Saturday, June 8, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango & Otsego Counties NY, May 1878

 Sherburne News, Sherburne, NY, May 4, 1878


We have received a copy of the Janesville, (Wis.) Gazette, announcing the death of Rev. Thomas J. Ruger, A.M.,  on the morning of Easter Day, in that city, at the age of 77 years.  From an extended biographical sketch of the services of Mr. Ruger in the Gazette, we copy the following: 

"To the life, services, and character of Mr. Ruger is attached more than ordinary interest.  He was one of the most respected clergymen of the Protestant Episcopal Church in this State.  He was born in Northumberland, Saratoga County, New York, February 25, 1802.  In early life he worked on his father's farm, receiving the benefits of good public and private schools and was, when quite a young man, a schoolteacher for a year or more.  Entering Union College, Schenectady, New York, at the age of twenty-two, he graduated after pursuing its full course of study with high honors and taking therefrom the degree of Master of Arts.  In 1830 he became the successor of Rev. Dr. Wilbur Fiske as principal of Wilbraham Academy, in Massachusetts, and two years afterwards was appointed president of the Wesleyan Seminary, at Lima, New York, which position he filled for a period of four years, when he resigned.  In 1836 he was ordained a priest of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and soon after became rector of Christ Church parish, of Sherburne, N.Y. [Chenango Co.]. 1839 he was called to the rectorship of St. John's Church, Marcellus in the diocese of Western New York.  In addition to his pastoral labors, he had charge of the Academy there for five years.  In 1844, while in attendance at the general council of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the city of New York, he was introduced to Bishop Jackson Kemper, whose diocese then included the States of Indiana and Missouri and the Territories (now States) of Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota.  The bishop urged Mr. Ruger to remove into his diocese and help in the Master's work.  Accepting this invitation, he removed in that year with his family to Janesville, which then was a humble place of only 200 population and Rook County contained only 2,000.

Trinity Church parish, Janesville, was organized in September 1844, Mr. Ruger being its first rector.  He officiated also at Beloit and Milton, holding Missionary services at those points for a year or more; at the same time the regular services at Trinity were not intermitted.  In this field he labored faithfully and with a great degree of success for more than ten years and built up a large parish.  Commencing with not to exceed ten members, it increased to the number of about two hundred communicants within a period of ten years.

Mr. Ruger organized a school of a high grade in this city not long after he settled here which was called the Janesville Academy.  It offered opportunities for acquiring a thorough education in English, the classics and mathematics and did a great amount of good and was largely attended.

Father Ruger filled his place in the hearts of his children in the church, so properly, so acceptably and so deservedly, that all regard his benedictions as blessings.  Thus, for many years he lived and worked in Janesville, beloved and respected as a man among men and as a minister in the church."

Mr. Ruger married soon after graduation from college to Miss Maria Hutchinson of Lenox, Madison Co. [NY].  Their eldest son Thomas H. is a colonel and brevet brigadier in the U.S. Army and is now in command of the military department of the South. Edward held the rank of colonel in the war and was in command of the Topographical engineers of the Army of the Cumberland.  William is now in the practice of law in Janesville and Dr. Henry H. is a surgeon in the U.S Army in one of the Territories.

Bainbridge Republican, Bainbridge, NY, may 2, 1878


SACKETT - SLOAN:  At the residence of the bride's mother, April 17th, by Rev. J. Jones, Mr. George E. Sackett to Miss Ella H. Sloan, all of Afton [Chenango Co. NY].


Sidney Plains, Delaware Co. NY:  The child of T.G. Smith died Monday night.  The disease is supposed to have been diphtheria.

Freeman's Journal, Cooperstown, NY, May 9, 1878


In Warren [Otsego Co. NY] on the morning of the 1st inst. by the Rev. L. Casler, S. Dorr Hewes of Springfield [Otsego Co. NY] and Cora M. Casler of the former place.

