Saturday, January 11, 2025

Vital Records, Madison (1813) & Otsego (1869) Counties, NY

 The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, September 8, 1813

One Cent Reward

Left my employ on the 28 inst. an indented apprentice, named Erastus Baldwin All persons are forbid harboring or trusting him on penalty of the law.  D. Day.  Cazenovia, September 3d, 1813

Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, December 1, 1869


A sad accident occurred in Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY] Nov. 20th.  Miss Emeline Dunbar aged 21 years, who was living in the family of Soloman Billings, started with his horse and wagon to visit her mother.  On reaching Collins Brook, the bridge was found to be so defective that she attempted to ford the stream, which was swollen by the recent rains.  The water at the point where she attempted to cross was about 4-1/2 feet deep.  It is supposed that the wagon was swept away by the rapid current and overturned, throwing her into the water.  The horse was discovered soon after with the broken thills attached, which led to a search for the poor girl, but the body was not found until Sunday morning, when it was discovered about half a mile below the bridge, where it had floated and lodged.

Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, December 8, 1869


At Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY] November 27th by Rev. W. L. Thorpe, Rev. A.E. Daniels of Morris [Otsego co. NY] to Mrs. Eliza Howe of Cooperstown.

At Morris [Otsego Co. NY] Dec. 1st, by Rev. O.K. Crosby, William H. Morse of Pittsfield [Otsego Co. NY] to Ida Doolittle of Edmeston [Otsego Co. NY].

Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, December 15, 1869


At Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] December 5th, by Rev. R.W. Peebles, John Dewar to Miss Luna Bennett all of Oneonta.

November 20th by Rev. C.M. Livingston, Joseph E. Tobey  to Miss Emma L. Cole.

Also, by the same, Alfred T. Wallin to Miss Ida M. Cole, daughter of Richard S. Cole, Esq. Morris, N.Y. [Otsego Co.].

At Otego [Otsego Co. NY] Dec. 7th, by Rev. C.E. Peake, Mr. Jared Burdict to Miss Helen Birdsall all of Otego.


In this village [Morris, Otsego Co. NY] Dec. 10th, Mary E. [Davos] oldest daughter of luther J. Davis, aged 13 years, 7 months.

Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, December 22, 1869


In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] Dec. 19th, Rhoda [Garlick] wife of D.W. Garlick.  Her remains were taken to Norwich [Chenango Co. NY] for interment.

On Thursday the 2d inst. as Milton Taylor of Exeter [Otsego Co. NY] was felling trees, assisted by an Irishman by name John Conklin, in his employ, the Irishman, met with an accident that caused his death.  Both stood on the same side of the tree chopping, Taylor reaching the center first.  He told the Irishman that the tree would fall down the hill and to slip back by him, but instead of doing as told he started down the hill and was struck on the back and thigh by a limb of the falling tree.  He lived only a few hours after the accident.  Conklin came to this county a little over two years ago, and was a good, steady, moral young man and much respected in his neighborhood.  Republican & Democrat.

Died on the 15th inst. at Mr. Geo. Benjamin's in this town [Morris, Otsego Co. NY], Martha L. [Carlton] wife of James L. Carlton of Bath, Steuben Co., N.Y.  Mr. Carlton and wife were visiting in this vicinity, having one infant child with them.  A disease which had been lurking in her system, was developed while here and resulted in death.  The deceased was known her in her early days as M.L. Wellman.  She married Thos. Gardner and after his death, married Mr. Carlton.  Known but to be beloved, she leaves several children and stepchildren to mourn with Mr. Carlton and a large circle of friends her departure. The undersigned offered prayer and made some remarks appropriate to the occasion on Thursday eve at the house of Mr. Benjamin, where a company of the relatives and friends had assembled.  Friday morning Mr. Carlton started with the dead body of his wife and his living infant for his home.  May god be his comfort and prepare the stricken ones to bear this great bereavement.  O.K. Crosby.

Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, December 29, 1869


At the residence of Thurlow Folts, in Morris [Otsego Co. NY], Dec. 1st by Rev. N.S. Rulison, Edwin Thresher to Hattie N. Folts all of Morris.

Dec. 16th at the residence of the bride's father, R.B. Hume, Esq. by Rev. S.I. McKee, Geo. O. Robinson to Miss Jennie E. Hume, all of Garrattsville [Otsego Co. NY].

Friday, January 10, 2025

Vital Records, Otsego County, NY, (1857)

 Oneonta Herald, Oneonta, NY, October 28, 1857


At Toddsville [Otsego Co. NY] on the 20th inst. by Rev. Daniel L. Pendell, Mr. Hiram Spaulding of Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Eliza Barlow of the former place.  Accompanying the above notice was a fee of one dollar.  We wish the parties a long and happy life.

