Monday, June 10, 2024

Vital Records, Delaware County, NY, 1822

 Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, July 3, 1822


In Meredith [Delaware Co. NY] on Thursday the 27th ult by the Rev. Mr. Sears, Mr. Alexander W. Maxwell to Miss Emma Wiard.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, August 7, 1822


Died at Franklin [Delaware Co. NY] on the evening of the 4th inst. Nathan Edgerton, Esq. aged 63 years.  He was one of the earliest settlers in this county and by a course of honest industry, without "grinding the face of the poor," he succeeded in acquiring a handsome property and literally made the wilderness to bud and blossom like the rose.  He served the various public stations and was for several years Sheriff of this county.  He was a compound of mildness, vigilance and energy.  In short, he was a good and useful citizen and an honest man.

In Harpersfield [Delaware Co. NY], on Wednesday last, Mrs. Ells consort of James Ells, Esq.

A child of Mr. Brouk of Binghamton, Broome Co. [NY] on 6th inst., while the family were at breakfast, put its head through the bars of the gate. In its efforts to retreat or extricate, it brought its throat directly across the lock bar of the gate, and unfortunately was not discovered until the vital spark was extinguished.  The unfortunate little sufferer, it appeared had been accustomed to put its head through the bars of the gate in front of the house, look into the street, and had once before been unable to extricate itself, but at that time it alarmed the family by its cries and was rescued.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, September 18, 1822


The Cherry Valley Gazette states that Mr. George Bissell of Franklin [Delaware Co. NY], in this county, fell from a loaded wagon in that town on the 28th ult. and one of the wheels passing over his breast, he was so injured that he expired on the evening of the same day.

Delaware Gazette Delhi, NY, December 4, 1822


On the 17th inst. by I. Bartlett, Esq. Mr. Ira Ballard of Burlington, N.J. to Miss Roxana Beach of Franklin in this county [Delaware Co. NY].

Whereas my wife Charity [Anthony] has left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation and refuses to return; this is therefore to forbid all persons harboring or trusting her on my account as I am determined not to pay any debts of her contracting after this date.  Seth Anthony, Kortright, Nov. 23, 1822.


In Walton [Delaware Co. NY], on Sunday the 1st inst. after a short but severe illness, Mr. Charles W. Stockton aged 66 years.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, December 18, 1822


In this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY] on the 12th inst. by the Rev. F.K. Maxwell, Mr. John McGowan of Bovina [Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Catharine McNaught of Delhi.

By the same, Mr. Oliver Barbor to Miss Miriam Mason --- Mr. Malichi Howland to Miss Jane Mason, all of Delhi [Delaware Co. NY]

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