At the residence of the bride's parents on the evening of May 2d, by Rev. Dr. Patton, Dr. William P. Fowler and Miss Carrie Cheney daughter of A Cole Cheney and granddaughter of Hon. J. D. Husbands of Rochester [Monroe Co. NY].


In Worcester [Otsego Co. NY] April 26th, G.C. Allen aged 58 years.  He was buried with masonic honors.  

Geo. C. Allen, a native of Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY], a merchant for the past twelve years at Worcester, died there on the 26th ult, aged 58 years.

At the residence of Ell Sherman, Cherry Valley [Otsego Co. NY],. April 23d, '78, Mrs. Ella Sherman, aged 84 yrs.

At Oaksville [Otsego Co. NY], May 5th, '78, Julia A. [Baldwin] widow of the late John Baldwin, aged 90 years, 2 months and 15 days.

At Exeter Center [Otsego Co. NY], May 5th, '78, Mary [Doran] widow of the late Patrick Doran, in the 65th year of her age.  A native of County limerick, Ireland.

In South Adams, Mass., April 25, 1878, Margaret [Van Patten] widow of the late Henry F. Van Patten, aged 93 years and 6 months, formerly of Middlefield, N.Y. [Otsego Co.].

Henry M. Tobey, an enterprising merchant at Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY], died suddenly in that village on the 27th ult, aged 63 years.

News Item

Suspected Case of Poisoning

Mrs. Van Kleek, living above East Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] died Monday.  Suspicions were excited by the conduct of her husband that she had been poisoned.  Wednesday at the hour the funeral was to take place, Coroner Leonard reached the Van Kleek residence and at once instituted proceedings for a postmortem investigation.  Drs. S.H. and Meigs Case made such examination. There was no positive evidence of poisoning, but upon the advice of District Attorney Benedict, the stomach and liver were put in jars for submission to a chemist deemed advisable.  The deceased was buried Wednesday.  Yesterday afternoon the investigation was resumed.

Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, May 8, 1878


Mrs. Charles Beardsley nee Moulton, died on the 4th inst. of typhoid pneumonia.  She leaves an infant child.  [Gilbertsville, Otsego Co. NY]

Mrs. Decker died last Thursday night at Mrs. Thomas Gadsby's having come there for a visit.  She retired for the night in her usual health.  Her niece went to her room to see that she comfortably cared for before retiring and found her dead.  She died without a struggle or groan.  [Gilbertsville, Otsego Co. NY].

Friday, June 7, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, May 1878

 Oxford Times, Oxford, NY, May 1, 1878


BAKER - BEACH:  In Pharsalia [Chenango Co. NY], by Rev. R.C. Crandall, Mr. Chancellor Baker to Miss Olive Ann Beach.


MANNING:  In Coventry [Chenango Co. NY], April 15th, Mrs. Myra Manning, aged 48 years.

SYMONDS:  In East Troupsburg, Steuben Co. N.Y., April 21st, Martin Jessie [Symonds] son of John H. and julia A. Symonds, aged 10 years.


Death of Mrs. C.L. Wilcox

Mrs. C.L. Wilcox died at Harrisburg, Pa., April 15th.  She had been in poor health for several months and at times her reason was dethroned and her family and friends felt the necessity of taking her to the asylum at Harrisburg.  She was conveyed to the above named place by her husband, he leaving her on Saturday with bright hopes of ultimate recovery.  Sunday evening, she appeared quite cheerful and retired, resting quite well.  Between four and five o'clock on Monday morning she breathed her last from an apoplectic stroke, unexpected to her attending physicians.  Mrs. Wilcox's maiden name was Hannah L. Bartle and she was a daughter of Uri and Hannah Bartle of Oxford, N.Y. [Chenango Co.], where she was born in April 1828, and was nearly fifty years of age at the time of her death.  She was married to Mr. Wilcox in 1863.  One son was born to them, a young lad who with the grief-stricken husband mourns her loss.  Mrs. Wilcox was a woman of more than ordinary intelligence, great strength of mind and influence.  She was foremost in all good works benevolent, zealous and well calculated for a leader, as she was in everything in which she took an interest.  There is no one in female circles whose loss will be more generally regretted.  With a mature mind and judgment, her counsels were at all times highly valued and in most cases guided the action of her sisters in church and society.  She was an active member of the Presbyterian church and highly esteemed by all its members.  Her works will live after her. The remains were taken to Wellsboro, where the funeral was very largely attended by sympathizing friends.

