Monday, October 21, 2024

Vital Records, Madison County, NY, 1872

 Democratic Union, Oneida, NY, May 9, 1872


NORTON - NASH:  In Erie, Penn., April 19, by Rev. Wm. Wythe, Mr. Francis A. Norton, Jr., and Miss Nannie Nash, both of Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY].

JONES - HODGE:  In Chittenango Falls [Madison Co. NY], April 17, by Rev. A. Harroun, John Jones and Emma Hodge both of Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY].

MATHEWS - ABBOTT:  In Hamilton [Madison Co. NY] April 17, by Rev. W.R. Brooks, Mr. E.C. mathews and Miss Marion L. Abbott, both of Oriskany Falls [Oneida Co. NY].


PURDY:  In Oneida [Madison Co. NY], May 5, of consumption, Sarah J. [Purdy] daughter of J.H. and M.A. Purdy, aged 17 years 10 months and 5 days.

BARNES:  In Ridgeville, April 31 [sic], Seymour Barnes aged 65 years.

Seymour Barnes of Bridgeville, died April 31st. [sic].  He was an old resident of Lenox and highly esteemed.

Chittenango, Madison Co. NY: We regret to learn of the bereavement of Miss Minnie L. Barnes, one of the teachers of the Union School in this village, caused by the death of her father, which occurred at his residence in Lenox [Madison Co. NY] on Monday last.  Miss Barnes has the sympathies of all our citizens in her affliction. We are pleased to learn that she will resume her position in the school at the commencement of the summer term next Monday.

LOOMIS:  In Madison [Madison Co. NY] May 1, Miss Hattie Loomis aged about 21 years.

MILLER:  In Deansville, April 18, Isaac Miller in the 81st year of his age.

RICE:  In Nelson [Madison Co. NY] April 19, Mrs. Samuel Rice formerly of Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY] aged 80 years.

STICKNEY:  In Waterville [Oneida Co. NY], April 30, Miss Mary J. Stickney aged 46 years and 10 months.

WHITMORE:  In Georgetown [Madison Co. NY], April 25, M. Josie ][Whitmore] aged 19 years and 4 months.

BROOKS:  In Poolville [Madison Co. NY], April 5, Newton Brooks, aged 5 years 10 months and 24 days.

PAGE:  In Fenner [Madison Co. NY], April 22, Daniel Page, aged 91 years.

DAVIS:  In Fenner [Madison Co. NY], April 26, Evan Davis, aged 26 years.

WILBUR:  In Earlville [Madison Co. NY], at the residence of his son-in-law, D.A. Briggs, William Wilbur, aged 51 years and 5 months.

BEEBE:  In Fenner [Madison Co. NY] recently, twin babes of Nelson and Nettie Beebe, aged respectively 3 and 10 days.  The afflicted parents have the sympathy of their kind neighbors in these their sad bereavements.

Treasures to earthly mortals given, / In infancy have quit earth's race, / As tiny angels flown to Heaven, / Upon the throne of grace.


Canastota, Madison Co. NY:  Our community was saddened by the intelligence of the death of E. Clark, a former resident of this place, which occurred a short time since in Wisconsin, where he and family has resided for the past few years.  The friends and relatives of the deceased have the heartfelt sympathy of the community in this hour of their sad affliction.

New Woodstock, Madison Co. NY:  James H. Hawkins who had lived in this place some time, died at his father's residence in Syracuse, April 26th.  He was a member of the Baptist Church here and an earnest worker in the temperance cause.  He held the office of lodge deputy until he left here last fall.  Mr. H. was a young man of high moral worth.

New Woodstock, Madison Co. NY:  Allen Gifford who sold his house near the gristmill to E. Harris and went to Michigan to locate a soldier's claim, returned last week to find his little boy down with brain fever, and the child died Sunday last week.

Oneida Lake, Madison Co., NY:  Ira Bushnell of this place, died April 11th with apoplexy.

We learn of one of the most frightful and fatal accidents that has happened in this section in many years.  It appears that a young man, 16 years of age, by the name of Job Knickerbocker, in the employ of James M. Phillips, of Coventry [Chenango Co. NY], was on Saturday night boiling sap in an old house used for that purpose.  During the night, becoming somewhat weary, he crawled up over the pans, where, it seems, there was a second floor, or upper room, and while there he fell into a sleep and rolled off into the pans below.  These pans were full of boiling sap.  He struck on his stomach, between the two pans, his feet entering the boiling sap of one pan, while his hands were thrown into the other.  He was fearfully scalded at either extremity. We understand that he extricated himself from this perilous position and walked about half a mile to the house of his mother (a widow lady) where after lingering a short time in great agony he died.  Greene American, 25th.

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