Friday, June 27, 2014

Marriages (June 27)

In a setting of white lilies and palms, Miss Eva Lillian Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl N. Johnson, of Seattle, Wash., was married Saturday morning to Everett Lincoln Ellis, of Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY], son of Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Ellis, of Seattle Wash.  The ceremony was performed in the Methodist Episcopal Church in Bainbridge by the pastor, the Rev. Paul L. Hulslander.  Preceding the ceremony, Mrs. A.C. Wilcox presented an organ recital, and Mrs. R. Lewis Johnson sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "I Love Thee."  The bride wore an original gown of white satin, fashioned with long sleeves and a bouffant tulle skirt.  Her finger-tip veil was caught in a halo with orange blossoms.  She carried a white rainbow Bible, a gift of her parents, and a shower bouquet of gardenias and sweet peas.  Miss Lydia Georges, of Wellesley College, a former classmate of the bride, was maid of honor.  She wore aqua chiffon.  the bridesmaid was Miss Dorothy Sweet, of Radcliffe College, and cousin of the bridegroom, who wore yellow chiffon.  Both the maid of honor and the bridesmaid carried white rainbow Bibles.  Carl MacLagan of Bainbridge, was best man.  The ushers were Norman Dahl, of Princeton, N.J.  Lawrence E. Clark, Jr., and Arlo Klinetob, both of Bainbridge.  Following the ceremony a reception was held in the church parlors.  Mrs. Carl MacLagan cut the three-tier wedding cake, and the following assisted with the serving:  the Misses Lucia Mason, Alice Laubach, Lorraine Roberts, Mabel Smith, Ina Betty Taylor and Bette Morrison.  Mrs. Ellis chose a blue gray tailored suit with blue and turf tan accessories for traveling.  After a brief wedding trip the couple are at home in the Ireland apartment, West Main street.  The bride is a graduate of the University of Washington and formerly held a position as stylist and designer in a large department store in Seattle.  Mr. Ellis is a graduate of the University of Washington and Michigan State.  He now has a position as wood technologist in the laboratory of the Casein Company of America.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, May 6, 1943]
Mrs. Gladys Thomson, daughter of Mrs. Fred Hendrickson and the late Mr. Hendrickson, of Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY], was united in marriage to Howard Hendrickson at the M.E. parsonage, Chenango Bridge, on April 24, 1943.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, May 6, 1943]
Miss Elizabeth Anne Branham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Branham, of Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY], and Joseph Henry Brock, Jr., son of Joseph H. Brock, and the late Mrs. Brock, of Skaneateles [Onondaga Co., NY], were united in marriage Sunday at St. James Episcopal Church, Skaneateles.  The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Henry Scott, rector of the church.  The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a dressmaker suit of navy crepe and white accessories  She carried a white prayer book and wore a corsage of white gardenias and red roses.  Miss Norma Williams of Marcellus, a close friend of the bride, was her only attendant.  She wore rose crepe with powder blue accessories.  Her corsage was of lavender-blue sweet peas.  John Brock was best man for his brother, Frank Pitman and Donald Chapman, cousins of the bridegroom were ushers.  all are from Skaneateles.  Preceding the ceremony, Mrs. Lloyd H. Sipple, of Bainbridge, a sister of the bride, presented an organ recital and Miss Dorothie M. Branham, of Bainbridge, and also a sister of the bride, sang "I Love You Truly," "Because," and "The Lord's Prayer."  The ceremony was followed by a reception for the immediate families at the home of Mrs. Alfred H. Hobbs, Skaneateles, an aunt of the bride.  The bride is a graduate of Bainbridge Central High School.  After two years of study at Syracuse University, College of Liberal Arts, she entered the Syracuse Memorial Hospital, School of Nursing, from which she is to be graduated in June.  The bridegroom is a graduate of the Skaneateles High School and is now in partnership with his father on their farm on Skaneateles Lake.  After a short wedding trip the couple will be at home to their many friends at their home in Skaneateles.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, May 13, 1943]

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Livingston, of Bainbridge East Side [Chenango Co., NY], announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Evelyn Mae, to Andrew J. Whitney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whitney, of Bennettsville [Chenango Co., NY].  Both Miss Livingston and her fiancé are graduates of the Bainbridge Central High School.  The former has also graduated from the Allentown Bible Institute in Pennsylvania, where Mr. Whitney will soon complete his theological studies.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, May 13, 1943]

Miss Beatrice Irene Goodrich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey H. Goodrich, of Wellsbridge, was married to Corp. Lawrence Edwin Darlin, son of Mrs. Hobart Darlin, of Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY], last Thursday evening at 7 o'clock in the Methodist parsonage at Unadilla.  The ceremony was performed by the Rev. George Youngs.  The bride, attractive in a beige suit with turf tan accessories and a corsage of talisman roses and sweet peas, was attended by Miss Bernice Goodrich, of Oneonta, who wore a powder blue suit with navy accessories and a corsage of pink roses and sweetpeas.  Clarence W. Darlin, of Bainbridge was best man.  The service was followed by a reception for the immediate families and  few friends at the home of the bride.  Mrs. Darlin gave her maid of honor a gold cross and the bridegroom presented his best man with a gold key chain.  The bride was graduated form Unadilla High School, while the bridegroom attended Oneonta High School and is a graduate of the Army adjutant generals' school in Mississippi.  He is stationed at Mitchell Field, L.I., and his wife returned with him to spend a few days.  Mrs. Darlin is employed at the Scintilla and will make her home with her parents.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, May 20, 1943]

Mr. and Mrs. Irving Dinsmore Horton, of Binghamton, have announced the marriage of their daughter, Mary Elizabeth, to James Guy Brady, Ensign, J.S.N.R., which took place on Friday, May 7, at the Normandy Naval Chapel, Long Beach, Calif.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, May 20, 1943]

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