Monday, January 6, 2025

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY (1878)

 Sherburne News, Sherburne, NY, November 2, 1878


LEFEVRE - FLYNN:  In Hamilton [Madison Co. NY] Oct. 28, 1878, by Rev. Father -?-, Mr. Arthur LeFevre and Miss Maggie Flynn both of Sherburne [Chenango Co. NY].


DAVIDSON: In Sherburne [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 27th, 1878, Mary R. Davidson, aged 67 years, 6 months and 10 days.

RICHER:  In this village [Sherburne, Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 22d, 1878, Mrs. Sabrinna Richer aged 72 years, 11 months and 15 days.

KNAPP:  At the residence of her son, A.B. Knapp, in Oshkosh, Wis. Oct. 1, 1878, Mrs. Betsy Knapp wife of Daniel B. Knapp, formerly of Sherburne [Chenango Co. NY].

News Item

Family Reminiscences - Eightieth Birthday of Alfred Raymond

The eightieth birthday anniversary of our esteemed and venerable fellow townsman, Alfred Raymond, Esq. is a fact of local historic interest.  Mr. Raymond was born in this township [Sherburne, Chenango Co. NY] Nov. 4th, 1798, and consequently will be eighty years of age on Monday next.  In this connection it is noteworthy that he is now the oldest native-born resident of Sherburne, and the only one remaining of the direct descendants of the original settlers and proprietors of this town.  Alfred Raymond was the son of Newcomb Raymond, a Revolutionary soldier, who, with his two brothers, James Raymond and Abram Raymond were among the first settlers of this place, coming into this then wilderness about 1790, and locating on lands adjoining each other on the wet side of the river, the latter settling on the farm now owned by Mr. Gates Brooks, while Newcomb chose the place where William Lyman resides, and James selected what is now known as the Newton farm, formerly owned by Deacon Williams Avery.

The mother of the subject of this sketch was Mabel Gray, daughter of John Gray, who was also one of the first settlers, his farm including all that portion of the present village of Sherburne lying north of State Street and extended from the Quarter line to the river.  Mr. Gray was long a leading member of the then new settlement and it was mainly through his influence that the old Albany State Road, afterwards called the Cherry Valley Turnpike, was located on this route, and he superintended the building of it.  He was also active in promoting the prosperity and best interests of what is now the flourishing village of Sherburne.  He built the first dwelling in the place, it being a longhouse near what is now known as Upham's Corner, and in a frame addition thereto the first store and grocery business was established by the late Elias Babcock.

Newcomb Raymond will be remembered by many of the older citizens, he having deceased in 1852 at the age of 89 years.  His first wife, Mabel Gray Raymond, died in 1825 aged 59 years.  For his second wife, he married widow Lyman, the mother of Dr. E.S. Lyman of this place, who survived him but a few years.  Newcomb Raymond was a man of strong character and sterling worth, a strong defender of the Faith, as well as a brave and heroic soldier on the field of battle, a Puritan and a patriot.  The Raymond family is of Huguenot descent, having migrated from France soon after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes at the St. Bartholomew massacre.  It scarcely need be added that they are protestants in religion as they were patriots in the Revolution.

Mr. Alfred Raymond has always resided in Sherburne, having remained on the old homeset until within a recent period.  In April 1826, he married Sarah Gardiner, then an esteemed resident of this place and with whom he lived happily until her decease in February 1849.  During that period eleven children were born to them of whom eight, five sons and three daughters, still survive, Ruth, William and Angeline, the three eldest, and Lamont G., the youngest, residing at Springfield, Ohio; Marcus D. at Tarrytown on the Hudson, Hervey at Franklin, Pa.; Amelia N. at Clinton; and A. Gray Raymond, at Sherburne.  He was married again to Mrs. Nancy Purdy, widow of the late Stephen Purdy, with whom he is contently passing the evening of a well spent life.

Mr. Raymond's memory extends back to the days of the fathers and to that remote period when the early settlement which has since developed into the prosperous town and village of Sherburne was in the infancy of its growth and development.  Brought up in a Christian family he early joined the church of which he has been for over sixty years an honored and useful member.  Though somewhat an invalid, he is cheerful and happy in his old age, and soothed and sustained by an unfaltering trust in the God of his fathers, he looks calmly and hopefully forward to the end of his journey.

A large circle of kindred who are affectionately endeared to him and his many friends in the community where he has so long resided, unite in tendering him their congratulations upon his attaining his eightieth birthday and in the hope that abundant blessings may crown his remaining years.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Vital Records, Broome (1847) & Chenango (1878) Counties, NY

 Broome Republican, Binghamton, NY, December 1, 1847


At Lisle [Broome Co. NY] Oct. 19th, 1847, by the Rev. J.N. Lewis, Mr. Joseph Shaw of Chenango [Broome Co. NY] to Miss Jane A. Mitchell of Lisle.