Chenango American, Greene, NY, May 2, 1878


One of the most delightful surprise gatherings came off last week Wednesday afternoon at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Lucius Aldrich, the occasion being the 10th anniversary of their marriage.  Notwithstanding the dark and ominous appearance of the sky, threatening rain at any moment, by four o'clock a goodly company had assembled bringing many substantial tokens in wood, silver, glass and tin ware, beside ornamental gifts to celebrate the occasion. The genial host and hostess gave each a cordial welcome, and pleasant conversation ruled the hour.  A turkey supper was served with the usual delicacies of such an event, after which an original poem was read by one of the guests, when singing was introduced, and prayer was offered.  Soon the company separated, all seeming to feel it had been a very enjoyable time.


In this town [Oxford, Chenango Co. NY], April 2d, Mr. Francis D. Olin, aged 35 years, oldest son of Edwin C. Olin.

Mrs. Terwilliger, wife of the late Dea. Simon Terwilliger, died of dropsy last Saturday evening.  The funeral was attended at the house on Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock, Rev. E.W. Root officiating.  She has been a member of the Congregational Church for 52 years and was 75 years of age.

The funeral of Mrs. Horace J. Wood of this village [Greene, Chenango Co. NY], who died at the Utica Asylum on Friday night of last week was very largely attended at her late residence on Monday afternoon.  Rev. D. Ballou of Utica was present and conducted the sad ceremonies.  He paid a beautiful and glowing tribute to the name, memory and character of the deceased.  His remarks are spoken of in the highest terms by those who heard them as being truthful and well chosen.  Mrs. Wood was one of those confiding, pleasant, modest and Christian ladies that are always respected and beloved in a community and there was not a person in the vast multitude that assembled to pay their last mournful tribute to the beloved dead, that did not mourn her sad and untimely end.  A noble, devoted and true wife; a kind, loving and gentle mother; an agreeable neighbor and genial friends, who will be missed and mourned by those who appreciate her pure and sensitive nature and when the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll and time shall be no more, her bright spirit will stand amid that vast throng, with a spotless record of purity written upon her brow, and dwell forever with those who were faithful to their trust while here upon earth.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, May 1878

 Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, May 1, 1878


ELDRIDGE:  In North Pitcher [Chenango Co. NY], April 26th, 1878, Dwight [Eldridge] youngest son of G.S. and A.M. Eldridge, aged 5 years, 5 months and 21 says.

Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, May 4, 1878


S.L. Comstock of our village [Norwich, Chenango Cp. NY] was married last week to Miss Lottie VanAllen of Watkins [Schuyler Co. NY].  The Watkins Express says:  "This is a most propitious marriage, upon which the friends of both the bridegroom and bride may well be congratulated.  The newly wedded pair left on the 6:31 (Northern Cental) for Rochester.  Their future residence will be at Norwich and may joy and happiness ever dwell with them."

On last evening at 8:45 Rev. H.B. Thayer, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, performed the marriage service uniting Mr. G.L. Fearis of Connersville, Indiana and Mrs. A.J. Harian of this city [Bloomington IL].  The ceremony took place at the residence of the bride on East Front Street in the presence of about forty intimate friends and relatives who had manifested their affection by a number of valuable presents.  The bride was elegantly and tastefully dressed in a traveling suit of rich brown silk with hat to match.  the house was beautifully decorated with -?- and cut flowers.  After the congratulations and the partaking of an elegant collation prepared by Mrs. Case and Mrs. Stiles, the happy couple started for Indianapolis, where they will remain a few days before going to Connorsville, where Mr. Fearis, who is very wealthy, is engaged in the manufacture of patent medicines, and where he and his bride will reside.  Mr. Fearis is spoken of by those who know him as a most excellent gentleman and those who have had the pleasure of knowing Mrs. Harlan are sure that in his selection of a wife he displayed the best of judgment.  Bloomington throws after them the proverbial old shoe of good omen and hopes that their married life may be serene and peaceful.  Bloomington, Ill. Pantagraph, April 26.


