Saturday, July 10, 2021

Vital Records, Norwich, NY - September 1863

 Chenango Telegraph, Norwich, NY, September 2, 1863

Married:  SPURR - HAWKINS:  In Columbus [Chenango Co., NY], August 30, 1863, by Rev. T.A. Jackson, Mr. James H. Spurr, of South Edmeston, to Miss Addie E. Hawkins, of Edmeston [Otsego Co., NY].

Died:  LEWIS:  In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co., NY], August 28, 1863, Charlie [Lewis], son of Thomas H. and Lucy Ann Lewis, aged 6 years and 9 days.  Little Charlie was our darling. / Pride of all the hearts at home. / But the Breezes floating lightly, / Came and whispered, "Charlie come"

COMSTOCK:  In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co., NY], August 27, 1863, of consumption, Mary Thompson, daughter of Cynthia M. and Abel Comstock, aged 3 months and 9 days.

BRADBURY:  In Guilford [Chenango Co., NY], August 18, 1863, Louise Morse [Bradbury], daughter of George and Weltha L. Bradbury, aged 2 years and 4 months.

BEARDSLEY:  In McDonough [Chenango Co., NY], July 20, 1863, Arsalia A. [Beardsley], aged 8 years and July 22, Eliza L. [Beardsley], aged 2 years, children of Russell B. and Roxena Beardsley.

WHITMARSH:  in Smithville [Chenango Co., NY] August 24, 1863, Mr. Ira Whitmarsh, of Greene [Chenango Co., NY], aged 42 years and 3 months.

REYNOLDS:  in Barker, Broome Co. [NY], August 24, 1863, Mr. Thomas Reynolds, aged 70 years and 6 months.

MEAD:  In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co., NY], August 27, 1863, Mr. Riley Mead, aged 37 years.

FITCH:  In Xenia, Clay Co., Ill. August 21, 1863, of typhoid fever, Mr. Riley Fitch, of Norwich [Chenango Co., NY], aged 39 years.

Sudden Death:  George W. Gibson, a well known citizen of this village [Norwich, Chenango Co., NY], was found dead in his bed on Sunday morning.  He was about the village as usual on Saturday evening and seemed to be in perfect health.

Chenango Telegraph, Norwich, NY, September 9, 1863

Married:  HOYT - FENN:  In Middleport, Niagara Co., N.Y., August 25, 1863, by Rev. A. Kelsey, Mr. Wm. D. Hoyt, formerly of Greene [Chenango Co., NY] to Miss Louisa B. Fenn.

Married:  TINKER - SAWYER:  In New Berlin [Chenango Co., NY], August 29, 1863, by Rev. Wm. Andrews, Mr. Henry C. Tinker, of New Berlin, to Miss Percia Sawyer, of Clayville [Oneida Co., NY].

Died:  JENKS:  In Sharpe's Corners, August 29, 1863, Uri D. [Jenks] son of Mr. Sidney Jenks, aged 2 years and 7 months.

Died:  RACE:  At Gettysburg, August 25, 1863, from wounds received at that place on the first day of July.  Wilson D. Race, son of Buel Race, of South Oxford [Chenango Co., NY], aged 24 years.

Died:  STOCKWELL:  In Triangle [Broome Co., NY], August 27, 1863, Mr. Abel Stockwell, aged 26? years.

Died:  WEDGE:  In Baton Rogue, La. July 23, 1863, Robert Wedge, of Co. E, 114th Regiment, N.Y.S.V., son of Mr. David Wedge, of Greene [Chenango Co., NY] aged 20 years 3 months and 26 days.

Died:  GRANT:  In Smithville [Chenango Co., NY], July 23, 1863, Mrs. Jemima Grant, aged 89 years.

Died:  BARNES:  In the Regimental Hospital at Manassas Junction, August 29, 1863, Mr. Charles Barnes of Co. H, 168th Regiment of East Greene [Chenango Co., NY], aged 30 years.

Died:  SWEET:  At the Marine Hospital New Orleans, June 27, 1863, Alfred P. Sweet, of the 114th Regiment, N.Y.S.V. late of Lincklaen [Chenango Co., nY], aged 32 years.

Died:  SEYMOUR:  in Otselic [Chenango Co., NY], September 2, 1863, of typhoid fever, Mr. George G. Seymour, aged 46 years.

