Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, August 1878

 Chenango Union, Norwich, NY, August 29, 1878


VAN DEUSEN - HOLDREDGE:  In King Settlement [Chenango Co. NY], August 25th, by Rev. C.C. Williams, Mr. George Van Deusen to Miss Hattie E. Holdredge both of King Settlement.

STEBBINS - SAMSON:  In DeRuyter [Madison Co. NY] august 21st, by Rev. W.C. Phillips, Mr. Lee Stebbins of Rockdale [Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Julia E. Samson of DeRuyter.

ROBBINS - BROWN: In Plymouth [Chenango Co. NY], August 22d, by W.D. Powell, Esq. Mr. Frank Robbins to Miss Alice M. Brown, both of Plymouth.


BELDEN:  In Guilford [Chenango Co. NY], August 20th, Mr. Lorenzo M. Belden, aged 67 years.

TANSEY:  In Preston [Chenango Co. NY], August 26th, Mr. Thomas Tansey aged 63 years.

DEAN:  In Afton [Chenango Co. NY] August 17th, Nancy [Dean], wife of Reuben Dean, aged 71 years.

MAIN:  In Westerly, R.I. August 17th, Mrs. Fanny York Main widow of the late Randall Main, formerly of Oxford [Chenango Co. NY], aged 82 years.


In Memory of Benjamin P. Sisson

On Tuesday, the 29th, Benjamin Sisson passed calmly and peacefully from the shores of time into the vast, boundless eternity.  To him the thought of dying brought no fears, for his feet were firmly planted on the "Rock of Ages" and his hopes reached forth to "that which is within the veil."  His father's family consisted of ten boys and three girls only five of whom remain, and when the most of them were quire young, he was borne to the silent tomb.  But the mother, with almost superhuman energy, struggled on, kept her family together, and lived to see them occupy places of honor and respectability in society.

Benjamin Sisson was very much attached to his home.  Here he was born, and here for more than three score years and ten he had lived in the enjoyment of the respect and esteem of the community at large and loved and revered by those who were more intimately acquainted with him. For in the practice of those amenities and kindnesses which repeated day after day strengthen the cords of friendship and bind neighbors and friends together in the bonds of peace and good will.

Mr. Sisson was a pattern to all.  For thirty-four years he and his bereaved companion had lived together in the enjoyment of the most perfect domestic happiness.  Indeed, their home with its cares and duties was to them a little world, beyond which they seldom wandered except to the bedside of a suffering neighbor.  Then, their neighbor's troubles became their own, and they hastened to render every assistance in their power.  He sought not the honors and emoluments of this world, but the more certain riches of the world to come.

His remains were borne to the cemetery on Wednesday.  Notwithstanding the short notice, a large concourse of people assembled to pay the last tribute of respect to the departed.  Rev. Mr. Fox, of Norwich, preached from words presented by Mrs. Sisson and found in the book of Job, 19th chapter, 21st verse, and the Dickerson family, assisted by Mr. Cary, the undertaker sang some of the most appropriate and sweetest selections to be found in all the category of religious song.

News Item

New Berlin, Chenango Co. NY:  On Wednesday forenoon last might have been seen a group upon Beers' portico whose united ages cannot be reached by any similar number upon this corporation - at least, we think such to be the case.  They run as follows:

Amon Alcott, aged 87; John Hyde, aged 87; Welcome Arnold, aged 83; J.F. Field, aged 72; Peleg Brown, aged 72; Stephen Card, aged 79; Daniel Harrington, aged 68; Lewis Brown, aged 64.

Some of this number have resided in this section a lifetime and can look back to the time when, where stands this village, there was nothing but a wilderness.  It is very seldom that so many representatives of the "days that tried men's souls" are permitted to congregate together.  Gazette

Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, August 28, 1878


JACOX:  In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY], at the home of -?- Wilbur where she has made a pleasant stay for a number of years, Mrs. -?- Jacox aged 88 years.

McDonough, Chenango Co. NY" Again the messenger of death has come and takes one of our beloved ones from our throng.  Rev. L.D. Howe, a former pastor of the F.B. Church, died on Thursday last, after a long and severe illness.  The funeral services were held at the F.B. Church on Sunday last and were attended by a large number of friends and relatives.  His remains were taken to East Pharsalia [Chenango Co. NY] for interment.

Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, August 31, 1878


Chenango Forks, Broome Co. NY:  A quiet marriage took place in this village last Wednesday evening.  The contracting parties were Oliver Quick and Della Eddleman both of this place.  Rev. Tood performed the ceremony quietly and quickly.


Chenango Forks, Broome Co. NY:  Mrs. Ida F. [Edwards] of this place, died at Albany [Albany Co. NY], Wednesday of dropsy where she had been to receive medical aid. She will be taken to bighamton [Broome co. NY] Friday for burial, her parents residing there.

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