In the town of Chenango [Broome Co. NY] Nov. 28th, by Rev. W.M. DeLong, Mr. Peleg Butts of Liberty, Pa., and Mrs. Judy Duel of the former place.

Broome Republican, Binghamton, NY, December 8, 1847


In this town [Binghamton, Broome Co. NY] on Sunday 28th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Hanagan, James Hussey of Smithport, Penn., and Miss Bridget Greenin of this town.


In this town [Binghamton, Broome Co. NY] on the 28th ult., Mrs. Mary Hasbrouck wife of Methusalem Hasbrouck, aged 61 years.

Broome Republican, Binghamton, NY, December 15, 1847


In Colesville [Broome Co. NY] on the 1st inst. by Rev. H.W. Gilbert, Morris R. Barteau, A.B. Principal of the Windsor Academy and Miss Julia S. [Osborn] daughter of Joseph Osborn, Esq. of Colesville.

Broome Republican, Binghamton, NY, December 22, 1847


At Chenango Forks, Broome Co. [NY] after an illness of 36 hours, Mrs. Abigail Comstock wife of Mr. John Comstock, aged 34 years and 6 months.

Oxford Times, Oxford, NY, October 23, 1878


SEYMOUR - YOUNG:  At the residence of the bride's parents in Triangle [Broome Co. NY], Oct. 16th, by Rev. D.T. Davies, Mr. John Seymour of Whitney's Point [Broome Co. NY], to Miss Kate Young.


SAUNDERS - ROBINSON:  In St. Paul's Church Oxford [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 16th, by Rev. Mr. Robinson, assisted by Rev. R.M. Duff, Mr. Robert Saunders to Miss Annie Robinson both of Jackson, Miss.

There was a fashionable gathering at St. Paul's Church on Tuesday morning, last week, The occasion being the marriage of Mr. Robert Saunders and Miss Annie M., daughter of Mr. J.W. Robinson, years ago a resident of our town.  All the parties reside at Jackson, Mississippi, and the nuptials were to have been celebrated in that place, but the prevalence of yellow fever necessitated a change in the order of arrangements.

The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. J.A. Robinson, of Cortland, an uncle of the bride, assisted by the Pastor, Rev. R.M. Duff.  The bride was richly dressed and is said to have been the fairest bride that has graced the altar of that church.  The groom was dressed in the customary black suit, and though a stranger, won the esteem and respect of all by his gentlemanly bearing, particularly of those who were fortunate enough to make his acquaintance.

After the ceremony, the bridal party returned to the St. James hotel, where a short reception was tendered and refreshments served.  A number of relatives of the bride residing in town were present, as well as many of our distinguished citizens.  Congratulations were tendered and the time happily spent.  At 12:01 the happy couple took the train for New York for an extensive bridal tour amid the best wishes of their many friends - new and old, who hope to greet them in our village again on some future occasion.


PECK:  In Cortland [Cortland Co. NY] Aug. 28th, Dr. Claton H. Peck, son of Rev. F.B. Peck, formerly of this village [Oxford, Chenango Co. NY] aged 28 years.


McNAIR:  In Magnolia, Miss. Oct. 13th, Mrs. Hannah Merrill McNair aged 51 years.

Died at her home in Magnolia, Miss., on the morning of the 13th inst., Mrs. HANNAH MCNAIR, the beloved wife of Gen. McNair, of that that place. She was born in the State of New York and had lived through her fiftieth year. For ten or a dozen years previous to her marriage with Gen. McNair, she resided in this city (Jackson) where she had many dear and true friends to whom the sad tidings of her death are deeply painful.

Mrs. McNair was a lady whose character was adorned by many rare and excellent virtues. To a mind highly cultivated, she added strength and energy of character; and these, combined with the gentleness of a true woman, and, with strict integrity of purpose, made her successful in her undertakings. She was a Christian of deep and unfeigned piety. For many years she was a member of the Presbyterian church, and a consistent follower of her Divine Lord. In every relation of life, the virtues of her religion shone forth in her daily walk. She was a most loving wife and mother, a kind neighbor, a most true and earnest friend. How hard to estimate the loss of such a Christian woman such a wife and mother, to the dear ones whom she has left behind! To them, in their sad bereavement, we tender our heartfelt sympathies. [The Weekly Clarion, Jackson, MS, October 23, 1878;, memorial #15183005]


CUNNINGHAM:  In Greene [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 13th, Chas. F.G. Cunningham