In Otego [Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 6th, by Rev. Wm. Southworth, Mr. J. Rutson Thorp to Miss Celestia O. Bundy all of Otego, N.Y.

In Hartwick [Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 14th by Rev. L.C. Queal, Mr. Leverett P. Shute of Milford [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Mary Ann Brownell of Hartwick.


In this village [Oneonta, Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 24th, Sarah Elvina Huson daughter of David T Huson, aged 21 years, 6 months and 21 days.

In Cooperstown, Oct. 20th at the residence of her son E.S. Coffin, Hannah [Coffin] wife of the late J.P. Coffin, aged 66 years.

Oneonta Herald, Oneonta, NY, November 11, 1857


In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] at the Methodist Parsonage, Nov. 10th, by Rev. W.C. Queal, Mr. Henry Wickham of Oneonta to Miss Harriet M. Whitney of Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY].

At New Lisbon [Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 14th by Rev. H. Garlick, Mr. Robert S. Southworth to Miss Amanda M. Gaxlick both of New Lisbon.

In Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY] on the 1st inst., by Rev. Wm. H. Smith, Mr. Linas Seeley to Miss Ann Benedict both of Unadilla.

In Butternuts [Otsego Co. NY] on the 1st inst. by Rev. K. Shove, Mr. John Gilbert to Miss Amanda M. Norton both of Butternuts.


In Butternuts [Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 30th, Edwin [Cox] son of Wm. Cox, aged 9 years.

Oneonta Herald, Oneonta, NY, December 9, 1857

Remains of Dr. Hazen Found

The disappearance of an old gentleman of Maryland [Otsego Co. NY] (known as Dr. Hazen) was  mentioned in the Herald last Spring or Winter.  He attended election one year ago this fall; during that week he made his way down the road on the Schenevus creek and when last seen, he was about two miles below Sperryville on the south side of the creek at the foot of the hill known as South Hill, and in sight of a neighbor's whose house he had just before inquired for.  Although he did not go to that house and was not afterward seen, nothing was thought of his absence until quite a number of weeks, indeed, two or three months has elapsed before his disappearance was seriously thought of.  This thoughtlessness arose from the fact that he was in the habit of going from place to place in the town and even various other towns, and it was supposed he was at some of his various stopping places. 

When it was ascertained that he was not at any of his friends, search was made for him by individuals and parties without finding anything giving the least indication of his whereabouts.  Sometime last week a man chopping wood found a mitten accidently, and upon a little search, a pocketbook and a part of a cane was found, known as having belonged to Dr. Hazen.  The neighbors then began to search again for his remains, and on last Sunday they were found in the bed of a brook running down South Hill and emptying into the Schenevus.  They were in a direct line west from where he was last seen. 

On Monday a Coroner was called and his remains taken out of the ice (for they were frozen in the stream) and buried.  His flesh was nearly all decayed, but from scraps of clothing, &c., there is not the least doubt as to his identity.  His hat, India rubber shoes, and the other part of his cane have since been found in or near the stream above where his body was found.  Suspicions of foul play are indulged in by some, but it hardly seems possible, that there was inducements enough for taking life, even if anybody could be base enough to ill treat so feeble and inoffensive an old gentleman as he was.  The most he had about him was a brass watch and a few dollars in money, and further a wood road leads from near where he was last seen up the hill and finally crosses the stream in which he was found.  In his feeble state he might have mistaken the road and became bewildered and finally perished in this stream and during high water floated to the place where he was found.  The inquest will make further examination next week and we trust truth as far as possible will be ascertained.

Oneonta Herald, Oneonta, NY, December 16, 1857


At Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] Dec. 11th, of consumption, Maria [Wickham] second daughter of David S. Wickham, aged 33 years.

The death of this beloved friend will be deeply deplored, not only by her bereaved relatives but by an extensive circle of friends and acquaintances to whom she was endeared by the warmest of early friendship.  But a few days since she was with us.  But disease had marked her for his own, and she fell a victim to the destroyer, consumption.  But for her, death had no sting, the gloom of the grave had been dissipated by faith in the Son of Righteousness.


On Monday, Mary Alice [Cottrell] a little daughter of Wm. Cottrell, near this village [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY] aged four years and two months, accidentally fell headfirst into a barrel set in a spring, from which water was taken for family use.  The water in the barrel was about ten inches deep and it is supposed that she was attempting to reach the water and lost her balance.  When discovered life was extinct.  Delaware Gazette

Oneonta Herald, Oneonta, NY, December 23, 1857


A boy named Caleb Miller, 11 years old, while playing near the factory of Mr. Clinton in Hartwick [Otsego Co. NY] fell through the ice in the river.  He was not immediately missed and had been in the water half an hour before the body was found.  Coroner Edwards held an inquest, and a verdict was rendered in accordance with the above facts.

