Thursday, July 8, 2021

Vital Records, Norwich, NY, August 1863

 Chenango Telegraph, Norwich, NY, August 5, 1863

Married:  CRANDALL - SHEPARD:  At the house of E.W. Walker, of Sherburne [Chenango Co., NY], August 2, 1863, by Rev. W. Peck, Mr. R.E. Crandall of Columbus [Chenango Co., NY] to Miss Sarah A. Shepard of Sherburne.

Married:  WISWELL - TITUS:  In South New Berlin [Chenango Co., NY], July 26, 1863, by C.H. Babcock, Esq., Mr. John Henry Wiswell of North Norwich [Chenango Co., NY] to Miss Anna P. Titus, of Plymouth [Chenango Co., NY].

Died:  MATHEWSON:  In the Hospital at Brashear City, May 31, 1863, John P. Mathewson, of Co C, 114th Regiment N.Y.S.V. aged 20 years and days.

Died:  WHEELER:  At Vicksburgh, Miss. July 10, 1863 of typhoid fever, Mr. Smith R. Wheeler, formerly of Oxford [Chenango Co., NY], aged 21 years.

Died:  BEWSTER:  At Brashear City, La., May 1, 1863, Mr. Isaac H. Brewster, Co H, 114th Reg. formerly of Smithville [Chenango Co., NY], aged 20 years.

Died:  GRAVES:  In this town [Norwich, Chenango Co., NY], July 27, 1863, Mrs. Lydia Graves, wife of David Graves, aged 51 years.

Died:  MERRITT:  In Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY] July 25?, 1863, of diptheria, Addie [Merritt], aged 7 years and 1 month; also July 11 of the same disease, Charlie [Merritt], aged 8 years and 8 months, only children of Mrs. Mary A. Merritt, widow of the late Emmet Merritt.

Died:  WOOD:  In Norwich [Chenango Co., NY] August 32, 1863 at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. E. Stanley, Mr. Jeremiah Wood, aged 71 years.

Died:  THOMAS:  In Carbon Cliff, Rock Island Co., Illinois, July 17, 1863, Susan Miller Thorp [Thomas}, only daughter of Wm. S. and Sarah B. Thomas, aged 3? weeks.

At Home:  We are pleased to see amongst us, now and then, some of the brave soldier boys who have fought well and gallantly for their country, and are glad when their appearance shows them to be in good health and spirits.  Lieut. Geo. A. Colton  of the 144th (Delaware County) Regiment, came home on a short visit to his parents last week, and the evidence of good condition which he carries about are pleasing to all who know him. He was sent to Elmira to receive about two hundred drafted men to fill up his regiment, and while waiting for these, was given a furlough to visit his home. George says the universal feeling in the army in regard to the riot in New York, was that every Copperhead in the North should be bayoneted.  One universal wish was expressed for a chance to get at them.

Chenango Telegraph, Norwich, NY, August 12, 1863

Died:  LEWIS:  In Pharsalia [Chenango Co., NY], April 24, 1863, of diptheria, Lyman Loel [Lewis], aged 4 years.  Also at Pitcher Springs [Chenango Co., NY], July 27, Emeline Lovinia [Lewis], aged 6 years, children of Cyrus V. and Dolly Lewis.

Died:  JOBMAN:  In the Marine Hospital, New Orleans, La., July 20, 1863, of chronic diarrhea, Mr. William Jobman, Co. A, 114th Regiment, of Guilford [Chenango Co., NY], aged 49 years.

WISWELL:  In the Hospital at Brashear City, June 1, 1863, of chronic diarrhea, Mr. Thomas S. Wiswell, Co. B, 114th Regiment, aged 53 years.  In August 1862, when the call was made for volunteers, Mr. Wiswell, not fearing the draft, but like many others out of pure love to his country, volunteered to go and maintain its honor, and help roll back the murderous hosts which were gathering for its destruction.  His chief desire appeared to be to engage the enemy and do his country a service, but this boon was denied him. He was taken with disease and died before he had the privilege of showing valor on the field of battle.   He leaves a wife and number of children--one of the number, his next youngest son is in the army--to mourn his departure.  May a kind providence smile on the widow and fatherless children.

IVES:  In Guilford [Chenango Co., NY], July 8?, 1863, Mr. Abram Ives, aged 87? years.  He was one of the early settlers of the town, and the last of four brothers and a number of sisters who, residing in the same neighborhood, by their energy and toil gave a character for thrift and competence which few neighborhoods possess.

We find in the Peoria, (Ill.)Transcript the melancholy announcement of the death of Rev. H. Doane, formerly pastor of the Congregational Church in this village.  This sad news will cause mourning in many hearts here, for he was well known and loved by many, best loved by those who knew him best.  He died on the field of his usefulness, died, as we know he wished to die, in the very midst of the labor to which he had devoted his life. 

"Died on the United States Hospital boat, near Vicksburg, on the 23d ult., The Rev. H. Doane, recently chaplain of the 17th Ill. regiment, and late city missionary in this city, aged fifty-seven years.  In the death of Mr. Doane, his regiment sustains a loss not only of a true chaplain, but a friend and companion, one who sympathized in all the hardships of a soldier's experience, and was ever ready to extend a helping hand to relieve the wants and necessities of the afflicted, and point the mind of the soldier to the higher and nobler life in Christ Jesus.  Mr. Doane was the soldier's friend and for him and his country has laid down his life  As a pastor he was not excelled, ever being and walking in the faith of his great master, whom he most devoutly loved and faithfully served. As city missionary in this city during the year 1862, Mr. Doane labored with zeal and faithfulness and many hearts were made glad by his words of love and gospel truth, and the seed sown by him in his missionary labors here will still bear testimony of his faithfulness and apostolic zeal.  He leaves a devoted wife and several children to mourn his loss, as well as a large number of friends in this city."