The funeral of Sir Knight C.F.G Cunningham took place Wednesday at Greene.  There were present about 125 Masons from Norwich, Oxford, Binghamton and surrounding towns.  Mr. Cunningham has had the consumption for several years, but has fought the disease to the last, while realizing that "his days were numbered."  During the summer he has been unable to attend to any considerable business connected with his store, but with an attendant has camped out. Finally realizing that the end was near at hand, he returned home and strange to say made arrangements for his own funeral.  He requested that he might be buried by the Fraternity, even dictating as to the pall bearers and the location of the grave in the family lot.  Before his death he requested his wife to prepare dresses for the occasion.  He passed away peacefully, and the community and Masonic Fraternity have lost a good citizen and brother.  Binghamton Leader


Mrs. Farrell a widow, aged 68, was found dead beside her bed in Binghamton [Broome Co. NY], Wednesday morning, with a terrible wound on the head and her neck broken.  Henry Lanquade, a worthless character and a son of Mrs. Farrell by his first husband, was arrested on suspicion.

Died in Guilford [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 18th, Mrs. Maria Merchant, widow of the late Niram R. Merchant, aged about 80 years. The deceased was the oldest woman in the place and has always resided here.  At the time of her birth, the village consisted of but one house beside that of her father.  She has been closely connected with the village and its inhabitants and always manifested a lively interest in the church, of which for many years she has been an active and devoted member.  Thus, has a Christian woman of good works been called home, a devoted mother has gone to her rest and those who are left will bear witness of her untiring kindness and love.  Her funeral was largely attended on Sunday, the services being conducted by Rev. Mr. Wilson of Christ Church.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Vital Records, Broome (1847) & Chenango (1878) Counties

 Broome Republican, Binghamton, NY, November 3, 1847


On Saturday last, while three young lads were sailing in the Susquehanna River, just below the dam, at the Rock Bottom Mills, their boat was drawn by the back current into the rough water and upset.  Two of the boys swam to the shore, but the other, William White, aged about 16 years, after struggling a short time, sunk to rise no more.  His body was recovered after three or four hours' search, but too late for resuscitation.  This young man had but just returned the day before, from the west, after a long absence, on a visit to his parents in this village [Binghamton, Broome Co. NY].

Broome Republican, Binghamton, NY, November 10, 1847


In this village [Binghamton, Broome Co. NY] on Sunday, Oct. 31st by the Rev. Mr. Dana, Mr. David W. Gage and Miss Sarah E. Hawley all of this place.

In Bainbridge, Chenango County [NY], on the 20th of October by the Rev. E.W. Breckenridge, Mr. Albert Stone of Harpursville, Broome County [NY] and Miss Mary Ann Sexsmith of Sandford [Broome Co. NY].

In Nanticoke [Broome Co. NY], on the 30th of October, by N. Ells, Esq. Mr. H. Dunn of Detroit, Michigan, to Miss Susan Gould of the former place.


In this town [Binghamton, Broome Co. NY] on Tuesday the 26th of October, Nancy Sophis [Mills] adopted daughter of Sylvester W. and Amanda F. Mills, aged 9 years and 11 months.

Broome Republican, Binghamton, NY, November 17, 1847


In Albany [Albany Co. NY] on the 5th inst. by the Rev. Dr. Sprague, Mr. Charles W Wentz of Havana, Chemung Co. [NY] to Miss M.S. Tuthill of Albany.

Broome Republican, Binghamton, NY, November 24, 1847


In Windsor [Broome Co. NY] on the 10th inst. by Rev. H.W. Gilbert, Mr. Merrit Stow and Miss Calphurnia Atwell.


In Barker [Broome Co. NY] on the 23d September, Katie J. [Rogers] daughter of John B. and Harriet L. Rogers aged 5 years and 3 months.

Fare thee well, thou darling Katie! / No more with us on earth thou'lt dwell; / Oh! how tenderly we loved thee, / Well our bleeding hearts can tell  / Precious Katie, fare thee well!

Now, how vividly before us, / Memory brings thy winning ways; / And the sweetness of those accents, / When you sang the Saviour's praise / Now unending songs you raise.

Oh! methinks I hear the praises, / In the home where now you dwell;/And the anthem louder raises, / As your voice their numbers swell / Blessed Katie, fare thee well!

When our days on earth are numbered / All its cares and joys are o'er, / May we meet thy happy spirit, / Where we weep and sigh no more.

Chenango American, Greene, NY, November 2, 1878


In this village [Greene, Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 31st, at the residence of Mr. Edward Belcher, the bride's father, by Rev. A.W. Snyder, Rector of Zion Church, Mr. Roderick L. Beach of Litchfield, Conn., lately of this village, and Miss lillian E. Belcher of Greene.

