Freeman's Journal, Cooperstown, NY, December 12, 1878
At the residence of the bride's parents, Dec. 4th, by Rev. A.B. Richardson, Joseph L. Hinds and Ida B. Empie both of Milford, N.Y. [Otsego Co.].
In Springfield [Otsego Co. NY] Dec. 3 at the home of the bride's parents by Rev. L. Casler, Mr. Walton Vibbard to Miss Dora Peck, all of Springfield.
Miss Mary A. Robbins late of Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY] was married in the Fourth Baptist Church of Philadelphia on Tuesday evening last, to Charles A. Capewell of that city.
At Phoenix Mills [Otsego Co. NY], Dec. 7th, 1878, Horace Butterfield in the 63d year of his age.
Last Saturday the church bell announced the death of one of our oldest and most respected citizens, Henry Moshier. He was of Quaker parentage, born in Nine Partners, Dutchess County [NY] in 1804, and was consequently 74 years of age. While a child his family moved to Mt. Vision in this county [Otsego Co. NY] and 25 years ago the subject of this sketch moved to Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY].
Estate of Leonard Cramer, late of Cherry Valley [Otsego Co. NY] deceased. Contest on probate of will. Case on trial. the testator was a bachelor, about 70 years old; made his will Sept. 1877 and died the following May. He knew enough to accumulate a property valued at about five thousand dollars, but contestants insist that he did not know enough to make a will; that he was imbecile, incompetent, unduly influenced, &c. For about ten years he had resided with a favorite nephew to whom he left his property. There are brothers, sisters and nephews who think they should have a share of the property, and who appear as contestants to the probate of the will. A large number of witnesses are here from Cherry Valley; the case was continued until about ten o'clock in the evening and then adjourned to Wednesday morning. S.S. Edick for contestants; S.A. Bowen for legatee.
In her home at the head of the lake on the 4th inst. Mrs. Mary D. White relict of Mr. Lyman White and daughter of Col. Richard and Ann C. Cary.
Mrs. White was 83 years of age, in full possession of her faculties, with much of her former energy of character and vivacity of disposition remaining, and with the apparent power of enjoying life for years to come, had it been so long extended. Among her last sayings were the words, "The world is so beautiful!"
She came of that old Revolutionary stock, descent from which is in itself a title of honor. Her father, Col. Cary, was an aide de camp to Gen. Washington and tradition and even the recollections of persons still living have preserved to us in the description of her mother the memory of a remarkable woman. That the daughter inherited some of the most striking traits of the mother was evident to those who knew the one and had heard of the other.
It was remarked at her funeral that she was singularly fortunate in a life so long protracted with the power and means of enjoying it and also in the circumstance, getting to be every day more uncommon in American life, that she died on her natal soil and in the home of her childhood, surrounded with the affection and veneration of children and descendants.
At the time of her death, she was the oldest member of Christ Chruch, Cooperstown, from which on Saturday last, after the touching rites of the church, her remains were conveyed by her friends and children to the family burial place in the church yard. The snow-covered earth lent a look of strange loveliness to the flowers that decked her coffin - appropriate there, as on that of the child or young maiden, for the most aged Christian is always young with the hope of immortality. The Christian poet's glowing predication of reawakening life includes, with those dying in their bloom, those who pass away in the sere and yellow leaf, when he sings, in the words which wed a deathless belief to undying verse:
"On the cold cheek of death smiles and roses are blending, / And beauty immortal awakes from the tomb."
Murder in Chenango
Says a dispatch dated Utica, December 4: Felix McCann aged about sixty, shot and killed J. Morris Hatch, neighbor, aged about fifty. They lived in Nigger Hollow, three miles from Sherburne, Chenango County [NY]. They have had a feud for two years past. Tuesday, Hatch shot one of McCann's chickens. McCann went out about dark, put his musket on the fence and shot Hatch through the window. He was arrested. Both were in moderate circumstances. McCann denied the crime and appears unconcerned.
Charges were brought against the wife of Hatch, who has not a good name and an effort made to fasten the crime on her, but the Coroner's jury, after a protracted investigation, found McCann guilty and he was arrested.
Of Mrs. Hatch, a correspondent says: "She is apparently between 48 and 50 years of age, says she was married thirty years ago, when she was quite young. Her maiden name was Dennigon and her home was in West Edmeston, Otsego County [NY]. Her face indicates that she was once a fair looking woman, and she is not uncomely now. In the village of Sherburne she was known as the berry woman and shunned as an inveterate talker. She and the McCanns were always quarreling."
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