Oneonta Herald, Oneonta, NY, December 30, 1857


In Butternuts [Otsego Co. NY] on the 22d inst. by Elder John Cooke, Mr. Lucius Emmons of Otego [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Elizabeth Cornell.


In Hartwick Village [Otsego Co. NY] on the 23d inst. James S. Miles a resident of this village [Oneonta, Otsego Co. NY], aged 22 years.

In Gilbertsville [Otsego Co. NY] on Friday, the 18th inst. Mary E. [Babcock] daughter of W. Delos Babcock, aged 13(?) years, 3 months and 11 days.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY (1820 & 1836)

 Oxford Gazette, Oxford, NY, January 5, 1820


In this village [Oxford, Chenango Co. NY] on Sunday evening last, by the Rev. Leverett Bush, Capt. Otis J. Tracy to Miss Jane Hyde both of this village.

At Franklin [Delaware Co. NY] by the Rev. Mr. Knight, Peter Betts Esq. of Bainbridge, Chenango County [NY] to Mrs. Willis, widow of the last Doct. Willis, of the former place.  Delaware Gazette

Oxford Gazette, Oxford, NY, January 19, 1820


In Columbus [Chenango Co. NY] on Friday evening the 7th inst. Mr. Warren Hooper of German [Chenango Co. NY] to Mrs. Charity Andrus of the former place.

Oxford Gazette, Oxford, NY, January 26, 1820


At Albany [Albany Co. NY] Aaron Ward, Esq., District Attorney of Westchester County [NY] to Miss Mary L. Watson.


At Seneca, Ontario County [NY] Valentine Brother Esq. member of Assembly elect from Ontario County, aged 47.

Oxford Gazette, Oxford, NY, February 2, 1820


In this town [Oxford, Chenango Co. NY] on Tuesday the 25th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Bush, Mr. Allison Hopkins to Miss Polly Dickinson both of this town.

Oxford Gazette, Oxford, NY, February 9, 1820


Whereas my wife Nancy [Forest] has eloped from my bed and board without any just cause or provocation - This is to forbid all persons from harboring or trusting her on my account, as I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting after this date.  Luther Forest, Oxford, January 8, 1820.

Oxford Gazette, Oxford, NY, February 16, 1820


At Norwich [Chenango Co. NY] Mr. John F. Hubbard, Editor of the Norwich Journal to Miss Almyra Mead, daughter of Gen. Mead, of the former place.

Oxford Gazette, Oxford, NY, march 1, 1820


At Bainbridge [Chenango Co. NY] on the 15th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Ruggles, Capt. Reuben Kirby to Miss Patience Corbin.

Oxford Gazette, Oxford, NY, March 15, 1820


In Romulus [Seneca Co. NY] on the 9th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Young, Mr. Ebenezer Mack, editor of the American Journal, published in Ithaca [Tompkins Co. NY] to Miss Ellenor Dey , daughter of Peter Dey, Esq. of the former place.

Chenango Telegraph, Norwich, NY, November 9, 1836


On Tuesday evening, Nov. 1st, by the Rev. Mr. Sessions, Mr. John T. Holmes to Miss Clarissa H. Hale, all of this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY].

In Guilford [Chenango Co. NY] on the 24th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Bronson, Mr. James R. Wait to Miss Susan Morgan, all of that town.

Chenango Telegraph, Norwich, NY, December 7, 1836


At North Norwich [Chenango Co. NY] on the 4th inst. by Elder A. Parker, Mr. James H. Smith to Miss Elnora Hunt.

Chenango Telegraph, Norwich, NY, December 14, 1836


 In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY] on Thursday last, Loring Fenton aged 36 years.

Chenango Telegraph, Norwich, NY, December 21, 1836


In Sherburne [Chenango Co. NY] on the evening of the 7th instant, by the Rev. L.A. Barrows, Mr. Heman Lee to Miss Elizabeth Walling of that place.

Chenango Telegraph, Norwich, NY, December 28, 1836


At Elyria, Ohio, on the 8th inst. Frederick Byington, late of this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY], aged 32 years.  Mr. B. had been in poor health for about a year.  He left this place with his wife and only child in October with the view of spending the winter at Elyria.  He was a good citizen, an industrious, liberal minded man, and his loss will be sensibly felt in this community.

