Sunday, May 12, 2024

Vital Records, Delaware County, NY, October to December 1820

 Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, October 19, 1820


At his late residence i Kortright [Delaware Co. NY], on the 13th inst. Col. Solomon M. Sackrider aged forty-three, after an illness of short duration.  His last moments were characterized by the utmost resignation and frequent and animated expressions of satisfaction and happiness.  The deceased had filled a large space in society by reason of an elevated situation in life and the discharge of important public and private duties.  The void created by his loss will be severely felt and appreciated by an extensive circle of acquaintances, friends and relatives, but most particularly by those to whom he was united by filial and paternal ties.  His aged parents will receive from their afflicting bereavement an additional weight to that load of years that is pressing them to the grave.  The world has lost in the death of this man a living instance of practical virtue and honesty. blessed with great mildness and honesty of disposition, he was warm and steady in friendship, active in benevolence, open hearted and liberal, to the highest degree, kind and affectionate to his dependents and family and just to all.  Nor were these virtues mixed up with that alloy of vice, by which generous minds are often tarnished.  It is not therefore a matter of surprise that after having led an earthly career under the influence of the best of virtues, a consciousness of it upon his death bed should triumph over the agonies of pain and expiring nature and his soul depart from its perishing tenement, exulting in the retrospect of a life well spent and the anticipation of future felicity.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, October 26, 1820


 In Delhi [Delaware Co. NY] on the 18th instant, by Walter chase, Esq., Mr. George Gates to Miss Angeline Howland.


In Bovina [Delaware Co. NY], on the 18th inst. Mr. Adam Kedzie in the 31st year of his age.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, November 9, 1820


At Waterville [Oneida Co. NY], on Wednesday evening last, by the Rev. Robert Forrest, Doct. William Ogden of Walton [Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Anne Gregory of the former place.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, November 16, 1820


In the village of Herkimer [Herkimer Co. NY], on Sunday the 5th inst. William Lappon, Esq. in the 51st year of his age, and Father of the editor of this paper.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, December 14, 1820


In this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY], on Thursday the 23d ult by the Rev. Mr. maxwell, Mr. James Smith to Miss Elizabeth Rait.

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