Sunday, October 26, 2014

Marriages (October 26)

Miss Joanne Gregg Derrick will become the bride of Lt. Henry A. Supplee, AAF, son of Dr. and Mrs. George C. Supplee, of Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY], in the early spring.  Miss Derrick's engagement is announced today by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce P. Derrick, of Washington.  The bride-to-be attended George Washington University and was graduated from Parsons New York School of Design.  Her fiancé attended Manlius Military School and is a graduate of Cornell University, class of 1942.  He has just returned after 27 months service with the 13th Bomber command in the Southwest Pacific--Washington Evening Star, Jan. 25, 1946 [Bainbridge News & Republican, Jan. 31, 1946]
Friday evening, Jan. 25, at the home of the bride occurred the marriage of Miss Isabelle Stavert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.G. Stavert, of Guilford Center [Chenango Co., NY], to Ward Goodwin, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Herman Goodwin.  The wedding took place in the presence of relatives and close friends.  The Rev. J.W. Bump, of Guilford, was the officiating minister.  Attending the couple were Mrs. Ralph Browning, of Sherburne, friend of the bride, and Charles Goodwin, brother of the groom.  Congratulations are extended to them from their many friends.  Mrs. Goodwin has been prominent in 4-H  Club work, for several years.  Mr. Goodwin of "Wingood Farms," known throughout the country for their famous herd of Brown Swiss stock, which shows at all the fairs, and their stock has been shipped to Puerto Rico on different occasions.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, Jan. 31, 1943]
Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Trudy Fanny Wuthrich, daughter of Mrs. Fred Wuthrich, of Sidney [Delaware Co., NY], to Robert Boyd Baker.  Mr. Baker, discharged from the Navy at the Sampson Separation Center Jan. 7, after more than three years service, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Baker, of Sidney.  The wedding took place at noon Saturday, Jan. 19, in the Sidney Congregational church.  The Rev. Charlton Opdyke, pastor officiated.  Miss Dora Wuthrich, sister of the bride was maid of honor. Best man was David Louden of Laurens, cousin of the bridegroom.  The couple will make their home on River street, Sidney. 
Unadine Hogancamp, daughter of Alfred Hogancamp, of Susquehanna [PA] and Paul Parish, son of Ralph Parish, of Windsor [Broome Co., NY], were united in marriage, Saturday night at the Zion Rectory in Windsor by Rev. James Root.  [Bainbridge  News & Republican, Jan. 18, 1946]
Miss Barbara Joyce Huyck and AMM 2/C Donald W. Jones were married Wednesday at 8 p.m. at a candlelight service at the Sidney Baptist Church.  A reception for about 30 relatives and friends of the couple was held, following the ceremony at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Huyck, Sidney [Delaware Co., NY].  The couple left on a wedding trip.  The bridegroom will return to his base at Bronson Field, Pensacola, Fla. Feb. 2.  Mrs. Jones who is employed in Kent's store, Sidney, will remain with her parents for the present.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, Jan. 31, 1943]
Dr. and Mrs. J.A. Holley, of Walton [Delaware Co., NY], celebrated the 70th anniversary of their marriage Saturday, Jan. 26, Mrs. Holley observing her 90th birthday on the same day.  Dr. Holley, who was 91 years old last October 10, entered Albany Medical college with his only assets a wife and $275, became president of his senior class there.  He is author of the book, "Recollection of a Country Doctor" and an outstanding Walton benefactor having built the now abandoned Holley swimming pool and fostering other civic advancements.  he continues the active practice of Medicine at his office here.  The Walton couple held open house for their friends from 3-5 in the afternoon and from 7-9 in the evening.  Methodist Marthas had charge of the refreshments.  [Bainbridge News & Republican, Jan. 31, 1946]

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