In Plymouth [Chenango Co. NY] on the 21st inst., Mrs. Annah Colwell, aged 96 years.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Vital Records, Otsego County, NY (1846)

 Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, May 20, 1846


In this village [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY] on the 7th inst.  Mr. George Van Dycke aged 28 years.


In this village [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co., NY] on the 17th inst. at the residence of her father-in-law, O. Judd, Esq., Mrs. Martha L. Judd, wife of Mr. John Judd and daughter of Capt. Darius H. Cary of Richfield [Otsego Co. NY] aged 23 years and 5 days.  Her complaint was consumption.  Though recently married, by the advice of friends, she went south last fall in the hope of mitigating, if not curing her disorder, and spent the last winter there.  The hope was fallacious, and she had barely strength left to return and die in the midst of her kindred.

If youth, virtue and intelligence could have arrested the shaft of the destroyer, she would have escaped, for she had all these with the kindest attention of husband and friends and the best medical advice superadded.

Her patience and fortitude during the whole course of her illness, were extraordinary, if not unexampled, and her meek and pious resignation at the hour of departure, beseeching those attending the last scene not to mourn her change is consoling to them and full of blessed promise.  Yet it is contrary to the nature of human benevolence to obey such an injunction, and her purity and excellence will be long and deeply felt and deplored by her dearest and most respectable acquaintance in this painful bereavement.


In Decator [Otsego Co. NY] on the 13th inst., Nahum T.  Brown youngest son of Mr. Jacob and Mrs. Martha Brown, aged 18 years.

Amiable, affectionate, possessing a strict moral character, and the idol of the family.  Loved and respected by all his friends and acquaintance.

His suff'ring pain and probation o'er, / And life's dull vanities attract no more / There all is tranquil from his anguish'd breast, / in long and full quiescence sinks to rest.

Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, June 3, 1846


At South Valley [Cattaraugus Co. NY], on the 28th ult. by the Rev. Ja's. H. Richards, Stephen A. Maynard M.D. to Miss Sarah Low, both of this town. [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY].

At Bentley Hollow on the 30th ult. by the same, Mr. Henry Hawkins of Albany [Albany Co. NY] to Miss Lucy Davis of the former place.


At Little Falls, Herkimer County [NY] on the 30th ult. Stephen W. Brown, Esq. formerly sheriff of the county, aged 49 years.  The death of Mr. B. is a subject of universal regret and of deep, heartfelt sorrow.  He was esteemed, respected and beloved by all who knew him for the many excellent qualities of his head and heart.

In Decatur [Otsego Co. NY] on the 29th ult. Mr. Harvey Boorn son of Gardner and Hulda Boorn, aged 46 years, who has left a wife and seven children to mourn the loss of a kind and affectionate father.

Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, June 10, 1846


In this village [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY] on the 31st ult. by Rev. James H. Carruth, Mr. Robert W. Foster of Lehman township, Luzerne Co. Pa., to Miss Catharine McGown of this village.


We learn from Burlington in this county [Otsego Co. NY] that the dead body of Mr. Jared Hubbard, of the firm of Walker and Hubbard, merchants, Burlington Flats, was found on Tuesday morning last lying upon the mill dam near his residence, partly covered by water.  Mr. H. had been engaged in his business until about 10 o'clock at night, when he left for his dwelling, to arrive at which he was obliged to cross a bridge.  From that time until the finding of the body, nothing is known of him.  On the Coroner's inquest it appeared that Mr.  H's hat was found on the bridge about 12 o'clock by the foreman in his tannery who had been late at work and was going to his residence at that hour, but not suspecting evil, no inquiry was made that night, and that groans were heard about 10 o'clock by boys who were fishing not far from the bridge, who supposed they proceeded from some person designing to frighten them and not from actual distress.  It is stated, too, that the hat bore marks of violence and contusions were found on the head.  A handspike was also found on the bridge; all forcing a conclusion that violence by some person unknown caused his death and that the body was thrown from the bridge.  The lungs gave evidence of suffocation.

Mr. H. was about 30 years of age, of correct habits and mild deportment and has left a wife and two children.  Freeman's Journal

Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, June 17, 1846


At Jamestown, Chautauqua Co. [NY] on the 9th inst. by Rev. A. Gray, Mr. S.E. Lefferts of White Pigeon, Michigan, to Miss Lorraine A. [Gillett] daughter of rev. E.J. Gillett, of the former place.

In Westford [Otsego Co. NY] on the 16th inst. by Rev. Mr. Wadsworth, Mr. Fernando Draper to Miss Lucy A. Preston all of that place.


In this village [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY] on the 6th inst. Miss Elizabeth Faulkner, daughter of Mr. Edgington Faulkner in the 21st year of her age.

