenango Co. NY], while riding with two gentlemen through the streets of Richmond, Va., was shot by a drunken soldier. he lingered for nearly five days, during which time his father arrived and was with him in his last hours. Mr. Hovey was an estimable young man. His remains were brought home for interment. He was 18 years of age.
Rev. A.V.H. Powell died at Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY] Feb. 26th, aged 60 years. In 1858, Mr. Powell took charge of the Presbyterian Church in Unadilla and about two years since was stricken down by paralysis and became a helpless and suffering invalid till released by death. His work is done, and he has gone to share the reward of a good and faithful servant.
Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, March 16, 1870
At the house of Caleb Harrington, New Lisbon [Otsego Co. NY] March 10th, by Rev. John Pilkinton, Garrison T. Briggs of New Lisbon to Miss Jane C. Eldred of Laurens [Otsego Co. NY].
At the M.E. Parsonage in Laurens [Otsego Co. NY] February 23d by Rev. J.W. Mevis, Josiah A. Perry of Otego [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Caroline Shepherd of Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY].
At Oxford [Chenango Co. NY] on the 3d inst. by Rev. T.P. Halstead, Wm. H. Moffet of Guilford [Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Louisa H. Cooley of Oxford.
At Oxford [Chenango Co. NY] on the 6th inst. by Rev. T.P. Halstead, Omenzo Benedict of Butternuts [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Orelia E. Myers of Oxford.
Gloud W. Kerkland agt. Emma M. Kerkland
Harriet J. Eldred agt. Asel M. Eldred
Polly Edwards agt. Nelson M. Edwards
A divorce has been granted in each of the above cases and Judgment entered dissolving the marriage contract. G.A. Bowne, Att'y for Plaintiffs.
Monday morning, Eleven o'clock March 7, 1870, George H. Brownell of New Lisbon [Otsego Co. NY] aged 27 yrs and 7 mos. He was a good man, lived a Christian life, and died as he lived. He leaves a young widow and two young children.
In Norwich [Chenango Co. NY] March 10th, Cordelia E. [Sergeant] wife of A.D. Sergeant. For three years she had been a great sufferer, but no murmur of complaint ever escaped her lips. Her calm trust in her God and Savior gave her cheerfulness and strength that made life a blessing to her and those around her, while it robbed death of all terror and she hailed it as an angel of light come to bear her up to blessedness immortal, where, as a ministering angel, she still watches over the loved ones left behind and waits to greet them where there shall be no more death. A large concourse of people gave evidence of their respect for the departed, and sympathy for the bereaved by attending the funeral at the Baptist church at So. New Berlin [Chenango Co. NY] where they gave most respectful attention to a sermon by the undersigned. May God give abundantly of his grace to the sorrowing and to all others. O.K. Crosby.
In New Berlin [Chenango Co. NY] Feb. 20th, John Low aged 24 years. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn his untimely death. May they find in their Heavenly Father more than husband and earthly father.
In New Lisbon [Otsego Co. NY] March 3d, at the residence of his daughter, Rev. E.C. Schultz in the 84th year of his age.
Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, March 23, 1870
Judge James Campbell died in Cherry Valley [Otsego Co. NY], 24th ult. aged 98 years.
News Item
The Oldest Woman in Butternuts: The ninetieth birthday of Thirza C. Bishop (or Grandma Bishop as she is called) came off on Tuesday March 1st, 1870. She was born in Fairfield County, Ct., February 29th, 1780. That being leap year, her actual birthday comes only once in four years. She came to this town when there was but one or two frame houses in the village of Butternuts. The ladies of our village, about forty in number, visited her with a surprise party on her ninetieth birthday carrying her many nice presents; also carrying refreshments for a social tea party, and all present greatly enjoyed the visit with Grandma Bishop.
Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, March 30, 1870
At Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] March 17th, by Rev. A. Reynolds, Mr. Jay H. Harris to Miss Myra E. Bixby of Oneonta.
In New Lisbon [Otsego Co. NY] March 7 of consumption, Carrie Zullye aged 18 years.
In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] March 22, Silas Rood aged 82(?) years, 2 months and 24 days.
At the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Frank Shepherd in Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] March 17th, Mrs. S. Camp, aged 78 years.
Died in New Lisbon [Otsego Co. NY], March 16th, of heart disease, Francis Durow, aged 82 years and seven months. The deceased was born in Hulland Ward, England. In 1829 he came to this country and settled in Cherry Valley [Otsego Co. NY]. In 1840, with his family he removed to New Lisbon, where he resided until his death. His last illness was one of severe pain and suffering, but he bore it with meekness and Christian fortitude. He died trusting in Jesus. His funeral was attended on the 18th, in the Baptist Church at New Lisbon Center by a large circle of relatives and friends.
Died in Garrattsville [Otsego Co. NY] of old age, March 16th, Mrs. Chloe Rockwell aged 84 years. She was the widow of Dea. Elisha Rockwell for many years a much beloved Deacon of the Baptist Church at New Lisbon. She was a sister of the late Rev. Seth Gregory and was one of the choicest members of the above church and for many years was truly a handmaid of the lord. Her funeral was attended in the Baptist church at New Lisbon Center on Lord's day, the 20th inst. "There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God."
News Item
On Monday, the 14th inst., myself and family were from hone, and upon returning about 8 o'clock, P.M. to our very great surprise (not to say alarm) we found our parsonage home in possession of self-invited guests to the number of some over one hundred, who seemed very happy and quite contented. Regarding, I suppose, their numbers they felt secure from any attack from without. However they gave us the privilege of crowding our way in which we were anxious to do, in our great anxiety to know what this all meant. The many smiling faces and pleasant greetings soon quieted all the fears we might have entertained as to the intentions of this company of old and young, in thus unceremoniously taking possession of our home and we soon found ourselves enjoying the hour socially to the fullest extent of our ability.
The day was the tenth anniversary of our married life and how much we were surprised you may guess, when called out, and accompanied with a neat and appropriate speech by L.S. Feek, Esq., we were presented with gifts (not all tin however) to the amount of about $65, embracing nearly $20 in silver ware and about $30 in "greenbacks," enclosed in a neat tin box. A full supply of eatables had been provided of which all partook and about 11 o'clock P.M., These agreeable intruders began to disperse and about 12 we were left in quiet possession of our home again and with many, many, sweet lines traced on memory's fairest page, which shall grow brighter and dearer as life's itinerant road we onward tread. Soon the day of parting with this dear people will come. Almost three years have flown since we found a home in this place and began our labors with this people. How quickly gone. Thus, the years of life are hastening on, bearing us in their unceasing march to the grave, the judgment, eternity.
Many thanks are due these kind brethren and sisters, these dear fiends one and all, for their sympathy and co-operation in the years past with their pastor and now especially for this most agreeable surprise. May the Lord bless and prosper them in all that's right, good and pure. And they, with us, be privileged to share the joys of the marriage supper of the Lamb.
Butternuts, N.Y. [Otsego Co.] S. Moore