On the evening of the 14th ult, at the M.E. Parsonage in this village [Greene, Chenango Co. NY] by Rev. W.H. Gavitt, Mr. Charles E. Baldwin of this town, to Miss Mary Zopple of New York City.

In Lisle [Broome Co. NY], Oct. 22d, by Rev. D. Personess, Mr. Perry J. Horton of this town [Greene, Chenango Co. NY] and Miss Lavina Fairbanks of Lisle.

At Whitney's Point [Broome Co. NY] Oct. 20th, by Rev. W. Gates, Mr. Adnrew Edy of Lisle [Broome Co. NY[ to Miss Carrie Cook of this town [Greene, Chenango Co. NY].

In Bainbridge [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 25th by Rev. D.C. Haynes, Stephen M. Lanckton of Otselic [Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Alice C. Gifford of Bainbridge.

In Binghamton [Broome Co. NY] Oct. 13th, by Rev. Levi Pitts, Rev. Lewis Alexander of Afton [Chenango Co. NYH] and Miss Rachael Terwilliger of Binghamton.

At the residence of the bride's father, Hiram Hale, Esq. Oct. 19th, by Rev. L.M.S. Haynes, Mr. Milton W. Brown to Miss Ela J. Hale all of Norwich.

In Chicago, Oct. 10th, by Rev. Peter Arvedson, Delos L. Atkyns Esq. of Sherburne [Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Mary Sholes of Earlville [Madison Co. NY].


Mr. Oscar T. Dutcher and wife celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage at their dwelling in Coventry [Chenango Co. NY] on the 21st ult.  The day was exceedingly pleasant and the guests to the number of forty or fifty were very cordially received and sumptuously entertained by the bride and groom, assisted by their two children (a daughter and son) who filled their position much to their credit and honor of their parents. The gifts were of considerable value and of the substantial and useful kind.  Among them were several envelops which gave weighty testimony in favor of specie currency.

After having feasted on the good things with which the table was loaded in the dining room, the company gathered into the parlor where they found the bride and groom of twenty-five years ago seated together as then.  After listening to a few appropriate remarks and prayer by Rev A. Parker, who officiated at the wedding of twenty-five years ago, the company dispersed feeling that the occasion had been both peasant and profitable.

Wishing the bridal pair as bright twenty-five years to come as thy have enjoyed in the past.


In Afton [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 28th, Margaret Cotton aged 81 years, 2 months and 18 days.

In Galena, Ill., Oct. 15th Mrs. Ann Eliza Scott wife of D. Wilmot Scott, in the 48th year of her age.

In Bainbridge [Chenango Co. NY], Oct. 24th, Mr. Oliver Summers.

In this town [Greene, Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 29th, of scarlet fever, Frankie L. [Miller] son of Nicholas B and Eva miller, aged 2 years, 7 months and 10 days.  A beautiful and promising boy of more than ordinary sweetness and intelligence has been called by Him who said "Suffer little children to come unto me."

In Oxford [Chenango Co. NY] at the residence of his son, A.J. Keyes, Oct. 30th., Mr. John Keyes aged 73 years, formerly of Coventry [Chenango Co. NY].

In Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 13th, Mrs. Rozetta Dimmick relict of the late Eber Dimmick, Esq. int he 80th year of her age.

At Upper Lisle [Broome Col NY] Oct. 12th, Mr. Joel Rouse aged 91 years and 3 months.

In Otselic [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 10th, Mr. John Russell aged 85 years and 4 months.

In Otselic [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 8th, Mrs. Healy, wife of Thomas Healy, aged 70 years.

News Item

A terrible railroad accident occurred near Summit, Pa. on the D.L.&W R.R. on Monday evening.  A coal train collided with the train which left this village [Greene, Chenango Co. NY] about 1 o'clock Monday.  The train had seventeen coaches of Centennial passengers, a number of them from this place.  Five persons were killed and many others injured.  Ransom Smith of this town was injured in one of his legs, and a young man by the name of Torrey who works for Salem Lewis, of this town, was severely injured in the head and chest.  A son-in-law of Bernard Boyle of this village who resides in Hamilton [Madison Co. NY] was killed and his wife injured.  Maurice Birdsall, of this village, had left the car which was telescoped only a few minutes before the accident occurred.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY (1878)

Chenango Union, Norwich, NY, October 31, 1878


WOOD - HALL:  In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 29th, by Rev. W.R. Stone, Mr. Frank Wood, Jr. of Preston [Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Louisa L. Hall of Plymouth [Chenango Co. NY].

TOWLE - DEDRICK:  In Greene [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 16th, by Rev. S.T. Ford, Mr. E.H. Towle to Miss Jennie E. Dedrick, all of Greene.

BOXER - WILCOX:  In Sherburne [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 24th by Rev. J.T. Randolph, Mr. Henry B. Boxer of New york, to Miss Rebecca Wilcox of Sherburne.