Her decease has afflicted with poignant sorrow and distress the family of which she was a member and has elicited in their behalf the sincere sympathy and condolence of the community in which they reside.  Embalmed in the memory of her friends will be the recollection of her unaffected virtues, her amiable and exemplary deportment and kind and affectionate disposition.  Her endurance of the most intense physical anguish during her protracted and fatal illness, with meek and uncomplaining resignation, evinced not only fortitude, admirable and affecting, but indicated the possession of the higher and purer consolations of religion and faith of inappreciable value to the dying sufferer and replete with hope and comfort to her bereaved friends.

Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, June 24, 1846


In Brooklyn on Thursday the 18th inst.. by Rev. John Kennaday, D.D. of Wilmington, Del., Mr. John B. Brush of the firm of Bradner & Co. New York, to Miss Cornelia S. [Walker] daughter of the late Robert Walker, Esq.


In this town [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY] on the morning of the 22nd inst. Mr.  Henry Sutliff aged 68 years.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Vital Records, Otsego (1846 & 1878) & Chenango (1878) Counties, NY

 Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, April 22, 1846


At Springfield [Otsego Co. NY] on the 15th inst. by the Rev. S.W. Gates, Mr. J.L. Hardy to Miss Anna Maria Tracy all of Springfield.

At Westford [Otsego Co. NY], on the 15th inst. in St. Timothy's Church by the Rev. J. Ransom, Miss Caroline Amelia Gilbert, daughter of the Rev. S. Gilbert, to Mr. Geo. Edgar Foote of New York.


At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Botsford, in Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY] on the 4th inst., Mrs. Alice Scott, aged 57 years.

In this town [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY] on the 15th inst. at the residence of her father, Mr. Michael Snyder, Mrs. Sylvia Lansing wife of Mr. Peter Lansing of Sharon, Schoharie Co. [NY] aged 32 years and 26 days.

"She died.  But death could scarcely chill / Her smiling beauties, tho' she lay / With cold extended limbs, for still / Her face looked fairer than the day / Those eyes once eloquent with bliss / Were closed as soft as shutting flowers. / Oh! few could bear a sight like this / Yet such a sight was our's.

Yet why should death be linked with fear; / A single breath, a low drawn sigh, / Can break the ties that bind us here / And waft the spirit to the sky. / Such was her end.  A calm release, / No clingings to this mortal clod, / She closed her eyes, and stood in peace / Before a smiling God."

Freeman's Journal, Cooperstown, NY, November 28, 1878


In Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY] Nov. 20th, 1878, by Rev. S.P. Way, L.A. Cossaart to Miss Flora W. Lane all of Middlefield, N.Y.

In Springfield [Otsego Co. NY] on the 13th inst. by the Rev. L. Casler, William Van Horn of Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY] and Miss Luella L. Shuliz of Springfield.

In Seward [Schoharie Co. NY] Nov. 20th, at the residence of the bride's parents by Rev. W.H. Humphrey, Warren --llapaugh(?) and Ella MaGuire both of Seward.

At the home of the bride in Hartwick, N.Y. [Otsego Co.] Nov. 21st by Rev. A.B. Richardson, John T. Salisbury and Mary C. Beckley.

At the residence of the bride's parents, in Middlefield Center [Otsego Co. NY] Nov. 20th by the Rev. Walter Fry, Alfred P. Snyder of Miden, N.Y. to Jennie V. [Van Patten] only daughter of Abraham Van Patten.


In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY] on the 26th inst. Phebe B. Pomeroy aged 64 years.  Funeral from Christ Church Friday at 2 P.M.

In Springfield Center [Otsego Co. NY] Nov. 10, 1878, Josephine [Casler] wife of James L. Casler and daughter of Horace and Mary Ann Wood, in the 32d year of her age.

In Denver, Colorado, Nov. 16th Dr. C.T. Bush of Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] son of C.T. Bush of Maryland [Otsego Co. NY] aged 29 years.

In Marengo, Iowa, Nov. 16th, 1878, Perry J. House formerly of Hartwick, N.Y. [Otsego Co.], aged 22 years, 11 months and 21 days.  This sudden bereavement has come with crushing weight upon a father, mother, two sisters and a brother.  He was a true and affectionate son, a find and loving brother, and his death will be greatly mourned by a large circle of relatives and friends with many tears and deep regret.

