Sunday, June 2, 2024

Vital Records, Otsego County, NY, May 1878

 Freeman's Journal, Cooperstown, NY, May 2, 1878


In Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY], on the morning of the 23d April by the Rev. L. Casier, Deacon A. Griggs of Springfield [Otsego Co. NY] and Miss lydia A. Dutton of the former place.


In Hartwick [Otsego Co. NY] on Christian Hill, April 20th, 1878, John S. Paine in the 80th year of his age.

In the town of Otsego [Otsego Co. NY], April 22d, Olive Rockwell aged 38 years.

In Butternuts [Otsego Co. NY], April 12th, 1878, Richard Cole aged 93 years.  Was born in Great Barrington, Mass., came to this town with his father, Capt. Wm. Cole, in 1799.

In New Lisbon [Otsego Co. NY], April 18, Joseph Addison [Peck] son of G. Clayton and Evalina R. Peck, aged 8 years and 6 months.  "The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away."

In Morris [Otsego Co. NY], April 22, Louisa [Olds] wife of Stephen Olds, aged 63 years.

Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, May 1, 1878


April 15:  In Morris [Otsego Co. NY], Electa Jane [Baulf] and daughter of Andrew J. Eldred, aged 28 years and 6 months.

April 27:  In Morris [Otsego Co. NY], Mr. Jonas Hoke, aged 71 years.  Funeral at the Baptist Church this Tuesday afternoon at 2:30.

Jonas Hoke, an aged citizen of this village died last Saturday.  Mr. Hoke has resided in this village quite a number of years, having removed here from the northern part of the county. He was an honest man and respected by his townsmen.  Poor in this world's goods, he had an abundance of treasure in the Messiah's city of eternal rest.

Oneonta Herald & Democrat, Oneonta, NY, May 17, 1878


At the home of the bride in West Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY], May 1, by Rev. T.A. Stevens, Charles A. Bartholemew and Mrs. Rogena E. Jones, all of West Oneonta.

At Richfield Springs [Otsego Co. NY], May 8, by Rev. J.V. Ferguson, Lewis M Warner, of Marion, Wayne County, [NY] and Amelia E. Allen of Richfield Springs.

At the residence of Charles Jones, May 15th, by Rev. H.H. Allen, Lewis Vrooman and Miss Ella Jones.


In Butternuts [Otsego Co. NY], May 10th, Emily [McCulloch] wife of A.G. McCulloch, aged about 37 years.

In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] May 15, Mrs. Catharine Yager relict of the late Michael Yager aged 52 years. Funeral today at 10 o'clock A.M.

In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY], May 15, George Bates.

In Mt. Vision [Otsego Co. NY], May 15, Mrs. Kenyon daughter of Lemuel Ackley and sister of Albert Ackley of Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY].

In Morris [Otsego Co. NY], May 12, Josiah Withey aged about 40 years.

In Harpersville [Delaware Co. NY], John B. Allen.

In Afton [Chenango Co. NY], May 8, wife of Judge Landers.

In Bainbridge [Chenango Co. NY], a daughter of Frank Eaton engineer on the A.&S.R.R. 

Ira Spaulding, proprietor of the Spaulding House, Norwich [Chenango Co. NY], died suddenly on the 8th.  He was one of the oldest and best-known hotel keepers in the Chenango Valley or Central New York.  Although a landlord for a quarter of a century or more, he was very temperate and exemplary in his habits, never indulging in alcoholic stimulants or using tobacco in any form.  He had recently cleared his bar, which for a number of years had been leased, of all intoxicating drinks, and it was his intention to quit the sale altogether.  Mr. Spaulding was born in this county in 1810.

The Watertown Times give the following sketch of the life of the late Rev. Dr. Matteson:  Dr. Matteson was born at Laurens, Otsego County, N.Y. in 1834.  He prepared for college at the Delaware Literary Institute at Franklin, N.Y. and entered Madison University at the age of 20, graduating from the college when he was 24, and from the Theological Seminary when 26.  He married about a month after graduating from the seminary, Miss Nellie Baker, of Hamilton, who survives him.  His first pastorate was at Watertown, where he remained four years; his second at Sing Sing, where he also remained four years; his third at Brattleboro, Vt., where he remained six years; his fourth at Troy, where he remained two years, and his fifth at Cortland.  The degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred upon him by his alma mater in 1874, and he was the financial secretary of the institution between one and two years after leaving Brattleboro and before going to Troy.  He came to Cortland January 3, 1878.  The funeral was attended from the Baptist church, in Cortland [Cortland Co. NY], Wednesday.  The remains of the late pastor were lying in state at the church for a few hours previous to the services where all who wished could view the placid countenance of a man whom the church and community had learned to love and respect as a man and noble expounder of God's words.

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