HUNT - CARL:  In Sanford [Broome Co. NY] Oct. 16th by Rev. N.J. Hawley, Mr. George L. Hunt of Afton [Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Elsie L. Carl of Sanford.

SMITH - CRAWE:  In Earlville [Madison Co. NY] Oct. 25th by Rev. J.L. Short, Mr. Orlando Smith to Miss Grace Crawe both of Guilford [Chenango Co. NY].

BAIRD - SMITH:  In Holmesville [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 23d by Rev. W. Scott, Mr. John H. Baird of South New Berlin [Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Charlotte L. Smithof New Berlin.

PECK - GAGER:  In South New Berlin [Chenango Co. NY]= Oct. 23d, by Rev. W. Scott, Mr. Charles M. Peck of Pittsfield [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Lottie M. Gager of South New Berlin.


MACKSEY:  In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY], Oct. 29th, Mary E. [Macksey] wife of Thomas Macksey, aged 26 years, 8 months and 16 days.

SCOTT:  In Deposit [Delaware Co. NY] Oct. 21st, of consumption, Eliza T. [Scott] wife of L.D. Scott, formerly of Norwich [Chenango Co. NY] aged 23 years.

MORGAN:  In German [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 27th, Mrs. Emeline Morgan, aged 70 years.

BINGHAM:  In Greene [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 21st, George R. [Bingham] eldest son of William B. and Margaret E. Bingham, aged 18 years.

SHOALES:  In Greene [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 3d, Mrs. Rachel Shoales, widow of David C. Shoales, aged 75 years.

BRADSTREET:  In Bennettsville [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 11th, Mrs. Jennie A. Bradstreet aged 27 years.

ORWEN:  In Afton [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 15th, Mrs. Mina E. Orwen aged 19 years.

NEWELL:  In Sherburne [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 22d, Mr. Warren D. Newell, aged 78 years.

REXFORD: In Sherburne [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 24th, Mrs. Cornelia Rexford widow of the late Seneca B. Rexford.

BROMLEY:  In Addison, N.Y. [Steuben Co.] Sept. 30th, of heart disease, Polly [Bromley] wife of Jonathan Bromley and sister of Asher M. Ray of Madison County, and Stephen A. May of Otselic [Chenango Co. NY] aged 69 years.

EDWARDS:  In Columbus, Nebraska, Oct. 20th, Lydia A. [Edwards] wife of Solomon J. Edwards, aged 58 years, formerly of New Berlin [Chenango Co. NY]

A dispatch received on Thursday, by Jerry Donegan of this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY] brought the unwelcome intelligence that his son Merton [Donegan] aged twenty years, a brakeman on the Michigan Southern and Lake Shore Railroad, while coupling cars near Chicago, had his right arm so badly crushed that amputation was necessary.  A letter since received from J.H. McDermott, formerly of this place, who is yard master in Chicago, states that young Donegan is at his residence, where he had made his home, is well care for and doing well, and will probably be able to come to his parents within a couple of weeks.

Another letter, received by Mrs. Donegan, announced the death on the same day, of her brother, William Boyden a farmer residing near Flint, Michigan, who, while riding with his son, was thrown from the wagon and instantly killed, his neck being broken. Deceased visited with his relatives here, something like a year since, and will be remembered by those who made his acquaintance.

Guilford Chenango Co. NY News Items

Mrs. N.R. Merchant, another of our old and respected residents, after a lingering illness, died on the 18th inst. aged 77 years.  Of those who witnessed the early settlement of our vicinity, Mrs. Merchant was among the few who lived to behold its many changes.  The ranks of this class are growing less every year and the few whom she has left must soon follow her.  She survived the loss of her husband nearly fifteen years, and beheld her family grown up and respected.  With characteristic Christian fortitude she bore her long suffering patiently to the end.

While visiting our cemetery a few days since, we saw the monument recently placed in the lot of Mr. Bennett W Morse.  It is about fifteen feet high, with pedestal of four feet square of Plymouth granite, extensively used at the East for cemetery purposes and but little known in this section.  It was built and set up by Mr. M.G. Keane of Bridgeport, Conn. and in style and superior workmanship is a credit to his establishment.  Mrs. Morse, whose remains were buried here last winter was a resident of this place, and while the monument is an enduring ornament to our cemetery, it bespeaks in this crowning act of a devoted husband his unfading memory for an affectionate wife after years of patient suffering.

Capt. Russel Dibble of Mt. Upton [Chenango Co. NY] now some 87 years old, was in town on the 20th inst., in attendance at the funeral of his sister, Mrs. N.R Merchant.  He was for many years a resident of our village and contributed much in laying the foundation of its present prosperity.  He is quite smart, and we hope that he may live to enjoy many years of life yet.

