Friday, March 7, 2025

Vital Records, Otsego (1870) & Delaware (1830) Counties, NY

 Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, May 4, 1870


Capt. Benjamin Brown died in Bridgeport [Madison Co. NY], April 23d, aged 86 years.  Capt. Brown resided in Morris [Otsego Co. NY] for some time, also in Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY]. In the latter place we were quite familiar with him and knew him to be a fine old man, an excellent neighbor and a good citizen. The funeral services were held at Noblesville [Otsego Co. NY] April 26th.  He was the father of Mrs. Nelson Ballard, also of Mrs. M. Gardner.  He lived to a ripe old age, although badly afflicted during many of the last years of his life.

Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, May 11, 1870


In Meriden, April 28 aged 68 years, Mrs. Harriet M. [Lyon] wife of Humphery Lyon and mother of George W. Lyon. she was formerly of this place [Morris, Otsego Co. NY].

Death of Dewitt C. Bates, Esq.  This gentleman so long and actively identified with the legal profession of this county and with the interests of Cherry Valley [Otsego Co. NY] died on Monday 2d inst. after a brief illness, aged about 62 years.  Mr. Bates was a self-made man who commenced the study of law when nearly half his years had been numbered and, in his progress, overcame obstacles and difficulties which might have discouraged one of less determined will and perseverance.  He was a gentleman of marked peculiarities and of many estimable qualities of heart and head, a most devoted and faithful friend, a firm and unyielding opponent.  He was a good lawyer and one of the best advocates before a jury of any legal gentleman in this county.  To the exertions and influence of Mr. Bates, more than perhaps to those of any other man in Cherry Valley, is that village indebted for its railroad.  In all such matters he was public spirited and energetic. Cherry valley, in his death, has lost a man of mark, one of her best and most useful citizens.  Journal

Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, May 18, 1870


Horace and Sophia Hookes celebrated with their family and friends their golden wedding in Fly Creek [Otsego Co. NY] April 11th. They received $200.


At Sidney Plains [Delaware Co. NY] May 16th, Dr. Winslow Whitcomb, aged about 80 years.  Dr. Whitcomb formerly resided in Laurens and Otego [Otsego Co. NY].  He was buried in the old family burying ground on the Otsdawa, last Tuesday afternoon.

In Morris [Otsego Co. NY] 14th inst., Mrs. Mary Brownell aged 70 years.

Death of Halsey Spencer:  Mr. Spencer died at his residence in the town of Edmeston, N.Y. [Otsego Co.] April 26th, 1870, aged 80 years and 10 days.  He was born A.D. 1790 and in early life made choice of the practice of medicine as a profession.  Besides being esteemed as a successful medical practitioner, he was honored by the suffrages of the people in being called to fill the responsible and honorable position of County Sheriff and afterwards was elected Member of Assembly, which duties he so faithfully discharged as to satisfy the people that their confidence had not been misplaced.  Two months previous to his death he was united in marriage to a very amiable widow lady, with whom he spent his few remaining days very pleasantly and who kindly administered to him in his last hours and closed his eyes in death.  For about 55 years he was an accepted and honored member of the Masonic order, having first become a member of the old Richfield Lodge, afterwards of Farmer's Lodge West Burlington, and during his residence in Cooperstown was made an honorary member of the Chapter Lodge, a relation he sustained up to the time of his death.  His remains were attended to their last resting place by a large delegation of brothers from Farmer's lodge, as also from adjacent lodges, who consigned his body to the grave with Masonic honors.

Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, May 25, 1870


Rowland Robinson died at the residence of his son, in Hamden [Delaware Co. NY], on the 4th inst. having attained the advanced age of ninety-six years.  He was buried with Masonic honors.

We learn that on Wednesday evening last, Mrs. Haight sister-in-law to Mrs. Richard Falls, of this town, was struck and killed by lightning at her home in Sindey {Delaware Co. NY].                                                              

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, November 10, 1830


In Deposit [Delaware Co. NY] on Thursday evening the 4th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Orton, Mr. Lewis G. Ensign to Miss Rebecca M. Fortner all of Deposit.


In Andes [Delaware Co. NY] on Monday evening last, Mrs. Anna Mason wife of Mr. Robert Mason, aged 50 years.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, November 17, 1830


In Walton [Delaware Co. NY] on the 3d ult. by the Rev. Mr. Wells, Mr. Gordon Beach of Franklin [Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Polly St. John daughter of Cook St. John.

In Tompkins [Delaware Co. NY] on the 12th inst. Mr. Lewis Raymond, Jun. of Sidney [Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Polly Carroll of the former place.

At Hartford, Conn. on Thursday evening, 4th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Spring, Mr. Simeon Goodman Jr. to Miss Maria S. Caswell.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, November 24, 1830


At Middleburgh, Schoharie Co. [NY] on the 4th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Garretson, Benoni Spafford Esq. Attorney at Law of Hobart in this county [Delaware Co. NY], to Miss Sarah Jane [Swart] daughter of Peter Swart, Jr Esq. of the former place.


In Kortright [Delaware Co. NY] on Wednesday morning last, of a short but severe illness, Miss Sarah McAuley second daughter of the Rev. Mr. McAuley.  The death of this young lady has been much and justly lamented.  In her character were combined many excellencies of head and heart.  Although the day was rather unfavorable, the funeral was the largest we have seen in the county.

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