Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Obituaries (April 13)

Julia Amelia (Grant) McNitt
Utica Saturday Globe, January 1913
Julia Amelia (Grant) McNitt
1857 - 1913

Norwich [Chenango Co., NY]:  The death of Mrs. Julia Amelia McNitt, which occurred Sunday at the Norwich Hospital, where she had been under treatment, brought sadness to a wide circle of friends.  She was the fourth of six children of Francis and Lydia Davis Grant and was born December 22, 1857 at the Grant homestead about two miles from Norwich on the Mt. Upton road.  In December, 1882, she married Frank D. McNitt and they took up their residence at the homestead.  The following year Mr. and Mrs.  McNitt purchased a farm in Preston, which became their home for 19 years, until the spring of 1902, when they came back to the old homestead and had since resided there.  The memory of Mrs. McNitt will be cherished by all who knew her.  Although unassuming by nature she was always cheerful and optimistic and her life was adorned with good deeds.  Her devotion as a wife, indulgence as a mother, generosity as a neighbor and faithfulness as a friend endeared her to all.  Besides her husband she is survived by two children, Grant D. and Edna, both residents of Norwich, by two sisters, Mrs. Oscar A. Bishop, of St. Paul, Minn., and Mrs. George Hall, of Norwich, and by a brother, Fred G. Grant, of Norwich.  The funeral was held from the residence of her sister, Mrs. Hall, on West Main street, on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Ira S. Wilcox Bingham, of the Calvary Baptist church, officiating.
Elmer J. White
Chenango Union, September 5, 1905
Elmer J. White, son of Andrew J. and Mary B. White, died at his home on Adelaide street on Friday, August 30, aged 33 years.  He is survived by his widow and one son and by a number of brothers and sisters, besides his father and mother and grandmother.  [1884 - 1907, buried Mt. Hope Cemetery, Norwich, Chenango Co., NY]
DeRuyter Gleaner, September 5, 1907
The Norwich Sun announces the death of Elmer J. White, formerly of Lincklaen [Chenango Co., NY], at his home, No. 31 Adelaide St., in Norwich, on Friday afternoon, of heart disease.  He was the son of Mary B. and Andrew N. White and was born in North Pharsalia [Chenango Co., NY] in 1884.  Oct. 11, 1905, he was married to Gertrude Thurston.  One son, Leo Elmer, was born to them.  His brothers, Linn and Earl, live in Norwich and Frank and his father are in Virginia, his mother and sister, Pearl, live in Norwich. Elmer has lived in Norwich about ten years and was engaged in the grocery business.  Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon, Rev. J.L. Ray officiating.
William McCulloch
Chenango Union, February 21, 1849
We learn that Mr. William McCulloch, formerly of this town, was killed at Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY], on the 13th inst.  He and his son were engaged in unloading logs from a sleigh at a sawmill, when one of the logs rolled upon them.  The young man escaped with little injury; but it was some time before the log could be removed from Mr. M.  When it was, his neck was found to be broken, and life was extinct. The deceased was about 65 years of age.
Earl Goodrich
Afton Enterprise, April 9, 1914
After the death of Earl Goodrich, the six year old son of Samuel Goodrich of Bobs Brook [Delaware Co., NY], which occurred last week, the attending physician, Dr. W.B. Morrow removed the child's brain and sent it to the state health department in Albany for examination.  The boy died of meningitis.  Within a year the mother and two sisters have died, Mrs. Goodrich of tubercular abscess of the spleen; one little girl, Rebecca aged 2, of pneumonia following whooping cough, and the other Marrilla, 7 years old, of meningitis.  Dr. Morrow had diagnosed the disease from which Earl Goodrich died as tubercular meningitis and the report from the state department confirmed his diagnosis.  There is the father and two children left out of the family of seven.

James Glover Van Wagenen
Chenango Union, August 29, 1907
James Glover Van Wagenen of Oxford [Chenango Co., NY], died at his home Wednesday of last week.  Mr. Van Wagenen was the son of William and Mrs. Ursula Glover Van Wagenen, and was born in Oxford December 1, 1845.  He received his education at Oxford academy, and while a young man enlisted in the 20th New York Cavalry April 4, 1867, he married Mary E. [Miliard], daughter of Stephen H. Miliard.  After this marriage he was engaged for a time in farming, and on the opening of the Lackawanna railroad through the Chenango valley was employed for a short time as conductor of a coal train.  Afterward he conducted the St. James hotel and for many years last past he was owner and proprietor of the Oakwood Café on Navy Island.  He was one of the older members of Sappho Hose company and had served as chief engineer of the fire department.  He had also served as trustee of the village.  In politics he was a Republican.  He was a member of Oxford lodge, No. 175, F.&A.M.  He is survived by his wife, one daughter, Mrs. Jared O. Estelo, two brothers, John R. Van Wagenen, president of the First National bank of Oxford and William H. Van Wagenen, one sister Mrs. O.H. Curtis of Oxford.

Death Notices
Chenango Union, May 31, 1848

In Norwich [Chenango Co., NY], on the 27th inst., Mr. George A. Jacobs, aged 42 years.

At Beecher's Island, Pa., on the 10th inst., of an acute inflammation of the lungs, Mr. Daniel Shumway, aged 68 years.  Mr. S. was a native of Oxford, Mass.  In 1806 or 7 he removed to the village of Oxford [Chenango Co., NY], in this County, where he resided some twenty-seven years, universally respected for his integrity, kindness of heart, public spirit, and successful enterprise.

Chenango Union, February 21, 1849

In Oxford [Chenango Co., NY], on the 2d inst., Mary [Smith], daughter of Pardon and Mary W. Smith, aged 7 years.

In Guilford [Chenango Co., NY] on the 10th inst., Mr. William C. Thompson, aged 43 years.


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