Saturday, June 22, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, May 1878

 Chenango Union, Norwich, NY, May 23, 1877


WALSWORTH - LADUE:  May 9th, by Rev. S. Scoville, Mr. Edwin J. Walsworth, of Norwich [Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Mary E. LaDue of North Norwich.

JACKSON - ROSBROOK:  May 16th, by Rev. S. Scoville, Mr. William Jackson of Clark's mills, Oneida Co. [NY], to Miss Hattie L. Rosbrook of Sherburne [Chenango Co. NY].

JOHNSON - SHIELDS:  May 16th, by Rev. S. Scoville, Mr. Thomas H. Johnson to Miss Mary M. Shields, all of Norwich [Chenango Co. NY].

THORP-HAWTHORNE:  May 18th, by Rev. S. Scoville, Mr. Floyd B. Thorp to Miss Jennie E. Hawthorne, all of Norwich [Chenango Co. NY].


GUINANE:  In This village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY], May 19th, Lovina [Guinane] daughter of Daniel Guinane, aged 23 years.

JONES:  In German [Chenango Co. NY], May 12th, 1878, Lucinda F. [Jones] wife of J.C. Jones aged 43 years, sister of V.C. and H. Emerson, of McDonough [Chenango Co. NY].

NEAL:  In Pitcher [Chenango Co. NY], May 16th, Mrs. Huldah Neal widow of William Neal, aged 52 years.

COOK:  In Otselic, April 30th, Mr. Loren Cook, in the 81st year of his age.  Deceased was one of the early settlers, having resided in that vicinity for upwards of sixty years.

KNIGHT:  At Columbus [Chenango Co. NY], May 10th, Irene [Knight] wife of Earl Knight, aged 65 years, 9 months and 16 days.

LANDERS:  In Afton [Chenango Co. NY], May 8th, Ann M. [Landers] wife of William Landers, aged 43 years.

ROUNDS:   In Guilford [Chenango Co. NY], May 13th, Ruth [Rounds] daughter of William and Rosailia Rounds, aged 14 years.

RUSSELL, In Honesdale, Pa., May 11th, Mr. Zenas Russell aged 71 years, formerly of Oxford [Chenango Co. NY].

BEARDSLEY:  Charles Beardsley died quite suddenly although he has been in feeble health quite a long time.  He had been to our village [Sherburne, Chenango Co. NY] within a week of the time he died.  His funeral occurs today.

NICOLLS:  Our Sabbath School, which dates back more than half a century, has been visited by death for the first time (among the children) in fifteen or twenty years.  Little Agnes Nicolls, one of our most faithful scholars has been smitten by diphtheria and laid away in her early grave.  This little girl has for the year past rarely been absent from her place in the school, walking more than a mile each Sabbath.  A lady said to her on her last appearance at the school, two weeks before her death: "I'm afraid you will get sick walking so far."  She answered, brightly smiling, "Oh, no, I'm never sick."  A brief, sharp struggle with the dread diphtheria, and she has gone to the land where the inhabitants know no sickness or death.  Three successive Thursdays one has been borne to the grave from the home where she died, and there are still other cases of diphtheria in the family.  Nineteen have died at East Guilford [Chenango Co. NY] from this disease.  It is especially fatal among children.

News Item

Mr. Editor, as we are approaching Decoration Day, I would like to call the attention of the Committee to a custom that is practiced in nearly all places where Decoration Day is observed - a custom of decorating the graves of Soldiers of the Rebellion, 1846, 1812 and the Revolution, all alike.  In visiting our cemetery a few days since, I copied the inscriptions on two headstones:  "Captain John Church, by his valor, contributed to the independence of America:  Well has he deserved this monument, Died, July 13th, 1824, in the 68th year of his age."  "Capt. Thomas Lyon, killed at the battle of Little York, April 1813, aged 51."

We cannot honor too highly the memory of such heroes. There are many others whose graves should not go unnoticed.  Let us distribute our decorations equally, if we have to make them smaller.  A Soldier of the Rebellion.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Vital Records, Delaware & Chenango Counties, NY, 1823 & 1876

 Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, April 30, 1823


In this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY], on Thursday the 24th inst. by the Rev. E.K. Maxwell, Mr. Robert Arbuckle to Miss Sally McGregor.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, May 28, 1823


In this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY], yesterday, after a short but severe illness, Mrs. Hannah Millard, consort of Mr. William Millard, in the 34th year of her age.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, June 11, 1823


In Tompkins [Delaware Co. NY], on Thursday the 1st inst. by Caleb Smith Esq., Capt. James J. Gally to Miss Abby Cannon.