HYER:  In Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 25th, Mr Schuyler Hyer aged 63 years and 21 days.

A Guilford correspondent favors us with the following account of a sad and fatal accident, which occurred on Wednesday of last week in Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY]

A sad accident occurred in the western part of the town of Unadilla on Wednesday October 23d, which resulted in the death of Schuyler Hyer, the last surviving son of William Hyer, the first settler of the name in Chenango County, October 25th.  He left his home on Wednesday morning, with one horse attached to a light lumber wagon, in which was some kindling wood which he was taking to a widowed friend.  While descending the hill above Orange Spencer's residence, the dashboard of the wagon gave way, and the wood on which he sat fell out, striking the horse.  A moment after, the horse with the wagon dashed down the road and turned into S. Gibson's barnyard, freeing himself from the broken wagon, and was secured by Mr. Gibson, who was at work in the barn.  Starting up the road, to see what had become of the driver, Mr. G. met some boys, who said a dead man lay in the road.  Running to the spot, he found Mr. Hyer lying in the road, in such a position as to show that he fell forward with the wood, and passed between the thills to the ground.  Mr. G. carried him alone to the residence of Mr. Spencer, the nearest house, the unfortunate man being unconscious, in which condition he remained until his death, Thursday noon, when he answered some questions with "yes" and "no" all he could utter.  It was found that one hip was bruised and his head badly cut.  Drs. Smith and West were called and alternately visited him, but had no hopes of his recovery, as they feared internal injuries.  He lived but forty-seven hours after leaving his home.  His family were in constant attendance upon him.

Deceased leaves a widow and two sons, with a large circle of relatives to mourn his loss.  His whole life has been passed in this vicinity, and he leaves a record of kindly deeds and Christian graces, which all might emulate.  A kindly soul speaking pleasant words and doing good deeds, his memory will be held green in many places and especially by the poor, who never appealed to him in vain.

He was buried on Sunday, October 27th at the old burying ground near where he led the Hyer family reunion last June, the report of which was published in the Union.  The last clause of that report reads now like a prophesy.  May our Heavenly Father have taken him from his earthly home to His happy rest.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Vital Records, Otsego County, NY (1849 & 1878)

 Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, August 4, 1849


In San Francisco, California, on the night of the 10th of May last, Albert B. Crafts aged about 35 years, formerly of Cherry Valley, Otsego County, N.Y.

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, August 11, 1849


In Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY] on the 5th ult. by the Rev. Mr. grant, Mr. Wm. H. Peck to Miss Adelia Carr, both of Otsego [Otsego Co. NY].

In Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY] on the 5th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Bader, Mr. Geo. Duell to Miss Mary Ann Peck, both of the above place.

In Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY] on the 8th inst. by the Rev. G.W. Gates, Mr. Cyrus S. Lamb of Bowling Green, Wood Co. Ohio, to Miss Cynthia A. Whiteman of Maryland [Otsego Co. NY].


At Schuyler's lake [Otsego Co. NY] on the 5th inst. Mr. Isaiah Rose, aged 69 years.

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, August 18, 1849


In Christ Church, Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY] by Rev. S.H. Battin, Mr. Geo. W. Tarbox of New York City, to Miss Caroline E. [Lewis] daughter of Wm. Lewis, Esq. of this village.

Oneonta Herald & Democrat, Oneonta, NY, December 6, 1878


In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] Dec. 4th, by Rev. P. Scramling, Albert Scramling of Oneonta and Miss Agnes McNair of Andes [Delaware Co. NY].

In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] at the bride's father's, Nov. 28, by Rev. Y.C. Smith, Lorin H. Groat and Leona Y. Mickle, both of Oneonta.

In Morris [Otsego Co. NY] Nov. 27th, by Rev. J.S. Southworth, Frank H. York of Clarkville [Albany Co. NY] to Fanny Aldrich daughter of Sylvester D. Aldrich, of Morris.

At the home of the bride's father on the evening of Nov. 27th by Rev. T.F. Hall, Charles A. Sibley of Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Nettie Burnside of Maryland, N.Y. [Otsego Co.].

Hartwick, Otsego Co. NY:  Miss Annice Shilletts of this town and Charles Chase of Kansas, were married by the Rev. Mr. Clark of Laurens [Otsego Co. NY] last Wednesday, at the residence of the bride's mother, near this village.  A number of guests were invited, and a very pleasant time was had.  We wish the happy couple success in their far-off western home.


In Richfield Springs [Otsego Co. NY], Geo. W. Horton.

In Richfield Springs [Otsego Co. NY], Dr. Horace Manly.

In Hartwich [Otsego Co. NY] Dec. 2d, Miss Esther Rockwell.

