Oneonta Herald & Democrat, Oneonta, NY, January 3, 1879
In Sidney [Delaware Co. NY] Dec. 17 by Rev. J.W. Mevis, George A. Hall of Otego [Otsego Co. NY] and Ella Van Woert of the former place.
In Kortright [Delaware Co. NY] Dec. 25, by Rev. IP. Bayles, W.T. Heudrichson and Sarah E. Henderson, both of Meredith [Delaware Co. NY].
In Croton [Westchester Co. NY], Dec. 23, by Rev. Mr. Davis, Albert Squares and Mary E. Blanchard, both of Croton.
In Hamden [Delaware Co. NY] Dec. 21, by Rev. Mr. Robinson, Wm. Bell of Delhi [Delaware Co. NY] and Mary Jack of the former place.
In Delhi [Delaware Co. NY] Dec. 24, by Rev. Mr. McAllistere, Griffin Peaster and Ellen H. Bell, both of Delhi.
In Hancock [Delaware Co. NY], Dec. 25, by Rev. H.C. Leach, Chas. H. Griffis of Delhi [Delaware Co. NY] and Ada A. [Allison] of the former place.
In West Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY], Dec. 24, by Rev. T.A. Stevens, Orrin Barr of Oneonta and Annie M. Hanes of Davenport [Delaware Co. NY]
Also, Charles C. Hanes of Davenport [Delaware Co. NY] and Clarissa Walling of Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY].
In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] Dec. 18, by Rev. H. Brotherton, Aaron F. Enos and Laura R. Niles.
In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] Dec. 31, by Rev. H. Brotherton, Stephen R. Miller and Rhoda I. Fox.
In Franklin [Delaware Co. NY] Dec. 25, by Rev. F.C. morgan, Marcus J. Ford and Phebe A. Bedient, both of Gilbertsville [Otsego Co. NY].
At the home of the bride on Wednesday, Dec. 26th, by Rev. A.B. Richardson of Milford, David Colwell and Annie Fox both of Colliersville, N.Y. [Otsego Co. NY].
At the residence of George Shepherd, Otego [Otsego Co. NY], by Rev. B. Bundy, Aaron Shepherd and Miss Kate Kniskern both of Otego.
Invitations are out for the marriage of Charles Smith and Miss Lottie Bissell to occur at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Bissell, Tuesday evening, Jan. 7th.
In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY], January 1, Mrs. Fitch Parish.
In Hancock [Otsego Co. NY], Dec. 23, Martin Wheeler, aged 74 years.
In Meredith [Delaware Co. NY], Dec. 25, Aaron Bouton, aged 81(?) years.
In Hobart [Delaware Co. NY] Dec. 27, Mrs. C. Caroline Grant, aged 62 years.
In Roxbury [Delaware Co. NY], Dec. 25, Mrs. Sally Sherwood, aged 96 years.
A little son of Thomas McDonald, aged seven years, living about a mile and a half east of Middlefield Center [Otsego Co. NY] was kicked by a horse so severely that he died a few days since.
The widow of the late Hon. John F. Hubbard of Norwich [Chenango Co. NY] died on the 29th ult. She was a daughter of Gen. Thompson Mead, prominently connected with the early history of Chenango Co. Ex. Senator Hubbard is the only surviving member of this family.
Milford, Otsego Co. NY: Our village has again been visited by death. Our much-esteemed friend, Stephen Boorn after a few weeks' sickness, has been removed and gone to join his companion and children "over there." He was a member of the M.E. church, sustained the office of sexton, and by it had become well known and intimately related to our citizens. His funeral was largely attended at the church Saturday, Dec. 21st, the sermon being preached from a text of his own selection. He was a strong temperance man, a member of the Good Templars, and in view of his death the following resolutions were adopted by the lodge that: "Whereas our beloved Brother Boorn has been removed from our society by death, therefore, Resolved, That we bow submissively to the all wise providence of our Heavenly Father and in this loss to our number recognize an incentive to still greater diligence in seeking to fill his vacant place and help forward the cause that lay near his heart. Resolved that the lodge room be draped in mourning for thirty days and that we tender our condolence to his bereaved children.
Gilbertsville Otsego Co. NY: Mrs. Maurice Hoag of this village, died last Sunday afternoon. She was quite an old lady, and a member of the Presbyterian church. The funeral at the residence of her son-in-law, Henry Donaldson. [Lovina T. Millard Hoag, d. Dec. 29, 1878]
In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY], December 30, Aaron Brewer, aged 95 years.
Aaron Brewer, who died in this town Monday afternoon, at the residence of his son-in-law, William Hackett, was born in Cambridge, Washington, on October 23, 1783, and was consequently 95 years of age. With his parents, he came to this town when eight years old, and always lived near the present residence of Mr. Hackett, across the river. He was our oldest citizen, and during a busy life had formed many strong friendships. In Politics, Mr. Brewer was a Democrat, voting consistently and conscientiously. He had no ambition for office and never held any. To the last his mind remained clear and intelligent, and he dropped away as a man worn out. He leaves three children, Mrs. Hackett, Ransom Brewer of this town and Ira Brewer of Pennsylvania. His funeral was attended Wednesday forenoon, Rev. H. Brotherton officiating.
News Item
On the last day of the year just closed, it was our privilege to participate in a very pleasant though rare occasion.
At the residence of Rev. Allen Hayward in West Laurens [Otsego Co. NY], on the day before mentioned were gathered a small company of friends to celebrate the ninetieth anniversary of his aged mother's birthday. A few hours were spent in social intercourse during which time several pleasing and characteristic anecdotes were related, and many incidents and facts interesting to us all were rescued from oblivion. As we gathered about the sumptuously spread board to partake of the bounteous repast, we observed that five of the most aged ladies present were seated side by side, the aggregate of whose ages amounted to 400 years.
We afterward adjourned to another room to listen to the reading of communications from the four absent children, the oldest of whom is 72 years of age. One of the communications was from Canada, one from Minnesota, one from Michigan and one from Delaware. They were all of interest and all filled with love and gratitude to their aged parents, only regretting their inability to be present. Among them was a very appropriate and touching little poem written by one of the daughters and addressed to her mother.
Mrs. Hayward, though ninety years of age, is smart and able to get about and wait upon herself and remains to a wonderful degree the use of all her faculties. After a few remarks and prayer by Rev. T.A. Beebe the company broke up probably never more all to meet on earth again.
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