The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, September 8, 1813
One Cent Reward
Left my employ on the 28 inst. an indented apprentice, named Erastus Baldwin All persons are forbid harboring or trusting him on penalty of the law. D. Day. Cazenovia, September 3d, 1813
Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, December 1, 1869
A sad accident occurred in Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY] Nov. 20th. Miss Emeline Dunbar aged 21 years, who was living in the family of Soloman Billings, started with his horse and wagon to visit her mother. On reaching Collins Brook, the bridge was found to be so defective that she attempted to ford the stream, which was swollen by the recent rains. The water at the point where she attempted to cross was about 4-1/2 feet deep. It is supposed that the wagon was swept away by the rapid current and overturned, throwing her into the water. The horse was discovered soon after with the broken thills attached, which led to a search for the poor girl, but the body was not found until Sunday morning, when it was discovered about half a mile below the bridge, where it had floated and lodged.
Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, December 8, 1869
At Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY] November 27th by Rev. W. L. Thorpe, Rev. A.E. Daniels of Morris [Otsego co. NY] to Mrs. Eliza Howe of Cooperstown.
At Morris [Otsego Co. NY] Dec. 1st, by Rev. O.K. Crosby, William H. Morse of Pittsfield [Otsego Co. NY] to Ida Doolittle of Edmeston [Otsego Co. NY].
Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, December 15, 1869
At Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] December 5th, by Rev. R.W. Peebles, John Dewar to Miss Luna Bennett all of Oneonta.
November 20th by Rev. C.M. Livingston, Joseph E. Tobey to Miss Emma L. Cole.
Also, by the same, Alfred T. Wallin to Miss Ida M. Cole, daughter of Richard S. Cole, Esq. Morris, N.Y. [Otsego Co.].
At Otego [Otsego Co. NY] Dec. 7th, by Rev. C.E. Peake, Mr. Jared Burdict to Miss Helen Birdsall all of Otego.
In this village [Morris, Otsego Co. NY] Dec. 10th, Mary E. [Davos] oldest daughter of luther J. Davis, aged 13 years, 7 months.
Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, December 22, 1869
In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] Dec. 19th, Rhoda [Garlick] wife of D.W. Garlick. Her remains were taken to Norwich [Chenango Co. NY] for interment.
On Thursday the 2d inst. as Milton Taylor of Exeter [Otsego Co. NY] was felling trees, assisted by an Irishman by name John Conklin, in his employ, the Irishman, met with an accident that caused his death. Both stood on the same side of the tree chopping, Taylor reaching the center first. He told the Irishman that the tree would fall down the hill and to slip back by him, but instead of doing as told he started down the hill and was struck on the back and thigh by a limb of the falling tree. He lived only a few hours after the accident. Conklin came to this county a little over two years ago, and was a good, steady, moral young man and much respected in his neighborhood. Republican & Democrat.
Died on the 15th inst. at Mr. Geo. Benjamin's in this town [Morris, Otsego Co. NY], Martha L. [Carlton] wife of James L. Carlton of Bath, Steuben Co., N.Y. Mr. Carlton and wife were visiting in this vicinity, having one infant child with them. A disease which had been lurking in her system, was developed while here and resulted in death. The deceased was known her in her early days as M.L. Wellman. She married Thos. Gardner and after his death, married Mr. Carlton. Known but to be beloved, she leaves several children and stepchildren to mourn with Mr. Carlton and a large circle of friends her departure. The undersigned offered prayer and made some remarks appropriate to the occasion on Thursday eve at the house of Mr. Benjamin, where a company of the relatives and friends had assembled. Friday morning Mr. Carlton started with the dead body of his wife and his living infant for his home. May god be his comfort and prepare the stricken ones to bear this great bereavement. O.K. Crosby.
Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, December 29, 1869
At the residence of Thurlow Folts, in Morris [Otsego Co. NY], Dec. 1st by Rev. N.S. Rulison, Edwin Thresher to Hattie N. Folts all of Morris.
Dec. 16th at the residence of the bride's father, R.B. Hume, Esq. by Rev. S.I. McKee, Geo. O. Robinson to Miss Jennie E. Hume, all of Garrattsville [Otsego Co. NY].