Sunday, December 21, 2014

Marriages (December 21)

Dr. & Mrs. J.A. Holley
Bainbridge News & Republican, February 3, 1944

Dr. and Mrs. J.A. Holley, of Walton [Delaware Co., NY], celebrated the 68th anniversary of their marriage Wednesday, Jan. 26, the day also being Mrs. Holley's 86th birthday.  While no special observance was made of the day, the couple received visitors, as well as cards. 
Smith - Zita
Bainbridge News & Republican, April 11, 1946
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Zita, of Main street, South Hadley Falls, Mass., announce the engagement of their daughter, Eleanor, to Robert F Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fayette Smith, of Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY]. The wedding will take place at one o'clock Saturday afternoon, May 4, at the South Hadley Falls Methodist Church.  Miss Zita attended the local schools and is employed at the Plastic Coating Corp.  The future bridegroom is a veteran of World War II, having served as a Lieutenant with the 15th Air Force.  He was a student at the Rochester Institute of Technology before entering the service and is now attending Syracuse University.--Holyoke Daily Transcript, Holyoke, Mass. 
DeMorier - Howe
Bainbridge News & Republican, April 11, 1946
Miss Florence Leona Howe, daughter of Leland Howe, of North Afton [Chenango Co., NY], became the bride of Lyle Edwin DeMorier Mar. 31 in the Conklin Avenue Baptist Church, Binghamton.  The bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Edwin DeMorier, of Afton.  Officiating at the double ring ceremony was the Rev. Hinson V. Howlett, pastor, Miss Ruth Anthany, of Sidney, and Lawrence DeMorier were wedding attendants.
Hoal - Hughes
Bainbridge News & Republican, February 3, 1944
Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Patricia Mallery Hughes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin A. Hughes, of Windsor [Broome Co., NY], to Richard E. Hoal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard F. Hoal, of Susquehanna [PA].  A graduate of Windsor Central School, class of 1941,  Miss Hughes attended Lowell School of Business and is employed by the Binghamton Office of the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company.   Her fiancé graduated from Susquehanna High School and is associated with his father on a dairy farm.  The wedding will take place in the spring.
Swart - Dalton
Bainbridge News & Republican, February 3, 1944
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Swart have received word of the marriage of their son, Pvt. Donald Swart, of Keesler Field, Miss., to Miss Helen Bernice Dalton of Fairfield, Ohio.  The marriage took place on May 24, 1943.
Marriage Notices
Chenango Telegraph, July 1, 1835
JULIAND - BUTLER:  At New Hartford, (Oneida co.) on the 24th ult., by the Rev. Norman H. Adams of Unadilla, Mr. Lewis Juliand, of Greene [Chenango Co., NY], to Miss Cornelia E., daughter of Mr. Joseph Butler, of the former place.
Chenango Telegraph, September 16, 1835
SMITH - WOOD:  In Richland, Oswego Co., on the first inst., by the Rev. E.B. Fuller, Mr. Sidney T. Smith, merchant of the village of Pulaski (formerly of Sherburne, Che. co.) to Miss Harriet Wood, daughter of Mr. John Wood, of the former place.
Bainbridge Republican, April 4, 1878
BALLARD - DOUGLAS:  At the bride's home in East Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY], March 27th, by Rev. Samuel Johnson, Egbert Ballard, of Sidney Plains [Delaware Co., NY], and Miss Eliza Douglas, of Bainbridge.
SHERMAN - JOHNSON:  At the Good Templar's Lodge Room, East Norwich [Chenango Co., NY], Saturday evening, March 30, 1878, by Rev. H.M. Crydenwise, Mr. William Sherman to Miss Libbie S. Johnson, both of Norwich, N.Y.
SMITH - WILKINS:  At Afton, March 28th, by Rev. J. Jones, Mr. H.H. Smith of Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY] and Miss Nettie A. Wilkins of Coventry [Chenango Co., NY].

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