Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, April 1878

 Oxford Times, Oxford, NY, April 3, 1878


BROWN:  In Pitcher [Chenango Co. NY], March 17th, Josephine S. [Brown] wife of Luther Brown, aged 42 years.

Chenango American, Greene, NY, April 4, 1878


In Norwich [Chenango Co. NY], March 20th, by Rev. S. Scoville, Mr. Allen J. Clare to Miss Jennie E. Barber, all of Norwich.

In Norwich [Chenango Co. NY], March 23d, by Rev. W.R. Stone, Mr. August Grotsinger to Miss Nancy Saftenberger, all of Norwich.


In McDonough [Chenango Co. NY], March 24th, Vernia [Brooks], only son of P.L. and Martha Brooks, aged 5 years.

In Willet, N.Y. [Cortland Co. NY], March 7th, Rilla [Jacobson] relict of Jacob Jacobson and mother of Geo. R. Jacobsen, Esq., of Smithville [Chenango Co. NY], aged 74 years, 6 months and 11 days.

Deceased was the daughter of Job Rockwell, Esq.; was born in Stafford Tolland Co., Conn; removed with her father's family to German, Chenango County [NY] when about six years of age.  In February 1824, she married Jacob Jacobson, whom she survived five years.  She was a great sufferer from partial paralysis for thirty-two years; for six months her sufferings were intense.  Her life has been one of the steady, bright, onward Christian, ever telling of the renewed spirit within that guiding and controlling power; and her death was the death of the righteous.  An only son, five daughters and an aged sister, mourn the loss of a loving, affectionate mother and sister.

Chenango Forks, Broome Co. NY:  Mr. Albert Adams, died on Saturday afternoon, of typhoid pneumonia.  He was attended by Dr. Harrington.  The funeral took place from his late residence on Monday afternoon, at one o'clock.

Sherburne News, Sherburne, NY, April 6, 1878


BINGHAM:  In Columbus [Chenango Co. NY], April 3, 1878, Mrs. Elvira Bingham, wife of Wellington Bingham, aged 29 years, 9 months and 4 days.  Her funeral was held at the Free Baptist Church, of which she was a member.

Truly "Death loves a shining mark."  Mrs. Bingham was an exemplary Christian, a faithful, loving wife and a superior mother.  Besides her husband and two children, she leaves a father, mother, two brothers and two sisters, who will sadly miss the loved one.  Her loss will be deeply felt, not only by the family, but by all who knew her, for to know her was to love her.  May the Lord bless the afflicted ones and enable them to trust God, and finally may they be reunited with her in the Kingdom of Heaven.

HAVELY:  In this village [Greene, Chenango Co. NY], March 30, 1878, Mrs. Sarah R. Havely, widow of Jacob Havely, aged 70 years and 10 months.

The funeral of Mrs. Havely took place at the Congregational Church on Tuesday afternoon and was attended by a large concourse of relatives and citizens.  The discourse was preached by Rev. Samuel Miller of Deansville (former pastor of the Congregational Chruch in this place) his remarks being from John xi:11.  The sermon inculcated implicit faith in Christ and embraced illustrations of the triumphs of those who accepted the gospel as inscrutable.  The preacher spoke of Mrs. Havely as one who accepted Christ in immovable faith as one who exhibited, perhaps less ecstasies of religion than some others, but one firmly grounded in the Gospel, whose religion consisted in good works, in deeds of benevolence, kindness, charity.  He spoke of her as a woman of remarkable sense, judgment and balance of mind.  He paid a most touching tribute to her, both as a Christian lady and friend and spoke of her loss as irreparable.  Mrs. Havely was a sister of the late Hon. Benj. F. Rexford and possessed many of his strong characteristics of mind.  As a tribute to her memory will soon be written by one eminently fitted for the task, we forbear further remarks.

Bainbridge Republican, Bainbridge, NY, April 4, 1878


BALLARD - DOUGLASS:  At the Bride's home in East Bainbridge [Chenango Co. NY], March 27th, by Rev. Samuel Johnson, Egbert Ballard of Sidney Plains [Delaware Co. NY] and Miss Eliza Douglass of Bainbridge.


Ann Eliza Goodyear, widow of the late Jared Goodyear, died at her residence at Colliers [Westchester Co. NY], Saturday afternoon last aged 74 years, 10 months, and 29 days.  Mrs. Goodyear has been an invalid for several years.  She leaves but one child, Mrs. Sylvester Lyman of Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY].  Her only grandchild, Miss Ella Lyman, who has resided with her all her life, has been unremitting in her care of her grandmother and it is understood that she is the legatee.


Mrs. Jacob Bixby

At 12 o'clock last week Saturday morning, Mrs. Jacob Bixby, passed from her home on earth to heaven.  Mrs. Bixby for the past four years has been a great sufferer caused from a accident which happened to her while returning from Quarterly conference at North Afton [Chenango Co. NY], July 19th, 1874.

The Bainbridge Republican under date of July 25th, 1874 says:  "While in East Afton, Mrs. Jacob Bixby was thrown from a wagon by a sudden start of the horse (the seat being loose) and severely injured about the spine.  Two other ladies with infants, occupied the same seat, but they fortunately escaped unhurt.  Mrs. B. was brought home on a bed, medical aid called in and she was soon brought to her senses, but it will be some time before she will be able to go about."

Although Mrs. Bixby fully recovered her senses, she never was able to do her household duties, but was confined continually to her bed.  From the first, her body was wholly paralyzed from her neck down, but in time she was able to move her arms and hands and could, by placing her food before her, help herself, but she never recovered farther, and to the time of her death was helpless.  All who were acquainted with Mrs. Bixby knew her to be a lady of excellent qualities and of a very mild and friendly disposition.  She bore her trial with that patience and submission due to a saint and never murmured on account of her sad fate.  She was a firm believer in prayer, and often as said that it was her only hope.  During the last few weeks of her life she was a great sufferer.  Death was a happy relief. As such, she welcomed it.  While deeply mourning her loss, those that know how great was her suffering, recognize that their loss is her gain. With peculiar force it could be said of her that to depart and be with Christ was far better. 

Mrs. Bixby was born at North New Berlin, Chenango County, N.Y. De. 25, 1824.  Her maiden name was Artemissa Darling.  On the 25 of December 1849, she was married to Jacob Bixby in West Davenport, and was a sister of Mr. Bixby's first wife. The family of the deceased have the sympathy of the entire community.  Her funeral services were held in the M.E. Church on Monday of this week, Rev. N.S Reynolds officiating, and a large number of relatives and friends were present.  Her remains were interred in the cemetery at this place.

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