Chenango Telegraph, Norwich, NY, August 19, 1863

Married:  BROOKS - WELLER:  At Milford, Otsego Co. [NY] by Rev Wm. Watson, Mr. Lyman Brooks of Salem, Columbiana Co., Ohio, formerly of this village [Norwich, Chenango Co., NY] to Mrs. Mary S. Weller, of Pittsfield, Mass.

Died:  LEWIS:  In Preston [Chenango Co., NY], August 9?, 1863, Lydia [Lewis], wife of Mr. Samuel E. Lewis, aged 28 years.

Died:  WILLIAMS:  In Norwich [Chenango Co., NY], Aug. 11, 1863, Mr. Nathan S. Williams, aged 67 years.

Died:  ISBELL:  In McDonough [Chenango Co., NY], August 4, Lucius H. Isbell, son of Lyman Isbell.

Died:  STRONG:  In Binghamton [Broome Co., NY], July 10, 1863, Mrs. Rosalinda Strong, wife of Judge Cyrus Strong, formerly of this village [Norwich, Chenango Co., NY], aged 70 years.

Died:  DAVIS:  At the Marine Hospital, New Orleans, July 8?, 1863, of consumption and chronic diarrhea, Mr. Ira A. Davis of Company B, 114th Regiment, N.Y.S.V., aged 26 years.  -?- attractions, felt nevertheless a strong attraction for country and its welfare.  When the call was made for volunteers in 1862 he responded and went, hoping to be of service in checking the fratricidal hosts which were gathering for the purpose of destroying the government which had so long nourished them.  His hopes were however blighted by sickness.  He was taken sick while his Regiment was at Fortress Monroe from which he never fully recovered, but lingered in feebleness more or less till he died.  His letters to his wife and friends breathed the spirit of the Christian patriot.  He sleeps with the brave who have fallen victims and martyrs for their country.  He leaves a wife and numerous friends to mourn his early departure.

Died:  FORD:  In Mt. Upton [Chenango Co., NY], August 11, 1863, Russell Ford, Esq., in the 65th year of his age.

The deceased was born in Delaware County in this state [NY], and came to this County when a boy.  He held many important positions in his town.  He was elected a Justice of the Peace of the town of Guilford [Chenango Co., NY] in 1830 and held the office until a few years previous to his death.  He was admitted to practice in all the Courts of this state upon motion of his old friend Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson at the General Term of the Supreme Court, at Binghamton in the year 1851, and continued the practice of law until his failing health compelled him to withdraw from the active and exciting pursuits of his profession.  At the time of his decease he was a member of the Baptist Church and had been for 29? years.  Ability, integrity and purity were his characteristics in all the relations of life.  He was a consistent Christian, a kind husband, and an affectionate father and was beloved by all who knew him.  As his earthly pilgrimage drew near its close he looked back upon a life well spent, and died without regret, regretted by all.  His funeral was attended by a large concourse of his fellow citizens and he has left a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn his loss.

Chenango Telegraph, Norwich, NY, August 26, 1863

Died:  DUNN:  In Greene [Chenango Co., NY], Aug. 15, 1863, Mehetable H. [Dunn], wife of Mr. H.G. Dunn, aged 43 years and 10 months.

Died:  ROSE:  In Fort Wood Hospital, Badlow's Island, Aug. 10, 1863, Mr. Abram Rose of the 8th, N.Y. Cavalry, of Greene [Chenango Co., NY], aged 38 years.

Died:  BENNETT:  In Oxford [Chenango Co., NY], August 9, 1863, Mrs. Harriet Bennett, aged 74 years.

Died:  NICHOLS:  In Oxford [Chenango Co., NY], August 15, 1863, Sarah M. [Nichols], daughter of John and Margaret Nichols, aged 17 years.

Died:  THOMPSON:  In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co., NY], August 12, 1863, Willie Harvey [Thompson], son of Harvey and Elizabeth Thompson, aged 2 years and 12 days.

Died:  SMITH:  AT the Barracks Hospital, New Orleans, July 19, 1863, of chronic diarrhea, Mr. Charles P. Smith, of Co. A, 114th Regiment, N.Y.S.V., formerly of Oxford [Chenango Co., NY], aged 35 years.

Died:  ENSWORTH:  In the Barracks Hospital, New Orléans, June 16, 1863, of diptheria, Mr. Waterman Ensworth of Co. A 114th Regiment. N.Y.S.V., son of Nathaniel and Lydia Ensworth of Oxford [Chenango Co., NY] aged 21 years.

Died:  SCOTT:  In this town [Norwich, Chenango Co., NY], August 25, 1863, Leander H. [Scott], only child of Wm. G. and Sophia M. Scott, aged 2 years, 11 months and 16 days.  Loved was little Leelia, for whom we mourn; / Sad are our hearts, now he has gone / Yet oft we know that to us He'll come, / Bringing bright blessings from the spirit home.

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