TRUMAN:  April 26, 1878, Letta [Truman] adopted son of Dudley and Roxey Truman, aged 9 months and 7 days.

WOOD:  At the Asylum in Utica, N.Y. [Oneida Co.], April 26, Mrs. Diana Wood aged 47 years, wife of Horace J. Wood.

TERWILLIGER: In Greene [Chenango Co. NY], April 27, 1878, Mrs. Matilda [Terwilliger] wife of the late Deacon Simon Terwilliger, aged 75 years.

KINSMAN:  In the town of Greene [Chenango Co. NY], (Page Brook) April 26th, 1878, Mr. David Kinsman, aged 78 years.

RAYMOND:   In McDonough [Chenango Co. NY], April 26th, 1878, Clarrissa C. [Raymond} wife of D.L. Raymond, aged 56 years. 

BEARDSLEY:  In Gilbertsville [Otsego Co. NY], Snday night, April 28th, 1878\, Eliza [Beardsley] wife of Charles Beardsley, aged 30 years and 11 months.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, May 1878

 Chenango Union, Norwich, NY, May 2, 1878


COMSTOCK - VAN ALLEN:  At the residence of the bride's father in Watkins, N.Y. [Schuyler Co.], April 24th, 1878, by Rev. Cameron Mann, Mr. S.L. Comstock of Norwich, N.Y. [Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Lottie L. Van Allen daughter of John J. Van Allen, Esq. of Watkins.

TITUS - JACKSON:  In Deposit [Delaware Co. NY], April 13th, by Rev. J. Lee Gamble, Mr. David Titus of Oxford [Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Adelia Jackson of Deposit.

SEXMITH - ROUNDS:  In Guilford Centre [Chenango Co. NY], April 17th, by Rev. P. Griffing, Mr. George W. Sexmith of Afton [Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Flora Rounds of Oxford [Chenango Co. NY].


BROOKS:  In this town [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY] April 25th, Mr. Theseus Brooks, aged 43 years.

SHAW:  In Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY], April 26th, Mrs. Mary Shaw, aged 46 years and 5 months.

Mrs. Mary Shaw died suddenly in this village [Smyrna], after but a few hours' illness on Saturday morning last.  Deceased had been in poor health for a number of years past.

COYE:  In Catlin Settlement, Lincklaen [Chenango Co. NY], April 25th, Mr. Amasa Coye aged 72 years.

SARLE:  In New Berlin [Chenango Co. NY] April 23d, Adelia E. [Sarle] daughter of J.H. Sarle aged 25 years.

DOTY:  In Oxford [Chenango Co. NY], April 26th, Mr. Reuben Doty, aged 83 years, a soldier of the War of 1812.

WILCOX:  In Harrisburg, Pa., April 15  th, Mrs. C.L. Wilcox, aged 50 years, formerly of Oxford [Chenango Co. NY].

NEWKIRK:  Warren Newkirk a prominent citizen of Oswego [Oswego Co. NY], died in that city Wednesday last.  He was a brother of the late Thos. G. Newkirk, of this village [Oxford, Chenango Co. NY] and had resided in Oswego some forty years.

HARRINGTON:  Willie [Harrington] son of Mrs. Huldah Hallert Harrington, late of Syracuse [Onondaga Co. NY], aged three years, was laid in our village cemetery last Sabbath.  [Pitcher, Chenango Co. NY].


