Oxford Gazette, Oxford, NY, June 3, 1818
In Lisbon, Beron Onatela, Farmer General of Tobacco, who has left property to the amount of 15,000,000 florins. According to the directions of his will, his coffin is to be covered with gold and fastened with a gold lock, the key of which, also of gold, has been delivered to his next of kin.
Oxford Gazette, Oxford, NY, June 17, 1818
Notice, Coped from a Pennsylvania paper.
Whereas my husband Benjamin [Carson] has advertised me as having left his bed & board; but as he has no bed nor board (he having made over his property to his children with a view of starving me) he has now left me to shift for myself - the second time. This is therefore to forewarn all persons harboring him, until he provides for my maintenance and gives security for that and his good behavior.
To all good people who wants him described/ To running away he has long been addicted;/ He deserted his country, being scared at a ball / And ran home, the greatest hero of all. / For such service as this he obtained a pension, / How well he deserved it, I need not mention; / But one thing for all I needs must acknowledge, / He's the worst husband God ever made to my knowledge. Susanna Carson, Clearfield County, Jan. 28, 1818
Oxford Gazette, Oxford, NY, July 1, 1818
At Franklin (Delaware County) [NY] David Prentice Esq. Attorney at Law of Bainbridge [Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Willis of the former place.
At Butternuts [Otsego Co. NY] Mrs. Catharine Prentiss in the 24th year of her age, consort of Mr. John H. Prentiss, editor of the Freeman's Journal, Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY] and daughter of Gen. Jacob Morris.
Oxford Gazette, Oxford, NY, July 15, 1818
At Port Deposit, (Maryland) on the 27th June last, Mr. William Marsh aged 25 years, son of Silas Marsh, Esq of Schenectady County [NY] and brother of Mr. Silas Marsh, Merchant of this village [Oxford, Chenango Co. NY]. He with several other young men were swimming in the Susquehanna River, when one of the party, hearing an unusual noise from him, sprang to his assistance and made every exertion to save him, but in vain, and in one moment was lost to his relatives, a dear and affectionate son and brother. His remains were interred with every mark of unfeigned sorrow from those friends whom his amiable qualities during a two years residence amongst them had attached to him.
Whereas my wife Eliza [Truare] has left my bed and board at the instigation of some designing person and without cause or provocation from me, this is to forbid all persons harboring or trusting her on my account, as I shall pay no debts of her contracting after this date. Titus Truare Preston [Chenango Co. NY] July 9th, 1818.
Oxford Gazette, Oxford, NY, July 29, 1818
Laurens, Otsego Co. NY: Mrs. Will Gile presented her husband with a nine-pound girl last Sunday.
On the 24th ult. Mr. Moses L. Ogden to Miss Hannah Ogden daughter of Isaac Ogden, Esq. all of Walton, Delaware County [NY].
At Albany [Albany Co. NY] by the Rev. Mr. Lacey, Doct. Joel A. Wing to Miss Mary Gregory, only daughter of Matthew Gregory, all of that city.
Oneonta Herald & Democrat, Oneonta, NY, October 11, 1878
In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 9th, by Rev. J.T. Wright, Miss Hattie [Wright] daughter of the officiating clergyman and Dr. Gale.
In Hobart [Delaware Co. NY], Oct. 2, by Rev. S.D. Gloson, John J. Andrews of South Kortright [Delaware Co. NY] and Emma Kniskern of Hobart.
In Croton, Oct. 3 by Rev. T.J. Whitaker, Virgil D Osborn and Effie Pulting both of Croton.
In Delhi [Delaware Co. NY] Oct. 1 by Rev. F.A.M. Brown, Charles R. Stillson and Elizabeth [Hutson] daughter of John Hutson.
In Maryland [Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 3 by Rev. E.C. Herdman, Austin T. Chase of Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY] and Lucy A. Baldwin.
In Meredith [Delaware Co. NY], Elk Creek, Oct. 1, Hugh Anderson, aged 67 years.
In Meredith [Delaware Co. NY], Sept 28, Mrs. Mercy Post wife of Rev. George Post, aged 68 years.
In Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY], Sept. 29, Milton U. Chase aged 76 years.
In Burlington [Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 6, Wm M. Holdridge aged 81 years. Mr. Holdridge was one of the earlier inhabitants of Otsego County. He was born near the place where he lived and died and for a lifetime was loved and respected by all who knew him. His great kindness toward all is highly spoken of. On the occasion of his funeral, there were assembled all of his children and grandchildren and from so large a circle he was the first to be taken. He had been a great sufferer for weeks, but there never was a murmur upon his lips. He passed away peacefully and now we trust he rests with Him who "giveth His beloved sleep."
In Portlandville [Otsego Co. NY, Sept. 30, Mrs. Elizabeth [Wright] wife of the late Daniel Wright aged 77 years. She was born in Cherry Valley [Otsego Co. NY] but spent most of her days in this vicinity.
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