Saturday, September 13, 2014

Marriages (September 13)

The Rev. Harry Everett Brooks and Mrs. Brooks, of Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY], have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Ruth M. Kelle Brooks, to Lieut. Edward Dexter Chapin, A.U.S., son of Mrs. Harold Walcott Chapin and the late Harold Walcott Chapin, of Roland Park, Baltimore, Md., and Dorset, Vt.  Miss Brooks is a graduate of Wyoming Seminary and attended Goucher College for Women, Baltimore and Syracuse University.  She is now with International Business Machines Corporation in their Endicott Personnel Dept.  Her fiancé is a graduate of Gilman School and Princeton University, where he is a member of the Colonial Club.  He also is a member of the Princeton Club of New York City.  Lieut. Chapin has been stationed at Fort Jackson, S.C., since his return from overseas, where he served with the 791st Field Artillery Battalion.  The wedding will occur on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 15, at 4 o'clock in Christ Methodist church, Park avenue and 60th street, New York, the father of the bride, the Rev. Mr. Brooks officiating.  All parishioners of the local Methodist Church and friends of the parsonage family are cordially invited to the function.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, Dec. 6, 1945]

Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Thompson announce the marriage of their daughter, Mabel E., to Harold L. Payne, of Bainbridge, N.Y., July 10, 1917, at Towanda, Pa., by the Rev. John S. Stewar, D.D.  Mrs. Payne  has been preceptress in the Bainbridge High School for the past four years and is a very attractive young lady.  Mr. Payne has been clerk in the Bainbridge Post Office for many years and is one of the best young men in the village.  Upon their return to Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY] they will occupy a house on Evans street already furnished and prepared for them.   [Bainbridge News & Republican, Apr. 16, 1942]

Miss Wahneta McCully, daughter of Mrs. Jennie McCully, was united in marriage to Edson Presley, of Windsor [Broome Co. NY], at the Baptist parsonage, Endicott, Apr. 3.  Mrs. Presley is a teacher at Barbourville [Delaware Co., NY] and Mr. Presley is employed at the Scintilla.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, Apr. 16, 1942]

Miss Bernice Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George cook, was united in marriage to Paul Robek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Robek, in the St. Joseph's Church in Endicott, at 10 o'clock Saturday morning, Apr. 11.  Their attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tyler, of Rochester, brother-in-law and sister of the bridegroom.  A wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bridegroom's parents, to the immediate relatives of both families.  They will reside at 11 Pearl street, Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY].  Mrs. Robek is employed at the Scintilla and Mr. Robek at the American Separator.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, Apr. 16, 1942]

Saturday evening, April 11, at 9:35 o'clock occurred the marriage of Pauline Page, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Page, to John Merrill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Merrill, all of Guilford [Chenango Co., NY].  The ceremony took place at the bride's home in the presence of immediate relatives and friends, the Rev. Charles J. Dempsey officiating.  The attending couple were Miss Doris Merrill, of Guilford, and Ralph Morley, Jr., of Tunnel.  Mrs. Merrill is one of the popular Guilford young ladies, active in school affairs until her marriage.  Congratulations are extended to them.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, Apr. 23, 1942]

The Rev. and Mrs. J.W. Bump celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary on Friday, April 24.  They enjoyed a motor trip stopping in Oneonta for dinner.  From there they went to Franklin, where they called on Dr. E.. Winnans.  This Dr. Winnas was the attending physician when Mr. Bump was born in Guilford [Chenango Co., NY].  Although he is now 91 years of age, he was fully able to fill out papers to that effect, thus making it possible for Mr. Bump to make application for a birth certificate.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, Apr. 30, 1942]

Wilma [-?-]owel, of Afton [Chenango Co., NY], and Burton Banks, of Bainbridge, were married recently at Norwich at the Methodist church.  The wedding party returned to the Afton Inn for their wedding reception.  Those present were Dave Daly, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Daly, Edward McMahon and Joseph Barr.  The bride wore a pink suit with blue accessories, and a corsage of Talisman's roses and blue sweet peas.  The wedding cake was a three tier cake of pink and white decorations.  Mr. Banks expects to enter the Army Apr. 23.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, Apr. 23, 1942]

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