Sunday, August 24, 2014

Marriages (August 23)

Mr. and Mrs. D. Joslin, of Cabin Hill [Delaware Co., NY], announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Millicent Vivian Joslin, to Lloyd Thomas Johns, an honorably discharged veteran of the U.S. Marine Reserves, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johns, of Croton-on-the-Hudson.  Miss Joslin was graduated from Andes Central School and the School of Physical Education at Russell Sage College, Troy.  For the past year she has been director of girls' physical education at the Hancock Central School.  Her fiancé is an alumnus of Croton High School and prior to his enlistment in the U.S. Marines he attended Ithaca College of Physical Education. At the present time he is director of boys' physical education at Walton High School.  He has accepted a position in the Andes Central School for the coming year. They will be married in the early part of the summer.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, June 21, 1945]

Ida May, daughter of Mrs. Carrie Rowe of Oneonta [Otsego Co., NY], was married last Wednesday afternoon, May 15th, at four o'clock to Mr. Leland C. Yale also of this village.  The ceremony was performed at the Free Baptist church by the bride's pastor, Rev. Charles S. Pendleton, in the presence of a large concourse of relatives and invited guests.  The church was handsomely decorated for the occasion with palms and fragrant Easter lilies.  Miss Carrie Rowe, of Cooperstown, a sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, and L.H. Lincoln of Charlotte was best man.  The ushers were Dr. J.M. Shay, Horace Stanton and Clarence Kirby of Oneonta, and S.B. Hollenbeck of Bainbridge.  The wedding march was played by Miss McDermott and little Misses Ethel Edmunds and Helen Seybolt were flower girls.  The bride's dress was of white silk mull and she carried a bouquet of white roses.  The bridal veil was crowned by a wreath of white roses.  Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Jay Bouton, 14 Valleyview street.  Bride and groom left on the evening train for Albany, where they will sojourn for a few days.  Returning, Mr. and Mrs. Yale will reside at Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY], where the former has lately purchased a prosperous and well established drug store.  To bride and groom a wide circle of Oneonta friends extend congratulations.  The former is one of the town's most estimable young ladies, and the latter, who has for several years been employed in the pharmacy of A.D. Rose, is a worthy and popular young man whose friends will wish for him a life of prosperity and of continued happiness.  The presents were numerous, both ornamental and substantial as well as valuable-Oneonta Herald  The groom, who was born and reared in Bainbridge, is an estimable young man and he will be warmly welcomed with his wife to establish a home in our village.  They will reside in the W.B. Matterson house on West Main street and will take possession next week.  [1901]

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Toby and Mr. and Mrs. Abner Searles drove yesterday to Smyrna [Chenango Co., nY] to attend the wedding of Charles P. Knight, of Binghamton [Broome Co., NY], and Miss Minnie Briggs, of Smyrna, which event occurred at 1:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the bride's home in the village.  The wedding festivities were on a large scale, many guests being present who were served to refreshments by a caterer form Utica.  The groom, Mr. Knight is employed in the Western Union telegraph office in Binghamton, and is the son of Mrs. Eva Parsons Knight, of that city, and grandson of Nelson Parsons, a former well known citizen of Bainbridge, but now deceased [June19, 1901]


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