Died:  BARBER:  On the Mississippi River, Aug. 13, 1863, Samuel Barber, son of T. Barber of Pharsalia [Chenango Co., NY], aged 35 years.

Chenango Telegraph, Norwich, NY, September 16, 1863

Married:  HOPKINS - GRAVES:  In New Berlin [Chenango Co., NY], on the 15th inst at the residence of the bride's father by the Rev. Samuel Scoville of Norwich, Mr. Samuel Hopkins of Norwich [Chenango Co., NY] to Miss Mary Graves of New Berlin.

Married:  MINER - BERRY:  In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co., NY] Sept 8?, 1863, by Rev. Wm. Searls, Mr. Sireno W. Miner to Miss Sarah Louisa Berry, all of this village.  

Married:  PRESTON - WARNER:  In Sherburne [Chenango Co., NY] Sept. 8?, 1863, by Rev. Mr. Jones, Mr. James Preston to Abigal E. Warner all of Sherburne.

Married:  BANKS - LOTTRIDGE:  In Columbus [Chenango Co., NY], Sept. 8, 1863, by Rev. W. Burnside, Mr. Levi B. Banks of Edmeston [Otsego Co., NY], to Miss -?- P. Lottridge of Columbus.

Married:  BERRY - STREET:  Also, by the same, in South New Berlin [Chenango Co., NY] Sept. 1-?, 1863, Mr. Henry Berry to Miss Ann E. Street, both of Norwich [Chenango Co., NY].

Died:  REMINGTON:  In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co., NY], Sept. 11, 1863, suddenly, Mr. V.I. Remington, aged 27 years.

Died:  LEWIS:  In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co., NY], Sept. 11, 1863,of typhoid fever, Mr. C.M. Lewis, aged 36 years.

Died:  UPHAM:  In Greene [Chenango Co., NY], Sept. 5, 1863, Mr. John Upham, Sen., aged 65 years.

Died:  PACKARD:  in Coventry [Chenango Co., NY], Sept. 4, 1863, Mrs. Amanda Packard, wife of Larking Packard, aged 65 years.

Died:  PIERCE:  In Morris, Otsego Co. [NY], Sept. 1, 1863, Mrs. Hannah Pierce, wife of Mr. Jonathan Pierce, deceased aged 84? years and 2 months.

Died:  VAN OSTRAND:  In Belyeu Hospital, Washington D.C. August 30, 1863, of fever, Mr. William H. Van Ostrand of Co A?, 10th N.Y. Cavalry, of Oxford [Chenango Co., NY], aged 19? years and 7 months.

Died:  LAW:  In McDonough [Chenango Co., NY], Sept. 3, inst., Hattie Bell [Law], daughter of H.S. and Almira Law aged 15 months.

Died:  DUNN:  In the U.S. Hospital at Frederick City, Md., August -?-, 1863, Myron H. Dunn of Co. H, 168th Regiment, son of Mr. H. and Mahetable Dunn of Greene [Chenango Co., NY], aged 18 years, 7 months and 10 days.

Died:  DOING:  In Preston [Chenango Co., NY], Sept. 6, 1863, Hervey Elsworth [Doing], youngest son of John and Emily  J. Doing aged 2 years -?- months and 23 days.  Little Hervey was our darling / Pride of all our hearts at home. / But the Savior came and called, / Our little Hervey to his home above.

Died:  HUNT:  In Sherburne [Chenango Co., NY], Sept. 7, 1863, Milo Hunt, aged 70 years.

PLACE:  In Mt. Upton [Chenango Co., NY], Sept. 5, 1863, Ursula [Place], wife of J.F. Place and daughter of Rev. Andrew Peck, aged 36 years.

Heard From:  In the year of 1859, two young men of this village [Norwich, Chenango Co., NY], Charles C. Gross and George Jacobs, went off to the State of Georgia with a man named Cole, who had been buying horses in this vicinity.  Jacobs soon returned, but Gross remained behind to seek his fortune.  He found it about a year afterwards in being driven into the ranks of the rebel army.  From that time no tidings of Charley ever reached Norwich until last Saturday, when his mother received from him a letter dated "Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D.C.," saying he had succeeded in "running the blockade of the South" and was then confined in Washington as a prisoner.  He wanted some documentary proof of his birth place parentage, connexions &c., sent on, and said that with their aid and by his oath of allegiance to the United States, he could be released and come home. The desired papers were forwarded to him on Monday and we shall soon know from his own mouth what damage three years of involuntary service in the cause of Seccessia have done to his patriotism.