Bainbridge Republican, Bainbridge, NY, October 24, 1878


Yaleville, Chenango Co. NY:  Early last Wednesday evening there was an unusually large amount of travel over the roads here, centered to the home of Mrs. E.M. Beadley, which is located one-fourth of a mile from the corners on the road to Guilford [Chenango Co. NY].  After the arrival of the several guests, about the hour of eight, an ominous hush prevailed and Miss Clara [Beadley] the only daughter of the hostess, now the center of attraction, gracefully centered the parlor and leaning on the arm of Mr. Lewis Woodruff who gave her away to Riol [Stead] the oldest son of James l. Stead of this place.  The marriage service was performed by the Rev. Mr. Wilson of Guilford. The congratulations which followed were hearty and multiplied.  Then came a feast abundant and delicious which would have done credit to a princess. The next morning the happy couple started on their bridal tour to visit friends of the bridegroom near Utica.  We wish them a happy life, and may their gray hairs be crowned with blessedness.


BRADSTREET:  In Bennettsville [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 11th, 1878, Mrs. Jennie A. Bradstreet aged 27 years.

In recording the death of our beloved friend, Mrs. Jennie A. Bradstreet, we desire to express our sympathy with the bereaved husband, two small children, and numerous other relatives, and bid a sorrowing farewell to one who was kindly and affectionate in her nature, honored and beloved by all who knew her.  She possessed many admirable and upright traits of character which we venerate, and the influence will remain with us as a legacy as long as life endures. She was a great sufferer for a number of months, but her courage kept up till the last and would often remark it was all that kept her alive.  But as time passed away, she was ready and willing to go and longed for the time to come when she would be at rest.  She talked with each member of the family about her departure and made every preparation for the coming event and selected a favorite hymn (Sweet Rest in Heaven) to be sung for the occasion. When worn out by disease, death kindly came to her relief and taking her from the empire of the living to the silent realm wherein she will sleep the quiet unbroken sleep of death.  No vicissitude of earth, no event of time will ever disturb her rest.  She belongs now to that vast realm whose monarch permits no sound, not even a whisper or a sigh to disturb the dead's repose.  Suns will rise and set generations will come and go, bringing hopes and fears, joy and sorrow, suffering and death to all who live and the millions yet to be, for these are the common lot and heritage of man.  Farewell dear friend till we meet again in a better land.  Careful hands and loving hearts will deck thy grave and keep thy monument whole and thy memory green.


Died in Guilford, N.Y. [Chenango Co.], Oct. 18, 1878, Mrs. Maria Merchant, widow of the late Niam Merchant, aged 77 years.

The death of this estimable lady deserves more than a passing notice.  Her parents moved from Danbury, Conn., to Guilford in 1800.  She was born in 1801, being the first child born in this place.  Her parents occupied the house where the hotel now stands so that her whole life was spent in sight of her birthplace.  She was intimately acquainted with all the affairs and events of interest in town and had lived to see nearly all the friends of her youth passed away.  She with her husband were among the first and earliest supporters of Christ's Church.  In her death the Church has lost a zealous and active worker, society a charitable friend, and her family a devoted Christian mother.  Although an invalid for months, she retained her faculties to the last. The loving care bestowed by her children attested well what she was to them.  Her funeral was attended from her late residence on Sunday last by her many friends and acquaintances and as she was gently laid to rest all felt to say, "That the end of the just is peace."

Monday, January 6, 2025

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY (1878)

 Sherburne News, Sherburne, NY, November 2, 1878


LEFEVRE - FLYNN:  In Hamilton [Madison Co. NY] Oct. 28, 1878, by Rev. Father -?-, Mr. Arthur LeFevre and Miss Maggie Flynn both of Sherburne [Chenango Co. NY].


DAVIDSON: In Sherburne [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 27th, 1878, Mary R. Davidson, aged 67 years, 6 months and 10 days.

RICHER:  In this village [Sherburne, Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 22d, 1878, Mrs. Sabrinna Richer aged 72 years, 11 months and 15 days.

KNAPP:  At the residence of her son, A.B. Knapp, in Oshkosh, Wis. Oct. 1, 1878, Mrs. Betsy Knapp wife of Daniel B. Knapp, formerly of Sherburne [Chenango Co. NY].

News Item

Family Reminiscences - Eightieth Birthday of Alfred Raymond

The eightieth birthday anniversary of our esteemed and venerable fellow townsman, Alfred Raymond, Esq. is a fact of local historic interest.  Mr. Raymond was born in this township [Sherburne, Chenango Co. NY] Nov. 4th, 1798, and consequently will be eighty years of age on Monday next.  In this connection it is noteworthy that he is now the oldest native-born resident of Sherburne, and the only one remaining of the direct descendants of the original settlers and proprietors of this town.  Alfred Raymond was the son of Newcomb Raymond, a Revolutionary soldier, who, with his two brothers, James Raymond and Abram Raymond were among the first settlers of this place, coming into this then wilderness about 1790, and locating on lands adjoining each other on the wet side of the river, the latter settling on the farm now owned by Mr. Gates Brooks, while Newcomb chose the place where William Lyman resides, and James selected what is now known as the Newton farm, formerly owned by Deacon Williams Avery.

