Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, June 11, 1828
On Monday the 9th inst. Mr. David Blakeley of Kortright [Delaware Co. NY] was chopping timber in the woods in company with another man. They felled one tree and lodged it on another and in cutting the other down, the first mentioned tree rolled from its stump and falling, struck Mr. Blakely on the head and nearly severed it in two. One leg and thigh were also shockingly mangled. It is unnecessary to state that he survived not a moment. He was about 46 years of age and has left a wife and large family to mourn his sudden and untimely exit.
Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, July 2, 1828
At Masonville [Delaware Co. NY] on the 8th ult. by Elder Griswold, Mr. John Jones of Sidney [Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Lucy Robins of the former place.
On the 15th ult. Mr. Rufus Thompson to Miss Emeline Wells.
On the 22d ult. Mr. John Gould to Miss Emeline Robins.
Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, August 6, 1828
In this village [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY] on the 1st inst. Hon. Charles A. Foote in the 43d year of his age. Up to the time of his being attacked by the wasting malady which terminated fatally, he filled various employments with credit and usefulness. Those who knew him either in public or private life will bear testimony to the disinterested and honorable feelings and the amiable and benevolent dispositions of his heart. His departure is the cause of deep sorrow to his family and friends and of regret generally.
Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, August 27, 1828
In Walton [Delaware Co. NY] on the 20th inst. by the Rev. Isaac Headley, the Rev. Robert Brown of Stockbridge, Mass. to Miss Eliza [Headley] daughter of the Rev. Isaac Headley of the former place.
In this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY] on the 14th inst. at his residence two miles from this village. Hon. Gideon Frisbee in the 71st year of his age. He came to this county about forty years ago and settled upon the same farm on which he resided till the time of his death. It was then in the county of Montgomery, afterwards in the county of Otsego and in 1797 in the county of Delaware. Judge Frisbee, in the early settlements of the country, was distinguished among his fellow citizens as Captain in the militia, Justice of the Peace and the highest offices in the gift of the town. Not many years after the erection of Delaware County, he was appointed county Treasurer and about the same time a judge of the Common Pleas. Both of these offices he held with fidelity, honor and usefulness till within a few years of his death, he resigned them, alleging as a reason that he felt a decay of his physical and mental powers, and ought not to hold them longer. He acquired a handsome property by honest industry and was one of the most useful members of society this country ever knew. The vast concourse of people who attended his funeral; the fervent appeal to the throne of grace by the Rev. Mr. Mabie; the feeling address of the Rev. Mr. Maxwell, and the silent and solemn aspect of all who surrounded the hearse, conspired to evince the high estimation in which he was held by his fellow citizens. Pall bearers: Mr. Crane, Judge Law, Gen. Root, Hon. S. Sherwood.
Suddenly, in Bovina on the 14th inst. Mrs. Jannet Thompson in the 43rd year of her age, wife of Mr. David Thompson and daughter of Mr. Robert Hurme(?), Sen'r. A woman distinguished for Christian deportment and for domestic virtues. As evidence of her estimation among her friends and neighbors, notwithstanding the busy season of the year, her remains were conveyed to their long home by one of the largest funeral assemblies we have witnessed in these parts.
Died, on the 5th inst. at his late residence in the Michigan Territory, William Kedzie Esq in the 48th year of his age, formerly an inhabitant of this county [Delaware Co. NY].
Mr. Kedzie had removed with his family a few years since from this county and settled in the Michigan under the most flattering of circumstances. Possessed of a strong constitution, vigorous intellect, and great moral worth, he was calculated to improve the country and exert a benign and happy influence on the state of society whither he had gone. God had prospered him in the labors of his hands, and the wilderness began to bloom around him. His pious and benevolent exertions in behalf of the moral improvement of his fellow men, were crowned with success, for it was evident that the spirit of the Lord was there! But in the midst of his days, his usefulness, and his prospects, the stern hand of Death arrested him, and he was removed to a better country, a land of perfect peace and pure enjoyment. His beloved family has experienced an irreparable loss, a loving and faithful husband, a tender and affectionate parent; the Church of Christ has lost an active and efficient member and civil society has been bereft of one of its best and brightest ornaments. The intelligence of his sudden and unexpected death has cast a gloom over many a family in this county. It has pierced many a tender and feeling heart. The friends and relatives of the deceased are numerous and while they feel their own loss, they cheerfully extend their prayers and their sympathies to the afflicted and mourning widow and children, who are dwelling in the land of strangers, toward the going down of the sun. And while by this providence they are again reminded of the shortness and uncertainty of human life, they would not forget the voice which addresses them far from the west, and from the book of God: "Be still and know that I am God," "Blessed are the dead that died in the Lord, yea, saith the spirit, for they rest from their labors and their works do follow them."
