Chenango Union, Norwich, NY, November 28, 1878
THOMPSON - DOING: In Oxford [Chenango Co. NY] Nov. 12th, by Rev. Wm. R. Baldwin, Mr. David Thompson to Miss Sarah J. Doing both of Otselic [Chenango Co. NY].
GREEN - THOMAS: In Cincinnatus [Cortland Co. NY], Nov. 13th, by Rev. D. Reese, Mr. Enos M. Green to Miss Ella J. Thomas both of German, N.Y. [Chenango Co.]
WHITE - RAINBOW: In Cuyler [Cortland Co. NY], Nov. 14th, by Eld. T. Fisher, Mr. Willie M. White of McDonough [Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Jennie F. Rainbow of Cuyler.
BRAINERD - FREDENBERG: In Afton [Chenango Co. NY] Nov. 5th, by Rev. N.J. Hawley, Mr. Henry A. Brainerd of Binghamton [Broome Co. NY] to Miss Mary E. Fredenberg of Afton.
EVANS: In Clayville [Oneida Co. NY], Nov. 28th(?), Maggie [Evans] wife of Dwight Evans, aged 35 years, formerly of this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY]. Her remains were interred in Norwich Cemetery on Friday.
GATCHELL: In Gilbertsville [Otsego Co. NY] Nov. 18th Mr. Harvey Gatchell aged 77 years, father of Mrs. T.A. Lockwood of Norwich [Chenanog Co. NY]
DE LAVAN: In Waplesville, Del., Oct. 18th, Mr. George C. De Lavan aged 61 years, formerly a resident of Norwich and Guilford [Chenanog Co. NY].
HAMILTON: At the residence of his son-in-law, R.W. McCray in Smithville [Chenango Co. NY], Nov. 12th, Mr. Henry Hamilton aged 78 years.
TUBERTY: In Coventry [Chenango Co. NY] Nov. 15th, Mr. morty Tuberty aged 77 years.
HALENBEC: At the residence of his daughter, Mrs. A.C. Matthews in Binghamton [Broome Co. NY] Nov. 22d, Mr. Otis S. Halenbec of Greene [Chenango Co. NY] aged 84 years.
CLARK: Mrs. Phebe Clark an aged and highly respected widow lady, died at her residence, November 1st. She was a pure woman and true Christian, beloved by those who knew her best.
WATSON: In Smithville [Chenango Co. NY] Nov. 18th, Sarah Ann [Watson] wife of Ira Watson, aged 60 years.
Smithville Flats, Chenango Co. NY: Mrs. Ira Watson died last week. She has been a great sufferer for over twenty-five years. An examination was made by Dr. Purdy of this place and Dr. Crandall of Greene, who found six gall stone in the gall, which is supposed to have been the cause of her death.
RUDDOCK: In Spearville, Kansas, Maria Louisa [Ruddock] wife of Rev. E. N. Ruddock, formerly of East Pharsalia [Chenango Co. NY].
Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, Nov. 23, 1878: From the Spearville (Kansas) News of a recent date, we clip the following in regard to the wife of Rev. E.N. Ruddock A Congregational clergyman, well known in this town [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY] and county, but now a resident of Kansas:
"In the death of Mrs. Maria Louisa Ruddock, wife of Rev. E.N. Ruddock, our mind is called to the remembrance of the past years of our public and domestic life. For nearly twenty-four years we have tried to bear each other's burdens and carry each other's sorrow. In our first settlement at East Pharsalia [Chenango Co. NY] in the State of New York, we enjoyed some of the sweetest experiences of our lives. The church and society receiving us in our inexperience and sustained us with willing hands and loving hearts. We had but few cares and could devote us more fully to the work of the gospel. Though our work was done in great weakness, we look back over those years with no little satisfaction. Wherever we have gone the love we have felt toward that people has continued with us. The unsettled state of society at the beginning of the war, and the sentiment against the ministry taking a decided stand for the country seemed to make it necessary for a change. Since then, our stay has been but a few years in a place. We have known what it is to be poor and dependent, but we have never lacked friends. With whatever church we have labored we have received many tokens of love, both from the church and society. After a few changeful years, we went back to the people where we commenced our ministry, in the fall of '73 we moved into a new parsonage, where we hoped to enjoy rest and comfort, but to this we were disappointed. Mrs. Ruddock took a severe cold. From that time there has seemed to be a gradual undermining of her health. Physicians advised us to try the western climate. And here let me record my thanks to Dr. Ensign, who without remuneration stood faithfully by us in time of need.
