Monday, February 3, 2025

Vital Records, Delaware (1830) & Otsego (1849) Counties, NY

 Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, June 23, 1930


In this village [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY] on the morning of the 17th inst. by the Rev. E.K. maxwell, Mr. Daniel Abel, merchant of Cincinnati, Ohio, to Miss Julia Goodman, daughter of Simeon Goodman, Esq. of the former place.

At the joyous wedding festival, the Editor is too often forgotten, though always called on to perform his part by announcing the happy event to the world.  On this occasion, However, an innovation has been made upon the established custom, and we have been presented not only with a liberal share of wedding cake, but also with a bottle wine.  We take this opportunity of acknowledging the favor and tendering our thanks to the donors with the assurance that they have our best wishes for many a year of uninterrupted happiness.

In Kortright [Delaware Co. NY] on the 21st inst. by Elder David Millard, Mr. Jerome Putnam to Miss Harriet Kiff both of that town.

News Item

Epitaphs:  Next to the famous epitaph on the tomb of Leonidas at Thermophylae, that to be seen over the grave of Push-ma-ta-ha, the Indian chief who died at Washington a few years ago is to our taste felicitously simple, characteristic and expressive.  That of Leonidas, "Stop Stranger! You tread on the ashes of a Hero!" was the fruit of a philosopher's study.  Poor Push-ma-ta-ha is simply the last words he ever spoke - "When I am gone, fire the big guns over me."  Had learning and genius been invoked to the task, we question if they could have acquitted themselves so happily.  Richmond Whig.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, June 30, 1830


At his residence in the village of Unadilla, Otsego County [NY] on the 26th of June instant, Roswell Wright, Esq. aged 44 years.  Mr. W. has been a long time afflicted with illness but has continued to be an active and prosperous man of business until a late period.  He was a most worthy citizen and highly esteemed through an extensive circle of acquaintance.  His death is indeed a loss to the community he belonged to and an afflicting bereavement to an interesting family.


Whereas my wife Roxy [Skinner] has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation; this is to forbid all persons trusting her, as I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date.  Anson Skinner Franklin [Delaware Co. NY] June 9, 1830.

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, November 3, 1849


In Clarksville [Otsego Co. NY] on the 21st ult, by Rev. H.A. Smith, Mr. Theodore Slauson of Clarksville to Miss Anna V. Parshall of Flint, Mich.

In Springfield [Otsego Co. NY] on the 21st ult. by John W. Brandow, Esq. Mr. David Doolittle Jr. of Springfield to Miss Eliza Taylor of Warren, Herkimer County [NY].

In Clarksville [Otsego Co. NY], on the 14th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Picksly, Mr. Julius P. Thayer of Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Tacy Bates of Waterville [Oneida Co. NY].


In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY] on the 29th ult. Catharine [Peck], daughter of Mr. Daniel Peck, aged 19 years.

In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY] on the evening of the 31st ult.  Mr. William H. Smith aged 19 years.  Our young friend was cut down in the midst of his years, and of the hopes of those who loved him.  His character for steadiness and candor, combined with his strictly religious habits, gave an earnest to all who knew him of a life of usefulness.  He gave much time to the improvement of his own mind and the interest he took in the religious education of those younger than himself formed a worthy example for the imitation of very many of more years than he numbered.   His uniformly devoted life, as well as his truly peaceful death, warrant us in the conclusion that our loss is his endless gain.  We hope the language of this Providence will prove an effectual warning to the living and especially to those of his years to prepare to meet their God. Then his early departure from the scenes of earth and sorrows which attend bereavement will not have been in vain.  

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, November 10, 1849


In Christ Church in this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY] on the 7th inst. by the Rev. S.H. Ballin, Mr. W. A. Comstock to Miss Lousia Bourne all of this village.

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, November 17, 1849


In Milford [Otsego Co. NY] on the 4th inst. by the Rev. J .T .Wright, Mr. David Petrie to Maria Van Slyke both of Hopeville.

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, November 24, 1849


In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY], on the 18th instant by the Rev. G.W. Gates Mr. John C.  Hunter to Miss Harriet Wickham, both of Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY].


In Pierstown [Otsego Co. NY] on the 21st instant, Ann Adelaide [Warren] daughter of Russell and Jane Warren, aged 8 years and 16 days.  During the last hours of her illness which were extremely painful, she displayed unusual brilliancy of mind and affection to the family who mourn her loss, and it is believed that:

She died before her priceless soul / Had burnt with wrong desires / Had ever spurned at Heaven's control, / Or ever quenched its sacred fires.

She died to sin; she died to care; / Bur for a moment felt the rod; / Then, rising on the viewless air, / Spread her light wings and soared to God.

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