Friday, February 21, 2025

Vital Records, Otsego County, NY (1858)

 Oneonta Herald, Oneonta, NY, April 7, 1858


In this town [Oneonta, Otsego Co. NY], Tuesday morning the 30th ult. Beers Peet aged 73 years.

Death is ever busy in our land.  Last Tuesday morning we were startled by hearing of the death of one of our venerable fellow townsmen, Beers Peet, an old and much respected citizen of this town, retired to rest on Monday night in his usual health, but about 5 o'clock the next morning by a singular noise in breathing, his family was aroused just in time to see him breath his last, without uttering a single word, having died in a fit.


In this village [Oneonta, Otsego Co. NY], March 31st, Susannah Spencer aged 29 years.

On Wednesday morning, another spirit departed suddenly.  A lady by the name of Miss Spencer, residing in this village, having been sick only a few hours.  She also died in a fit.  How uncertain is life, and how important it is for us all to be prepared to meet our God.


In New Lisbon [Otsego Co. NY], On Thursday evening the 1st inst. Leman Garlick in the 82d year of his age.

The deceased was an old resident of the town in which he died and for many years a faithful member of the Baptist church.  All who knew him knows he died entirely above the reproach of all and especially those who find fault with the lives of professed Christians.  His was a life of honest industry and he has left the priceless legacy of a spotless reputation, not only to a large number of relatives but to the entire neighborhood and happy would it be for each relative and neighbor to strive to imitate those virtues which they have so long and so willingly accorded to him.  His honest heart spurned with utter contempt the mantle of modern hypocrisy but always expressed himself a firm believer in the Bible doctrine of salvation.  During his last illness, although his body and mind was racked with intense pain and great was his sufferings, yet when questioned as to his hopes beyond the grave, he said death had no terror for him, that he put his trust in his Saviour whom he shortly expected to meet before eternities awful bar. But he feared not the sentence which would then be pronounced.  In a word, he lived an honest life and died in the triumphs of faith.  And as I stood by his open grave amide the tearful throng, the beautiful lines of the poet came uncalled across my mind.

"And I am glad that he has lived thus long, / And glad that he has gone to his reward; / Nor deem that kind'y nature did him wrong, / Softly to disengage the vital cord. / When his weak hand grew palsied and his eye, / Dark with the mist of age, it was his time to die."

News Items

James Kissock of Hobart in Delaware County has unexplainedly disappeared.  Some weeks ago, he left his section with a load of butter which he took to Catskill.  The last thing he did that his friends can bost of was crossing the river from the last-mentioned place.  Before crossing he stored his butter and put his horses in stable.

The epidemic sickness which has been attended with such fatal results, still continues to prevail in Sherburne [Chenango Co. NY] and vicinity to some extent.  The two deaths at North Norwich chronicled under our obituary head were by the disease, the wife of Mr. Lathrop Rosebrook died on Saturday, and a couple of sons of John Kershaw, Esq. of Sherburne were reported dead on Monday.  Commissioner King continues quite ill.  Chenango Union.

Oneonta Herald, Oneonta, NY, April 14, 1858


In Croton [Delaware Co. NY], April 3d, by Rev. J.N. Adams, Mr. George W. Knapp of Delhi [Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Susan Augusta Strong of West Meredith [Delaware Co. NY].

In the same place, April 4th by the same, Mr. William H. Tiffany of Franklin [Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Caroline Wolcott of Croton [Delaware Co. NY].


In Otego [Otsego Co. NY] on the 4th inst. David S. Bundy aged 67 years.  In the death of Mr. Bundy, community has lost one of its most valuable citizens.  In all the relations of life, he was a true man, a warm friend, honorable, high minded and always energetic in promoting the best interests of the public.  As a farmer, he practically has done as much as any other citizen for the promotion of agriculture in this country.  He was for 20 years an active member of an agricultural society and contributed largely to its success.

News Item

The "brain fever" yet continues in Sherburne, North Norwich and Columbus [Chenango Co. NY], there being many cases.  Regny aged about 32 was found dead in the woods between Pharsalia and Plymouth [Chenango Co. NY].  He had been crazy and subject to fits and is supposed to have got lost.

Oneonta Herald, Oneonta, NY, April 21, 1858


Elihu C. Wright Esq. of Milford [Otsego Co. NY] died on Saturday morning last, very suddenly.  He was about to sit down to breakfast, enjoying his usual health, when he was taken with bleeding at the lungs and died in about an hour.  The deceased was a representative of this district in the Assembly three years ago, and at the time of his death, enjoyed the respect and confidence of his fellow townsman.  He was 38 years of age.

Oneonta Herald, Oneonta, NY, April 28, 1858


Married in Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY] at Keyes hotel April 22d by Rev. W.G Queal, Mr. John Youngman to Miss Emily S. Sage both of Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY].


Died at Jefferson, Schoharie Co. [NY] April 11th, 1858, Charles L. Robinson, son of Rev. P. Robinson in the 15th year of his age.

When called to part with those we love, / Whence can our sorrows find relief? / Our Father lives and reigns above / This welcome thought should see he our grief.    P. Robinson

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