Sudden Death:  On Saturday morning last, Mr. Benjamin Dudley was found dead in the road about half a mile west of this village [Oxford, Chenango Co., NY].  He left the residence of Daniel Dudley in the morning to come to the village and was found shortly after as above.  His death is supposed to be caused from a disease of the heart  Oxford Times

Chenango Telegraph, Norwich, NY, September 23, 1863

Married:  WINCHEL - WINCHEL:  In Greene [Chenango Co., NY], Sept. 9?, 1863, by Rev. A.B. Jones, Mr. David T. Winchel, to Miss Mary Winchel, all of Greene.

Married:  BUCK - JARVIS:  In Canton, Ohio, Sept. 7, 1863, by Rev. Wm. Buckingham, Mr. Talcott F Buck, late of Honduras, to Mrs. Elsie Per Lee Jarvis, of Massillon, Ohio.

Married:  HICKOX - SNOW:  In Vernon [Oneida Co., NY], Sept. 17, 1863, by Rev. Mr. Culver, Mr. Cyrus Hickox, of Bainbridge [Chenango Co., NY] to Miss Sabrina Snow, of Vernon.

Died:  WELLS:  At the Marine Hospital, New Orléans, Aug. 30, 1863, of consumption, Daniel L. Wells, of Pharsalia [Chenango C., NY], a volunteer of Co. I, 114th Reg. N.Y.S.V., aged 31 years.

In the fall of 1862, when enlistments were so rapidly going on in this county, he was among the first who nobly volunteered to risk his life in his country's service.  He left Norwich with the Regiment in September, 1862, and kept with it through all its perilous passage from Baltimore to New Orleans, being one of the number so nearly lost with the Thames in November.  In April 1863, he became very feeble and remained so up to the time of his death.  He was often tendered with his discharge, but he always refused, saying he would never leave his country's service except with his death or the downfall of treason.  He was a young man of the highest intelligence and abilities, professing a noble, frank and genial heart, and was universally beloved and esteemed by all who knew him.  In his death our society has lost one of its dearest numbers, and his parents the joy of a true and faithful son.  "No marble marks the couch of lowly sleep, / But living statues here are seen to weep./ Affliction's semblance bends not o'er thy tomb, / Affliction's self deplores thy early doom."

Died:  ARNOLD:  In McDonough [Chenango Co., NY], Sept. 13?, 1863, of diptheria, after an illness of nine days, Henry E. Arnold, son of William and Melissa B. Arnold, aged 13 years and 5 days.  Throughout his sickness he was remarkably patient and thoughtful.  He was a regular attendant and lover of the Sabbath School. We feel that he gave evidence of going to a better world than this.  He was heard to say (speaking to himself) "I cannot live and I must give my heart of Jesus." We trust his happy spirit was conveyed by angels to "Abrahams bosom"  -?-.

Chenango Telegraph, September 30, 1863

Married:  SIMONS -BREED:  At the Baptist Church in this village [Norwich, Chenango Co., NY], Sept. 24, 1863, by Rev. A.N. Benedict, Mr. P. Simons, of St. Louis, Mo. to Miss Emily Louisa [Breed], eldest daughter of Charles R. Breed of Norwich [Chenango Co., NY].

Married:  FOLLETT - CONKEY:  In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co., NY], Sept. 25?, 1863, by Rev. Samuel Scoville, Mr. S.R. Follet of Otego, Otsego Co., [NY], to Miss L. Francis Conkey, of Norwich.

Died:  SHERWOOD:  In West Colesville [Broome Co., NY], Sept. 8, 1863, Rev. Henry A. Sherwood, aged 24? years.

Died:  WHITNEY:  In Binghamton [Broome Co., NY], Sept. 12?, 1863, Franklin Whitney, Esq., in the -?- year of his age.

Died:  MOWREY:  At Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 19, 1863, Mr. Augustus Mowry, of the 161st Regiment, while on his way to Norwich [Chenango Co., NY].  He was a resident of this town, and was given a furlough to come home on account of ill health.

Died:  GUILE:  At his residence in North Norwich [Chenango Co., NY], Sept. 21, 1863, Mr. Lewis Guile, aged 47 years.  Blest are they who slumber in the Lord; / Thou, too, oh my father, thou art blest; / Angels came to crown thee, at their word, / Thou hast gone to share the heavenly rest.

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