Death of an Eminent Hotel Keeper

Capt. W.C. Gage, a well-known and popular hotel keeper, died suddenly in Syracuse [Onondaga Co. NY], on Thursday evening of last week.  The Syracuse Standard of Friday makes the following mention of the death of Capt. Gage:

"Last evening, about nine o'clock, Capt. W.C. Gage, the well-known and popular hotel keeper, died suddenly in Mr. Lunn's drug store, on Montgomery Street.  Mr. Gage was walking on the street, apparently in his usual health, when he was taken suddenly ill, and asking a passerby to assist him he walked into the drug store of Mr. Thomas Lunn, only a few steps from where he was taken, and sitting down in a chair, Dr. Benedict was sent for, but before the Doctor could arrive Capt. Gage was beyond medical or human aid.

"Capt. Gage was one of our best-known citizens, and in his chosen occupation as a landlord had few, if any, superiors.  He was born in DeRuyter, Madison County [NY], and was about 66 years of age.  He commenced the business of hotel keeping in the place of his nativity soon after he became of age and continued the business for several years, when he removed to Syracuse and became a clerk in Brintnall's Hotel, on the corner of Fayette and Warren Streets.  He soon became the proprietor of Brintnall's Hotel, and afterwards became landlord of the Empire House, where he remained for many years until that hotel was entirely remodeled, when he became the landlord of the Syracuse House.

"He has been a resident of the city of Syracuse for nearly forty years, except about two years in New York City, and has been connected with hotels all that period, until a few years past, when he retired and has been a gentleman of leisure, boarding at the Syracuse House.  His remains were carried to his room in the Syracuse House, where preparations are being made for the funeral obsequies."

Many of our citizens will remember Capt. Gage, as an assistant, in years gone by, at the old Eagle Hotel, in Cortland [Cortland Co. NY] and late as the general hotel proprietor in Syracuse.  He was a relative of W.N. mason and W.K. Packer, of this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY].

News Item


Mrs. Lucy Terrel who resides near the village of Cortland [Cortland Co. NY], reached her one hundredth birthday on the 15th of April last.  Although her eyesight and hearing are somewhat impaired, her mind seems to be clear and strong as ever.  A native of Connecticut, where she was married in 1800, she removed with her husband and family to the farm where she now resides with her son, Garry Terrel, a man now about seventy-six years old.  Her one hundredth birthday was celebrated by a family reunion, four children, eight grandchildren and eight great-great grandchildren, some with husbands and some with wives, being present.  The oldest daughter, aged seventy-seven, and an infant three weeks old, were of the party of relatives.  It was a most pleasant reunion and the venerable lady received calls from old friends and neighbors by whom she is esteemed as a Christian woman, and tokens of regard were left by many.

Capt. Harry Ward of Sackett's Harbor, the oldest man in Jefferson County [NY] and a soldier of the war of 1812, who was one hundred years old on the 25th day of last December, visited Watertown a few days since, and, according to the Times, he had never until that morning rode on the cars.  The gallant old Captain was in pursuit of a pension, to which he had long been entitled, and he "signed the application without the use of spectacles, in a large and beautiful hand, resembling the John Hancock style."  He appears no older than men generally do at sixty or sixty-five years.  His eyesight is firsr rate and he had never drank to excess, although he has not lived a temperance life exactly.

Peter Hammond, who died at Geneseo, Ill., last week was one hundred and two years old.  He was born at Newton Mass. April 9, 1776, and died on the anniversary of his birth. At the age of one hundred years the physicians declared that there was not a diseased organ in his body.  He walked to church, nearly a mile, on pleasant Sundays and read without glasses.  For fifty-three years he continued to reside in the house which he built and occupied soon after his marriage.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Vital Records, Delaware County, NY, 1822

 Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, March 6, 1822


In Tompkins [Delaware Co. NY], on the 20th ult. by B. Hathaway, Esq., Mr. James Compton to Miss Betsey Orr both of that town.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, March 13, 1822


On Thursday last, by the Rev. E.K. Maxwell, Mr. James Beats to Miss Eliza Yeomans, both of Delhi [Delaware Co. NY].