The mother of the subject of this sketch was Mabel Gray, daughter of John Gray, who was also one of the first settlers, his farm including all that portion of the present village of Sherburne lying north of State Street and extended from the Quarter line to the river.  Mr. Gray was long a leading member of the then new settlement and it was mainly through his influence that the old Albany State Road, afterwards called the Cherry Valley Turnpike, was located on this route, and he superintended the building of it.  He was also active in promoting the prosperity and best interests of what is now the flourishing village of Sherburne.  He built the first dwelling in the place, it being a longhouse near what is now known as Upham's Corner, and in a frame addition thereto the first store and grocery business was established by the late Elias Babcock.

Newcomb Raymond will be remembered by many of the older citizens, he having deceased in 1852 at the age of 89 years.  His first wife, Mabel Gray Raymond, died in 1825 aged 59 years.  For his second wife, he married widow Lyman, the mother of Dr. E.S. Lyman of this place, who survived him but a few years.  Newcomb Raymond was a man of strong character and sterling worth, a strong defender of the Faith, as well as a brave and heroic soldier on the field of battle, a Puritan and a patriot.  The Raymond family is of Huguenot descent, having migrated from France soon after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes at the St. Bartholomew massacre.  It scarcely need be added that they are protestants in religion as they were patriots in the Revolution.

Mr. Alfred Raymond has always resided in Sherburne, having remained on the old homeset until within a recent period.  In April 1826, he married Sarah Gardiner, then an esteemed resident of this place and with whom he lived happily until her decease in February 1849.  During that period eleven children were born to them of whom eight, five sons and three daughters, still survive, Ruth, William and Angeline, the three eldest, and Lamont G., the youngest, residing at Springfield, Ohio; Marcus D. at Tarrytown on the Hudson, Hervey at Franklin, Pa.; Amelia N. at Clinton; and A. Gray Raymond, at Sherburne.  He was married again to Mrs. Nancy Purdy, widow of the late Stephen Purdy, with whom he is contently passing the evening of a well spent life.

Mr. Raymond's memory extends back to the days of the fathers and to that remote period when the early settlement which has since developed into the prosperous town and village of Sherburne was in the infancy of its growth and development.  Brought up in a Christian family he early joined the church of which he has been for over sixty years an honored and useful member.  Though somewhat an invalid, he is cheerful and happy in his old age, and soothed and sustained by an unfaltering trust in the God of his fathers, he looks calmly and hopefully forward to the end of his journey.

A large circle of kindred who are affectionately endeared to him and his many friends in the community where he has so long resided, unite in tendering him their congratulations upon his attaining his eightieth birthday and in the hope that abundant blessings may crown his remaining years.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Vital Records, Broome (1847) & Chenango (1878) Counties, NY

 Broome Republican, Binghamton, NY, December 1, 1847


At Lisle [Broome Co. NY] Oct. 19th, 1847, by the Rev. J.N. Lewis, Mr. Joseph Shaw of Chenango [Broome Co. NY] to Miss Jane A. Mitchell of Lisle.

In the town of Chenango [Broome Co. NY] Nov. 28th, by Rev. W.M. DeLong, Mr. Peleg Butts of Liberty, Pa., and Mrs. Judy Duel of the former place.

Broome Republican, Binghamton, NY, December 8, 1847


In this town [Binghamton, Broome Co. NY] on Sunday 28th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Hanagan, James Hussey of Smithport, Penn., and Miss Bridget Greenin of this town.


In this town [Binghamton, Broome Co. NY] on the 28th ult., Mrs. Mary Hasbrouck wife of Methusalem Hasbrouck, aged 61 years.

Broome Republican, Binghamton, NY, December 15, 1847


In Colesville [Broome Co. NY] on the 1st inst. by Rev. H.W. Gilbert, Morris R. Barteau, A.B. Principal of the Windsor Academy and Miss Julia S. [Osborn] daughter of Joseph Osborn, Esq. of Colesville.

Broome Republican, Binghamton, NY, December 22, 1847


At Chenango Forks, Broome Co. [NY] after an illness of 36 hours, Mrs. Abigail Comstock wife of Mr. John Comstock, aged 34 years and 6 months.

Oxford Times, Oxford, NY, October 23, 1878


SEYMOUR - YOUNG:  At the residence of the bride's parents in Triangle [Broome Co. NY], Oct. 16th, by Rev. D.T. Davies, Mr. John Seymour of Whitney's Point [Broome Co. NY], to Miss Kate Young.