In Roxbury [Delaware Co. NY], on Sunday the 11th ult. by J.E. Burhans, Esq., Mr. William Decker, Merchant, to Miss Jane More.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, July 23, 1823


After a long and painful sickness, on Thursday the 17th July inst. at her mothers in new Cannan, Columbia County [NY], where she had been for about four weeks, having left home in hopes to recover her health and to visit her relatives and friends, Mrs. Olivia Phelps, wife of B.B. Phelps, Esq. of Walton, in this County [Delaware Co. NY].  A funeral sermon was preached at her burial on Friday by the Rev. Mr. Clark, of the former place from Job XVIII, Chap. and part of the 15th verse, "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him."

The Home Sentinel, Afton, NY, April 8, 1876

News Item

 Mr. Elijah Hyde and wife were agreeably surprised on Thursday, the 30th ult. his 75th birthday, by the quiet assembling of his large family circle at the residence of Mr. G.W. Knight, where they are now living, and the presentation to Mr. H. of a silver headed cane.  Also, a pair of gold-bowed spectacles to his wife.  The affair was enlivened by music and feasting and was altogether very enjoyable.  W.E.H.

The Home Sentinel, Afton, NY, June 3, 1876


TERRY - SAUNDERS:  By L.S. Russell, Esq. at his residence in Sanford [Broome Co. NY], May 22d, Orrin W. Terry to Hattie K. Saunders, both of Colesville [Broome Co. NY].


Infant son [Skelly] of John and Sarah Skelly, on Sunday the 23th ult. aged 19 months.

Card of Thanks:  Mr. and Mrs. J. Skelly desire to tender their sincere and heartfelt thanks and prayer for Divine favor through our columns to their friends for their kind assistance rendered in the sickness and burial of their deceased child.


In Afton [Chenango Co. NY], May 29th inst., Daniel Bond aged 55 years, 4 months and 27 days.

He has gone to his rest, / His labor is done. / He now dwells with the blest / Through the father and Son.

A Sad Accident:  About 8 o'clock, last Monday, train 12 going east, struck and fatally injured Daniel Bond, a workman on this section of the road.  It seems the men were repairing the track about 2-1/2 miles of this place and as the train came near, they all stepped off the track.  Mr. Bond seeing some tool left behind reached for it just as the engine came up to them, when the cross beam or cylinder struck him on the side of the head, crushing the skull.  He lived probably 60 minutes and expired.  Dr. Hayes was summoned and was prompt to attend the call, but the poor man breathed only a few moments after he arrived.  He was about fifty-five years of age and leaves a family to mourn his loss.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Vital Records, Otsego County, NY, 1878, 1847, 1848

 Oneonta Herald & Democrat, Oneonta, NY, May 31, 1878


Mrs. Carrie Rose Cable formerly a teacher at the Union School, then Miss Rose, has recently died at Chicago.  Her remains were brought to Franklin [Delaware Co. NY].

On the morning of May 14th, I was hastily summoned to see Mrs. Hanson N. Gould on Oneonta, N.Y. [Otsego Co.].  I found her laboring under all the terrible symptoms of corrosive poison.  Although everything was done by myself, friends and kind neighbors, she succumbed to the destroyer in the short space of one week.  Mrs. Gould had been in feeble health for some years past.  Although able to attend to her household duties, she had frequent attacks of sickness, which seemed to depress the nervous system.  I saw her about two months ago.  She complained of headache, attacks of giddiness and mental confusion.  She often expressed herself as being weary of life.  All these symptoms strongly prove that the patient was laboring under temporary insanity.  No blame can be attached to anyone, as she took the poison herself, and gave no reason, other than that she wanted to die.  Thus died one with a large circle of friends.  Few subjects more deserve the careful study of the physician, than the disease which affect the intellectual functions.  If more time were allowed, I would like to explain the cause, symptoms and treatment of mental diseases.  With a clear understanding of the subject, we could have charity where we too often have censure.  E. McDougal, M.D.

Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, February 2, 1848


In Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY], on the 20th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Lent, Mr. Andrew Allison and Miss Mary Ann Rains.


In Worcester [Otsego Co. NY], on the 16th inst., Samuel Storrs, aged 20 years.