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, April 3, 1822


On the 25th ultimo, Christiana Gaulker aged 20 years, a native of Germany.  The distressing condition and suffering of this young woman and the awful result ought to be a solemn warning to all match makers and match breakers.  She was engaged to be married to a young man of Philadelphia, who for reasons best known to himself, communicated to her, a short time since, his intention of abandoning her.  On the receipt of this information, she became the child of sorrow and despair for ten days, when reason left its seat and she became an awfully distressed maniac, unceasingly calling on her lover "to come to her."  On the evening preceding her death, she ordered her "wedding garment" to be prepared, that she wished to be dressed in white and that she "was to be married at three o'clock." the precise hour of her departure to a world of spirits.  Balt. paper

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, May 1, 1822


In Delhi [Delaware Co. NY] on Thursday last, by the Rev. K. Maxwell. Mr. Alexander Morre to Miss Betsey W. Gibbon.


In Roxbury [Delaware Co. NY] on Thursday the 25th ult, Samuel Barlow aged 32 years.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, May 29, 1822


At Waterville [Oneida Co. NY] on Monday the 27th inst. by the Rev. J.P.F. Clark, Colonel Frederic P. Foote of Delhi [Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Laura Wainright daughter of Mr. David C. Wainright of the former place.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, June 5, 1822


In Vermont, Mr. William Double to Miss Ann Maria Singleton

A prudent maid to change her fate, / from solitary trouble / She wisely left the Single state / And turn'd unto the double

In Belfast, Maine, Mr. Horatio Gray, aged 19 to Miss Mariah Knowlton, aged 14.

At nineteen a person to be wholly gray, / Is a sight that but seldom is seen; / But Eliza Maddin, a Pencier may say, / Is turned wholly gray at fourteen.

In Preston [Chenango Co. NY], Mr. John Penny to Miss Isabella -?- both of Preston.

The lady thought upon a plan / To turn a penny - just to try it; / She laid her penny out on man / And got a handsome penny by it.

In Hollis, N.H. Mr. Stephen Wright to Miss -?- Patch.  

Worn out by a lingering courtship of thirteen years, he patched up himself and all was Wright.

In Danby, on the 2d inst. by the Rev. Dr. Berra, Mr. Alonzo Whitney, aged 14 years to Miss Fanny -?- aged 32.


Distressing Accident:  On Saturday last, two men were drowned in the Delaware river in the town of Walton [Delaware Co. NY].  Some six or eight men towards evening repaired to the river for the purpose of bathing when Ansel Treuby being unable to swim, accidently waded into a hole beyond his depth.  He gave the alarm and several attempted to rescue him, but whenever they approached him, he seized them with such violence as to endanger their lives.  Joseph Newbury who was sitting upon the bank with his clothes on, fearing that Treuby would drown, plunged in to his relief and never rose again.  It is supposed that Treuby in his struggles must have come in contact with Capt. N. with so much violence as to stun and drown him instantly.  The bodies were in the water rising of twenty minutes.  Every attempt at resuscitation totally failed.  Treuby was a blacksmith by trade, about 25 years of age and a man of vigorous and athletic appearance.  It is not known from what part of the county he came, but it is supposed he last worked at Smithfield, Madison County.  Capt. Newbury by this humane attempt to save the life of a fellow being, has been cut off in the vigor of manhood, leaving a wife and eight small children, to deplore his untimely fate.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, June 12, 1822


At Ithaca, Tompkins Co. [NY] on the 25th May, Luther G. Beers, aged 34 years, formerly of this County [Delaware Co. NY].

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, June 26, 1822


In Tompkins [Delaware Co. NY, on Thursday the -?- inst. by Benjamin Hathaway, Esq. Mr. Chas. -?-to Miss Mary Chamberlin, daughter of Mr. Calvin Chamberlin.

At Middletown [Orange Co. NY] on Monday the 24th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Waterbury, Mr. Daniel H. Jaquist of Roxbury [Delaware Co. NY], to Miss Mary Ann Berry of the former place.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Vital Records, Otsego County, NY, 1847 & 1849

 Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, August 21, 1847


In Burlington [Otsego C. NY], on the 8th inst. Mr. Thomas H . Porter of Paris, Oneida Co. [NY], to Miss Martha Ann Conkling of Burlington.

