Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Vital Records, Delaware County, NY, 1822

 Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, March 6, 1822


In Tompkins [Delaware Co. NY], on the 20th ult. by B. Hathaway, Esq., Mr. James Compton to Miss Betsey Orr both of that town.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, March 13, 1822


On Thursday last, by the Rev. E.K. Maxwell, Mr. James Beats to Miss Eliza Yeomans, both of Delhi [Delaware Co. NY].

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, April 3, 1822


On the 25th ultimo, Christiana Gaulker aged 20 years, a native of Germany.  The distressing condition and suffering of this young woman and the awful result ought to be a solemn warning to all match makers and match breakers.  She was engaged to be married to a young man of Philadelphia, who for reasons best known to himself, communicated to her, a short time since, his intention of abandoning her.  On the receipt of this information, she became the child of sorrow and despair for ten days, when reason left its seat and she became an awfully distressed maniac, unceasingly calling on her lover "to come to her."  On the evening preceding her death, she ordered her "wedding garment" to be prepared, that she wished to be dressed in white and that she "was to be married at three o'clock." the precise hour of her departure to a world of spirits.  Balt. paper

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, May 1, 1822


In Delhi [Delaware Co. NY] on Thursday last, by the Rev. K. Maxwell. Mr. Alexander Morre to Miss Betsey W. Gibbon.


In Roxbury [Delaware Co. NY] on Thursday the 25th ult, Samuel Barlow aged 32 years.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, May 29, 1822


At Waterville [Oneida Co. NY] on Monday the 27th inst. by the Rev. J.P.F. Clark, Colonel Frederic P. Foote of Delhi [Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Laura Wainright daughter of Mr. David C. Wainright of the former place.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, June 5, 1822


In Vermont, Mr. William Double to Miss Ann Maria Singleton

A prudent maid to change her fate, / from solitary trouble / She wisely left the Single state / And turn'd unto the double

In Belfast, Maine, Mr. Horatio Gray, aged 19 to Miss Mariah Knowlton, aged 14.

At nineteen a person to be wholly gray, / Is a sight that but seldom is seen; / But Eliza Maddin, a Pencier may say, / Is turned wholly gray at fourteen.

In Preston [Chenango Co. NY], Mr. John Penny to Miss Isabella -?- both of Preston.

The lady thought upon a plan / To turn a penny - just to try it; / She laid her penny out on man / And got a handsome penny by it.

In Hollis, N.H. Mr. Stephen Wright to Miss -?- Patch.  

Worn out by a lingering courtship of thirteen years, he patched up himself and all was Wright.

In Danby, on the 2d inst. by the Rev. Dr. Berra, Mr. Alonzo Whitney, aged 14 years to Miss Fanny -?- aged 32.


Distressing Accident:  On Saturday last, two men were drowned in the Delaware river in the town of Walton [Delaware Co. NY].  Some six or eight men towards evening repaired to the river for the purpose of bathing when Ansel Treuby being unable to swim, accidently waded into a hole beyond his depth.  He gave the alarm and several attempted to rescue him, but whenever they approached him, he seized them with such violence as to endanger their lives.  Joseph Newbury who was sitting upon the bank with his clothes on, fearing that Treuby would drown, plunged in to his relief and never rose again.  It is supposed that Treuby in his struggles must have come in contact with Capt. N. with so much violence as to stun and drown him instantly.  The bodies were in the water rising of twenty minutes.  Every attempt at resuscitation totally failed.  Treuby was a blacksmith by trade, about 25 years of age and a man of vigorous and athletic appearance.  It is not known from what part of the county he came, but it is supposed he last worked at Smithfield, Madison County.  Capt. Newbury by this humane attempt to save the life of a fellow being, has been cut off in the vigor of manhood, leaving a wife and eight small children, to deplore his untimely fate.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, June 12, 1822


At Ithaca, Tompkins Co. [NY] on the 25th May, Luther G. Beers, aged 34 years, formerly of this County [Delaware Co. NY].

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, June 26, 1822


In Tompkins [Delaware Co. NY, on Thursday the -?- inst. by Benjamin Hathaway, Esq. Mr. Chas. -?-to Miss Mary Chamberlin, daughter of Mr. Calvin Chamberlin.

At Middletown [Orange Co. NY] on Monday the 24th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Waterbury, Mr. Daniel H. Jaquist of Roxbury [Delaware Co. NY], to Miss Mary Ann Berry of the former place.

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