In Cleveland, Boone Co., Illinois, Jan. 1st, Addison [Spencer] son of Mr. Jabez I. Spencer, formerly of this town [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY], aged 16 years.

Death, always busy, has summoned another highly respectable citizen to his last account.  Maj. George T. Dalphin, expired at his residence in Pierstown [Otsego Co. NY], after a brief illness of a few days, on Friday the 14th.  The blow which no earthly arm could avert, falls with the keenest severity upon his afflicted family and a large circle of friends.  Major D. was a kind neighbor, a good citizen, and an intelligent and estimable man.  He was a member of the Odd Fellow's lodge in this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY], and was buried on Sunday, after an impressive Discourse by the Rev Mr. Harvey, with the solemn and appropriate ceremonies of that Order.  The funeral procession was very large, the various auxiliary Lodges in the County, being represented on the occasion.  Otsego Republican.

Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, February 9, 1848


At Westville [Franklin Co. NY], on the 30th ult., by the Rev. G.W. Gates, Mr. Isaac B.  Hand to Miss Sarah M. Jewell.

At Fly Creek [Otsego Co. NY], on the 2d inst., by the Rev. Mr. Campbell, Mr. Julius Elwell of this town [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY], to Miss Mandana C. Davidson of Otsego [Otsego Co. NY]


In Utica [Oneida Co. NY], at the residence of his son, Spencer Kellogg, on the 30th ult. Levi Kellogg, aged 89 years.

In Springfield [Otsego Co. NY], on the 23d ult. Capt. C.B. Vedder, aged 58 years.


Died in this village [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY] at the residence of her son-in-law, Prince Schoonhoven on the 27th ult.  Betty Brown aged 78 years.  For four years had this estimable woman with a holy resignation to the Divine will, suffered under the effects of a paralysis, when a more violent and fatal attack terminated at once her sufferings and her life.  She had been a worthy and exemplary member of the Presbyterian Church, and an humble and devoted follower of our Saviour for more than thirty years.  As a servant, she had ever been faithful; as a friend, generous and constant; as a parent, most affectionate; as a professor, consistent; and as a Christian, most sincere.  Her life was one of morality and integrity, christened by the benign influence of a divine religion, which not only gave assurance that she had a well-founded hope of a blessed immortality beyond the grave, but which admonished all:  "To lay not up in this vain earth / Their hopes, their joys, their treasures / Where sorrow clouds the pilgrim's path / And blights the promised pleasure"

By her many estimable qualities her kindness and humility, her patience under afflictions, her firm reliance on the promises of the Gospel, and her unshaken adherence to the revealed truths of religion, she had deservedly sustained an unblemished character; secured the respect and esteem of all who knew her, and died the death of the righteous, leaving the rich legacy of an example worthy of imitation by all.

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, September 18, 1847


In Syracuse [Onondaga Co. NY] on the 6th inst. Mary I. [Dewey], daughter of Solomon P. and Clarissa M. Dewey, formerly of this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY], aged 9 months and 14 days.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Vital Records, Otsego County, NY, May 1878

 Freeman's Journal, Cooperstown, NY, May 23, 1878


In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY], May 19th, Jane [McNelley] wife of James McNelley, aged 70 years.  She had been a resident of this village over 40 years; was a kind an exemplary wife and mother and was respected and esteemed by her many acquaintances.

At Fly Creek [Otsego Co. NY], May 20th, '78, IDA M. [Thompson] daughter of William and Eliza J. Thompson, aged 13 years, 6 mo. and 28 days.

At Toddsville [Otsego Co. NY], May 19th, Andrew Stickels, aged 84 years.

In Mt. Vision [Otsego Co. NY] May 15th, Mrs. Clara Kenyon aged 18 years, 2 months.

Mrs. Tiffany T. Kenyon died in this place [Mount Vision, Otsego Co. NY], on Wednesday of last week, aged 18 years. [Morris Chronicle, May 22, 1878]

In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY], May 16th, George [Bates] son of Justus D. Bates, aged about 24 years.

In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY], May 15th, Catharine [Yager] widow of the late Michael Yager, aged 52 years.

At South Worcester [Otsego Co. NY], May 14th, Josiah Ives in the 71st year of his a ge.

At South Worcester [Otsego Co. NY], May 14th, Curtis McConnel in the 17th year of his age.

Speaking of the death of Irving W. Grout at East Springfield [Otsego Co. NY], on the 10th, the Monitor says: "He was a young man of excellent habits, proud and sensitive and highly esteemed by all who knew him.  It will be remembered there was a malicious slander suit against him last winter, and death now ends the struggles of a wounded nature.  He was one of the most noble young men of Springfield."