In Oaksville [Otsego Co. NY] on the 12th inst. by Wm. P. Johnson Esq., Mr. James Thompson to Mrs. Helen Carter, both of Warren, Herkimer County [NY].


In Cherry Valley [Otsego Co. NY] on the 3d inst. Rev. S. Gilbert aged 65 years.

In this town [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY] on the 27th ult. Miss Betsey Maria Peabody, aged 22 years.


Death of Robert Campbell. Esq.  We publish today the proceedings of the Bar of Cooperstown, on the occasion of the death or Robert Campbell, Esq. which occurred at his residence, in this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY] on Monday last, at the age of 66 years.

This is a merited compliment to the age and high standing of the deceased among his brethren of the profession.

Mr. C. through a long and successful professional career, justly sustained a character for learning and ability which few can hope to enjoy.  As a man, none possessed in a greater degree the good opinion and estimation of his fellow citizens.  His death will create a void in the bar, in the business relations of life, and in society generally, which we may look in vain to see so well, so long, so consistently and uniformly filled hereafter, but in few instances.

Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, July 25, 1849


In this village [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY], on the 30th ult., Miss Phebe Ann Ploss aged 22 years.

In this village on the 25th ult., Thomas Prentiss, aged 70 years.

The subject of this notice was born in Charlestown, Mass., in the year 1779, and when quite young removed to Boston.  From Boston he emigrated to this village [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY] about 45 years ago where he has since resided.  The country at that time was an almost unbroken wilderness west of Albany.  He generally enjoyed good health, but his last sickness was protracted to nearly four months.  He lived the allotted time of man and died regretted by a long list of personal friends and acquaintances.


In San Francisco, California, on the night of the 10th of May last, Albert B. Crafts aged about 35 years, formerly of Cherry Valley, Otsego County, N.Y.

The deceased had been subject for years to fits of apoplexy and it is supposed that he fell down in one of these and perished in the street, as he was found on the morning of the 11th, quite dead, between his lodgings and the City Hotel. The deceased came to this country as a private in company H of the 1st N.Y. Regiment.  He was honorably discharged at that end of the war, since which time he has worked a short time in the mines and was at the time of his death employed as an Inspector in the custom house of this port.  His remains were decently interred on the 12th inst. and were followed to the grave by a large number of his former companions in arms, who thus testified the sincerity of their esteem for one who was beloved and respected for his amiable disposition and goodness of heart.


The intelligence of the Death of Mrs. G.S. Boardman came too late for any comment yesterday.  And though we have been anticipated in much that we would wish to say respecting this excellent woman, we cannot refrain from a brief tribute.  There have been few persons of our acquaintance who possessed in an equal degree those attributes which deserve the highest respect of men and win in fullest measure the favor of God.  From our earliest childhood have we known and honored her, and our heart now looks back upon numberless acts of kindness to ourself with a mournful gratitude.  She was the daughter of the late respected George Brayton, of Western, the wife of the Rev. G.S. Boardman, a clergyman well known in this and other sections of the state, and the sister of Edward Brayton, Esq., of this city. She was known not only in her own family but among all her acquaintances, for gentleness, benevolence and piety.  She took her last illness while ministering to the wants of a dying stranger.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Vital Records, Otsego County, NY, May 1878

 Freeman's Journal, Cooperstown, NY, May 2, 1878


In Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY], on the morning of the 23d April by the Rev. L. Casier, Deacon A. Griggs of Springfield [Otsego Co. NY] and Miss lydia A. Dutton of the former place.


In Hartwick [Otsego Co. NY] on Christian Hill, April 20th, 1878, John S. Paine in the 80th year of his age.

In the town of Otsego [Otsego Co. NY], April 22d, Olive Rockwell aged 38 years.

In Butternuts [Otsego Co. NY], April 12th, 1878, Richard Cole aged 93 years.  Was born in Great Barrington, Mass., came to this town with his father, Capt. Wm. Cole, in 1799.

