Monday, December 29, 2014

Soldier News continued, 1946

Robert Rosenstein Discharged from Navy
Bainbridge News & Republican, June 20, 1946

Robert T. Rosenstein, Y 1/C, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Rosenstein, of Johnson street [Bainbridge, Chenango Co., NY], was discharged from the Navy June 2 at Lido Beach, after five and one-half years of service.  Entering the service Jan. 8, 1941, he served on the USS North Carolina, USS Beaumont (FG60), USS Jet (PTC20).  He holds the Victory Medal, American Theatre Medal, Asiatic-Pacific Medal with three stars, American Defense Medal with one star, and Good Conduct Medal.
Buddy of Adrian Bush Visits Mr. & Mrs. Bush
Bainbridge News & Republican, June 13, 1946
Charles Sheridan, of West Winfield, a Marine buddy of Clarence Adrian Bush, called on Adrian's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Bush, Sunday afternoon.  Plt. Sgt. Clarence Adrian Bush was killed on Iwo Jima, Feb. 22, 1945, while serving with the 5th Marine Division.  Mr. Sheridan stated that he and Adrian were with a group of men of the 5th Division which went into Iwo Jima with the 3rd Division with the first wave of invasion.  He said that a group of Japs infiltrated by night an area taken and had fortified themselves in an effective position picking off a number of our Marines.  Because there was no tank available at the time to send out to take this pill box, Adrian was one of eight men who volunteered to take it--five of the eight never returned and Adrian was one of them.  Mr. Sheridan was accompanied by his mother and fiancée.

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