Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, July 7, 1830
In Hudson [Columbia Co. NY], on Thursday morning the 24th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Stebbins, Mr. John Ray Downs, merchant of Havana, Tioga County [NY] to Miss Jane C. Butler.
In Kortright [Delaware Co. NY] on Thursday last, by the Rev. Mr. McAuley, Mr. John Peters of Stamford [Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Jane Blakley, daughter of Mr. William Blakley of the former place.
In Millordville, Otsego County [NY] on the 20th ult. by E.R. Ford, Esq. Me. Boyle V.B. Baldwin of Stamford, Delaware Co. [NY] to Miss Margaret Wolf of the former place.
In Masonville [Delaware Co. NY] on Wednesday the 30th ult by Elder Tucker of Deposit, Mr. Solomon Wheat of Franklin [Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Ruth M. [Griswold] daughter of Elder Simeon Griswold of the former place.
Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, August 4, 1830
At Northeast, Dutchess County [NY] on the 15th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Birtch, Mr. Ammi Phillips of Rhinebeck [Dutchess Co. NY] to Miss Jane Ann Caulkins of the former place.
In Walton [Delaware Co. NY] on the 25th ult. Mr. James H. Ferguson in the 24th year of his age.
Death by Lightning: On the evening of Sunday the 25th ult. John L. Ten Eick was found dead in a field near his house in Davenport in this county [Delaware Co. NY]. Circumstances leave no doubt but the deceased came to his death by lightning. The facts as we have heard them are briefly these: Late in the afternoon of that day, Mr. Ten Eick took his bridle in his hand and went into the field for the purpose of bringing a horse from the pasture. A heavy thunder shower occurred during his absence, and he not returning, his friends went in pursuit and found him as above stated, lying on his face, under a tree evidently shattered by lightning a few minutes before. The electric fluid had passed down the tree through the hat of Mt. T. leaving a small hole in the corner of the hat, and down his body to the ground, tearing the sole of one of his shoes in its passage. No external mark of violence was discoverable on his body. Mr. Ten Eick had been at different times supervisor of the town in which he resided and was highly respected and esteemed by his acquaintance. His sudden death in a source of sincere regret to his fellow citizens.
Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, August 11, 1830
At Middletown [Orange Co. NY], on the 24th ult. Mr. William Cockburn Dickson of said town, in the 29th year of his age.
At Kortright [Delaware Co. NY] on Monday the 26th ult. Mrs. Mary [Halsey] wife of Dr. Gaius Halsey, aged 35 years.
Few have departed the present life more sincerely lamented than the subject of this notice. Mrs. H. was endowed with a mind of more than ordinary powers which had been highly improved by reading and reflection. Her mild and amiable disposition and engaging manner conciliated to an extraordinary extent the esteem of all who knew her. In the various relations of life, as a wife, a mother, a neighbor and friend, she afforded abundant evidence of her affection and disinterestedness and exhibited to an eminent degree all those virtues which adorn the female character. During her short but severe illness, she manifested the greatest resignation and composure and even reproved the friends who attended her when they yielded to overpowering grief.
Notwithstanding the business of the season and the simultaneous occurrence of an ordination in the neighborhood, her remains were accompanied to the place of interment by a funeral assembly perhaps unparalleled in this part of the country for numbers and respectability. The Rev. William McAuley preached a serman from Ecclesiastes, 8th chap, 8th verse, in which he ably portrayed the character of the deceased and the inefficacy of her vigorous medical exertions which were made in her behalf. Also, the brevity and uncertainty of life, leaving the audience deeply impressed with the vanity and transitory nature of all earthly enjoyments.
Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, December 1, 1849
In Christ Church in this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY] on the 29th ult. by the Rev. S.H. Batin, Mr. Ivory Chamberlain to Miss Mary D. [Ingalls] daughter of S.M. Ingalls, Esq. both of Cooperstown.
At Pike Mills, Potter Co. Pa. on the 8th of October last, Joseph W. Sherman Esq. formerly of Worcester, Otsego County [NY] aged 33 years.
Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, December 22, 1849
Death of Judge Morehouse
The Hon. Eben B. Morehouse one of the justices of the Supreme Court of this State [NY] died at his residence near this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY] on Sunday last between 1 and 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
He had been engaged in holding a Circuit Court in this place from the 3d to Thursday the 13th instant, and had discharged his arduous, official duties with his usual ability and to all appearance, in full possession of his usual health. On the next Saturday night about 11 o'clock he was violently attacked with a fit of apoplexy which instantly and entirely prostrated him, and he remained insensible till his death as above stated. He was buried on Wednesday, surrounded by every manifestation of respect for his memory and the universal and deep regret with which this community part forever with one of its oldest and most prominent members, endeared to all by long association and his many and rare accomplishments and virtues.
We are not familiar with the early history of Judge Morehouse but believe that he has resided in this place for about 35 years. He has repeatedly been placed in highly important and responsible public stations, the duties of which he has discharged with great ability and in a highly satisfactory manner.
In his profession he was an able and successful advocate, a correct and prudent practitioner, and a sound, discriminating, reliable and honest legal counsellor. His superior mental powers aided by great experience and rare legal attainments eminently fitted him for usefulness in the discharge of his official duties as a Justice of the Supreme Court and the ability, promptness and courtesy which have characterized his administration of the duties of that office are conceded by all who have met him in that sphere.
He had a great taste for literary pursuits and general reading, and his mind was richly stored with every variety of useful knowledge and the literature of his language. His highly cultivated mind, united with his natural generosity, his truly Christian kindness and courtesy, his candor, sincerity and uprightness, his rare conversational powers and his cordial and unassuming address, won for him the love and respect of all classes of our citizens, and rendered him truly an ornament to the social circle and an invaluable member of the community in which he lived.
In thus announcing to the public the decease of Judge Morehouse, we are sensible that we but feebly express the gloom and sorrow which pervades this community and indeed the entire circle of his acquaintance when we say that by all, without distinction or exception, his sudden and unexpected death is deeply deplored.
Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, December 29, 1849
In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY] on the 24th instant, by the Rev. G.W. Gates, Mr. Jacob J. Quackenbush of Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Emily C. Dingman of Milford [Otsego Co. NY].
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