Sunday, June 16, 2024

Vital Records, Delaware County, NY, January to March 1823

 Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, January 8, 1823


In Stamford [Delaware Co. NY] on Wednesday the 1st inst. by Elder William Cumming, Mr. Benney Bundy of this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Elizabeth Whitney of the former place.

In Fleming County, Ky, Mr. Joseph Glass to Miss Elizabeth Wire.

The mild warmth of love is thus able to render / the hard and the rough both brittle and tender; / and the flexible Wire, in one little hour, / Transformed into Glass by its magical power, / For all thus ever after he made to appear, / then illumined by virtue, transparent and clear. 


At Waterville [Oneida Co. NY] on the 24th ult. Joshua H. Brett, Esq. aged 71 years.

In Stamford [Delaware Co. NY], on Thursday the 2d inst. Miss Mary Lamb daughter of Patrick Lamb, Esq. aged 16 years.

In this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY], on the 2d inst., Mr. Samuel --rsted.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, January 15, 1823


At Waterville [Oneida Co. NY], on Friday the 3d inst. by A.D. Smyth, Esq. Mr. John Foote to Miss Mary Sturges.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, January 29, 1823


In Stamford [Delaware Co. NY], on Wednesday the 22d inst. by the Rev. Robert Forrest, Mr. Ira Hubble of Jefferson(?) Schoharie Co. [NY] to Miss Elizabeth Hait of the former place.

At Missouri, the Rev. Thomas Campbell to Miss Pembroke Paul.  He attended and delivered the funeral sermon on the death of his first wife in the morning and was married to his second wife in the evening of the same day.


In Kortright on Friday the 24th inst. very suddenly in a fit of the apoplexy, Mr. Benjamin Smith aged about 50 years.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, February 12, 1823


In Bainbridge [Chenango Co. NY], on Thursday the 30th ult.  by William Banks, Esq. Mr. Ira Hyde to Miss Sally Humphrey, daughter of Thomas Humphrey, Esq., all of that place.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, March 19, 1823


At Washington City, the Hon. Samuel Campbell, member of Congress from the County of Chenango, to Miss Maria Regina Queen, of Washington [DC].

At Washington City by the Rev. Mr. Matthews and the Rev. Mr. Lowrie, Charles Joseph DeBresson Secretary of the Legation of his most Christian Majesty to the United States, to Miss Catharine Livingston Thompson, eldest daughter of the Hon. Smith Thompson, Secretary of the Navy.


It is with much regret we learn that the honorable William W. Van Ness for many years a Judge of the Supreme Court of this State [NY], died at Charleston, S.C. on the 28th ult.  An intimacy of many years authorizes us to say that few persons with whom we have ever been acquainted, possessed genius and talents of a higher order than Mr. Van Ness.  His manners were amiable and prepossessing in a high degree, his temper was excellent, his disposition was frank and ingenuous, his eloquence bold and commanding as well as insinuating and persuasive and both at the bar and on the bench, he was distinguished for learning, integrity, impartiality, and independence.  Few men have been more esteemed and admired by their friends than Judge Van Ness and very few were ever more sincerely lamented that he will long be by those to whom he was endeared by the many estimable qualities by which his character was admired.  N.Y. Dai. Adv.

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