Friday, June 14, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango & Otsego Counties, NY, May 1878

 Sherburne News, Sherburne, NY, May 11, 1878


MORRILL - ROBERTS:  At Christ Church in this village [Sherburne, Chenango Co. NY], May 6th, 1878, by Rev. T.L Randolph, Mr. Charles A. Morrill of Marshalltown, Iowa and Miss Selina Roberts of Albert Lee, Minn.

Last Monday morning our village lost one of its brightest ornaments.  Miss Nina Roberts who has been a resident among us for the past year, took upon herself the rosy chains of wedlock and in company with her husband, Mr. Charles A Morrill, started for their future home in Marshalltown, Iowa.  Quite a party of young people accompanied them as far as Syracuse where they were handsomely entertained at dinner, the bride and groom presiding.  A large company of friends witnessed the ceremony, which was performed in Christ Church by the Rector, T.L. Randolph, most beautifully and impressively.  Lovely floral gifts adorned the chancel.  Kind wishes and many fond remembrances follow them to their new home.  May it be one of happiness and prosperity.

Bainbridge Republican, Bainbridge, NY, May 16, 1878


John B. Allen, one of the early settlers of Harpersville [Delaware Co. NY], died on Friday morning last, aged seventy-seven years.  Has always lived on the farm originally occupied by his father.  He was a brother of the Hon. Judson Allen, now of St. Louis, Mo., but who was formerly a resident and prominent businessman of Harpersville and who at one time represented this district in Congress.  Mr. A. had served as warden in the Episcopal Church for many years and has ever enjoyed the respect and confidence of his neighbors.

Yaleville, Chenango Co. NY:  Passed from her home among the dwellers of earth to that celestial paradise above on Monday of this week, Ruth [Rounds] daughter of William and Rosilla Rounds, aged 14 years.  She was a very bright and active young lady and was beloved by all who knew her.  she was taken very suddenly ill with diphtheria and from the first prophesied that her "days were numbered," and selected a beautiful plot under an apple tree within a few rods of her home for interment.  Her younger sister is confined with the dread disease, but hopes are entertained for her recovery.

Freeman's Journal, Cooperstown, NY, May 16, 1878


In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY], May 8th '78, Freddie H. [Lippitt] son of Moses H. and Sarah Lippitt, aged 4 weeks.

At Phoenix Mills [Otsego Co. NY], April 26th, Harry D. [Van Brocklin] son of Wm. S. and Margaret Van Brocklin, aged 1 year 9 months and 25 days.

In Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY], May 6th, Susie E. Brown [Beardsley], wife of Martin Beardsley and daughter of the late Dr. J.M. Brown, of Albany, NY.

In Butternuts [Otsego Co. NY], May 6th, Elias M. Hurlbutt, aged 73 years.

In Trout Creek [Delaware Co. NY], May 6th, 1878, Patty [Bedell] widow of Henry Bedell, aged about 90 years.

At Roseboom [Otsego Co. NY], April 23d , Anna [Sherman] wife of the late Deacon Russel Sherman, aged 84 years.

In Butternuts, May 2d, Mrs. Mary B Decker

Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, May 15, 1878


May 12:  In Morris [Otsego Co. NY], after a long and painful illness, Josiah Withey aged about 40 yrs.  Funeral services at the Baptist church, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Mrs. N.C. Jacobs, of Davenport Centre [Delaware Co. NY] left her husband in charge of their child - a bright little boy of two years old - and went out to a neighbor's.  The father being called out of doors for a few moments, left the child alone in its play.  Returning he found it standing upon a chair in front of a window enveloped in flames from its clothing. Grasping the little unfortunate, he plunged it into a tub of water, extinguishing the fire.  Medical aid was summoned immediately, but it was too late. The child died from its injuries in about three hours in great agony.

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