George W. Sholes
Utica Saturday Globe, March 1919

George W. Sholes
1836 - 1919
Norwich [Chenango Co., NY]: At his boarding place on South Broad street, Wednesday morning occurred the death of George W. Sholes, for many years a well-known insurance solicitor of this city, aged 83. Deceased was born in the town of Burlington, Otsego county, but had been a resident of Norwich a large part of his life. During his early years he became a clerk in a dry goods store in this place and later was in the same business for himself in Binghamton, Norwich and Cooperstown. For the past 30 or more years he had been in the insurance business up to about two years ago, when he was retired on a pension. About 60 years ago he married Miss Adeline L. Tiffany and for many years they resided on Mitchell street. Mrs. Sholes died in June, 1917, and a few weeks ago Mr. Sholes went to board with Mrs. Eunice Wheeler on South Broad street. His only surviving relatives are nephews and nieces. His funeral will be held form his former home on Mitchell street Saturday afternoon, Rev. J.A. Springstead officiating. Burial will be made in Mt. Hope Cemetery [Norwich, NY]
Clark Loomis & Carl Loomis
Norwich Sun, March 8, 1934
A message received here Friday announced the death of Clark Loomis from pneumonia in Syracuse General Hospital and on Sunday a second message that his father, Carl C. Loomis, 53, had succumbed to the disease at his home on Onondaga hill, West Seneca Turnpike that day. Mr. Loomis conducted the store in this place [North Pitcher, Chenango Co., NY] for several years and the sincere sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved wife and daughter, Hilda, in this affliction.
Eugene Reynolds
Norwich Sun, September 14, 1933
Eugene Reynolds, a lifelong resident of Otselic [Chenango Co., NY]died at the welfare home at Preston [Chenango Co., NY] last Thursday, aged 65 years. The funeral was conducted at the M.E. church Monday afternoon. Rev. Steer officiating. Burial was in Valley View cemetery. He is survived by a wife and two sons.
John H. McKee
Norwich Sun, February 14, 1925
John H. McKee died last Thursday night of acute indigestion, being sick less than a hour. He was 73 years old. He leaves a wife and four daughters, Mrs.. Frank Jackson, Mrs. Grace Huttleston and Mae Anna Bush of this place, and Mrs. George Auburn of Utica. a private funeral was held at his home Saturday, with burial in Valley View cemetery [South Otselic, Chenango Co., NY]
Lewis V. Huttleston
DeRuyter Gleaner, April 4, 1907
Lewis V. Huttletson, for many years a resident of this village, died at his home on Potter Ave., last Thursday morning, aged 63 years. Mr. Huttleston has been in poor health for several months. The funeral services were held at the home Saturday afternoon, Rev. Benj. Rowe officiating. Judson E. Parce, Post No. 456, G.A.R., of which Mr. Huttleston was an active member, conducted the services at the grave in Valley View cemetery [South Otselic Cemetery, Chenango Co., NY]. Deceased was a member of the M.E. church and was held in the highest esteem by all who knew him. During the Civil War he served in the 16th N.Y. Cav. and for a number of years past had been secretary of the 16th N.Y. Cav. Association. Deceased is survived by his wife, three daughters, Mrs. Leslie Park of Virgil, Mrs. S.W. Gallinger, of West Winfield and Miss Beatrice, who resided at home; two sons, Ray D. and Ralph S. both of this place. Two brothers, Leroy M. of South Otselic and Wells G. of DeRuyter and three sisters, Mrs. Sanford Sherman of Mariposa, Mrs. Bert Eaton of North Norwich and a sister who resides in the West, also survive.
Mrs. Margaret Ann (Cooley) Potter
DeRuyter Gleaner, December 14, 1905
Mrs. M.A. Potter, for many years a resident of this village [South Otselic, Chenango Co., NY], died at the home of her son, William C. Potter in Cincinnatus, Monday, Dec. 11. The funeral services were held at the house today,. Edson Rogers and A.L. Hobart officiating. Interment was made by the side of her late husband Joseph S. Potter, in Valley View cemetery in this village, Rev. J.C. Whitney pastor of the Baptist church, officiating at the grave. Mrs. Potter was born in Laurens, Otsego Co., June 28, 1812. Deceased is survived by three sons, Addison A. Potter of Lincklaen Center, William C. Potter of Cincinnatus and Edmund T. Potter of Pharsalia.
Mary A. (Brown) Potter
The New Era Gleaner, August 19, 1886
POTTER: At South Otselic [Chenango Co., NY], on the morning of August 13, 1886, Mrs. Mary A. Potter, the wife of Samuel Potter, aged 57 years, 5 months and 4 days.
She was the daughter of Edmund R. and Polly Brown, and was born in the town of Otselic, March 9, 1854. When 16 years of age she received hope in the pardoning mercy of the Savior and united with the Baptist Church of Beaver Meadow; later in life she moved her membership to Rochester, where she remained a member till she went from the church militant to join the church triumphant.
April 15, 1873 she was married to Samuel Potter. She was a kind, gentle, loving wife, being the light and joy of her home for the more than 13 years that she lived in it. She had been in poor health for years, terminating in dropsy, which caused her death. Her death was rather expected; the morning of her death was the first time that she failed to eat at the table with her family and she died about 9 a.m. She was the last of three daughters. She leaves a husband, one own brother, five half-brothers (four of them acted as bearers), and numerous friends to mourn her loss. May the grace of God comfort all of them!
Her funeral was held in the Methodist church at South Otselic, Sunday, August 15, at 1:00 p.m. Text: "Weeping may endure for a night, but Joy cometh in the morning." Perie Fitz Randolph
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