Friday, October 11, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, September 1878

 Chenango Union, Norwich, NY, September 12, 1878


SHERWOOD - FAIRBANK:  In Beaver Meadow [Chenango County, NY] May 22 at the parsonage, by Rev. S.H. Adriance, Mr. Wallace Sherwood of Otselic [Chenango Co. NY] to  Miss Hattie Fairbank of Pharsalia [Chenango Co. NY].

COUCH - FAIRBANK:  At the residence of the bride's father in Pharsalia [Chenango Co. NY] Sept. 3d by Rev. S.H. Adriance, Mr. Orlow Couch of Cuyler [Cortland Co. NY] to  Miss Josie Fairbank of Pharsalia.

STACK - BERRY:  In Hamilton [Madison Co. NY] Sept 3d by Rev. Father Ludden, Mr. James Stack of Sherburne [Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Ella Berry of North Norwich [Chenango Co. NY].

SQUIRES - COMSTOCK:  At the residence of William Cassels in Earlville [Madison Co. NY] Sept. 4th by Rev. G.R. Burnside, Mr. Collins F. Squires of Sherburne [Chenango Co. NY] and Miss Ada A. Comstock of South Hamilton [Madison Co. NY].

COOK - McGEORGE:  In St. Paul's Church, Oxford [Chenango Co. NY] on the evening of Sept. 4th by Rev. R. McDuff, Mr. William Cook to Miss Eva S. McGeorge.

HITCHCOCK - ROBINSON:  In South Oxford [Chenango Co. NY], Sept. 4th, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. J.A. Robinson of Cortland, Dewitt Hitchcock, M.D. of Long Island City and Sarah Linn Robinson daughter of S.M. Robinson._


On Wednesday evening last, Birdsall Street Church [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY] was the center of attraction.  At an early hour, a large and brilliant audience had assembled - it being the first event of the kind ever witnessed in that church - to celebrate the nuptials of one who had long been a member of the choir and whose genial disposition and pleasant ways had attracted to her quite a large circle of friends.  The church was splendidly illuminated and elaborately trimmed and decorated with vines and flowers, while a floral marriage bell was suspended from a beautiful evergreen arch in front of the altar.

The parties most interested were Miss Florence Nettie Blackman, daughter of Cyrus Blackman of this place, and Mr. Alonzo C. Wakefield, of Orange, in the old Bay State.  As the organ pealed forth its glad notes, Miss Amelia Church at the keys, the joyous couple were conducted to the altar, where the ceremony was performed in a happy, yet impressive manner by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Stone.

The ushers were Charles Denslow, Charles Pendleton, George Cole and Ira Dain.  After the ceremony the bride and groom repaired to the residence of Mr. Blackman, where they were the recipients of a large number of presents, valuable gifts likewise having been sent to the church.  The loss to Norwich society in the deprivation of Nettie Blackman and especially to the church with which she was connected, will be others' gain.  Mr. Wakefield left with his prize on Tuesday morning for their home in Massachusetts, carrying with them the best wishes of kindred and friends.  We extend our congratulations to the newly wedded couple and wish them a pleasant and prosperous journey on the voyage upon which they have just entered and a happy termination at the end.


WHEELER:  In Oxford [Chenango Co. NY] Sept. 7th, Lavina [Wheeler] wife of Philip Wheeler aged about 60 years.

THOMPSON:  In Guilford [Chenango Co. NY] Sept. 3d, Mr. Charles C. Thompson aged 74 years.

WALSWORTH:  In Jones County, Iowa, near Onslow, Aug. 23d of old age, Mr. William Walsworth aged 93 years, formerly of Norwich [Chenango Co. NY].

KELLEY:  In Greene [Chenango Co. NY] August 27th, Mary Ann [Kelley] wife of Jonas Kelley, aged 54 years.

BOWDISH:  In North Uxbridge, Mass. June 20th, Mary A. [Bowdish] wife of S.P. Bowdish and daughter of the late Chauncy Smith of McDonough [Chenango Co. NY], aged 58 years 3 months and 13 days.

RAYMOND:  At Elgin, Ill. Aug. 22, 1878, Mr. George B. Raymond, formerly of Sherburne [Chenango Co. NY] aged 70 years.


South Plymouth, Chenango Co. NY:  On Friday morning, the 6th inst., a few friends gathered in the cemetery and performed the sad duty of laying away the remains of Lorenzo Adams in the silent tomb.  His father, Giles Adams, of Otselic [Chenango Co. NY], arrived with the body only the night before from Iowa, where he died, and it was necessary to proceed at once to the burial.  Lorenzo went West only about a year ago, and in that short time by hard study had risen to the position of principal of a high school and gave promise of rising still higher in the profession of his choice.  Oh, how severe, how hard to learn, are some of the lessons of this transitory life.  Early in the summer, Death invaded the household where the strong ties of parental affection had entwined around an only child, and with hearts torn and lacerated, they deposition her little form in the graveyard - the light and joy of their home gone.  A few weeks since another grave was dug. and now the venerable Benjamin Sisson is no longer found cheerfully toiling in his little workshop.   He has ceased to toil and is at rest.  And now still another procession comes wending its way to the cemetery.  This time a young man - one who bid fair to rise far up the hill of science and gave every evidence of becoming a blessing to society, is lowered into the narrow house prepared for all the living - a short invocation to Him who holds our destinies in his keeping and the friends go their several ways. This world is often called "The land of the living."  Oh no, it's the land of the dying - the land of funerals - of sickness, disease and death.

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