At Natural bridge, Jefferson County, N.Y., May 13th, Eliza M. [Johnson] wife of Dr. P.E. Johnson, aged 65 years.

Mrs. J. was a native of Montgomery County [NY] but was brought up in this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY] in the family of the late Daniel Olendorf, under whose guidance she acquired those graces of character which adorn the young, and which in alter life make the lovely woman. Almost her whole life was spent in Cooperstown where she was highly esteemed and respected.

Mrs. Johnson, wife of Dr. Parley E. Johnson, formerly a resident of this village, died at her home in Natural Bridge, Jeff. Co. on the 13th inst.  The remains were brought here [Cooperstown] for burial.  Mrs. J. was a lady held in high esteem by her many friends in this village.

News Items

Hon. George A. Starkweather of this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY], was 84 years of age on Sunday last.  He is still in the enjoyment of very comfortable health, with mental powers unimpaired.

Mrs. Baldwin, an old lady who recently died at Fly Creek [Otsego Co. NY], had carefully laid by $9 of the bills of the old Otsego County Bank and $13 of the bills of the Bank of Cooperstown to meet her funeral expenses.  The time for redeeming the bills had long since expired, but it was one of those cases which doubtless received generous consideration at the counters of the First and Second National Banks.

Mrs. John Burns who lives about two miles from West Winfield in Otsego County [NY], had triplets, all girls on the 9th inst.  They weighed respectively 5-1/4, 5-1/2 and 5-3/6 lbs.  All are doing well. She had ten children before, but all were single.

Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, May 22, 1878


May 21:  At the house of the bride's father, by Rev. Dr. L.C. Queal, John E. Baily to Florence A. Shumway, all of Elmira [Chemung Co. NY].

Otsdawa, Otsego Co. NY:  A. Madison of West Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] and Miss Libbie Merithew of this village, were married Sunday morning of this week at West Laurens [Otsego Co. NY] Rev. Allen Haywood of the Christian Church officiating.


We learn that the widow of Egbert Porter a former resident of this town [New Lisbon, Otsego Co. NY], but who for quite a number of years has been living west, died at her western home a short time since.

Charles Beardsley a respected citizen of Pittsfield [Otsego Co. NY] died at his residence on Saturday, May 18th, in the 44th year of his age.  He leaves a wife and brother and many relatives and friends to mourn his loss.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, May 1878

 Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, May 18, 1878


McCULLOCH:  In Butternuts [Otsego Co. NY, Friday evening, May 16th, 1878, Emily [McCulloch] wife of A.G. McCulloch, aged about 37 years.

FOLLETT:  In King Settlement [Chenango Co. NY], May 13th, Samuel K. Follett aged 13 years, 9 months and 5 days.

The deceased was a very promising boy and precocious beyond his years and many fond hopes and anticipations were centered in him all of which have been dispelled by the rude hand of the reaper.  During his long and severe illness, which lasted for nine months, he bore his pain and suffering with manly fortitude until death gave him relief.  His funeral was attended at his father's house, E.W. White officiating.  The remains were taken to North Norwich cemetery for interment.


To the Memory of Minerva K. Snedeker, born December 25, 1842, died May 14, 1878, at Norwich, NY [Chenango Co. NY]

A Christmas Rose of aspect fair / Enlivened a whole household's air, / Yea was to all who neared her sight / An object of the heart's delight.

Alas! disease's canker worm / Preyed on that fine and graceful form. / She drooped, she faded and decayed, / Nothing the sad destruction stayed.

After long suffering and delay / Her spirit gently passed away, / But left a reminiscence here / Bedewed by love's and friendship's tear.

What our loss has been her gain; / She lives relieved from care and pain, / And we may hope or soon or late / To meet her in celestial state.

News Item

Unadilla Valley, Chenango Co. NY:  Diphtheria still continues its ravages.  Dr. Smith has had between thirty and forty cases.  Seven have proved fatal.  At East Guilford [Chenango Co. NY], nineteen have died.

Oxford Times, Oxford, NY, May 15, 1878


In Janesville Wis., April 21sat, Rev . Thomas J. Ruger, A.M. aged 77 years, formerly Rector of Christ church, Sherburne [Chenango Co. NY].

Chenango American, Greene, NY, May 16, 1878


In Smithville [Chenango Co. NY], May 8th, Mr. Jonas Wight, aged 70 years.

