Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Vital Records, Madison County, NY, 1809 & 1872

 The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, November 15, 1809


At DeRuyter [Madison Co. NY] on Wednesday the 25th of October by Elder Hill, Elder Thomas Tuttle to the widow Butler.

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, December 20, 1809


In this town [Cazenovia, Madison Co. NY], by Elisha Farnham, Esq. Mr. James W. Whitney, attorney at Law, of Bridgwater, Oneida County [NY] to Miss Susanna Butine of the former place.

Democratic Union, Oneida, NY, April 25, 1872


HINMAN -SLOAN:  In Stockbridge [Madison Co. NY], April 24, at the residence of the bride's mother, by Rev. B.H. Brown, Mr. A.J. Hinman and Miss Mary A. Sloan, both of Stockbridge.

CASE - PURDY:  In Oswego [Oswego Co. NY], April 17, at the residence of the bride's father, E.H. Purdy by Rev. S.S.N. Greenley, Mr. Joseph D. Case of Oneida and Miss Anna M. Purdy.

GRAVES - KEITH:  In Nelson [Madison Co. NY] April 11 by Rev. L.A. Eddy, Charles E. Graves and Nettie [Keith] daughter of Elbridge Keith, both of Nelson.

TUCKER -WHITE:  In Albany [Albany Co. NY], April 9?, by Rev. S.N. Kance, Mr. Charles D. Tucker of that city, and Miss Sarah E. White of Eaton [Madison Co. NY].

FISH - DOPP:  In New Berlin [Chenango Co. NY] March 1 by Elder Carrier, Mr. Orlando Fish of New Berlin and Miss ida Dopp of Lebanon [Madison Co. NY].

REED - MILES:  In Nelson [Madison Co. NY] at the residence of the bride's father, April 15, by Rev. F.T. Harris, Mr. Levi T. Reed and Miss Viola Miles, both of Nelson.


DRAKE:  In New Woodstock [Madison Co. NY], April 14, Mr. Alfred Drake, aged 55 years.

ACKLEY:  In East Hamilton [Madison Co. NY], April 13, Zelotus Ackley, aged 42 years.

HOUSEMAN:  In Stockbridge [Madison Co. NY], April 10, Susan M. Houseman, wife of John M. Houseman, aged 30 years.

CARPENTER:  In Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY] March 25, Mrs. Sarah M. Carpenter, wife of Rev. Henry Carpenter, aged 29 years.

GEAR:  In Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY], March 27, Mrs. Charlotte A. Gear, wife of Franklin Gear, aged 31 years.

SWEET:  In Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY], March 30, Mrs. Ruth Sweet, relict of Thomas Sweet, deceased, aged 74 years.

BENNETT: In Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY] April 3, Orlando Bennett, aged 52 years.

PURDY:  In Sherburne Four Corners [Chenango Co. NY], April 2 of pneumonia, Stephen Purdy aged 84 years.

NICHOLS:  In Central City, Colorado Territory, March 20, Nina Belle [Nichols] infant daughter of Julius N. and Jennie Nichols, formerly of Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY], aged 7 months.

KELSY:  Near Clockville [Madison Co. NY], April 8, Allie A. [Kelsey] youngest daughter of Wm. and Jane Kelsey, aged 12 years.

WORMUTH:  In Chittenango Falls [Madison Co. NY], April 10, William C. Wormuth, aged 73 years.

HOPKINS:  In Manlius [Onondaga Co. NY], March 31, Sarah [Hopkins] wife of Hiram Hopkins, aged 68 years, 4 months and 29 days.

ROBERTS:  In Waterville [Oneida Co. NY], April 13, Rachel Roberts, daughter of John J. and Ann Roberts, aged 4 years, 1 months and 10 days.

BARBER:  In Preston, Province of Ontario, Canada, April 3, Dora [Barber] wife of W.C. Barber, formerly of Hamilton [Madison Co. NY], aged about 24 years.

BARLOW:  In Canaseraga [Alleghany Co. NY], April 20, George E. Barlow, aged 59 years and 9?  months.

NORTON:  In Albany [Albany Co. NY], April 19, after a lingering illness, Elizabeth [Norton] wife of James Norton, formerly publisher of the Morrisville Observer aged 46 years.

TUCKER:  In Canastota [Madison Co. NY], April 19, of typhoid fever, Hiram Tucker, son of Samuel Tucker, of Morrisville [Madison Co. NY] aged 17 years.

CLARK:  Near Kilbourne City, Wis., April 12, of hemorrhage of the lungs, Ebenezer Clark, formerly of Eaton [Madison Co. NY] aged 56 years.

WILCOX:  Near West Eaton [Marison Co. NY], April 18, of scarlet fever, Amy E. [Wilcox] twin daughter of Lester H. and Julia M. Wilcox, aged 2 years, 9? months and 14 days.  "He shall gather the lambs with his arm and carry them in his bosom."

"Know each other? Who will question / Truth so grateful to the heart, / When its cords are torn and bleeding, / When its earthly hopes depart

Who the parting scene could hear, / Did not mercy whisper gently, / We shall know each other there?"

WILBER:  Mrs. N.B. Wilber, an estimable lady and an old resident of Oneida [Madison Co. NY], died while on a visit to her friends in Hannibal, Oswego County [NY] on Sunday, April 21st, and was brought to her late residence in Oneida on the following Monday.  The funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church on the afternoon of Tuesday, the 23d inst. and her remains were taken by her friends on Wednesday morning to Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY] for interment to be placed by the side of those of her husband, who died and was buried at that place some six years ago.

News Items

Fatal Railroad Accident Near Oneida

On Sunday morning last, April 21st, it was rumored that a man was found lying between the two tracks on the Central RR about a mile and a half west of Verona [Oneida Co. NY], towards Oneida.  He was first discovered by the engineer of the Cincinnati express which passes through here about 5:40 A.M.  The train was stopped, and a man was sent back to attend to him.  the unfortunate man was found to be still alive though his legs were terribly crushed.  The hand sent back went immediately to Verona, procured a hand car and sufficient help and took the mangled man to the house of Mrs. Busby, in Oneida.  He lived about two hours after his arrival and was able to say but a few words.  His name was Michael Harris.  It was with great difficulty that the dying man could be understood but it is thought that he formerly lived in Buffalo [Erie Co. NY].  He had on his person a watch and chain No. 79,773 and only fifteen cents in his pocket.   His father's name is supposed to be Michael Harris and to reside in Buffalo.  Dr. Carpenter, who is Coroner, of Oneida, did all in his power to ascertain the identity of the deceased.  It is thought by some that Harris had been at work in Rome [Oneida Co. NY] and a messenger had been sent to Rome to make inquiries.  Later, we learn that the body has since been recognized as belonging in Rome and that Harris had been until recently employed in the Rome rolling mill.  He left Rome with the intention of going to Buffalo to obtain work.  His friends came to Oneida and took the remains back to Rome, where they were interred.

Another Man Killed on the Midland

As we go to press, we learn that a man named Marshall, aged 65 or 70 years, was instantly killed near Fulton [Oswego Co. NY] on Tuesday last, by the morning train from Oswego.  It appears he was just in the act of crossing the track as the train was coming around the curve and came upon him so suddenly that he had not time to get out of the way.  He was fearfully mangled.  His home we learn, was near Fulton.

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