Thursday, February 13, 2025

Vital Records, Madison County, NY (1872)

 Democratic Union, Oneida, NY, August 8, 1872


JACOBS - WALTERS:  In Oneida [Madison Co. NY] July 15, by the Rev. G.G. Perrine, Mr. Samuel Jacobs of New York and Miss Annie M. Walters of Oneida Castle.

ROOT - MORRIS:  In Chittenango [Madison Co. NY], May 30, by Rev. J. Henry Enders, Mr. Menzo D. Root and Miss Mary Morris all of Oneida [Madison Co. NY].

DODD - BRIGHAM:  In Madison [Madison Co. NY], July 25, by Rev. G.W. Barnes, Marius D. Dodd of St. Louis, and Miss Hattie S. Brigham of the former place.


EATON:  In Hamilton [Madison Co. NY] Aug. 3, Rev. Dr. Geo. W. Eaton, late President of Madison University, aged 68 years and 1 month.

Rev. Geo. W. Eaton, D.D. L.L.D., formerly President of Madison University died on Saturday last, at his residence in Hamilton.  He was born in Pennsylvania, July 1804, but his family removed to Ohio the next year.  At the age of eighteen he entered the Ohio University, where he remained two years.  Afterwards he entered Union college, Schenectady, where he completed his course in 1829.  Since that time he has followed the profession of teaching, being at one time Professor of ancient languages in Georgetown college, Kentucky.  In 1833 he came to Hamilton and assumed the Professorship of mathematics and natural philosophy at the Literary and Theological Institute, which since became Madison University.  Mr. Eaton was elected President of the University in 1856 and in 1861 President of Theological Seminary.  He resigned the former in 1868 and the office the latter about one-year since on account of ill health.  Last winter he suffered from a severe and dangerous illness, from which he finally, in part, recovered, much to the joy of his large circle of friends.  Although he at times rallied, the disease had fastened upon him and he passed quietly and peacefully from earth on Saturday, August 3d, surrounded by friends.


THOMPSON:  In Oneida Castle [Madison Co. NY] at the residence of Mrs. John W. Eddy, Mary Eddy, only daughter of A. Brewer and Libby M. Thompson, aged 1 year and 9 months.

SHAW:  In the town of Eaton [Madison Co. NY] July 26, Vermina Shaw widow of the late Wm. Shaw, of Eaton, aged 81 years.

SHELDON:  In Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY] July 21, Chas. O. Sheldon of Syracuse [Onondaga Co. NY], aged 2 6 years.

STUART:  In Lebanon [Madison Co. NY] Aug. 1, Hugh Stuart aged 69 years.

DORN:  In Peterboro [Madison Co. NY] Aug. 2, Mrs. Lydia Dorn aged 68 years.

BLAIR:  In Eaton [Madison Co. NY] July 27, Isaac Blair aged 33 years.

WARD:  In Waterville [Oneida Co. NY], July 29, Mattie B. [Ward] daughter of Uriah H. Ward, aged 10 years and 11 months.

PARKER:  In Rochester [Monroe Co. NY] at the residence of his son-in-law, Daniel Forward, June 28, of heart disease, Leonard C. Parker formerly of Bouckville [Madison Co. NY], a pensioner of 1812, aged 81 years, 9 months and 29 days.

COWEN:  In Brookfield [Madison Co. NY] July 15, Mrs. Arvilla Cowen, daughter of Josiah B. and Hester A. Green, of Brookfield, aged 19 years.  Mrs. Cowen was converted in December 1869, with her three sisters at a quarterly meeting held by J.F. Crawford, George B. Fairhead, pastor.  All immediately joined the M.E. Church at Brookfield.  From early years Arvilla was the same happy, hoping, trusting girl, never making any trouble. Cheerful, composed and even balanced in spirit under all circumstances, a sunbeam for all occasions.  Thirteen months ago, Rev. H.R. Northrup joined her in marriage to John Cowen, upon whom she bestowed her wealth of love. Though life was too short for the exhibition of the maturer fruits of grace to other than her near friends, they realize that her influence was positive directly drawing towards Christ. We have no doubt she is at home with God, a light on the other shore that will never grow dim. She met death with perfect composure, repeatedly assuring her friends that it was well with her.

PAGE:  We are sorry to state that Mrs. Lewis Page died Saturday morning of severe summer complaint.  She leaves a child about one week old to be cared for my the surviving parent.  There are quite a number sick in our place with the same complaint.  [Perryville, Madison Co. NY]

WALTER:  The sudden death of David Walter took our community by surprise and cast a gloom over his circle of old friends and acquaintances.  He was about the store attending to business on Thursday of last week but complained in the afternoon of that day of feeling ill.  He from that time continued to grow worse, apparently attacked by a fever, which seemed to center in his head, assuming something the form of brain fever. A few hours previous to his death, which occurred on Monday morning, his body became partially paralyzed in which state he remained until the last. The funeral services were held at the late residence of the deceased on Stone St., in this village [Oneida, Madison Co. NY], on Wednesday afternoon.  Mr. Walter was in the 42d year of his age, had been a resident of Oneida about five years, and leaves a wife and two children to grieve his loss and feel the want of his protecting hand.

BREMIS:  A sad accident occurred on the Central RR, about one mile west of Chittenango Station [Madison Co. NY] on Friday forenoon of last week, by which Homer Bremis was instantly killed and his wife severely injured. They undertook to drive across the track just after an emigrant train had passed and did not see the Buffalo express which was coming east at the same time, and engine 148 struck the buggy.  We hear that the lady is still living with prospects of recovery.

FLINT:  On Wednesday morning of last week, Deacon Phillip Flint of Fayetteville [Onondaga Co. NY], finished a long and useful life, his death resulting from an accident which happened last Wednesday morning, the particulars of which we learned as follows:  While engaged in trimming and grafting some trees in the apple orchard on the Gardner farm, about two miles east of Fayetteville, he fell from a tree to the ground, a distance of about ten feet, striking on his shoulders, paralyzing his whole body, in which condition he remained until relieved by death, as cited above.  His age was 73 years.

News Item

Perryville, Madison Co. NY:  There has been a splendid monument to mark the place where the late Stephen Ray was laid, set the past week.  It is a grand thing in appearance, fully equal, if not superior, to any in this cemetery, costing twelve hundred dollars.  Erected by Dr. Geo. Munger, whose name is engraved upon one side of the square of the base.

Ray Monument, Perryville Cemetery, Madison Co. NY
Stephen P. Ray / Born / At Stonington, Conn. / Sept. 9, 1809 / Died Apr. 2, 1871
Lydia Cook / Wife of / Stephen P. Ray / Born at Smithfield NY / July 2, 1809 / Died May 12, 1898 memorial #33853909

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