Thursday, January 16, 2014

Obituaries (January 16)

Afton [Chenango Co., NY]:  Joel M. Guy died very suddenly on Sunday morning, Dec. 23, at the home on Spring street.  The funeral was held on Wednesday, the Rev. Floyd Fennen pastor of the Baptist church officiated, assisted by the Rev. W.D. Lathrop.  Burial in Glenwood cemetery [Afton, NY].  [Bainbridge Republican, Jan. 3, 1924]
C.W. Vandegrift, of No. 1278 Lake street, Elmira, superintendent of schools of Chemung County, died in the City Hospital, at 5 o'clock, Tuesday morning from injuries received when hit by an automobile shortly before 6 o'clock Monday evening.  The accident happened in Main street between Clark street and Laurel avenue.  Vandegrift was hit and knocked unconscious by a car driven by Benjamin L. Bradbury of No. 247 Main street, who halted his machine immediately and helped carry Vandegrfit into a nearby café known as the Turf Exchange.  The police ambulance was summoned and Officers Murphy and Livingston speeded the unconscious victim to the hospital as quickly as possible.  At first it was hoped that Vandegrfit might have a fighting chance for recovery, but due to severe internal injuries he died without regaining consciousness.  Bradbury was taken to police headquarters, where he declared that he was travelling west in Main street not faster than 15 miles an hour when Vandegrift running across the street from south to north, darted directly in front of his car before he had a possible chance to apply the brakes.  As it was, so Bradbury declared, he brought his machine to a halt within ten feet from the point where Vandegrift was knocked down.  Mr. Vandegrift is survived by his wife, Edith M., and a daughter, Mrs. Grace Kinsman of No. 193 Main street this city.  The body was removed to C.F. Prentice's funeral parlors, No. 62 Carroll street, and will be taken to the home in Elmira today.  The funeral will probably be held on Thursday--Binghamton Sun, Jan. 2.  Mr. Vandegrift was a former principle of the Bainbridge High School.  [Bainbridge Republican, Jan. 3, 1924]
Funeral services for Mrs. Arabel Tillman, wife of Irving J. Tillman, clerk of Chenango County, whose life was lost in the disaster that visited their home last week Thursday morning, was held in the Broad Street Methodist Episcopal Church at Norwich [Chenango Co., NY], Saturday afternoon.  The church was filled with relatives and friends, not alone from Norwich but from Bainbridge [Chenango Co. NY], the former home of the deceased, and from other places.  The Norwich Chapter of the Eastern Star were present in a body.  A floral star centered the array of formal pieces and profusion of roses, carnations and chrysanthemums that adorned the altar rail and pulpit, before which the casket stood.  The pastor, the Rev. Louis D. Palmer, read the twenty-third Psalm and selections from the fourteenth chapter of St. John.  He based his eulogy upon the second verse of the forty-third chapter of Isaiah:  "When thou passeth through the waters I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee; when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flames kindle upon thee."  The entire service was deeply impressive, the utmost quiet that prevailed during the address and the soft notes from the organ as friends viewed for the last time the form in the casket, expressed most affectively the reverence of the living for the memory of the dead.  The pallbearers were M.D. Aldrich, Howard Baker, William G. Brant, Ira Reynolds, Jesse Stewart and Frank Zuber, all of Norwich.  Among those present were many personal friends of Mr. Tillman, the bereaved husband, who following the exposure and distressing experience of the night of the fire was not able to attend the service.  [Bainbridge Republican, Jan. 3, 1924]
Ladorna Hollenbeck Giles, wife of D.B. Giles of Guilford near Searles Hill [Chenango Co.,  NY], died of pneumonia Jan. 15.  Funeral services Friday noon at the residence conducted by Rev. H.B. Willets of Berkshire, N.Y.  Burial in Green Lawn Cemetery, Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY]  [Bainbridge Republican, Jan. 17, 1924]

