Monday, June 17, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, May 1878

 Chenango Union, Norwich, NY, May 16, 1878


SCRANTON - BARBER:  At the M.E. parsonage in Pitcher [Chenango Co. NY], May 7th, by Rev. Mr. Williams, Mr. James Scranton of Pitcher to Miss Dell Barber of Lincklean [Chenango Co. NY].

MERRILL - KEYES:  In Oxford [Chenango Co. NY], May 7th, by Rev. H.P. Collin, Mr. Clarence C. Merrill of Oxford to Miss Althea M. Keyes, of Sandford, Broome county [NY].

Miss Ada Clark Willson of Watertown, who will be remembered by many of the young people of this village as having spent the winter of 1876 with her uncle's family, George A. Wilson, of this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY], is soon to marry Charles Blaisdell, of Lowell, Mass., who is appointed United States Consul to Italy, and will sail from New York by the Inman Line on the City of Chester, May 23d.  Mr. Blaisdell is a young man of rare intellectual attainments, having mastered eight languages.  May He who stilled the tempest guide their bark safely across the waters.


SNEDEKIR:  In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY], May 14th, Minerva [Snedekir] daughter of Silas and Mary Snedekir, aged 35 years.  Funeral services will be held at her father's residence on Court Street, Friday, at 3 P.M.

BROWN:  At the residence of his father, Dudley Brown, Esq., in Preston [Chenango Co. NY], on Monday morning, May 13th, from the effects of an epileptic shock, Mr. Edwin W. Brown aged 38 years.  Funeral services will be held at his father's residence on Thursday at 1 o'clock P.M.

HURLBURT:  In Afton [Chenango Co. NY], April 28th, May 4th and 5th, of diptheria, three children of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hurlburt.

BARTLE:  In Oxford [Chenango Co. NY], May 11th, Mrs. Polly Bartle, aged 81 years.

WILLCOX:  In Great Bend, Pa. May 8th, Mary [Willcox] wife of Eli Willcox, aged 73 years, formerly of Oxford [Chenango Co. NY].

Columbus, Chenango Co. NY:  Funeral services of Mrs. Knight, wife of Earl Knight, were held at the Universalist Church, Sunday, Rev. Mr. Ballou officiating.  Mrs. Knight had been in usual health, and had just finished house cleaning, without assistance, when she was taken sick, and lived but twenty-four hours.  She was an estimable lady, respected and beloved by all.


Funeral of Ira Spaulding

On Friday afternoon of last week, there was an unusually large attendance at the Spaulding House, the occasion being the funeral of its late proprietor, Ira Spaulding who died suddenly on the Wednesday morning previous.  Business places generally were closed during the services and businessmen, neighbors and friends from this and adjoining towns, thronged the spacious rooms of the hotel.  Choice flowers, with floral ornaments of exquisite designs, decorated the casket and parlors. The services were conducted by Rev. S Scoville, whose remarks upon the life and character of the deceased, as a good citizen and an upright man, met with a response from the hearts of his hearers, many of whom had known the deceased intimately for years past.  His remains were followed to the grave by a large number of people, in carriages and on foot, and the feeling of sorrow for his loss, and sympathy for surviving friends, was sincere and heartfelt.

News Item

Probably the most remarkable instance of great longevity in the town of Plymouth [Chenango Co. NY], is found in our own little burg.  Mrs. Heman Johnson, who is living with her daughters, was ninety-three years old the first of last month; is in the enjoyment of good health, and goes quietly about performing many household duties, for a person of her advanced age.

Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, May 15, 1878


BOYD - MORRILL:  At the Frazier House in this city [Elmira, Chemung Co. NY], by the Rev. Dr. Queal, May 6th, 1878, R.W. Boyd of Eddyville, Ia., to Miss Margaret A. Morrill, daughter of Stephen Morrill, of Jackson, Pa.  Elmira (N.Y.) Gazette

Judge of our surprise when we learned the above.  We supposed the Squire had gone to get a fortune for somebody else, due notice of which is given elsewhere, but lo and behold it was a fortune in  the shape of a wife he was after.  Well, "there's nothing like it," and the Advertiser send a slipper after the happy couple.  A letter from somebody who knows, says the wedding tour will take in Washington and that they will be in this place by the middle of next week at the farthest.  Eddyville (Is) Advertiser.


ELDRIDGE:  In North Pitcher [Chenango Co. NY], April 26th, 1878, Dwight [Eldridge], youngest son of G.S. and A.M. Eldridge, aged 5 years, 5 months and 21 days.

WIGHT:  Jonas Wight, an old resident of this town [Smithville, Chenango Co. NY], 70 year sof age, died the 8th inst.  He was buried in McDonough [Chenango Co. NY] Friday.  Services by Mr. Ballou of Utica.

Samuel Harrison met with an accident while in the funeral procession of Mr. Wight, as they started for McDonough, driving a young horse before a skeleton wagon.  The horse began to kick and run throwing Harrison out, and striking on a stone, he was taken up senseless. The horse was caught by some of the crowd.  Wagon demolished.

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