In New Lisbon [Otsego Co. NY], April 18, Joseph Addison [Peck] son of G. Clayton and Evalina R. Peck, aged 8 years and 6 months.  "The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away."

In Morris [Otsego Co. NY], April 22, Louisa [Olds] wife of Stephen Olds, aged 63 years.

Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, May 1, 1878


April 15:  In Morris [Otsego Co. NY], Electa Jane [Baulf] and daughter of Andrew J. Eldred, aged 28 years and 6 months.

April 27:  In Morris [Otsego Co. NY], Mr. Jonas Hoke, aged 71 years.  Funeral at the Baptist Church this Tuesday afternoon at 2:30.

Jonas Hoke, an aged citizen of this village died last Saturday.  Mr. Hoke has resided in this village quite a number of years, having removed here from the northern part of the county. He was an honest man and respected by his townsmen.  Poor in this world's goods, he had an abundance of treasure in the Messiah's city of eternal rest.

Oneonta Herald & Democrat, Oneonta, NY, May 17, 1878


At the home of the bride in West Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY], May 1, by Rev. T.A. Stevens, Charles A. Bartholemew and Mrs. Rogena E. Jones, all of West Oneonta.

At Richfield Springs [Otsego Co. NY], May 8, by Rev. J.V. Ferguson, Lewis M Warner, of Marion, Wayne County, [NY] and Amelia E. Allen of Richfield Springs.

At the residence of Charles Jones, May 15th, by Rev. H.H. Allen, Lewis Vrooman and Miss Ella Jones.


In Butternuts [Otsego Co. NY], May 10th, Emily [McCulloch] wife of A.G. McCulloch, aged about 37 years.

In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] May 15, Mrs. Catharine Yager relict of the late Michael Yager aged 52 years. Funeral today at 10 o'clock A.M.

In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY], May 15, George Bates.

In Mt. Vision [Otsego Co. NY], May 15, Mrs. Kenyon daughter of Lemuel Ackley and sister of Albert Ackley of Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY].

In Morris [Otsego Co. NY], May 12, Josiah Withey aged about 40 years.

In Harpersville [Delaware Co. NY], John B. Allen.

In Afton [Chenango Co. NY], May 8, wife of Judge Landers.

In Bainbridge [Chenango Co. NY], a daughter of Frank Eaton engineer on the A.&S.R.R. 

Ira Spaulding, proprietor of the Spaulding House, Norwich [Chenango Co. NY], died suddenly on the 8th.  He was one of the oldest and best-known hotel keepers in the Chenango Valley or Central New York.  Although a landlord for a quarter of a century or more, he was very temperate and exemplary in his habits, never indulging in alcoholic stimulants or using tobacco in any form.  He had recently cleared his bar, which for a number of years had been leased, of all intoxicating drinks, and it was his intention to quit the sale altogether.  Mr. Spaulding was born in this county in 1810.

The Watertown Times give the following sketch of the life of the late Rev. Dr. Matteson:  Dr. Matteson was born at Laurens, Otsego County, N.Y. in 1834.  He prepared for college at the Delaware Literary Institute at Franklin, N.Y. and entered Madison University at the age of 20, graduating from the college when he was 24, and from the Theological Seminary when 26.  He married about a month after graduating from the seminary, Miss Nellie Baker, of Hamilton, who survives him.  His first pastorate was at Watertown, where he remained four years; his second at Sing Sing, where he also remained four years; his third at Brattleboro, Vt., where he remained six years; his fourth at Troy, where he remained two years, and his fifth at Cortland.  The degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred upon him by his alma mater in 1874, and he was the financial secretary of the institution between one and two years after leaving Brattleboro and before going to Troy.  He came to Cortland January 3, 1878.  The funeral was attended from the Baptist church, in Cortland [Cortland Co. NY], Wednesday.  The remains of the late pastor were lying in state at the church for a few hours previous to the services where all who wished could view the placid countenance of a man whom the church and community had learned to love and respect as a man and noble expounder of God's words.