We bade our people and friends good-bye and hurried to the west. The church at Dartford, Wis. gave us a warm welcome, we remember with thankfulness the pains they took to settle us and the interest they felt for Mrs. Ruddock's recovery, but here we were again disappointed. We had settled too near the lake and the winds were too damp and chill. We moved again to a dry and sandy part of Waushara County, Wis. but received not the blessing we were most anxiously seeking. Again, we turned to the west and hoped yet to baffle disease and journey along the pathway of life together, but too late, climate, skill or anxiety could not stay the insidious march of disease.
Far away from home in the midst of strangers, she has closed a life devoted to her family and consecrated to God. To those who ministered to her in her last sickness, and to all who have assisted us in these years of trial, both in the church and out, we received in this day of sorrow, our thanks. She needs no more the ministrations of our love. We bespeak for ourselves the prayers of the church and the sympathy of our fellow men. She leaves two sons and a daughter to mourn the loss of a faithful mother."
News Item
Sherburne, Chenango Co. NY: A very pleasant surprise was given on Tuesday, the 18th inst., at the Reese Homestead by the daughters of Otto Reese to celebrate his seventy-eighth birthday. Among the number present were his two sisters, Mrs. John Youngs and Mrs. Warner Calkins of Earlville [Madison Co. NY], his daughters and their families and Mr. Omer Calkins. The table to which the guests were invited groaned under the weight of numerous luxuries which reminded one of holidays. Mr. Reese, seated between his sisters over whose heads more than seven decades have passed, and surrounded by his children and grandchildren, presented a happy group. News
Chenango American, Greene, NY, November 28, 1878
In Otselic [Chenango Co. NY] Nov. 16th, by Rev. G.B. Foster, Mr. William E. Atkyns of Otselic, to Miss M. A. Shaw of Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY].
Mrs. Christian of North Fenton [Broome Co. NY] quite an aged lady died on the 6th inst.
News Item
An Afflicted Family
A North Fenton [Broome Co. NY] correspondent of the Binghamton Republican says:
In May 1871, three children of Melvin and Emily Macomber in North Fenton, New York, died of scarlet fever within one week. On the 7th instant Willie [Macomber] their youngest child was prostrated with diphtheria in its most malignant form and then it spread through the family. On the night of the 12th instant Ora A. [Macomber] died, aged 11 years. On the night of the 15th Jennie C. [Macomber] died aged 14 years and on the 17th, Willie H. [Macomber] died aged seven years. The last two were buried on the 18th in one grave. One thing that made the affliction all the more severe was that Mr. Macomber was on the road selling goods for a Binghamton firm, and knew nothing of the sickness in his family, and they not knowing just where he was, could not get any word to him, either by mail or telegram for five days. But he came home just in time to see his beautiful daughter, Ora, die. And then Mrs. Macomber was prostrated by sickness and has not been able to be up any since, consequently there was no regular funeral service held. But a funeral sermon is to be preached on the death of these children in the North Fenton Methodist Episcopal Church on Sunday the 24th last.
The neighbors and relatives were untiring in their efforts to assist this afflicted family by day and night, for which Mr. and Mrs. Macomber are very thankful. These children were beautiful and lovely in life and they will be missed, not only by their parents at home, but in the Sunday school, school and neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Macomber have one daughter left, a young lady, who lives with her grandfather, Dea. Wm. Gillmore, who resides about three miles east of the village of Greene [Chenango Co. NY]. In this bereavement they have the sympathy and prayers of all the good people of this place.
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