Oneonta Herald & Democrat, Oneonta, NY, January 17, 1879
In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] Jan. 15 at the residence of the bride by Rev. Y.C. Smith, Lester Ackley and Miss Emma Yager daughter of Delos Yager, all of Oneonta.
In Washington, Jan. 9th(?) Miss Cora Aldrich Chase the accomplished daughter of Col. Wm. H. Chase, formerly of Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] and Mr. S. Benedict.
In Maryland [Otsego Co. NY] Jan. 8 by Rev. T.F. Hall, Frank Chamberlain and Estelle M. Piatt.
At the home of the bride in Otego [Otsego Co. NY] Jan. 8th, by Rev. Mr. Lee, John Sheldon and Miss Fiera Harris
Also, at the same time and place by the same, George P. Harris of Otego [Otsego Co. NY] and Miss -?- Dixon of Morris [Otsego Co. NY]
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice N. Rowe celebrated the tenth anniversary of their marriage Monday evening. Several ladies and gentlemen from the village were present.
In Maryland [Otsego Co. NY] Dec. 30 Dinah D. [Blanchard] wife of Joseph Blanchard, aged 83 years.
Hartwick, Otsego Co. NY: Again, the great destroyer of man's happiness has entered our quiet village, making suddenly sad the hearts of two households. On Friday morning last about 7 o'clock, the announcement was made that Rudolphus A. Potter of this village had just expired. He had been sick but a few days had taken a severe cold but was not considered dangerously sick until a short time prior to his death. Congestion set in, seating upon the brain and he sank rapidly until death came to his relief. Mr. Potter was a genial, kindhearted and respected citizen, one who will be missed in the circle of his acquaintance. He leaves a wife and two little daughters to mourn his loss. Mrs. Potter is at the present writing suffering from congestion of the lungs and doubts are entertained of her recovery. The funeral services of Mr. Potter were held at the Christian church Sunday p.m. at 2 o'clock. A vast audience of sympathizing friends were present. W.M. Potter of the Susquehanna House Oneonta was a brother of the deceased and quite a number of Oneonta's citizens were present to sympathize with their townsman in his great bereavement. Sermon on the occasion by Rev. S.M. Cook.
On the morning that Mr. Potter died, the widow of Robert Weeks, while wiping the breakfast dishes at the hotel, where she resided, was taken in a fit and died in a few minutes. She had lived to a good old age, being nearly 80 years old. Her funeral services were held at the hotel of Harrington & Norton on Sunday morning. Sermon by Rev. A.J. Cook of the M.E. Church.
Portlandville, Otsego Co. NY: Joseph H. Barlow an old resident of this village was fatally injured on Saturday last while attempting to put the bit in the mouth of a colt owned by him. A pole had been fastened in the manger, extending the length of the stall and H.H. Morgan was holding one end of it, thus keeping the colt against the side of the stall. While Mr. Harlow was putting in the bit, the colt jumped over the pole, throwing down Mr. Barlow, the colt's fore feet being in the manger. Mr. Barlow's right arm was broken and but for the presence and timely action of Mr. Morgan, he never would have left the stall alive. He with some assistance walked into the house. He died from the effects of his injuries Sunday night, about twelve o'clock. the deceased was seventy-two years of age.
Rev. Elias R. Beadle, D.D., L.L.D., died at Philadelphia last week. He was born in Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY], graduated at Yale College, prepared for the ministry in England and was for a time missionary to Syria. He was one of the ablest Presbyterian clergymen in this country.
W.W. Phillips proprietor of the East Worcester hotel [Otsego Co. NY] died very suddenly early Sunday morning. He had not been feeling well for a few days. On the morning named, he complained of cold extremities and asked his wife to place a warm flat iron at his feet. She was gone but a few minutes and upon her return, Mr. Phillips was dead. Mr. P. had been in the hotel but a few weeks and was already much respected.
Nelson O. Wood of North Norwich [Chenango Co. NY] who "backed" Greenbacker Ed Loomis until the former's property of many thousand dollars was used up, died on the 8th.
James Hardy a veteran of the war of 1812, died in Franklin [Delaware Co. NY] aged 95 years.
Albert Tillson, wife and baby, three months old, went on a visit to her parents last week about two miles from home and upon arriving and unwrapping their baby, were horror stricken to find it dead. The mother was nearly frantic with grief and has the warmest sympathy of all their acquaintances.
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