Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Vital Records, Otsego County, NY (1870)

 Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, February 9, 1870


 At the home of the bride, Tuesday evening, eight o'clock, Feb. 1, 1870, by Rev. Jno. Pilkinton, Mr. Jno. W. Brownell of Hartwick [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Maryett Chase of Pittsfield [Otsego Co. NY].

At the residence of Edson Wheeler, Justice, Jan. 30th, Dr. Wm. Jacox of Butternuts [Otsego Co. NY] to Mrs. Ann Harris of Morris [Otsego Co. NY].


Thursday morning, Feb. 3d, W.R.B. Wing was found dead in his bed, at the residence of his mother in this village [Morris, Otsego Co. NY].  Mr. Wing retired the night before at about 9 o'clock, in his usual health, and not appearing at breakfast, his sister on going to his room found him dead.  He was 42 years of age and had been in business in this village quite a number of years.  He had a good business talent and was considered one of the best druggists in the county, but his indiscretion ended his days in the prime of his manhood.

On Monday January 24th, three children of Michael Farley residing back in the country a few miles from Utica [Oneida Co. NY] were burned to death by carelessly playing with kerosene while their mother was absent from the house.  Their ages were respectively two, five and eleven years old.  One died in fifteen minutes after the accident, one in two hours and the other in three.  An infant in the cradle escaped unhurt.  The accident was caused by pouring kerosene from the can upon the stove, when a terrible explosion ensued.

Clark Stanton, who resided about one mile and a half from West Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] was found dead on the hill opposite his house, on Tuesday Feb. 1st.  He had gone on to the hill for the purpose of getting wood Monday afternoon and failing to appear at evening, a search was instituted, and his remains were found Tuesday morning.  He was a man of intemperate habits which it is said was the cause of his death.

Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, February 16, 1870


At the M.E. parsonage in Laurens [Otsego Co. NY] February 3d, by Rev. J.W. Mevis, Sheldon L. Getter of Masonville [Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Florilla A. Lent of Laurens.


At Harpersville [Broome Co. NY] February 2d, Anna [Marsh] formerly of Morris [Otsego Co. NY] aged 73 years.  The funeral was attended at Friends' meeting house in Morris, and sixty relatives were present.

On Friday, Feb. 4th, while Peter Thomas and George H. Ebbard, residents of Sherburne [Chenango Co. NY] were rabbit hunting near the residence of Sylvester Pike in North Norwich [Chenango Co. NY], the former was suddenly killed by one of those unfortunate accidents which sometimes occur.  It happened in this way:  Thomas, while passing through a cleared field adjoining the wood in which the two had been hunting, slipped upon some ice.  the gun hammer in the fall struck in such a manner as to cause both barrels to be discharged, their contents passing through his head, entering near the right eye and coming out at the back of the head, blowing portions of the skull some distance from where he was found.  His comrade hearing the report, supposed he had fired at his game. After waiting a few moments and not hearing any call, he went to where the shot was heard and found the unfortunate man lying upon his face still breathing but entirely unconscious.  A few hours later and he was dead.  Chenango Telegraph

Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, February 23, 1870


At Butternuts [Otsego Co. NY] Jan. 29th, at the residence of his grandfather, Hon. Wm. C. Bently, William Calvin [Leet], only child of Dr. N.Y. and Cornelia A. Leet, aged 11 years and 5 months.

"The light of our house has departed, / For he sleeps in quiet Brookside, / And tenderly a mother weeps / For him she never on earth can view; / But memory's garland blooms for him, / Loved schoolmates speak his name with pride, / And eyes that scarce before were dimmed / Wept when my darling Willie died."

Joseph Juliand, a prominent citizen of Greene [Chenango Co. NY] and well known in the county, died at his residence in that village Sunday morning last.  Mr. Juliand went to his room Saturday night at about eleven o'clock, and as his family supposed had retired as usual to rest. The next morning, however, the attention of his son in passing the door of his father's room was arrested and entering the room he found the deceased upon the floor in an unconscious state.  A physician was immediately called, but he was already beyond relief and survived only a few minutes after he was first found. When first discovered the lamp was burning in his room and the bed had not been disturbed, a part only of his clothing was removed and everything indicated that Mr. Juliand had been suddenly stricken down, probably with apoplexy. The decreased was 73 years of age.  Oxford Times, 16th.

A correspondent of the Rep & Dem. says:  Our late Co. Clerk and esteemed fellow citizen, Stephen Estes, Esq. is no more.  He died of consumption at his residence on the 9th inst., after a lingering illness.  Few men have occupied a public position that won the confidence of the people more fully and worthily.  He was devoted and energetic in business ; prompt where duty called; a man of ardent temperament, yet judicious; a strong friend; a patriotic and public spirited citizen; radical when a public evil was to be grappled with; yet conservative when a doubtful policy was proposed; prudent in judgment and counsel, and possessing those qualities that rendered him useful in all the relations and offices he was called to fill.  A man of noble sentiment and impulses has fallen.

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