Thursday, January 16, 2025

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY (1878)

 Oxford Times, Oxford, NY, October 30, 1878


AVERY - SAFTENBERGER:  In Norwich [Chenango Co. NY] on 20th Oct. by Rev. W.R. Stone, Mr. Wm. L. Avery of Preston [Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Mary E. Saftenberger of Norwich.

BROWN - FOOTE:  In Coventry [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 16th, by Rev. W. Burnside, Mr. Charles F Brown to Miss Lilian Foote.


Double Wedding

The marriage of Mr. Ira E. Briggs of Buffalo [Erie Co. NY] to Miss Mame Hosely of this village [Friendship, Allegany Co. NY], on Wednesday the 16th inst. was an event of delightful interest not alone to the contracting parties, but to all classes of our citizens.  The occasion received additional interest in the marriage at the same time of the brother of the bridegroom, Rev. E.R.D. Briggs a popular young clergyman of Scranton, Pa., to Miss Laura Arnold of McDonough, N.Y. [Chenango Co.]  The ceremony was performed by the Rev. R.W VanSchoick of Scranton, who framed the ritual in such a manner that both couples were joined in the bonds of holy matrimony in the same service.  H.A. Briggs a brother of the bridegrooms and about eighty invited guests were present, all seeming to vie with each other in showering upon the newly wedded couples their heartiest congratulations and blessings.

The dinner was tastefully spread and was indeed a most sumptuous repast reflecting great credit upon the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Hosley, who spared no pains to make the affair what it deserved to be, the event of the season.  It will not be deemed invidious for me to way that not in years has a marriage taken place in this community where the bride has been the recipient of such universal esteem and affection as Miss Hosley.  She enters her new relation in life carrying the best wishes and prayers of all our people.

The bridal party left on the 3 o'clock P.M. eastern bound train for a visit to New york, Scranton and Philadelphia.  Friendship N.Y. Register


BROWN:  In Westerly, R.I., Oct. 17th, Mr. Dudley Brown, Jr., formerly of Preston [Chenango Co. NY] aged 47 years.

MORGAN:  In German [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 17th, Mrs. Emeline Morgan, aged 70 years.

Chenango American, Greene, NY, November 7, 1878


In Preston [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 29th, by Rev. W.R. Stone, Mr. Frank Wood, Jr. of Preston to Miss Louisa L. Hall of Plymouth [Chenango Co. NY]

MOORE - SMALL:  Thursday evening, a wedding characterized by a quiet elegance and exceeding good taste, occurred at the residence of the bride's parents, No. 924 Indiana Avenue, the high contracting parties being Miss Ada W. Small, daughter of Edward A. Small, and William H. Moore of the law firm of Small & Moore.  The ceremony was happily performed at seven o'clock by the Rt. Rev. Charles Edward Cheney, D.D. in accordance with the usage of the Reformed Episcopal Church, Mr. John B. Knight and Mr. J.H. Moore, brother of the groom, acting as ushers.  The nuptials were witnessed only by the more immediate friends.  The presents were numerous and costly and were a fitting testimonial of the high esteem in which the bride is held by her friends.  A magnificent supper was served by a fashionable caterer.  Mr. and Mrs. Moore left at nine o'clock for the East.  The festivities of the occasion were continued with music and dancing until a reasonably late hour.  Chicago Saturday Evening Herald, Nov. 2.


In Norwich [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 29th, Mrs. Mary M. [Macksey] wife of Thomas Macksey, aged 28 years.

Chenango Forks, Broome Co. NY:  An infant child of Charles Clark died last Wednesday.

Sherburne News, Sherburne, NY, November 9, 1878


On the 24th ult, Mrs. Arthur Cassart of Westford [Otsego Co. NY] left her baby alone in the sitting room for a few minutes, and when she returned found it enveloped in flames.  It had crept to the stove and with a shaving set itself on fire.  It died four hours after. Chronicle

Bainbridge Republican, Bainbridge, NY, November 7, 1878


A large number gathered at the Baptist Church on Tuesday morning last to witness the marriage of Mary [Bennett] daughter of Elihu Bennett, Esq. of this village [Bainbridge, Chenango Co. NY] and Mr. Abner Leonard.  The ceremony was performed by Rev. Luman Yale.  The bride was very richly dressed in white and looked very pretty as the young couple advanced to the altar and took upon themselves the marriage vows.  Mary has hosts of friends who wish her much happiness in her wedded life and that she may enjoy a pleasant bridal tour.

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