Democratic Union, Oneida, NY, June 20, 1872
DOWNER - CUMING: In Chittenango [Madison Co. NY], June 9th, by Rev. J.B. Longstreet, Mr. Abner P. Downer and Miss Kate Cuming, both of Oneida [Madison Co. NY].
CAVANA - ROBINSON: In Holland Patent [Oneida County, NY], June 5, at the residence of the bride's mother, by Rev. A.M. Bennett, Martin Cavana, M.D. of Oneida Castle [Oneida Co. NY], and Miss Sarah J. Robinson of Holland Patent.
FISH - CASE: In Vernon [Oneida Co. NY] June 12, by Rev. W.H. Fish, of South Scituate, Mass. Rev. W.H. Fish, Jr., of Northampton, Mass., and Miss Helen A. Case daughter of Everett Case of Vernon.
CONKLIN - HEARSEY: June 12, by Rev. E.M. Van Deusen, D.D. Lucius H. Conklin of Brooklyn and Kate E. Hearsey of Waterville [Oneida Co. NY].
NIXON - ANGUISH: In Morrisville [Madison Co. NY] June 10, by Rev. S.S. Bidwell, Mr. Wm. F. Nixon and Miss Olivia E. Anguish, both of Manlius [Onondaga Co. NY].
WALDEN - DANA: In Morrisville [Madison Co. NY] June 18, by Rev. Richard Sanford, Mr. John E. Walden of Syracuse [Onondaga Co. NY] and Miss Mary E. [Dana] daughter of L.D. Dana of Morrisville.
EATON - LEWRIGHT: In Liberty, Mo., June 6, by Rev. J. Hithman, Prof. J.R. Eaton of William Jewell College, 2d son of Geo. W. Eaton, D.D. of Hamilton [Madison Co. NY] and Miss Mattie E Lewright of liberty.
PENNOCK - HOLMES: In West Eaton [Madison Co. NY] May 30, by Rev Judson Davis, Mr. C.H. Pennock of South Lebanon [Madison Co. NY] and Miss Isabella Holmes of West Eaton.
NILES - CAMPBELL: In West Eaton [Madison Co. NY] June 13, by Rev. Judson Davis, Mr. Marshall Niles of Union City, Pa., and Mrs. Elizabeth R. Campbell of West Eaton.
BAKER: In Oneida [Madison Co. NY] at his residence on Main St., on Saturday evening, June 15, at 7 o'clock, William H. Baker, editor and proprietor of The Democratic Union aged 41 years, 5 months and 21 days.
FROST: In Oneida [Madison Co. NY] June 9, Martha A. [Frost] wife of L.L. Frost, aged 35 years.
HILL: In Nelson [Madison Co. NY] June 14, Sophia [Hill] aged 78 years.
WOODWORTH: In Fenner [Madison Co. NY], June 3, Francis Woodworth aged 61 years.
BUTLER: In Munnsville [Madison Co. NY], June 3, at the residence of Dr. J. Treat, Elbert E. Butler aged 26 years and 5 months.
BICKNELL: In Memphis, Tenn. June 2, Anna R. [Bicknell] daughter of Byron J. and Amelia Bicknell, aged 16 months.
FORTE: In Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY] May 27 of congestion of the brain, Clara May [Forte] daughter of Irving C Forte, aged 10 years.
LORD: In Lincklaen [Chenango Co. NY] May 7, Mrs. Kesiah E. Lord wife of Sherburn Lord and daughter of David Gillespie, aged 34 years and 11 months.
WILLIAMS: Aristarchus Williams an old resident of Poolville [Madison Co. NY], went to Utica short time since, to visit a daughter he has there. On Tuesday evening of last week, he complained of feeling unwell and retired somewhat earlier than usual. A few minutes before ten o'clock the daughter heard a moaning sound in his room and went in to learn the cause, when she found her father dying. He was unconscious when she entered the room and expired a few minutes after. His body was brought to Poolville for interment.
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