Little Betty Manwarring Rolfe was born in Guilford [Chenango Co., NY] February 5, 1922.  She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rolfe.  Throughout her long illness beginning early in October, her mind remained entirely clear.  During her illness she kept learning new words and played with red dolls and toys.  On Friday Dec. 28th, less than two hours before the change came she sat up in bed alone and played.  She kept her unfailing good temper.  In the Crouse-Irving hospital at Syracuse during the last five weeks of her sickness the nurses and patients said she was the only baby they ever knew who never cried.  She is survived by her parents and one brother and one sister.  Funeral service was held at the late home Monday December 31st, the remains being laid in the family plot at Sunset Hill cemetery [Guilford, NY] to await the dawning of the Great Day.  To the bereaved family sympathy flows.  [Bainbridge Republican, Jan. 17, 1924]

Adelbert A. Winsor aged 72 years died at his home on Guilford street [Bainbridge, Chenango Co., NY] Monday morning at half after one o'clock, after a long period of ill health.  Besides his wife he is survived by two daughters Hazel and Iva of Binghamton and six sons, Joe of Rochester, and George, Earl and Clifford of Binghamton, Harry and Ralph who resided with their father also several grandchildren, one brother, Howard of North Norwich.  The funeral was held Wednesday at 2 o'clock from Hastings and Colwell's undertaking parlors.  Rev. C.G. Cady officiating.  Burial in St. Peters cemetery [Bainbridge, NY].  [Bainbridge Republican, Jan. 24, 1924]

Afton [Chenango Co., NY]:  Edwin Craig of this place died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Kenyon in Chenango Forks on Friday.  The funeral was held at the home on the East Side, Afton on Sunday afternoon, burial in Glenwood [Afton, NY].  He is survived by a brother, Durwin H. Craig of this place and by three sister, Miss Emily Craig of Afton, Mrs. Kenyon of Chenango Forks and Mrs. Harry Kirker of Beaver Falls, Pa. [Bainbridge Republican, Feb. 7, 1924]

Schuyler Sherman aged 70 years died at his home Thursday morning at 8 o'clock, after an illness of several months, following an accident last Summer from which he never fully recovered.  Besides his wife he is survived by one daughter Mrs. Julien Vandewarker who is night operator in the Bell telephone office also three sons, Manville, Ralph and William and thirteen grandchildren, a brother Henry also of this village, two sisters Mrs. Francis Hall of Binghamton, Mrs. Charles Beilby of North Sanford.  His funeral was held form the Baptist church Sunday at one o'clock, Rev. R.B. Whitman officiating.  Burial in Green Lawn cemetery [Bainbridge, Chenango, NY].  [Bainbridge Republican.  Feb. 7, 1924]

Mr. Schuyler V. Sherman, died Thursday morning January 31, 1924 at his home in East Afton [Chenango Co., NY] age 70 years 6 months and 8 days, of leakage of the heart and general breakdown.  Mr. Sherman was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sherman and was born at Bennettsville [Chenango Co., NY] July 23, 1853.  He was united in marriage to Lydia Olendorf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Olendorf of West Bainbridge, April 27, 1882.  Three sons and two daughters were born to them, one daughter having gone before him in infancy.  The deceased was one of a family of five children.  He was a kind and loving husband and father, always doing for  others and going without himself.  Mr. Sherman was a man of good character always setting a good example for his children and all the others around him.  He spent ten years of his life working in Olean, then he came back and worked in the tannery at Bennettsville, working there about two years.  The rest of his life was spent in farming.  He was a member of the Baptist church at Bennettsville, joining by letter when he came from Olean where he became a Christian in his early life.  He leaves to mourn his loss his widow, three sons, Manville, at home, Ralph of East Afton, and William of Bainbridge; one daughter, Mrs. Myrtle Vandewarker of Bainbridge; thirteen grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Charlie Beilby of North Sanford, Mrs. Frances Hall of Binghamton and one brother, Henry Sherman of Bainbridge.  The funeral was held Sunday at 11:30 o'clock at the late home with a prayer and at the Baptist church at Bainbridge at one o'clock, the Rev. U.B. Frost of Johnson City officiating, assisted by Rev. R.B. Whitman, pastor of the church.  Rev. Whitman reading the scripture and offering prayer and Rev. Frost preaching the sermon.  Interment was made in Green Lawn cemetery at Bainbridge.[Bainbridge Republican, Feb. 14, 1924]

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