In New Lisbon [Otsego Co. NY], Dec. 1st, of diphtheria, Herman Hawkins aged 16 years.

In Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY], December 3, Cathleen [Day] infant daughter of M.W. Day, aged three months.

John Forsythe who recently left Franklin [Delaware Co. NY] for Kansas, was killed a few days since by falling from a load of hay.


Dr. John L. Swart of Schoharie [Schoharie Co. NY], brother of Geo. D. Swart of this town [Oneonta, Otsego Co. NY], died November 23d.. He was District Surgeon and Secretary of the Schoharie Co. Medical Society, a prominent member of the Reformed Church and the Reform Temperance Association.  The Schoharie Republican says:  "Physician, heal thyself" is a commandment than cannot be carried out at all times.  Dr. Swart's love of his profession was the cause of his death.  Five days before his death he attended to his duties as usual and traveled at an inclement season to minister unto others.  He died in the harness in the prime of life.  Before he made his last visit - miles away - the fever king had taken possession of him and he had been billeted for another world. Yet he went on - trod the paths of duty, forgetful of himself and passes away with the benediction, "Well done thou good and faithful servant."


Last Saturday the church bell announced the death of one of our oldest and most respected citizens, Henry Moshler.  He was of Quaker parentage, born in Nine Partners, Dutchess Co. in 1804, and was consequently 74 years of age.  While a child his family moved to Mt. Vision in this county [Otsego Co. NY] and 25 years ago the subject of this sketch moved to Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY].  He was a practical wagon maker, conducting the business until old age came, then turning it over to his sons.  Mr. Moshler was a devoted and consistent member of the Methodist church.  For fifteen years in Mt. Vision and the same time in Oneonta, he served as class leader.  Of Mr. Moshler's brothers and sisters there were ten, and up to three years ago, none of them had died.  The funeral was attended from the late residence of the deceased, Monday afternoon, Rev. Dr. Smith conducting the services.  We have none too many men like Henry Moshler, and it is to be regretted that such lives as his leave a feebler impression than we could wish.  And yet, after all, men of his kind make communities better and their death robs us of effective forces for the promotion of morality and religion.


A fatal accident occurred at the Hawk's Mountain tunnel on the midland, three miles from Hancock [Delaware Co. NY], last Saturday.  While masons were laying a foundation for arching the tunnel, a rock weighing about one ton fell from the roof, killing a man name Allen and fatally injuring another by the same of Denham.  Both men leave large families.  Only a few days since a large mass of earth fell in this tunnel, and travel was suspended for an entire day.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Vital Records, Delaware (1830) & Madison (1872) Counties, NY

 Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, February 3, 1830


In Bovina [Delaware Co. NY], on Sunday evening last, by John Landon Esq. Mr. John McQueen to Mrs. Eleanor Washburn.

In Hamden [Delaware Co. NY] on the 27th ult. by J.S. Combs, Esq. Mr. Andrew Andrews to Miss Mariah Peak daughter of Mr. Roswell Peak, all of Hamden.

In Walton [Delaware Co. NY] on the 28th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Lilly, Mr. Adna Mallory, Jr. of Hamden [Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Angeline Hanford of the former place.

In Kortright [Delaware Co. NY] on the 28th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Tuttle, Mr. E. Munn of Meredith [Delaware Co. NY] to Miss E. Spoor of the former place.

In Blenheim [Schoharie Co. NY] on the 27th ult. by the Rev. Stephen --enn, Mr. Henry J. Wilcox of Harpersfield [Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Eliza Brown of the former place.

In Kortright [Delaware Co. NY] on the 30th ult. by the same, Mr. David Hamilton of Jefferson, to Miss Esther Dale daughter of Mr. Alexander Dale.

In Andes [Delaware Co. NY] on the 27th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Chapman, Mr. Samuel A.L. Davis of Bovina [Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Deborah Ann Hawley of the former place.


In Harpersfield [Delaware Co. NY] on the 27th ult. Mrs. Asenath Brett wife of James Brett, Esq. aged 39 years.

On the 20th, Mrs. Lois Squires wife of Mrs. David Squires.

On the 25th, Mrs. Mary Spencer wife of Mr. James Spencer

On the 13th, Miss Philomela Packard aged 18 years. 

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, February 1`0, 1830


In Masonville [Delaware Co. NY] on Sunday evening, the 31st ult. after a short but severe illness, William S. McCrea Esq. late member of Assembly from this county, in the 49th year of his age.

In this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY], on the 8th inst. Mrs. Mary Mason wife of Mr. James Mason, aged 38 years.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, February 24, 1830


In Hamden [Delaware Co. NY] on the 11th instant, by the Rev. H.R. Peters, Mr. Joseph H. Barlow of Delhi [Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Avis Robinson daughter of Mr. Rowland Robinson, fo the former place.