SAUNDERS - ROBINSON:  In St. Paul's Church Oxford [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 16th, by Rev. Mr. Robinson, assisted by Rev. R.M. Duff, Mr. Robert Saunders to Miss Annie Robinson both of Jackson, Miss.

There was a fashionable gathering at St. Paul's Church on Tuesday morning, last week, The occasion being the marriage of Mr. Robert Saunders and Miss Annie M., daughter of Mr. J.W. Robinson, years ago a resident of our town.  All the parties reside at Jackson, Mississippi, and the nuptials were to have been celebrated in that place, but the prevalence of yellow fever necessitated a change in the order of arrangements.

The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. J.A. Robinson, of Cortland, an uncle of the bride, assisted by the Pastor, Rev. R.M. Duff.  The bride was richly dressed and is said to have been the fairest bride that has graced the altar of that church.  The groom was dressed in the customary black suit, and though a stranger, won the esteem and respect of all by his gentlemanly bearing, particularly of those who were fortunate enough to make his acquaintance.

After the ceremony, the bridal party returned to the St. James hotel, where a short reception was tendered and refreshments served.  A number of relatives of the bride residing in town were present, as well as many of our distinguished citizens.  Congratulations were tendered and the time happily spent.  At 12:01 the happy couple took the train for New York for an extensive bridal tour amid the best wishes of their many friends - new and old, who hope to greet them in our village again on some future occasion.


PECK:  In Cortland [Cortland Co. NY] Aug. 28th, Dr. Claton H. Peck, son of Rev. F.B. Peck, formerly of this village [Oxford, Chenango Co. NY] aged 28 years.


McNAIR:  In Magnolia, Miss. Oct. 13th, Mrs. Hannah Merrill McNair aged 51 years.

Died at her home in Magnolia, Miss., on the morning of the 13th inst., Mrs. HANNAH MCNAIR, the beloved wife of Gen. McNair, of that that place. She was born in the State of New York and had lived through her fiftieth year. For ten or a dozen years previous to her marriage with Gen. McNair, she resided in this city (Jackson) where she had many dear and true friends to whom the sad tidings of her death are deeply painful.

Mrs. McNair was a lady whose character was adorned by many rare and excellent virtues. To a mind highly cultivated, she added strength and energy of character; and these, combined with the gentleness of a true woman, and, with strict integrity of purpose, made her successful in her undertakings. She was a Christian of deep and unfeigned piety. For many years she was a member of the Presbyterian church, and a consistent follower of her Divine Lord. In every relation of life, the virtues of her religion shone forth in her daily walk. She was a most loving wife and mother, a kind neighbor, a most true and earnest friend. How hard to estimate the loss of such a Christian woman such a wife and mother, to the dear ones whom she has left behind! To them, in their sad bereavement, we tender our heartfelt sympathies. [The Weekly Clarion, Jackson, MS, October 23, 1878;, memorial #15183005]


CUNNINGHAM:  In Greene [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 13th, Chas. F.G. Cunningham

The funeral of Sir Knight C.F.G Cunningham took place Wednesday at Greene.  There were present about 125 Masons from Norwich, Oxford, Binghamton and surrounding towns.  Mr. Cunningham has had the consumption for several years, but has fought the disease to the last, while realizing that "his days were numbered."  During the summer he has been unable to attend to any considerable business connected with his store, but with an attendant has camped out. Finally realizing that the end was near at hand, he returned home and strange to say made arrangements for his own funeral.  He requested that he might be buried by the Fraternity, even dictating as to the pall bearers and the location of the grave in the family lot.  Before his death he requested his wife to prepare dresses for the occasion.  He passed away peacefully, and the community and Masonic Fraternity have lost a good citizen and brother.  Binghamton Leader


Mrs. Farrell a widow, aged 68, was found dead beside her bed in Binghamton [Broome Co. NY], Wednesday morning, with a terrible wound on the head and her neck broken.  Henry Lanquade, a worthless character and a son of Mrs. Farrell by his first husband, was arrested on suspicion.

Died in Guilford [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 18th, Mrs. Maria Merchant, widow of the late Niram R. Merchant, aged about 80 years. The deceased was the oldest woman in the place and has always resided here.  At the time of her birth, the village consisted of but one house beside that of her father.  She has been closely connected with the village and its inhabitants and always manifested a lively interest in the church, of which for many years she has been an active and devoted member.  Thus, has a Christian woman of good works been called home, a devoted mother has gone to her rest and those who are left will bear witness of her untiring kindness and love.  Her funeral was largely attended on Sunday, the services being conducted by Rev. Mr. Wilson of Christ Church.