Mr. Wight was one of Chenango's most respectable farmers.  He resided for many years in McDonough and then purchased a farm in Smithville.  His funeral was attended by a large concourse of friends and neighbors on the 10th inst.  The services were conducted by Rev. D .Ballou of Utica, and his remains were buried at McDonough [Chenango Co. NY].

Sherburne News, Sherburne, NY, May 18, 1878


DAVIS:  In Utica [Oneida Co. NY], May 6th, 1878, John J. [Davis] eldest son of Mrs. Laura A. and the late James L. Davis aged 33 years 7 months and 27 days.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, May 1878

 Chenango Union, Norwich, NY, May 16, 1878


SCRANTON - BARBER:  At the M.E. parsonage in Pitcher [Chenango Co. NY], May 7th, by Rev. Mr. Williams, Mr. James Scranton of Pitcher to Miss Dell Barber of Lincklean [Chenango Co. NY].

MERRILL - KEYES:  In Oxford [Chenango Co. NY], May 7th, by Rev. H.P. Collin, Mr. Clarence C. Merrill of Oxford to Miss Althea M. Keyes, of Sandford, Broome county [NY].

Miss Ada Clark Willson of Watertown, who will be remembered by many of the young people of this village as having spent the winter of 1876 with her uncle's family, George A. Wilson, of this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY], is soon to marry Charles Blaisdell, of Lowell, Mass., who is appointed United States Consul to Italy, and will sail from New York by the Inman Line on the City of Chester, May 23d.  Mr. Blaisdell is a young man of rare intellectual attainments, having mastered eight languages.  May He who stilled the tempest guide their bark safely across the waters.


SNEDEKIR:  In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY], May 14th, Minerva [Snedekir] daughter of Silas and Mary Snedekir, aged 35 years.  Funeral services will be held at her father's residence on Court Street, Friday, at 3 P.M.

BROWN:  At the residence of his father, Dudley Brown, Esq., in Preston [Chenango Co. NY], on Monday morning, May 13th, from the effects of an epileptic shock, Mr. Edwin W. Brown aged 38 years.  Funeral services will be held at his father's residence on Thursday at 1 o'clock P.M.

HURLBURT:  In Afton [Chenango Co. NY], April 28th, May 4th and 5th, of diptheria, three children of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hurlburt.

BARTLE:  In Oxford [Chenango Co. NY], May 11th, Mrs. Polly Bartle, aged 81 years.

WILLCOX:  In Great Bend, Pa. May 8th, Mary [Willcox] wife of Eli Willcox, aged 73 years, formerly of Oxford [Chenango Co. NY].

Columbus, Chenango Co. NY:  Funeral services of Mrs. Knight, wife of Earl Knight, were held at the Universalist Church, Sunday, Rev. Mr. Ballou officiating.  Mrs. Knight had been in usual health, and had just finished house cleaning, without assistance, when she was taken sick, and lived but twenty-four hours.  She was an estimable lady, respected and beloved by all.


Funeral of Ira Spaulding

On Friday afternoon of last week, there was an unusually large attendance at the Spaulding House, the occasion being the funeral of its late proprietor, Ira Spaulding who died suddenly on the Wednesday morning previous.  Business places generally were closed during the services and businessmen, neighbors and friends from this and adjoining towns, thronged the spacious rooms of the hotel.  Choice flowers, with floral ornaments of exquisite designs, decorated the casket and parlors. The services were conducted by Rev. S Scoville, whose remarks upon the life and character of the deceased, as a good citizen and an upright man, met with a response from the hearts of his hearers, many of whom had known the deceased intimately for years past.  His remains were followed to the grave by a large number of people, in carriages and on foot, and the feeling of sorrow for his loss, and sympathy for surviving friends, was sincere and heartfelt.

News Item

Probably the most remarkable instance of great longevity in the town of Plymouth [Chenango Co. NY], is found in our own little burg.  Mrs. Heman Johnson, who is living with her daughters, was ninety-three years old the first of last month; is in the enjoyment of good health, and goes quietly about performing many household duties, for a person of her advanced age.

Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, May 15, 1878


BOYD - MORRILL:  At the Frazier House in this city [Elmira, Chemung Co. NY], by the Rev. Dr. Queal, May 6th, 1878, R.W. Boyd of Eddyville, Ia., to Miss Margaret A. Morrill, daughter of Stephen Morrill, of Jackson, Pa.  Elmira (N.Y.) Gazette

Judge of our surprise when we learned the above.  We supposed the Squire had gone to get a fortune for somebody else, due notice of which is given elsewhere, but lo and behold it was a fortune in  the shape of a wife he was after.  Well, "there's nothing like it," and the Advertiser send a slipper after the happy couple.  A letter from somebody who knows, says the wedding tour will take in Washington and that they will be in this place by the middle of next week at the farthest.  Eddyville (Is) Advertiser.


ELDRIDGE:  In North Pitcher [Chenango Co. NY], April 26th, 1878, Dwight [Eldridge], youngest son of G.S. and A.M. Eldridge, aged 5 years, 5 months and 21 days.

WIGHT:  Jonas Wight, an old resident of this town [Smithville, Chenango Co. NY], 70 year sof age, died the 8th inst.  He was buried in McDonough [Chenango Co. NY] Friday.  Services by Mr. Ballou of Utica.

Samuel Harrison met with an accident while in the funeral procession of Mr. Wight, as they started for McDonough, driving a young horse before a skeleton wagon.  The horse began to kick and run throwing Harrison out, and striking on a stone, he was taken up senseless. The horse was caught by some of the crowd.  Wagon demolished.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Vital Records, Delaware County, NY, January to March 1823

 Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, January 8, 1823


In Stamford [Delaware Co. NY] on Wednesday the 1st inst. by Elder William Cumming, Mr. Benney Bundy of this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Elizabeth Whitney of the former place.

In Fleming County, Ky, Mr. Joseph Glass to Miss Elizabeth Wire.

The mild warmth of love is thus able to render / the hard and the rough both brittle and tender; / and the flexible Wire, in one little hour, / Transformed into Glass by its magical power, / For all thus ever after he made to appear, / then illumined by virtue, transparent and clear. 


At Waterville [Oneida Co. NY] on the 24th ult. Joshua H. Brett, Esq. aged 71 years.

In Stamford [Delaware Co. NY], on Thursday the 2d inst. Miss Mary Lamb daughter of Patrick Lamb, Esq. aged 16 years.

In this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY], on the 2d inst., Mr. Samuel --rsted.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, January 15, 1823


At Waterville [Oneida Co. NY], on Friday the 3d inst. by A.D. Smyth, Esq. Mr. John Foote to Miss Mary Sturges.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, January 29, 1823


In Stamford [Delaware Co. NY], on Wednesday the 22d inst. by the Rev. Robert Forrest, Mr. Ira Hubble of Jefferson(?) Schoharie Co. [NY] to Miss Elizabeth Hait of the former place.

At Missouri, the Rev. Thomas Campbell to Miss Pembroke Paul.  He attended and delivered the funeral sermon on the death of his first wife in the morning and was married to his second wife in the evening of the same day.


In Kortright on Friday the 24th inst. very suddenly in a fit of the apoplexy, Mr. Benjamin Smith aged about 50 years.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, February 12, 1823


In Bainbridge [Chenango Co. NY], on Thursday the 30th ult.  by William Banks, Esq. Mr. Ira Hyde to Miss Sally Humphrey, daughter of Thomas Humphrey, Esq., all of that place.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, March 19, 1823


At Washington City, the Hon. Samuel Campbell, member of Congress from the County of Chenango, to Miss Maria Regina Queen, of Washington [DC].

At Washington City by the Rev. Mr. Matthews and the Rev. Mr. Lowrie, Charles Joseph DeBresson Secretary of the Legation of his most Christian Majesty to the United States, to Miss Catharine Livingston Thompson, eldest daughter of the Hon. Smith Thompson, Secretary of the Navy.


It is with much regret we learn that the honorable William W. Van Ness for many years a Judge of the Supreme Court of this State [NY], died at Charleston, S.C. on the 28th ult.  An intimacy of many years authorizes us to say that few persons with whom we have ever been acquainted, possessed genius and talents of a higher order than Mr. Van Ness.  His manners were amiable and prepossessing in a high degree, his temper was excellent, his disposition was frank and ingenuous, his eloquence bold and commanding as well as insinuating and persuasive and both at the bar and on the bench, he was distinguished for learning, integrity, impartiality, and independence.  Few men have been more esteemed and admired by their friends than Judge Van Ness and very few were ever more sincerely lamented that he will long be by those to whom he was endeared by the many estimable qualities by which his character was admired.  N.Y. Dai. Adv.