In Stamford [Delaware Co. NY] on the 13th inst. by the Rev. Robert Forrest, Mr. Simon Andrews to Miss Sally Grant all of Stamford.

In this village [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY] on the 18th inst. by Anthony M. Paine, Esq. Mr. Thorn Moore of Middletown [Orange Co. NY] to Miss Caroline Strong of Delhi.

Democratic Union, Oneida, NY, July 11, 1872


CHAPPELL - WOODWARD:  In Chittenango [Madison Co. NY], July 4, at Dixon's Hotel by Rev. William A. Ely, rector of St. Paul's Church, Charles A. Chappell and Kitty Woodward all of Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY].

PARTRIDGE - MOREY:  In Lebanon [Madison Co. NY] June 26, by Rev. Judson Davis, Mr. Partridge of Eaton [Madison Co. NY] and Miss Hettie Morey of the former place.

SPROUL - BROOKS: In Sherburne [Chenango Co. NY] June 27th by Rev. S. Miller, Mr. Martin B. Sproul of New York, and Miss Frankie Brooks of Sherburne.


WETMORE:  In Oneida [Madison Co. NY] on Sunday, June 30, Mrs. Abigail Wetmore in the 67th year of her age.

LACEY:  In Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY], June 27, Miss M. Ellen Lacey aged 18 years.

TUTTLE:  In Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY], June 29, Mrs. Anna May, wife of Benjamin Tuttle in the 80th year of her age.

DAVIE:  We have to chronicle the sad news of the death of Lucy [Davis] wife of Ward Davis of Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY] and sister of your correspondent, W.H.J.  She was a very worthy woman and an exemplary Christian.  She leaves a large circle of friends to mourn her loss.


WATSON:  In West Eaton [Madison Co. NY], June 24, Mrs. Frankie A. Watson, wife of B.E. Watson, aged 26 years, 8 months and 12 days.

Angel music from heavenly spheres, / Sounds clearer now to our earthly ears, / The rolling river not half so wide / Since our darling crossed to the other side.

Loving her so, we can only wait, / Longing to enter the pearly gate / For life has weary nights and weary days; / We shiver a little and softly pray.

Only praying that when we go, / That strange, mysterious life to know, / She may meet us first on the heavenly shore, / With the bright young face we knew of yore.

The years go on in toil and strife / We grow farther away from the purer life; / Dusted with toil, tainted with sin, / The golden gates we may not go in.


BAKER:  In Oneida [Madison Co. NY] at the residence of her son, R.M. Baker, on Wednesday, July 3, of consumption, Sophia [Baker] wife of the late Mattison Baker, formerly of Utica [Oneida Co. NY] and mother of the late W.H. Baker of Oneida, aged 6 3 years.

The death of Wm. H. Baker has been recently announced in these columns.  To that announcement we Now have to add the death of Mrs. Sophia Baker, the mother of Mr. Baker.  Her death which occurred on the 3d of July, at the residence of her son. R.M. Baker, of Oneida, was not unexpected, as she had been sick for some time. A character so pure and good, demands a passing tribute.  She was born at Morrisville [Madison Co. NY] in the year 1808 and was the daughter of Nicholas and Sibel Byer.  She was converted to the Christian faith and life at the age of 14, living in humble dependence on Christ for almost 50 years.  Nearly twenty years of her life were passed in Utica and for about seven years she was a resident of Hamilton [Madison Co. NY] attaining a perfectness of character most pleasing to behold.  She was a member of the M.E. Church through all the period of her religious life, and for many years was the wife of Mattison Baker, of that church, till his death in 1849. With her faith and piety, and natural endowments, she was well fitted to meet the cares of her family, and the responsibilities of her calling.  Of great sweetness of disposition, of remarkable patience, and of steady religious devotion, she could not fail to impress her friends with her excellence.  Her children, especially, could not but know and feel her unspeakable worth, hence, "they rise up to call her blessed," and confess, with gratitude, the influence of her saintly example in shaping their religious convictions and experience.  The influence of father and mother, together, has gone with some of them down to the grave, imparting a holy confidence and peace, and it still remains as a precious legacy to those that survive.  How much better and brighter the world is for such a life and such a character?  How many triumphs of the Christian religion are due to such influences as these?  And who would not wish to be related to such a faith and calling and reap the fruits of that higher life to which the Christian faith leads us.  "For they that overcome shall inherit all things."  There can be no sincerer wish of the writer of this, than that all the relatives of Mrs. Baker, who so affectionately cherish her memory may partake of her Christian experience while living and share her blessedness when they go hence.  R.C. Fox.