Thursday, January 1, 2015

Marriages (January 1)

Bainbridge News & Republican, July 11, 1946

On Saturday, June 30, occurred the marriage of Miss Beverly J. Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Moore, of Mt. Upton [Chenango Co., NY], to Gordon Hoke, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Leigh Hoke, of Rockdale.  The Rev. J/ D. McDanel, of Mt. Upton, officiated  Witnessing the ceremony were Miss Hilda Weis and Ronald S. Webster, Jr.  Mr. Hoke is a recently discharged veteran.
Schloss - Welton
Bainbridge news & Republican, July 11, 1946
In the most unusual wedding of the season, Saturday, June 29, at noon, the twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Horace V. Schloss, Walton [Delaware Co., NY], and the sons of Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Welton, of Walton, were untied in marriage.  The Rev. J.M. Findley Brown, D.D., of Walton United Presbyterian Church, performed the double ceremony.  Given in marriage by their father were Miss Jean Harriett Schloss, who became the bride of Ralph Winfield Welton, and Miss June Helen Schloss, who was married to Allen Eugene Welton.  The home of the brides' parents, in which the ceremony took place, was decorated with mountain laurel, ferns and delphinium.  Only the immediate families were present, Mr. Welton having returned for the day from Camp Smith, Peekskill, where he is in bivouac with Company F, 1st Regiment, New York Guard.  Observance of the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Schloss gave the day a triple significance.  The brides were similarly attired in street-length dresses of embroidered pastel green jersey.  They wore corsages of white carnations and sweet peas.  A wedding dinner followed at the Bryden farm, Hawley Station with Mrs. Ivan Bryden, hostess.  Mrs. Ralph Welton was graduated from Walton High, class of '44 and Mr. Welton is an alumnus, class of '41.  All four of the wedding principals are employed at Kayser silk mill in Walton.  The two couples will make their home after July 8, in Walton.
Terwilliger - Juckette
Bainbridge News & Republican, July 4, 1946
Mildred Juckette, of Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY], was married to George Terwilliger, of Sidney [Delaware Co., NY], Friday afternoon, June 21, at 2 o'clock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Craver, West Bainbridge.  The ceremony as performed by the Rev. Norman Lawton, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Bainbridge.  The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Craver.  The bride chose a street-length dress of aqua with a corsage of red roses, while Mrs. Craver wore a dress of American Beauty crepe with a yellow corsage.  After a short wedding trip they will reside at Winegard street, Sidney, where Mr. Terwilliger is employed at the Scintilla Magneto Division, Bendix Aviation Corp. 
Agar - Chrisfield
Bainbridge News & Republican, July 4, 1946
Mr. and Mrs. H. Edward Chrisfield, of Gilbertsville, announced the engagement of their daughter, Helen, to Charles Agar, Jr., at a cocktail party recently in their home.  Hand-painted cards being the news of the betrothal were distributed to the guests by Nona Slaughter.  The wedding is planned for July 20.  Miss Chrisfield is a graduate of Wellesley College, Class of 1944.  Her fiancé, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Agar, Sr., of Delmar [Albany Co., NY], was recently discharged from the U.S. Army Air Corps.

Elliott - Haynie
Bainbridge News & Republican, June 27, 1946

Sidney [Delaware Co., NY]:  Theodore F. Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Elliott, of Sidney, was married June 7 to Miss LaRue Haynie at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Haynie, Alamosa, Colo.  It was a scene of a double wedding when Mrs. Elliott's former schoolmate, Ruth Udy, became the bride of Douglas B. Dare, of Dallas, Texas.  William Kent, Jr., of Sidney, was the best man.  He and Mr. Elliott drove to Alamosa together for the wedding and Mr. Kent flew back to Sidney.  A candlelight double ring ceremony was conducted by Bishop E. R. Guthrie, of Alamosa, before 30 relatives and friends.  Miss Haynie was given in marriage by her father.  Louise Haynie, sister of the bride, and Katherine Brim, Salt Lake City, Utah, were bridesmaids.  Following the ceremony, a luncheon was served to members of the bridal party and guests. After spending some time at Colorado Springs and in California, the couple will return to Sidney, where they will reside.  Mrs. Elliott graduated form Alamosa High School and attended the University of Utah for two years. She is a graduate nurse and served as an army nurse for two years.  She spent nearly nine months with the 81st Field Hospital Unit in the European Theatre of Operations as a first lieutenant.  She was recently a surgical nurse at the LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City.  Mr. Elliott was graduated from Sidney High School in 1931 and from the University of Rochester in 1936.  He was in the service for three and a half years serving in the Army Medical Administrative Corps and was first lieutenant at the time of his discharge.  he was in the European area for about a year.  He is a practicing optometrist in Sidney and Deposit.  He will be in Deposit July 10.

Devine - Weeks
Bainbridge News & Republican, July 11, 1946

Miss Louella Weeks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Weeks, of Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY], was married to Hugh A. Devine, son of Mrs. Ray W. Devine, of Binghamton [Broome Co., NY], Sunday, June 30, at 4 o'clock in the First Baptist Church, Bainbridge.  The double ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. Norman Lawton, pastor of the church.  The church was appropriately decorated for the occasion with ferns and daisies.  Eugene Houck sang, "Oh Perfect Love," accompanied by Mrs. Lawton at the organ.  Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of white satin made with long sleeves, with the yoke and train of net.  Her finger-tip veil was attached to a crown of seed pearls. She carried a nosegay of white roses and wore a three-strand pearl necklace, an heirloom of the bridegroom's family.  Miss Beverly Nichols, of Oneonta, classmate of the bride, wore a gown of blue satin and net with a blue headdress of net and flowers, and carried a nosegay of talisman roses.  The bridesmaids were Mrs. Lloyd Sipple and Miss Jean Bacon, both of Bainbridge, who wore gowns of pink and blue, respectively, with matching headdresses of flowers and net.  Both carried nosegays of talisman roses.  Albert M. Brown, of Williamsport, Pa., acted as best man.  Donald Patchen; and Roger and Lloyd Weeks, brothers of the bride, were ushers.  Mrs. Weeks, mother of the bride, was attired in a beige suit with brown accessories and a corsage of talisman roses.  Mrs. Devine, mother of the bridegroom wore navy with white accessories and a corsage of red and white roses.    A reception was held at the bride's home following the ceremony, for more than 50 guests.  The bride is a graduate of Bainbridge Central High School and School of Nursing, Wilson Memorial Hospital. The bridegroom is a graduate of Binghamton Central High School and has recently returned from overseas.  he has a position with Link Aircraft corp.  After a short wedding trip to the northern part of the state they will make their home in Binghamton. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the Schloss-Welton marriage information! I couldn't find some of this info through other sources. I appreciate you!
